Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Arrows from Zion 11/21/2018

PM Netanyahu at Knesset with religious Shas Knesset Minister Yaakov Litzman at his ear.
I saved this photo months ago calling it "Bibi Over a Barrel".  I'm using it now because it highlights what Maoz Ministries' Shira Sorko-Ram discusses in the political developments in recent days in Israel.

Priority Prayer Focus

As Americans sit down to family Thanksgiving tomorrow, one of the things we can be thankful for is that the outcome of politics is not entirely based on human intents, but as scripture tells us, The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turns it wherever He will. Proverbs 21:1

Americans have just emerged from a critical Mid-Term elections vote where clearly neither side of the political spectrum got exactly what they wanted. We have yet to see where the modified balance of power in the USA will take us as we are now betwixt and between. Likewise, Israel also went through a similar outcome in its own critical City Elections throughout Israel. These are critical to us because the outcomes in each city directly impact the believers who live in cities.

In between Israel's Municipal elections and the run-off elections there was a significant violent outbreak with Gaza resulting in a hail of missiles being launched from Gaza into the Israeli countryside. As a ceasefire was obtained after two days, the intensely divided goals of PM Netanyahu's coalition government seemed on the verge of total collapse which would force early elections. Maoz Israel's Shira Sorko-Ram did an excellent perspective on what was happening on her Facebook page
here. This will help you understand what the differing sides within Netanyahu's government were opposed to in his cease fire agreement with Hamas.

We do not live in a world that is spiritual only; what happens in politics shapes what happens on the ground. Here is an excerpt from Shira's perspective in how the current situation affects the believers in Israel:

Netanyahu is the most popular politician in Israel. The issue is that he has the entire group of ultra-Orthodox parties in his coalition, as he bends towards the religious. That means the Haredim (ultras) have tremendous power in Israel. They basically let Netanyahu do whatever he wishes to do, as long as he fills their coffers with shekels to support their men of whom the majority won't work or serve in the army. Aside from the harassment and persecution against Messianic Jews and Messianic congregations, the Haredim take far more than their share of finances, and give back little to Israeli society.
"Yet, there is no other strong leader in any of the other parties that stands out who the Israeli public have faith that he or she can keep Israel in survival mode. Israel lives in the most dangerous neighborhood in the world."

Here is Shira's latest followup posted on the day's developments: "ISRAEL GOVERNMENT DOESN’T FALL AFTER ALL!

Well, a lot of people (but not all) in Israel have breathed a sigh of relief. Knesset Member Naftali Bennett and, who holds the key to Israel’s coalition continuing or falling with his 12 seats, has taken back his decision to leave the coalition. He is staying in for now, even though PM Netanyahu did not give him the Ministry of Defense that he had demanded. Bibi decided to take on the Minister of Defense for himself. So now he is Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs Minister – the three most senior ministries in the Israeli government.

As weird as all this is, I am thankful that we are not going into elections. They are costly, and Bibi has yet another year left of this election cycle. We are in a shaky time with Hamas and polls show that another election at this time would bring exactly the same coalition that we now have – minus quite a few million dollar in election costs.

Lord, we lift up the Israeli government to You. How we need Your undeserved but promised protection from the desires of our neighbors to destroy this reborn nation. Lord, we continue to pray for revival in Israel. That Your Holy Spirit will once again be poured out on this land. You promised, and You always keep your promise! Come Holy Spirit!

And Lord, we do thank You for another Republican Senator, Rick Scot and two Governors, Ron DeSantis and Brian Kemp. Every single senator is so important for approving conservative judges all the way up to the Supreme Court. We pray Your blessing on these men. Use them for Your glory and Your purposes. In Yeshua’s Name.

Just for your information: A number of Democratic senators have expressed interest in working with the Republicans to pass a law which criminally penalizes U.S. persons who boycott Israel and Israeli companies or do business with foreign entities that practice BDS. 
But the Democratic senators who have declined to join 57 other senators to cosponsor the Israel Anti-Boycott Act are all senators who have expressed interest in running for president in 2020: Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kirsten Gillibrand. Only one possible presidential contender, Cory Booker, has decided he would support the bill. Democrats have already succeeded in watering down the bill so that their senators would feel more comfortable in voting for such a pro-Israel bill. Their tepid response to the legislation reflects the party’s continuous distancing itself from Israel. 

The reason is that 79% of Republicans sympathize more with Israel than Palestinians in their historic struggle, compared with only 27% of Democrats. In this last election, Democrats elected a number of anti-Israel congress members including two Muslim House members. The Left in America is quickly pulling away from Israel. Important to remember.  Find
Shira Sorko-Ram on Facebook 

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Revive Israel asks and answers: Have you ever asked where we are in world history?  It is important to know what God has in mind for us, don't you agree? Thankfully the whole Bible is God expressing His intentions for mankind from the seed form found in Genesis to the fully flowered God-thought in Revelation. Please read this short overview by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

Also from Revive, a report of sending their teams into the nations for short-term ministry; the Revive Hong Kong ministry [also VIDEO Our Extended Team: Revive Hong Kong] ; & Media ministry update. Plus Cody Archer on the Generational Mandate | Asher's VIDEO Is Your Heart Right With My Heart? | VIDEO ACCESS to the sessions from Asher Intrater, Ron Cantor and Dr. Michael Brown at the Israel, the Church & the Coming Revival on GOD TV/FACEBOOK and VIDEO Asher at KC-IHOP  Also on Facebook: Asher gives a quick report on the really great things that happened during this trip to the US, as he went to 4 key gatherings in Atlanta, Kansas City, Phoenix and Dallas/Fort Worth.

Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel writes, "The power of prayer never ceases to amaze us! A ceasefire agreement has been reached this afternoon, hallelujah! After an intense escalation with the entire southern part of Israel being under non-stop rocket fire, we have finally regained some sense of calm after a ceasefire agreement was reached with Hamas. A lot of damage has been done to infrastructure, building, crops, etc., and we pray God will restore to our nation what the enemy tried to kill, steal and destroy. We're so thankful for your prayers and intercession"

Eddie & Jackie Santoro of Zion's Glory writes, "Many in Israel were disappointed with the announcement and the ceasefire was met by protests.... It is clear that this decision was not an easy one to make. The overriding feeling was that this was not the time to enter into a major military escalation. The country had just gone through a major war with Gaza in 2014 with too many Israeli soldiers killed. Athough Israel caused great damage to the Gaza Strip, there was no fundamental change in the terrorist organization that runs the Strip and the situation has remained basically the same. The whole issue of controlling the Gaza Strip and the humanitarian crisis that exists there is an incredibly complicated political issue that a military victory wouldn't solve. Please pray for the successful resolution of this long standing conflict. It is clear that there needs to be a new creative strategy. The US State Department has announced a five million dollar reward for information which would lead to the capture of specific Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. These groups receive almost all their weapons which they use against Israel from Iran."

Sally Shiff from Kehilat HaMaayan in Kfar Saba also sends this update on the ceasefire - which did not resolve the issue with Hamas:  "Today, a few of us gathered from Hamaayan to pray on behalf of our nation (and ourselves).  We felt that we had to take responsibility of where our nation is: Hamas is still in power in the south, abortion is still government sanctioned, Tel Aviv wants to be the homosexual capital of the Middle East if not Europe, and so much more. (you get the picture).  Our nation has walked away from God, not trusted in His strong arm, and relied on ourselves, and want to be like others.  (all these God warns against in His Word).  So, we repented for the sins of our nation, asking God to forgive us using Psalm 51 and Daniel 9 as our guide."

Howard Bass, whose congregation in Beer Sheva is too close for comfort to the missile range from Gaza, writes (& I concur!), "I think that Israel does not 'finish off' Hamas now because the Hand of the Lord prevents it:  there is no peace and security for Israel without the nation's return to the YHVH her God through repentance and faith in the Messiah and Savior, Yeshua."  Also, "The U.S. elections are very telling about the extreme partisanship in that country.  Not too much different from Israel, but here we have many parties who are parts of coalitions.  Not always a healthy thing....I do not remember when a Prime Minister completed a full four-year term before the next election.  It's been that long!"

On the spiritual front Howard wrote, "Randi and I just returned from a conference sponsored by the Joshua Fund up in Herzliya, with about 200 pastors and leaders with their wives from around the country, including Jewish, Arab, and others.  An extremely blessed time together in fellowship, and excellent teaching by the Calvary Chapel pastors whom Joel Rosenberg brings over each year.  This was going on next to the beautiful Mediterranean coast, while to the south, not really that far away, a brief war was raging once again between the IDF and the Hamas terrorists who govern Gaza."   

Eric Benson from the House of Victory addiction rehab in Haifa writes about the many visitors from the nations they have hosted over the past month as they continue to prophesy to the "dry bones" in Israel as instructed by the LORD in Ezekiel 36-37. Eric writes, "This is exactly what is happening in our midst. The unclean spirits of drugs and alcohol are being crushed by the power of God. The promise of a new heart and spirit are being received by faith. As our friends from the nations heard the testimonies of the men in our home, they were hearing stories of life from the dead. The Lord is able and willing to pour out His Spirit on this “valley of dry bones” (Ez. 37:13-14). Our Father in heaven desires to release His resurrection power. In His great mercy, He has chosen to use His children to perform these miracles."
Learn more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

The Intercessors for Israel Jerusalem (IFI) are holding their annual International Prayer Conference Jerusalem 2019 dates 21 - 28 January 2019 | Booking is now open. Also there is a Post-Conference Prayer Tour January 28th - February 2nd - it is a prayer tour, not a sight-seeing tour. Click the link to learn more.

Here's something you probably don't know, "The Old Covenant has been the foundation holding the identity of the Jewish people together for 3,500 years," writes Maoz Ministries. "Yet, the majority of Israelis today struggle to understand the Word of God, because it is written in ancient Hebrew." That's why Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram committed over a year ago to a massive translating project to publish the Narrated Bible in Modern Hebrew. Learn more. Also read this in the Maoz Report by Shira: Father of the Modern Hebrew Language PT3  The World's Very First "Hebrew Child". Eliezer Ben Yehuda was one of the most unusual human beings the Jewish people have ever birthed.

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice writes, "We urgently need your prayers and financial commitment today to continue our FREE LEGAL REPRESENTATION for Christian minorities in Israel." Watch this video, share & help us change lives

Orna Grinman, whose new book is also featured this week, send Part 11 of her “Back to Beit Lehem” The Jordan Journey titled Island of Peace series

From  just a few of the dozens of new articles and videos featured this week in the online magazine of, for & about the Israeli Messianic community:  This one is critical for our subscribers to understand - My friend is being deported from Israel Rebecca writes, "It is time to stand up to the Ministry of Interior and expose its discriminatory acts. | One For Israel Staff: Was Thanksgiving based on Sukkot, the Feast Of Tabernacles? | Daniel Eichhorst reports Over 1000 Japanese believers gather to hear Bible teaching from a Jewish Perspective

From Tikkun Global Messianic Family, Dan Juster Anyone Can Study The Bible This Way | Eric Morey challenges the common perception about Palestinians in Who Is The Underdog? | Coy Archer points to the book of Judges in Israel’s Repeating Pattern | and Ron Cantor: Israelis Run Towards, not away, from Danger

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

CONTINUED URGENT PRAYER FOR JACOB DAMKANI who is now in a rehabilitation facility where medical staff can work to get him back to consiousness. Please keep up the prayers | Praise the LORD for the ALL-Clear on EDDIE SANTORO's latest MRI showing no more signs of cancer in his brain! | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery but keep praying for total restoration |  Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.| Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | Ruth Nessim has several health issues, read in her update this week: Most critical EYES.|
                Continue pray for Marianna Gol's urgent requests shared last week for Streams in the Desert (widows & orphans)
:   A, the 20 yr old jailed man | M1 following surgery last week & many related needs | M2, mother getting a mastectomy who has an  autistic needing 24/7 care. Many needs | T, mother of 3, bed-ridden with severe back pain. Many needs including a correct diagnosis which will determine eligibility for financial.        
                Pray also for Israel intercessors/supporters in other nations with urgent health needs
Jeurgen at ICEJ, Karen and Yonit in Israel.  Also for Israel intercessors:  Cecelia Toth, Arlene Stucki, Una Gere, Mo Murray, also from our friend Steve in the UK for his wife Elizabeth, and Debra Koen Abernethy still recovering from complication following double lung transplant.
                Pray for a 5-yr old boy in ACCO recovering from multiple injuries from being hit by a car weeks ago. UPDATE on 5-yr old Acco child: It turns out that the high fever was caused by a throat infection. However, before the cause was discovered at CT was done which revealed the infection to the head injury. Praise God that they discovered this problem. Currently on antibiotics; praying that they will take effect. Suffering from head pain and pain from spinal tap. At this time it is uncertain whether or not it will be necessary to replace bone in the skull and if the brain has been affected.  PRAYER for the above as the Holy Spirit leads, plus most importantly that the infection will not spread to the brain
Update Jacob Damkani from Elisheva:  Jacob is doing well! He really is! I'll have to invent a new word. In none of the languages I know there is a word to describe Jacob's condition. I can't say he is unconscious because he is obviously with us, recognizing a lot in his surrounding, carefully listening and watching, reacting... but then, he is not conscious either, he seems to be far away in his own world. ...It is a great joy to spend time with Jacob. He is thankful when we help him with what he needs. He is happy, content, easy going, fighting bravely, doing his part in this battle courageously. The hours Jacob is awake (again, I have to use this word for a lack of a more accurate one) are becoming more and longer. Until some time ago he only had those awake moments when he was rested and feeling strong, now he fights to see and understand what is going on and who is there even when he is exhausted. People that didn't see him for a while are amazed about the change, the progress they see. I am too. Amazed. Simply amazed! And thankful. So very thankful! The Lord is doing many miracles, one after the other.

After the hospital we took Jacob home since there was no place in rehab available. We had a good time at home, very relaxed, happy. I would have stayed there, but we thought he would need more support than he could get at home and then we received message that finally he was accepted for rehab in a very good place in Israel. It wasn't an easy decision .... they do have good ways to get him back on his feet, back to life. ...Going back to a hospital atmosphere however was hard for Jacob.... He didn’t seem to be interested in anything. ...After four weeks he slowly seems to accept now. He gets back to what we saw in our Jaffa House: contentment, joy, interest in his surrounding…

At times I am getting stressed about seeing Jacob in this situation for such a long time. I honestly did not expect it to take so long and I ask myself if there is something I would need to do differently. But just when I start to be overwhelmed the Lord gives me an encouragement. Every single time I want to lose hope He is there with a big sign that He has not forgotten us. ...[Like] Or when he finally started answering my request and lifted his legs or hands without help. He now focuses on every single one that addresses him, moving his eyes from one to the other, carefully listening, and I am sure he understands since he reacts accordingly...When I am seeing the steps Jacob is taking I realize again that the Lord doesn't need any help in His doing. He simply does what He has purposed in His mind, against all odds. Yes, we do our best to help, but this will never be enough. I am confident that it's all in the Lord's hands. 

....Reading about Jacob not being conscious surely gives you a wrong impression, I would love to send you a picture of Jacob, there you could see there that he looks just as he always looked, healthy, happy – but I will wait with posting pictures, I think he will need to decide which pictures to show.

Please don't forget that Israel needs you, God's chosen people needs the Gospel! We continue to proclaim the Good News and ask you to please pray about it and come to our Jaffa House to help us with this important task in this time of history. Please write to us for information and the application forms:

Praying the Headlines

11/19/18  Martin Sarvis Jerusalem

United States Stands Against UN Resolution Demanding Israel Vacate the Golan Heights

Of nine resolutions targeting Israel passed by the UN this past Friday, one was a resolution brought up annually calling for Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights.  The Heights are a high area (including Mount Hermon) northeast of the Sea of Galilee, taken by Israel in ancient times from Og King of Bashan (Deuteronomy 3:3-11), and later given as  territory to the half-tribe of Manasheh.  From this eminence the Syrian army rained rockets and mortars down upon Israeli settlements in the Galilee from 1948 until Israel wrested the Golan from Syria in 1967.  In 1981 Israel effectively annexed the Golan as part of the nation, an annexation which has never been acknowledged by the rest of the world.

Each year, as the “Occupied Syrian Golan” resolution calling for Israeli withdrawal has been brought at the UN, Israel has been the lone nation to vote NO.  The United States, along with some other nations, has always chosen to abstain.  This past Friday, that all changed…the US voted NO.  The vote was 151 in favor, two (Israel and the US) against, and 14 abstentions.

Prior to voting NO, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley declared, “The United States will no longer abstain when the United Nations engages in its useless annual vote on the Golan Heights...If this resolution ever made sense, it surely does not today.  The resolution is plainly biased against Israel.”  She further stated that, “the atrocities the Syrian regime continues to commit prove its lack of fitness to govern anyone.”

Although the present US government has so far resisted Israeli encouragement to acknowledge the Golan as part of Israel, the unprecedented move on Friday seems to signal a definite move away from Israel’s presence in the area being a point of contention between the two countries.   

                * That God’s blessings rest on the Golan Heights, which He gave in ancient times (Deuteronomy 3:18) to Israel, and which He returned to their oversight in 1967.
                *  That more nations will come into alignment with God’s purposes for that region in the north, as they are presently doing for Jerusalem!
                * That God secure His borders for returned-Israel.  Psalm 89:12 sings of Mount Hermon (in the Golan) “shouting for joy at the name of YHVH.”  Psalm 42:6 speaks of God being remembered “from the peaks of Hermon.”  Pray that the good news of Messiah be spread throughout the Golan Heights—that the hills ring with prayers and praises to the Most High.  We are aware of more than one House of Prayer which have been established there in recent years!

Teaching Articles 

11/13/18 Houses of Beauty ministry on Mt Carmel, Israel
WD at An IRS non-profit organization. You can donate through Paypal.  The email link for Paypal is  But if you don’t use Paypal, you can use this link:

In the midst of war, the light matters.  In the midst of the enemy’s declarations, victory matters.  With one hand, we must fight against the darkness, but with the other, we must declare God’s Victory. We must walk within it, share it and declare it to others.  Like Nehemiah, we build the walls of God’s Kingdom on earth, but at the same time, we fight.  However, since Yeshua has already won the war, we do not fight to win the battle, we fight to build the magnificent love/truth walls of God’s Temple. 

Being willing to dream God’s dreams helps us build those walls.  God created each one of us on purpose. He created each one of us to fulfil a desire of His Heart. There is something special He created each one of us to be and to do.  His dreams are in the process of being fulfilled, or not, through us. When we uncover His dreams for us, when we act upon His redeemed destiny for us, we are building the walls of His Love.  When we unearth our restored destinies, when we accept His Gift worth the greatest price, a pearl worth our Beloved’s Life, His Kingdom territory expands.  When we fulfil God’s dreams, we fulfil the desires of His Heart.

What we dream, what we prioritize, what we speak, matters. If what we loose on earth has already been loosed in heaven, if what we bind on earth has already been bound in heaven, isn’t it logical, that what we dream, when we are resting in the LORD’s Embrace, has already been dreamt in heaven?

Think of the Israelites in Egypt … for centuries they dreamed of freedom, prayed for it and yearned for it.  They did not stop, and eventually their dreams and prayers were fulfilled, exactly according to God’s Timing. Caleb and Joshua refused, out of fear, to lose their dreams of entering the Promised Land, and their hopes were answered . Our Fathers in the Faith, according to Hebrews 11, sought and desired a heavenly country, and God prepared a city for them.  We live in the downpayment of the country they envisioned. 

Moses dreamt of entering the Promised Land and his dream was refused.  But thousands of years later it was miraculously fulfilled, as he stood on the top of the Mount of Transfiguration, with Yeshua, the ultimate deliverer.  Moses, the carnal deliverer, met Yeshua, the eternal deliverer, just before the moment when the carnal Promised Land became the spiritual Promised Land, the birthing ground for our deliverance from sin. Now think of the Jewish people in the diaspora.  They dreamed of returning to the Promised Land for almost 2,000 years.  They never gave up, and here we are. 

Here is a personal story of a surprising fulfilment to a God-given dream:  Decades ago, the LORD gave me a detailed plan for a Messianic “Amusement” Park.  He gave it to me in great complexity, and it was fabulous.  It dwarfed Disney World in size and in caliber, but I could only laugh, astonished, at how ridiculously expensive it would be.  Billions of dollars, I imagined.  When I completed it, the LORD told me my work was finished. I was baffled and a little disappointed, because I really wanted to see it live and in action. With my foolish head, I tried to sell the theme park, but nobody would listen. I finally accepted what the LORD had said, and let it go. 

About a decade later, I was sitting at dinner with friends.  The husband was a Messianic Jewish composer/musician, and as I described the Messianic Theme Park, his eyes got bigger and bigger. Then, he told me that at the exact time I was putting the theme park on paper, He was writing the music for the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Florida, which was being built, at the exact same time, by a Messianic Jewish man from Russia, named Marvin Rosenthal.  I am a Messianic Jewish girl, from Russia, born in Orlando, Florida, where I first met Yeshua. I am a composer/musician. I sat amazed.  Goose bumps. 

Years later, I saw the Holy Land Experience, and I was blessed.  It was a tithe of what the LORD had given me.  It cost millions, not billions, but it carried the same concept, and shared the same values. It was my vision, live and in action.  Goose bumps, and lots of giggles.  Did I know I was interceding when I created the theme park?  No, I thought I was dreaming. Did it matter that I did not know I was interceding?  No, not at all..  The LORD was creating through me, and the LORD was creating through them, and He was using me, and my ability to dream, to help their dream come true.

This is my belief:  To the extent that we walk with the LORD, remain one with Him, say what He is saying, do what He is doing, think what He is thinking, to that extent, our words punctuate the air with His Power, and effect the world with His Authority; they are powerful to tear down strongholds and they are powerful to build up His Glory. (2 Cor 10:1-6) They create realities for His Kingdom, when we but trust in Him …

What are your dreams?  Are they being fulfilled?  Are you waiting?  Do you dare make them known, even to yourself, even to God?  What about to other people?  Are you willing to dream the outrageously beautiful dreams God has given you, even if you cannot imagine them being fulfilled?  Are you willing to dream them in the midst of the challenges and the pains and the chaos of life?  Are you willing to dream of heaven coming to earth, of the fullness of God’s Kingdom coming to dwell within you and through you, in the specific ways God has given you to dream that dream? What are your dreams?  Are they costly? Mine are deadly to my flesh.

But death, in the LORD, brings life.  When we are dreaming dreams of heaven coming to earth, of the fullness of God’s Kingdom coming to earth, and imagining our parts within it, we are staring at that “pearl of great price” that the LORD hid in the field of our lives, just for us to find; a pearl designed by our heavenly Creator just for us, wrought in the bowels of His affliction, just to bring us His glory and joy and happiness and delight. Only God creates like that!  Only God dreams and imagines things like that!  It’s worth dying for, and living for, and having my being within. -WD

The Israeli Messianic Marketplace  Feature of the Week:

His Faces
by Orna Grinman

Orna's book “His Faces” examines an ancient phenomenon that is hidden from many readers of the Bible, especially those who don’t read it in Hebrew. The book explores the history of Israel through the lens of Deuteronomy 32:20. It teaches that God has been hiding some of His "Faces" from Israel, as a part of a national punishment He warned us of, which is the main reason for the horrors that our nation has undergone throughout its history.

Why is it that Jews do not see Yeshua for who He really is, and why is it so complicated to lead one Israeli to a faith in the Messiah? The book uses the story of Ruth and Naomi to answer these questions from a unique angle, and calls for the church to actively take her place as a Ruth, on behalf of the modern "Naomi', as she settles back in the House of Bread and renews her relationship with the Redeemer. 

Orna Grinman is an Israeli follower of Yeshua, a member of HaMaayan congregation in Kfar Saba and the founder of Ot OoMofet ministry. In a flowing, simple language, she makes an abstract theological issue accessible. For ordering, please email The price: $15.

Donna Diorio or

Please pray about making a financial gift donation. 
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
and mail to:
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
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I do not have tax exempt status. 

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