Thursday, April 22, 2021

40 Days to Pentecost to Pray for Israel’s Salvation | Arrows from Zion 4 22 2021


A Christian-called 40-day Fast & Prayer for the Salvation of Israel
We are stepping into the
Restoration of the fallen pillars of relationship
between the churches in the nations and
the body of believers in Israel
which the apostle
Paul established in the first century.

40 Days to Shavuot/Pentecost
to Fast & Pray for Israel’s Salvation

by Donna Diorio

I am very excited about what Lou Engle is doing, and I think it is going to have a huge impact on especially younger Christians (which there really is a dearth of younger Christians supporting Israel). Not to damper what Lou Engle is doing - it is God-inspired – but as significant as I believe this is, Engle is standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before him, like Mike Bickle who has been a lone ranger in the prophetic circles for 20+ years speaking for and supporting the Israeli ministries, as has been Chuck Pierce, or ‘Papa’ Don Finto (as the Israeli ministry leaders call him) — Derek Prince, Francis and Edith Schaffer, David Wilkerson, Jane Hansen Hoyt—there are so many that have brought us to this point. 
     That is not even touching the courageous Israeli believer ministries who have soldiered on in the Israeli harvest suffering lack and resources but still going from 20-something believers in 1948 in Israel to 15-20,000 today…or the foundation that has been laid in Israel over many years by prayer and fasting for this very thing to break open.  I remember for many years of joining in with the Revive Israel online broadcasts of prayer and fasting vigils on Shavuot/Pentecost. The Revive vision was always to establish a place of prayer in Jerusalem where the nations could join in with Israelis in Jerusalem to pray for another Acts 2 outpouring of the Holy Spirit — an outpouring that would spill out from Jerusalem into all the nations.
     The beginning years online participation was relatively small, there were Pentecost events taking place in Jerusalem at the same time that were much bigger, but not really connecting with the body of believers in Israel. Each year the online participation increased, then Revive Israel was joined by intercessory network of Egyptian Christian David Demian of Watchmen for the Nations. This brought a significant number of new international Christians praying together on Pentecost.
      These are foundations that were laid, the groundwork for what we see now, as we see Lou Engle also joining in rallying American spiritual leadership to awaken to God's plan for restoration of Israel spiritually. That will lead to a new depth of comprehending the one new man relationship between the Church and the Body of Messiah in Israel. When this thing breaks open - and I'm sure Lou Engle is playing an integral part in that happening - it is going to rock the harvest in Israel and in the nations.

Here are some of Lou Engle's remarks from his Day 6 Yeshua Fast video, picking up at the 2:10 mark: “Could we be moving into an Upper Room reality? So amazing to me! Asher Intrater, my friend in Israel, an apostolic Messianic leader, called me about this fast, and with kindness and humility entreated me. 'Lou, what if we hold this fast not just March 1st through April 9th like we've done historically, but let's do it from the 14th of April to May 23rd which is actually Pentecost Sunday.' He said, 'I just have this sense this year if we do it on the Jewish holidays, the times that Yeshua has actually set, where He says, "I will visit you,' I think something may happen beyond what we can think or imagine.'
     I just felt like, ‘Yes, I am going to listen to my brother Asher.’ So we've said this, What if these 40 days is to this Upper Room that Nava and I were together with the wind blowing? In the dream we were sitting across from one another at a table talking about what God is saying and in the dream she realizes she is about ready to wake up out of the dream but she has a word to deliver me. Urgently she thinks, I've got to get it to him before I wake up.
     Three times she says this: 'You cannot see revival in America unless you first of all pray for the salvation of the Jews.' Again she said, 'You cannot see revival in America unless you first of all pray for the salvation of Israel.' The third time she says the same thing and then she wakes up out of the dream.   
     What's stunning to me about Nava's dream is she represents the Jewish people. She knows she is about ready to awaken but before she can awaken she needs to deliver this message for the Ruth gentile church to pray for the salvation of Israel. I am convinced in my heart when the church begins to pray for the salvation of Israel, the awakening of the Jewish people to Yeshua, their bridegroom God, it will take place.
     This dream has shocked me. It just keeps pursuing me and I began to ponder, Is God shifting our heartbeats so that when we turn our prayers to Israel, those who bless Israel are blessed, those that pray for the peace of Jerusalem find their own peace, those who pray for the harvest of the Jewish peoples will receive their own harvest?
     Recently while I was flying to speak with The Send leaders in that same meeting of Christie Brent's prophetic word, the Lord spoke to me out of the book of Ruth . . . . ‘If you will glean in Boaz's field, you'll reap the full blessing of the harvest in the nations of the earth. I'm just saying brothers and sister, just test this. It's not like I believe that there's not going to be revival in other places of the earth but I'm wondering, is God giving us a mega shift for the fullness of that blessing? Like in Romans chapter 11:12-15 when the Jewish people come in it will be like life from the dead to the gentile — global outpourings, global harvests. This … dream gave me a paradigm shift in my own heart. Literally for these 40 days I am praying for the salvation of the Jews. I am believing it will a tipping point. You see one thought from God — if obeyed — could literally shift everything.
     Maybe you are thinking, Oh, I don't know about all this. What if we simply opened our heart, 'God, I want to feel your heart for the Jewish people. I want to feel your heart like Jesus felt when He was first with His disciples, those apostles, and going to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. His heart was moved with compassion when he saw the Jewish people broken to pieces, harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd.

On Day 7 Engle tells how he didn't 'get it' in 2009 when he had a lot of exposure to the message of the restoration of Israel spiritually before the mass international revivals. He said, "It is a journey....I go back to another key point in my awakening concerning Israel and I didn't get it back there in 2009. In 2009 I was living in Kansas City with my family, with Mike Bickel and the House of Prayer. Mike was teaching eschatology; Mike was teaching about Israel — I'm sorry, Mike, but it seems like a lot of this I just didn't get because my eyes and all my focus was revival in America awakening, the end of abortion and those things are still very, very real to me. But I feel that I am now in a season of awakening, and I think actually the Lord waited for this moment to awaken me. Because it is time, I believe for a worldwide prayer movement to take place for Israel. “    

Donna: Below are links to theYeshua Fast Engle’s daily encouraging talk on YouTube so far. Probably most of my subscribers are farther along in the learning curve of understanding our relationship of supporters of the Israeli ministries in their mandate to bring the Good News to their fellow countrymen, but I think these videos are valuable for us to hear anyway. One for the sake of hearing what Lou Engle’s journey has been coming to this place, and also to see where he is in the learning curve of what God is doing here. These videos have been a great encouragement to me to listen to, and I think they will be for you. You might also want to share them with your friends who hold Lou Engle in high esteem.  I am also listening to these daily now and have officially joined their fast and prayer because I do believe it is an important tipping point to bring so many more Christians into right alignment with the Body of Messiah in Israel.
     I believe this is going to have a truly significant spiritual impact and is truly a restoration of the fallen pillars of relationship between the churches in the nations and the body of believers in Israel from that which the apostle Paul established in the first century. 

The Yeshua Fast - Day 1 - 40-day Israel fast launch | April 14, 2021
The Yeshua Fast - Day 2 - Four Ruths | April 15, 2021
The Yeshua Fast - Day 3 - Global Spiritual Aliyah | April 15, 2021
The Yeshua Fast - Day 4 - Global paradigm shift | April 16, 2021
The Yeshua Fast - Day 5 - The Pandemic Prophecy | April 17, 2021
The Yeshua Fast - Day 6 - Pray for the salvation of Israel | April 18, 2021
The Yeshua Fast - Day 7 - Daniel sealed into my belly | April 19, 2021


| Join US. We start the 40-day Fast next week! April 14th – May 23rd
The Yeshua Fast was birthed out of a threefold cord revelation:
1 - A global spiritual Aliyah where the gentile Ruth church turns her heart affections and covenant love to Yeshua, Israel, and the Jewish people. Ruth 1:16,17
2 - A global call for prayer for the salvation of Israel as a tipping point for worldwide harvest. Romans 11:12-15
3 - A growing expectation for an unveiling of the Messiah to the Jewish peoples and a new Pentecost from Jerusalem to the nations. Isaiah 44:1-5, Ez 36:26

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

I begin this week with Asher Intrater’s article on Second Pentecost because it is foundational to the article above in the prayer and fasting before Pentecost that Lou Engle is leading. As I wrote above, I have been participating in the Shavuot prayer online events that Asher has been holding for many years.
I also believe that prophetic things that happen once in the Bible, are likely to happen again – like a second outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, that will come as the believers from nations join in “Upper Room” prayer seeking God for what Yeshua promised His disciples in the first century. See Asher’s point of the 2-part prophecy from Joel 2:32-3:2: the first part was cited by Peter in Acts, “This is that….” But the second part was not citied and describes the conditions for the fulfillment of the second half of the prophecy—a “second Pentecost” that will affect Jerusalem and the whole world.  Joel 2:32 – 3:2 …because in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be a remnant.

Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center sent a Holocaust memorial link to the testimonies of Holocaust survivors. He writes truly that the Holocaust was “One of the greatest atrocities scarring the face of human history.” Chaim wrote, “Join us as we hear some heart wrenching stories of heroes that fought to defend the defenseless, and against all odds, survive to see prophecies in the Bible fulfilled.” Please consider a gift to help the work of the Aliyah Return Center, please click here. Funds are incredibly tight within the ministries of Israel. They need our help. 

The personal Restoration from Zion ministry newsletter of Daniel & Patty Juster and Ben & Lorena Juster  features an article by Patty, “What is Wisdom.” She writes about how each “seed” we plant had a DNA that will cause us to reap what we sow. “Wisdom is knowing what kind of plant or fruit our seed will produce.”  She also notes that “We were never intended to bear the weight of making our decisions independently” from God.  They also write about the upcoming US tour for Dan & Patty that begins in May, asking prayers over all the travels and details; and for Ben’s work in Tikkun America as he has been seeing major churches awakening to the connection between international Christians and the body of Messiah in Israel. There are signs of an awakening Church popping up all over – and these are surely seeds that the Tikkun ministries have been planting for decades. 

Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher congregation in Acco writes about “Our Mothers” and relates the testimony of a young mother with 2 daughters in Israel “divorced after a decade of marriage in the shadow of severe economic, mental and physical violence.” She relates her journey recovery of “trust in human beings” of her and her daughters, and how she started to dream of a better future for them pursuing academic studies—and all the help she received along the way to achieving her degree and her subsequent career in “an important urban project that helps families in the cycle of poverty.”  Inspired by this woman’s testimony and an ask for help by the Acco Social Services for their congregation to get involved with a new program to help 10 women to afford 3-year bachelor’s  programs, Guy is asking for prayers and financial commitments to help them, help out in this program. When Israeli municipalities know they can turn to Messianic congregations for help in all manner of humanitarian projects, this is trust that is being built for those Israeli Jews who call upon the Name of Yeshua. That is 10 times better than Christian funds coming from people who they will never lay eyes on, never see walking out the faith in Yeshua that the Messianic Jews of Israel are walking out daily. Do you want to plant seed in Israel toward humanitarian funds? Contact Harvest of Asher

Israel has evangelists, what they need is the support funding for the evangelists that they have. That is what Israel Pochtar of the Beit Hallel congregation in Ashdod is pointing out in this article about Chaim and Miriam's Story—Fishers of Men as he says also, The Revival has Begun!  "Both Miriam and Chaim are so incredibly passionate about people and reaching the lost, that it’s just amazing to see people get healed and saved through them everywhere they go,” Israel writes.” These are the type of workers we need in the fields of Israel." Also watch Israel’s devotionalThe desert and the parched land will be glad. PLUS Youth Discipleship Camp during Shavuot | Equipping the Pastors, Evangelists and Leaders of tomorrow. God sees potential where man sees inexperience. Youth are an investment worth making.

More on the purposeful equipping youth towards spiritual leadership in Israel’s present and future, this Fields of Wheat post on Facebook wrote about how great it was to have a post-covid Katzir youth gathering after so long, and how they are rejoicing that the govt has now expanded the number of people who can meet in one place from 50 to 100. “We are hoping to get back to full activity - hopefully in the form of camps - in the coming months.” This is a decades old youth camps ministry headed by Eitan Shishkoff, and where kids from the camp have returned as young adults to be ministers and counselors in the camps – including Joel Jelski, who along with Eitan, Cody and Liat Archer are the leaders in the Fields of Wheat ministry. The motto of the ministry is “Equipping for the Harvest.” Ever on the minds of Israeli ministries.

From two editions of the Tikkun Global prayer and newsletter, Asher Intrater writes about the latest round of govt elections, Corona closures ending and: “At the same time, we are seeing an openness in local evangelism and discipleship, as well as global alignment. It's like a rocket ship beginning to take off. It seems we are moving quickly into an end times' scenario, affecting both Israel and the nations.” Also advising to be discerning and not be deceived because the spirit of deception is so great in these days: “This is a time to stay close to the Lord and to one another. Those are His two great commandments to us: to love God and to love one another. Let's do it. “ In the second edition, Ron Cantor writes Because You Asked...My Opinion on the Vaccine–It's Romans 14, Not 13. They share the Israel’s Restoration April Edition and Dan Juster’s article Near Death Experiences: Resurrections  

From Out of Zion, David & Josie Silver: 4/13 Midweek Update Video, 4/16 David's Latest Video Update. Invite to The View from Carmel — Q & A Forum on Zoom | Every Tuesday 9.00 pm  Israel time | email for meeting ID & Password |||   Partner with Out of Zion Ministries | For a full list of resource and products available please see the RESOURCE page on the Out of Zion Website for   our VIDEO and ARTICLE teachings 

Messiah’s Mandate and Shelanu TV, Ron Cantor sends two exciting medical breakthroughs from Israel in his news email, one breakthrough in Brain Cancer that also might have application to alleviate pain of Sickle Cell Anemia, the other a readily available Kefir Yougurt Smoothie that could calm the “cytokine storm” that has killed many Covid patients through its impressive antibacterial and anti-inflammatory attributes. (It will be a long time in the process of being verified, but if Covid comes around our house, I’m going to Walmart to stock up on Kefir smoothies!)

Also from Cantor, on Shelanu TV, they are back in the studio working on new program content for Shelanu TV in Hebrew, a program similar to TED talks on controversial topics, another with a couple who will host experts as they present Yeshua as a positive figure in the past, present, and future: a Bible-based program by an Ethiopian, native born Israeli evangelist; a program to "clean" the name of Yeshua in Israel-showing His true name Yeshua means Salvation!, and a re-presentation in Hebrew of Dr. Michael Brown’s answering Jewish objections to Jesus. And more. Consider a gift to Shelanu TV. It cannot be understated that online resources are MUCH more effective at reaching people with the Gospel than you are used to in America and other nations. Probably a lot has to do with the privacy that online resources afford the seeker in initial stages.

Michael and Dina Beener are also working with the Ethiopian Jewish immigrant community in Sderot on the border with Gaza.  There is a new arrival of Ethiopian Jews to Sderot and the City of Life ministry team has begun working with them “alleviating the suffering of these new immigrants as they take their first steps in the dreamed land of their ancestors, Israel.”  You are invited to take a role in this, as they write, “Our work would not be possible without the help of partners like you.”  They also write about the “first deaf-mute meeting took place in our congregation, where a group of happy deaf mute people, some of them non-believers, enjoyed a special meeting full of teaching, encouragement, understanding and above all the Holy Spirit, all in sign language and a integrated environment.” See more about their ministry at the City of Life website.

Chuck Cohen,  Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem Friday Prayer Points  April 16, 2021 Read in full online with prayer points and scriptures to pray over each point. 

Avner Boskey of Final Frontier Ministries and David’s Tent in Beer Sheva has a new article Biblical foundations and Iran. “A deadly serious cat-and-mouse game has been going on in the Middle East for some time now between Iran and its proxies on the one hand, and Israel and the U.S.A. on the other”

From Kobi & Shani Ferguson of Maoz Ministries, the weekly prayer points include the topics of the mandate that was given to Netanyahu to form a government, and a terrible story about an IDF soldier suffering PTSD, who set himself on fire recently unable to get over survivor guilt after his commander had been brutally killed in front of him in the 2014 Gaza War. We must pray for these young people who protect Israel – many only 19 and 20 years old up against murderous terrorist mindsets. The young man, Itzik is in a critical condition burn unit —pray for his restoration.  ALSO the Feruguson family will be traveling and ministering in the US from June 16 to Aug 16. Pray for all aspects of the travel, ministry, Divine connections as they bring the word of Lord forth from Zion. 

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer the Israeli believers who are fighting for their lives or other urgent health needs: 

Pray for the Silvers: David's knees and Josie's back pain | Rachel Netanel  who is recovering from a broken ankle. She asks prayers for healing and for the pain to subside.  Living in a home with lots of stairs makes it all the more difficult| A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed recently with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words| Ronit Bender wrote, I am feeling pretty good, but do have trouble climbing stairs and walking is getting tougher for me because of my heart situation. My cardiologist was changed by my health provider. He is very unpleasant and I want a new one. | Rachel Netanel wrote, Please pray for me as well. I have very high blood pressure and the doctors have sent me to have a number of tests. The results won’t come for a while but please pray that all will be well. I do have peace in Yeshua. | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Olga Bikas is slowly recovering from a broken ankle (after her back surgery!) The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical exercises. Please keep praying for Olga

Donna Diorio
April 19, 2021 or
THANK YOU to those who support this ministry with donations.
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Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt st

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Charismatic Church Awakening to Israel | Arrows from Zion 4 15 2021


Pam Singer posted this pic on Facebook taken from her door on Mt. Carmel in April 2020 during Israel's first lockdown. It's the northern view across Haifa Bay — all the way to the Lebanese border and mountains. Her home is just blocks from HaCarmel congregation and the highest point on Mt Carmel. The blue dusk is beautiful, with a few golden lights from the village of Isfiya across the wadi. In the foreground is the top of a loquat tree that bears sweet, citrus-like fruit. Pam wears many hats at the Carmel congregation including deacon, Bible study teacher, working with women and children African refugees at HaCarmel shelter. She's also a singer/psalmist (Tues Worship Watch on YouTube channel).

Charismatic Church Awakening to Israel
by Donna Diorio

In the February 25th issue I wrote about a powerful declaration made by Lou Engle at a 24/7 prayer and worship congregation called the Upper Room in Dallas. Lou Engle has long been very supportive of the Messianic community, but on this morning Engle told the congregation based on what he was seeing at that service and how God had been speaking to him prior, that there was breakthrough happening. Then he said that he just got a life shift! That his thing has always been Revival for America, but it is now to pray for the salvation of Israel first.
     Engle begins to tell about Israeli Nava Neibor relating a dream to him about them being in an "upper room" and a wind blowing. He asks the Upper Room audience, Can you feel the wind? Then he says "This is that!" 
     He said, in the dream Nava had a word for him, 'You cannot pray for revival in America until you first pray for salvation of the Jews!'  Also that Nava as the Jewish representative could not awaken from her dream until the Church began to pray for the salvation of Israel - to pray for the salvation of the Jews."
     This is a pretty simple prophetic roll-out by God for what He wants from Lou Engle, who is a person with a huge platform to young people across America, as well as those in the charismatic/prophetic circles who will respond to this. Over the years there has been a huge shift among young people, moving away from the support of their Christian parents and grandparents of Israel. The influence on even Christian young people is to believe in the social justice narrative, so I for one take great encouragement
in God moving so strongly on Lou Engle on this matter. It tells me there certainly is a breakthrough coming.
     Next week Engle has initiated a 40-day fast up to Pentecost, called the YESHUA FAST. It is for the purpose of turning the hearts of the Church toward Israel.  As I have seen the development of this over the past several weeks, the one thing I would like to see though is something I have posted to Lou Engle's Facebook page promoting the Yeshua Fast. This is that:
     Lou Engle: I know that you know many of the Israeli Messianic Jewish ministry leaders in Israel, like Asher Intrater, Daniel Juster - and many others. As the charismatic/prophetic part of the body of Christ awakens to God's heart for Israel, and being a Ruth church to Israel, one thing we need to emphasize to people. That is the significance of the Lord's spiritual harvest is already well in progress in Israel through the Israeli ministries. 
     For 73 years now Israel has enjoyed the loving support of the non-charismatic Christian world, however, for the most part that has not impacted Christian support for the Israeli ministries who doing the actual work of sharing the Gospel with their fellow citizens. It has put the Israel ministries - even pastors of congregations - in the position of having to have secular jobs in order to feed their own families. It is very limiting to them to not have the material support of the Christians who love Israel, and who are donating millions to Israel causes.
     Christians believe they are being a witness of God's love and favor towards Israel donating directly to Israeli causes excluding the Messianic Jewish believer ministries, but it is far past time to realize Israeli Messianic ministries do all the same type of humanitarian outreach - without leaving Jesus completely out of the picture. This is choosing to do good works instead of doing God's will. It is God's will that the Israeli ministries be the priority beneficiaries of Christian material support in Israel. It is our spiritual debt to them so they can do humanitarian work, outreaches and to advance the gospel of kingdom of the LORD in Israel.
     I pray you will speak more with the ISRAELI ministry leaders you know about this.  There is a mystery Paul wrote about how the church and the Israeli believers would be made one when the church reached its fullness - maturity. It takes a mature Christian body to support the mandate of the Israeli believers for bringing in the spiritual harvest in Israel. Ruth was a supporter, not a usurper of the how the fields were to be gleaned.

Lou Engle YESHUA FAST | Join US. We start the 40-day Fast April 14th – May 23rd 

The Yeshua Fast was birthed out of a threefold cord revelation:
1 - A global spiritual Aliyah where the gentile Ruth church turns her heart affections and covenant love to Yeshua, Israel, and the Jewish people. Ruth 1:16,17
2 - A global call for prayer for the salvation of Israel as a tipping point for worldwide harvest. Romans 11:12-15
3 - A growing expectation for an unveiling of the Messiah to the Jewish peoples and a new Pentecost from Jerusalem to the nations. Isaiah 44:1-5, Ez 36:26

Arrows from Zion 
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Censorship from Google and YouTube is the priority prayer alert from Ariel Hyde of the Tree of Life Ministries whose Pro-Life and Gospel campaign videos are getting hundreds of thousands of views even though the social media platforms have been restricting them like crazy. This is what they do first before out and out banning messages they don't like. Please pray for breakthrough for the videos to be seen widely. Pray for all those who are being touched by the videos - in Israel and abroad, for the warfare the team is experiencing and for the outreaches to continue to grow and bear more fruit.

Norma Sarvis in Jerusalem has a new From this Mountain blog post Spring forth!

Tikkun sends out the April edition for the Israel's Restoration magazine articles by Asher Intrater "Breaking the Vessels—Repairing the World" | Hannah Tekle's "Two Protected Species" | "Echos of Soviet Repression" by Leon Mazin | Guy Cohen's "Turning Good Things into Idols?!" | Eitan Shishkoff's part 2 of "Tikkun Origins: Adjusting, Establishing & Raising Up" | and Dan Juster's "A Restoration Journey: Tikkun & Revive Israel — Origins, Vision and Values" | Asher Intrater writes, " Stores, businesses and schools in Israel are opening up. Even Ben Gurion airport is open for travel. This is because Israel is the first nation in the world for its population to be fully vaccinated. There are those who think this is terrible; and others who think in it wonderful. But whether for good or for bad, it may well launch Israel into the forefront of international commerce and travel; of economic recovery; of medicine development and manufacturing.

On that note, Chaim Japheth Malespin of the ARC (Aliyah Return Center) posted on Facebook: Initial news (not final): tourist groups allowed in May and individuals in July.  Requirements: Negative Corona test, serological (antibody) test, and certificate of vaccination.  They did not say if you will need to take test before you fly. This is an initial statement .

Maoz Israel Report continues the story of its founders Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram, early pioneer years in Israel with The War, the Immigrants, and the Training Center Part 4 (read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). Also here is April 6th: Prayer concerning Activism and Palestinian Elections. And from 4/8 weekly prayer points Shani Sorko-Ram Ferguson writes about our destiny noting she grew up on a song featuring Matt 6:33, “Seek ye first the Kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you.” Shani writes, "I think that verse has spared me so much anxiety when it came to my desire for earthly accomplishments. Of all my many shortcomings as a human, I’ve never felt like my destiny in God could be thwarted by another’s nefarious actions—or another’s success. Sure, they can cause pain and hardship, but in the end, God gets what he wants out of a person who is devoted to Him." Good for all of us to receive so fully.

Kehila News Israel  shares videos: Finding Forgiveness in Yeshua: The Testimony of a Holocaust Survivor, Rose Price, and other Holocaust-related articles and a few Holocaust-related articles we have posted over the years. PLUS Avi Mizrachi sharing Passover with the Pacific Samoa Christians and MUSIC VIDEO by Miqedem "Nava Tehila" | We are in the pre-production stage of working on our third album, but this song felt ready to share. Nava Tehila (“Praise is Beautiful” - taken from psalm 147)

Ron Cantor of Messiah's Mandate & ShelanuTV writes about Holocaust Remembrance day, "Today there are around 100,000 survivors still alive in Israel (and another 100,000 scattered throughout the world). The number of survivors after WWII was around 3,500,000—which underscores, not only how successful Hitler was, but how few of them remain. " To continue helping Israeli Holocaust survivors, please consider giving a gift. To reach Israelis with the message of Yeshua consider a gift to ShelanuTV. In Ron's news comverage see: Blood Money? Biden gives millions to Palestinians who give to terrorists | Iran Deal 2.0? Netanyahu Sounds the Alarm Again | Netanyahu Get Yet Another Nod to Form a Government | Ron's BOOK Birth Pangs

Gilad Rosinger of Radiant Israel writes about their weekly Global Shabbat fellowship time each Saturday Saturdays 10:30am PST / 12:30pm CST / 1:30pm EST / 8:30pm Israel time. It will be streamed LIVE on both our Facebook and Youtube pages - easy to join in just email them for Gilad also sends a video concerning the Green Passport program — Medical Apartheid Green Pass Implemented and listen here for Magi G's "Broken" Album. Learn more about their ministry here.

Chuck Cohen of Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem sends Friday Prayer Points   4/9/2021. Read in full online, but one very important point is concerning the moves that the International Criminal Court in the Hague is making against Israel trying to bring "war crimes" changes against Israeli soldiers.  Great points to pray into this situation, also into the "US Biden Administration which, as expected, is quickly turning into a stumbling stone in Israel's path to fulfill all that God is calling it to do at this time." 

Gil and Tamar Afrait are the lead pastor couple in Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv. They bring a good report on the family in their congregation who recently suffered the loss of husband/father. They thank everyone for the prayers for the family. Also, they writes that one effect of the pandemic is that an "Unprecedented number of seeks are contacting Tiferet Yeshua." They ask prayers: : that God would draw these seekers to Him with cords of love to a place of committing their lives to Him | that God would give our discipleship team wisdom and grace to minister to each individual | that God would continue waking up people to seek the truth and send workers to the harvest! 
     Also in the frontline of outreach, Media, they write, "Everyone who has contacted us for New Testaments or to ask to learn more about Yeshua found initial information online. Due to that reality, we have been in the process of a professional update of our Hebrew website to make it an outreach platform. Our team has been working on original outreach material, which is taking time and effort. We need God's grace and covering in this endeavor! Please pray: that God would protect and give wisdom to our team that is creating the outreach content | grace to finish the site as soon as possible so that site can go live | that God would use this new Hebrew site to reach many more Israelis with the gospel ."


Revive Israel sends a powerful teaching of Asher Intrater's, The Earth Will Be Filled With His Glory (The body of man was originally taken from the earth; so there is a connection between the physical body of man and the land of planet earth. After a person dies, his spirit and soul leave his body, and his body returns to the earth to decay. Therefore, the resurrection of the human race is also connected to the restoration of the earth.)  Also: Tikkun Global Broadcast with the Revive worship team, and receive a powerful message by Ariel Blumenthal. Watch now.

 Israel Pochtar gives a video Passover Evangelism Praise Report, plus an video & article on Holocaust Memorial Day: Never Forget. You can sign up for their prayer alerts directly, as with any of the ministries featured in the Arrows from Zion.

The Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries and Arrows from Zion has never been one of those Israel ministries that sought to bypass your support of Israeli ministries. Obviously all ministries need support, however this is one that is not seeking to build itself into a big Israel ministry, but rather seeks to be a bridge between international Christians and the congregations and ministries of Israel.  My desire is to connect YOU with THEM! And to help you understand more about what is going on in the Israeli ministries overall —big picture understanding.

 Michael and Dina Beener in Sderot minister to a poor and Hamas-rocket battered city because of its proximity to Gaza. They are minister life and help to hurting and need residents who not only need humanitarian aid, but also psychological support for the many enduring traumatic terrorism and missile episodes in the region—with a heaping dose of economic stresses from Covid. They are doing a good work from City of Life, which is the exact opposite of what Hamas tauntingly calls the city: city of the dead. You can help them bring relief and good news to the city, click here  for details.

We have an update from of Fields of Wheat who are equipping for the Harvest among young people with the Katzir (Harvest) gatherings, but also pursuing a vision for a property in the Golan Heights that can serve as a retreat grounds for many other types of equipping ministry. Stay tuned here for more details as we are allowed to release them, also for how you can get the brand new book by Eitan hot off the presses:  With All Your Heart. Details to follow. 

Howard Bass of Yeshua's Inheritance in Beer Sheva writes about Israel's 73rd anniversary and his and Randi's 41st anniversary just days before. "We have been blessed with His sending us to live in Israel; for our two daughters, two sons, two sons-in-law, two daughters-in-law, four current grandchildren, with a fifth on the way.  Our own children, and our "children"-in-law are all believers who are serving the Lord and committed to local congregations/churches.  They have a good mother, and a perfect Heaven!"   Howard writes about the Kehilat Nachalat Yeshua's return to face-to-face services with two service times to comply with govt restrictions due to Covid.  He writes, "It has been very joyful coming back together again, and we are thankful for that. The renovations are nearing completion (donations still appreciated), and have received positive responses from the congregation. (We are not posting much about the improvements so as to maintain a low profile in our neighborhood.)" See a couple of Howard's recommended reading  on the website:  some profound insights in poem Gethsemane's Will - Rick DeLay (aka, Rickey Mora), and Howard's What day is the resurrection celebrated on as an appointed time?

Sally Shiff of HaMaayan congregation in Kfar Saba writes from the USA, "America is still beautiful. . . . I was greatly impressed with the strong faith of those I met…despite last year's storm. America's faith is strong, with her believers bold for the cross and the resurrection of Jesus.  . . . So how is Israel? I am incredibly happy to report our congregation is well. Through zoom meetings, Bible studies and LOTS of prayer, the members are strong and seeking God in a new way. ... Due to the uncertainty of the times, we have seen more water immersions this past year than I have seen in my whole time affiliated with the congregation. Covid became a prison to some, and an opportunity to others…depending on personal faith in God. I am so honored to be a part of the congregation of Hamaayan and under Tony and Orna Sperandeo. "

DEEP insight in this blog post! Take the time to read Orna Grinman's One More Wound. "Only if the heart is vacated of its wounds. Only then there’s room to hear someone else’s cry, and nurture them without feeling threatened."  Orna's ministry to widows and orphans is translated from the Hebrew to mean, A Sign & Example.

From Dugit Outreach Ministries in Tel Aviv, Chaya Mizrachi and Jerusalemite Norma Sarvis are about to do several regional meetings (in compliance with Covid regulations on numbers of participants, for the Annual Women’s “Daughters of Zion” Conference.  " When Yeshua arrived in Israel a little over 2,000 years ago, He did something that was very unexpected. He regularly and intentionally demonstrated the Father’s love for the women of Israel. He immortalized the actions, love and devotion, and restoration of women across the nation. He fellowshipped with women, crossed cultural barriers to reach women, even extended healing beyond the Jewish people to women who came to Him. He stood up for women, delivered them, and forgave those that society deemed a lost cause. Yeshua saw the women of Israel as beloved and precious in the eyes of the Father. And in His light, the daughters of Zion began to see themselves as true daughters of the King!" This is the theme of the 2021 conference based on Psalm 90:17. "This will be the first time in over a year that many of these women have met in a group of any kind. Their need for fellowship and encouragement cannot be overstated. " If you can help by contributing to the extra costs of doing 3 regional gatherings, Please give whatever amount you feel the Lord putting on your heart.  Your support is crucial.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer the Israeli believers who are fighting for their lives or other urgent health needs: 

Pray for the Silvers: David's knees and Josie's back pain | Rachel Netanel  who is recovering from a broken ankle. She asks prayers for healing and for the pain to subside.  Living in a home with lots of stairs makes it all the more difficult| A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed recently with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words| Ronit Bender wrote, I am feeling pretty good, but do have trouble climbing stairs and walking is getting tougher for me because of my heart situation. My cardiologist was changed by my health provider. He is very unpleasant and I want a new one. | Rachel Netanel wrote, Please pray for me as well. I have very high blood pressure and the doctors have sent me to have a number of tests. The results won’t come for a while but please pray that all will be well. I do have peace in Yeshua. | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Olga Bikas is slowly recovering from a broken ankle (after her back surgery!) The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical exercises. Please keep praying for Olga

  Donna Diorio, November 10, 2020 or
  THANK YOU to those who support this ministry with donations.

  Donations appreciated | on PayPal
  Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
  P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Promising | Arrows from Zion | 4/8/2021


Brian Schrauger took this photo about two hours before Shabbat, 
Friday 26 March 2021 
in Bethlehem when a rainbow touched down the night before Passover.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day I remember this passage from Zechariah 1:14-17

Then the angel who was speaking to me said, “Proclaim this word: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I am very jealous for Jerusalem and Zion, and I am very angry with the nations that feel secure.
I was only a little angry, but they went too far with the punishment.’

“Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt. And the measuring line will be stretched out over Jerusalem,’ declares the Lord Almighty.

“Proclaim further: This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘My towns will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem.’”

God Who Humbles Himself
by Asher Intrater, Revive Israel

It is astonishing that the all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal creator would be willing to humble Himself on our behalf. Why? – Because He loves us. The fact that someone so great would be willing to make Himself so small on our behalf makes His greatness even greater. That He did this for us while we were sinning and rebelling against Him makes His greatness awesome beyond comprehension.

     When we speak of the omnipotent, transcendent aspects of God, we are in agreement with most Orthodox rabbis. However, the Scriptures also speak of a mysteriously self-humbling part of God.

Psalm 113:5-6               Exalted to dwell, Humble to see

Poetically in Hebrew: Hamagbihi lashevet, Hamashpili liraot

 The word humble here means "to the point of humiliation." I believe Paul (Saul) had this verse in mind when he wrote: Philippians 2:8-9 He humbled Himself… even unto death on the cross. Therefore, God highly exalted Him.

     The cross was not only humility; it was humiliation. YHVH–God allowed Himself to be humiliated by us puny creatures in order to save us from the wrath we deserve because of our treacherous ways. Then He offers to exalt us almost to divinity, simply to the praise of His own unfathomable grace (II Peter 1:4, Ephesians 2:7).

     The book of Isaiah shows a similar paradox. On the one hand, we see an exalted, glorified king. Isaiah 6:1, 3 I saw the Lord, sitting on a throne, high and lifted up…The whole earth is filled with His glory.

     On the other hand, we see a suffering servant, humiliated, and rejected. Isaiah 53:3 – …despised and forsaken of men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

     Can there be any connection between the glorified king of chapter 6 and the suffering servant of chapter 53? Yes. This exalted-humiliated aspect of God was also predicted by Isaiah 57:15 – I dwell in the high and holy, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit.

     The exalted king of Isaiah 6 and the humiliated servant of Isaiah 53 turn out to be one and the same in Isaiah 57. To those who see only the lofty, transcendent aspect of God, it seems disrespectful and offensive to see Him as lowly and humiliated. But it is in His lowliness that He comes close to us. In His humility we find intimacy. A God who is only exalted and transcendent is not one with whom we can experience intimacy.

     God was willing to be humbled, even humiliated, for the opportunity of sharing intimacy with us. This aspect can be found only in Yeshua – God humbling Himself in order to have relationship with us.

4/2/21  Revive Israel | Asher Intrater
Revive Israel is the
Voice of Tikkun Global Jerusalem Tikkun website Revive website   Newsletters in 10 Languages | Revive Israel YouTube Channel   Follow Revive Israel on Facebook for daily posts of teachings, videos articles and news.  Follow us on Instagram @reviveisrael  

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

The personal testimony of Birgitta, one of Israel's worship singers in the Fellowship of Artists is really a must read in the new Maoz Israel Report. Shani Ferguson wrote, ""Birgitta shared with me one of the most chilling personal testimonies I’d ever heard. Her story stayed with me for days until I finally called her up and asked to share it with you." It really is amazing.  I continue to find Shani Ferguson's choice of prayer points to be unusual, and even extraordinary. Her insights on activism and "identifying injustice and providing justice" in our society are worthy to seek out, as the prayer points that are noted for the issue.

Israel Pochtar sends The Feast of Unleavened Bread | Passover in the Desert | VIDEO The Essence of Passover Part 6 | It Is Finished—Yeshua's Completed Work of Redemption | VIDEO & ARTICLE  "He is Risen!" —Culmination of Passover  I am in awe of all that Israel Pochtar does each week!

David & Josie Silver, Israelis originally from Australia, share David's Latest Video Update March 30 and April 6. Plus the weekly Zoom meeting, The View from Carmel,  a Q & A Forum,  every Tuesday  9.00 pm  Israel time |  Learn more about Out of Zion ministries at the website where they also share teachings in articles and videos.

Gilad Rosinger of Radiant Israel continued in their Prophetic  Journey Through Passover series —you can access more on their blog. Also learn more about this Galilee ministry on their website Radiant Israel. This is a young family with a big vision, see more in about us

Joseph Magen of Kehila News Israel comes out from behind Publisher/Editor/CEO's desk to do this video What is the meaning of Passover in Hebrew and what does it have to do with the coronavirus? Plus from the All Israel News Staff enjoy this VIDEO Easter Sunday in the Holy Land: Israeli, international Christians celebrate resurrection of Jesus at the Garden Tomb. Another feature in Kehila is Israel Harel's latest book Habakkuk: A Guide to Spiritual Maturity. This book follows the maturing process of Habakkuk as he records it. Following his journey helps us in our own journey to maturity from spiritual childhood, through young adulthood, to spiritual fatherhood.

A great report from Ariel Hyde of the Tree of Life ministries team about their opening video The Greatest Scandal in the History of Modern Israel (an exposé on what abortion really is) being viewed like wildfire (that is, until the social media platforms began to severely limit it after 600,000 Hebrew-speaker views in its first week! Please pray for restraints to be removed.) Most people assume that Israel would be, well, holy as in Holy Land, but it isn't. Reality is abortion isn't even questioned as a moral issue in Israel.  "Almost no one has ever publicly spoken out against abortion in Israel, so most people just assume that’s what you do if you have an unwanted pregnancy. But our prayer has been that God would use this campaign to stir up a grassroots movement of people who will actually take a stand for life - and it seems that’s beginning to happen!" Please pray for the Tree of Life ministry and Be'Ad Chaim, the Messianic pro-Life organization.
Chuck Cohen of Intercessors for Israel gives praise in his Friday Prayer Points  April 2, 2021 that prophetic portion in the Torah reading for the Passover Shabbat was Ezekiel's vision of the resurrection of Israel's dry bones—precisely during the period that Messiah Yeshua was still in the Garden Tomb before being resurrected.  These are not coincidence, they are Divine messages from God whispering to Israel and to us all what times we are in. Praise the LORD.  Read the full scope of prayer points, with scriptures from IFI.

Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center writes about their support of the 7,000 "Lone Soldiers" in Israel who have no family or support to go home to off the base. Some are in Israel alone with no family living in Israel, others have been shunned by family who do not believe they should be in IDF service, like some of the religious sects, or even Christian Arabs.  That's why the ARC is renovating a Lone Soldier's residence by the sea of Galilee for their use. See Lone Soldier's Warm House - Upper Room, and consider a donation to help. Also learn more about the  Altar of Prayer, and VERTICAL team 

If you missed the Passover Global Communion with Revive Israel Asher Intrater and David Demian of Watchmen for the Nations, you can still watch on Revive's Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. Also, please download the free Passover e-BOOK to learn what unique and historic moment occurred at the 2020 Global Passover and Last Supper alignment. Part of becoming "one new man" in Messiah is ACTUAL & REAL TIME alignment for prayer and communion is strategic times, or as the Bible calls them "moed" —the Divinely appointed times of God's Feasts (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles). They are commanded of Israel, but they are also strategic to the making of twain, one new man in Messiah.

At the City of Life congregation in Sderot, Michael Beener reports they did a large distribution of food vouchers, plus gifts of Matzot (unleavened bread) and local wine so Elders And Holocaust Survivors Were Able To Celebrate Passover. Others who couldn't get to their building, the City of Life team went to their homes to distribute the much welcomed gifts. To be elderly and without means on such holidays no matter what brave face one puts on it, is depressing. One feels forgotten. These acts of lovingkindness are great in the sight of the LORD. Learn more about the Compassionate Outreach Projects that City of Life are doing in a battered and poor city and consider partnering with them in the work.

From Nazareth where Yeshua began his public ministry, Christian Arab Rania Sayegh of the HOPE, House of Prayer & Exploits wishes Passover & Resurrection blessings to all. She relates a vision she had on the Eve of Passover of "the Angel of Awakening over the nations and Israel." The angel had a big trumpet and as he sounded it a release of the winds of the Spirit came from the 4 corners of the earth, blowing a layer of dust off of Israel and the nations. "The Lord explained to me (Rania) that this angel is an angel of awakening. The dust was to remove the spirit of death that is trying to cover the nations and set His people free in this Passover season. It is God’s decree over His people, “Let my people go!” Please pray into this vision with us so that God will release the Angel of Awakening!  read Isaiah 25:6-9 
                Also Rania reports that 2 Muslim women who came to clean up after renovations of the HOPE Guesthouse and Prayer House, came to faith after she shared the Gospel with them and prayed of 3 healing miracles. She is continuing to disciple them and the HOPE team is this is just the tiny firstfruits of the harvest to be released.  [DD: I had never thought of it before, but when Paul says that "all Israel shall be saved" in our day "all Israel" includes many Israeli Arabs. What a blessing to see this is an even wider promise than I originally believed!]  We also wanted to invite you to sow a Passover/Resurrection gift into HOPE's New Building Project.  Plus a vision to release the sound of Arabic worship from the mountains of Israel and including the harp in worship. We are therefore planning to take 8-10 young people from our worship teams to a Harps Workshop in Jerusalem..

Ron Cantor of Messiah's Mandate reports that they had $10,000 to bless Holocaust Survivors struggling during the COVID lockdowns in Israel—and generous donors gave. "We were able to organize some special excursions to biblical sites along with 14 Passover Seders, with almost 200 Holocaust Survivors! These Holocaust Survivors were so excited to be able to participate in the these events. Today, Israel is in the midst of Holocaust Memorial Day: "It is one of the saddest days of the year, as all TV broadcasts focus on the Holocaust—movies, interviews, and more. There will be memorial services all throughout the country." It is not too late to send a donation gift to Bless Holocaust Survivors

Carolyn and Richard Hyde of Heart of G-d ministries writes that the Hebrew word "hapalah" is used for both miscarriage and abortion. It is another indication why there is no stigma against abortion in Israel, which is not to say that people who get abortions do not suffer the consequences in their innermost being for this sin. Whatever society may say about any sin, God has given every human being an innate awareness of what is sin. We may suppress it, ignore it, we may harden ourselves to acknowledging it, we may lose all sensitivity to conscience, but it is still inside us to know because God put that in us.  That is why the Tree of Life Israel Media Team's pro-life campaign is stirring up such response. Carolyn and Richard are involved in the effort, seeing how their two sons are integral leaders in the Tree of Life.  In this effort, which is also aimed at sharing the Gospel, they are working with the Be'ad Chaim pro-Life organization, who counsel and help those women who are referred to them. It is not just helping them through the decision not to abort, but it is also making a way for them to have their babies—the support level is a completely different approach from what we see in the US. Such a worthy effort from everyone mentioned in this paragraph.
                Also Carolyn is doing a worship/prayer watch with the ARC Altar of Prayer, AOP, each Wednesday from 3-6PM Israeli time to worship and pray for Aliyah. Please join me on Zoom at any point during that time or join any other watch as Adonai leads and if you're in the Galilee, come and join me at our home!  DAY 4 WATCH and the Israeli flag below for the 8th watch from 3-6PM Israeli time. I sensed that Adonai wanted me to place my computer on the ledge of our balcony and let intercessors proclaim Scripture and prophetic words over the Galilee - what a joy!

From Tikkun Global Ron Cantor points out that the "angel of death" in the Passover story in Exodus 12:23, is actually "the destroyer." Those who had the blood on the doorposts were shielded by God from the destroyer who also "wreaks havoc on the world, except... he cannot touch those with God’s seal—those covered by Yeshua’s blood—the perfect Lamb of God." [DD, this is the same as in God's love letter to Israel, Isaiah 54. In verse 15-17, God again identifies the destroyer —the blacksmith that brings forth weapons for his work of destroying. But God says it is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord, that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn." Weapons may form, but God has given us protection, just as in the Passover in Egypt long ago.

Some wonderful articles from Tikkun Global include Marty Shoub's excellent How Long?, Asher Intrater's Three Dimensional Meaning of Passover, Eitan Shishkoff's Wrestling With Tisha B’Av, and two from Dan Juster: Calendar Confusion | The News Media.

Finally, and I hope this reaches you in time to watch the live Holocaust Remembrance event from the Aliyah Return Center. At 7Pm Israel time, we will hear from Chaim Malespin,  and hear firsthand accounts of a WWII hero. The premiere will be aired Thursday, April 8th at 7 PM IST.  Click to watch the premiere LIVE.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer the Israeli believers who are fighting for their lives or other urgent health needs: 

Pray for the Silvers: David's knees and Josie's back pain | Rachel Netanel  who is recovering from a broken ankle. She asks prayers for healing and for the pain to subside.  Living in a home with lots of stairs makes it all the more difficult| A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed recently with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words| Ronit Bender wrote, I am feeling pretty good, but do have trouble climbing stairs and walking is getting tougher for me because of my heart situation. My cardiologist was changed by my health provider. He is very unpleasant and I want a new one. | Rachel Netanel wrote, Please pray for me as well. I have very high blood pressure and the doctors have sent me to have a number of tests. The results won’t come for a while but please pray that all will be well. I do have peace in Yeshua. | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Olga Bikas is slowly recovering from a broken ankle (after her back surgery!) The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical exercises. Please keep praying for Olga

Donna Diorio, November 10, 2020 or
THANK YOU to those who support this ministry with donations.
Donations appreciated | on PayPal
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status. 


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Counting the Omer | Arrows from Zion | 4 1 2021


According to the Torah, no grain or produce from the new year's crops could be used or eaten until the first omer of grain to ripen was harvested and brought to the Temple. Barley is the first crop to ripen in Israel, so the omer was always a barley sheaf. The harvest ritual of gathering this barley omer was for a special first fruits offering to the LORD. The Hebrew word for sheaf is omer

First Fruits
Learn more in this article on Counting the Omer
by Guy Cohen, who leads the Acco congregation Harvest of Asher.

Today (written on March 29th) is the first day of a fifty day period called the Counting of the Omer; ending on the fiftieth day with the festival of Shavuot. It is the period between Passover and Shavuot, beginning on the second day of Passover.
     We read in Deuteronomy 16:9-12 and Leviticus 23:10-16 where God instructs the nation of Israel to bring a wave offering of a sheaf of grain which represented the first fruits of the harvest; to the temple. During Yeshua's time the barley grain would be gathered from the area around Jericho.
     The counting continued until Shavout, also known as the Feast of Weeks which  marks the wheat harvest. It is when an offering of the first fruits of wheat would be made. Shavuot also represents the time of the giving of the Torah to the Israelites on Mount Sinai. In addition Pentecost falls on the day of Shavout marking when the prophecy in Joel 2:28-30 came to pass as accounted in Acts 2.
     If we believe that the Torah is the shadow of things to come; we cannot put the Torah aside. Yeshua is the Omer; the firstfruits of them that slept. 1 Corinthians 15:20 The Hebrew calendar is followed even today in Judaism for the marking of biblical festivals. Accordingly, today would then be the day Yeshua rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of the Father.
     Now we understand the times even though there are still those who remain in unbelief until seeing with their own eyes; as it was even when Yeshua walked before them in the physical. We have this promise as written in Acts 2:22-24; given on the day of Pentecost.

     22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Yeshua of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know— 23 Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; 24 whom God raised up, having loosed the  pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it.

     Even now, death is what man mostly fears. However if we believe Yeshua defeated death and that this life is temporary; if we live in Him, we will not fear. We should be living differently because we are called to initiate change. Even though we are living outside of the box and that is difficult for people to accept, that's is how it should be; Yeshua operating in all aspects of our lives. Our mindset should be one that is apart from that of the group or the worldview.
     Believers are facing a time of shifting gears; going in a direction where we may need to change our thinking.

Guy Cohen, leads Katzir Asher, The Harvest of Asher Congregation in Akko  
Harvest of Asher is a daughter congregation of Tents of Mercy and part of the Tikkun Global family. Donations: at Tikkun Global or see complete info on the Harvest of Asher website.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

The new Revive Israel Website is up and running with articles, videos of worship, teaching & more. Here is one example Passover Teaching Series by Asher Intrater.  If you missed the Global Communion | Celebrating Passover April 1, watch it now on the Revive our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.  Also, free PDF download Passover e-BOOK | Passover: Past Present Future: " This book is designed to share the story of a unique, historic moment at the 2020 Global Passover and Last Supper alignment."

David and Josie Silver's Out of Zion Ministries sends David's Latest Video Update, a compilation of news reports to guide you as you pray for Israel & the Jewish people for the week ending  March 26th. Also their son, Stefan, in pastoral ministry with Kerem-El, God's Vineyard, offers a Passover Comment about what 'Passover' really means.  (subscribe to their newsletters here)

A note of thanks from Avi and Hannah Tekel at Ohalai Rachamim, Tents of Mercy, as they were able to provide 900 bags of food to residents of Kiryat Yam, the city they serve in northern Israel. They send this short VIDEO recap of some of what they rightly call "holy work" they were able to accomplish over the past two weeks because of the generosity of the believers in the nation standing with them in the work.

Avner Boskey looks at Moses, Passover – the waters of death and the waters of life.  "This year let’s consider the redemptive role of water in the Exodus story. Both death and life are bound up in the waters of Egypt." Read it online at David's Tent.

Gilad Rosinger sends a way for you to catch up with their latest Global Shabbat Prayer Call on YouTube or Facebook.  Join them for the daily 8 Day Prophetic Journey Through Passover on Radiant Israel Facebook page.

Our friend Norma Sarvis in Jerusalem has a blog called  From this Mountain. For many years Norma has served the body in Israel making special impact on the youth in all her years with Katzir (Harvest) youth camps, also in women's leadership, and of course in prophetic intercession in Jerusalem. Her spiritual insights are deep and her love for her people is as well. Read her Passover blog post: throughout your generations

The Aliyah Return Center's Chaim Malespin is preparing for the future with great optimism as he sends an invitation to join their Sep 20 - Oct 10, 2021 Holy Land Restoration Tour.  Watch this short promo video.  To learn more about the tour, what's included in the price and to REGISTER click here. If you have any further questions, please email

Israel Pochtar pastors the Beit Hallel congregation in Ashdod and the Voice of Judah Israel outreach ministries. Pochtar is so effective that he is a top target of frequent religious persecution - but that is not what you usually hear about from him because he is busy pressing into God's calling on his life. Here is the continuation of Israel's video teaching series The Essence of Passover Part 4 & Part 5. Also an article Returning to the Biblical Roots of Passover. Last weekend they did a Passover outreach, pray for the seeds planted to burst forth with new life.  Learn more by downloading the latest Voice of Judah Ministries PDF newsletter.

Messiah's Mandate Ron Cantor did a VIDEO with Joel C. Rosenberg, NY TIMES bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of We discussed a wide range of topics. Plus another short devotion on the funniest thing about Passover. Ron writes, " e are reaching Israelis with the message of Yeshua the Messiah though our all-Hebrew digital TV Channel" —ShelanuTV. "Your gift will help us reach many more... it really is that simple."

Dan Juster, a founder of the Tikkun organization whose personal ministry is called Restoration from Zion (Tikkun from Zion), is a Bible scholar, deep thinker and a Spirit-filled theologian able to apply understanding of the Word of God to the issues we face in the world today. Two of his recent articles Howard Zinn’s, People’s History of the United States which he says is being used widely in American high schools and "would explain the anti-American slant of many young adults today."  Also CANCEL CULTURE, Will the Bible Be Canceled? It would be hard for me to name a spiritual commentator that is better on getting to where the roots of our issues lie. You can follow Dan's Facebook page or sign up for the monthly prayer and ministry email at the website

Orna Grinman, is also a woman who ministers with deep insight into healing the wounds of "widows and orphans" which she has learned through her study of the Tabernacle. Her blog writing often touches places in my own heart so I can highly recommend her latest, The Lessons of History. Here she notes that rabbinical Judaism almost completely ignores the Biblical focal point of Passover: the slaughtered lamb and God’s mighty Arm.
Hasdey Yeshua in Arad, sends a short inspirational teaching on Passover by elder Joe Finkelstein. Also news that they are have a "backs are to the Red Sea and Pharaoh is coming." Demands on the new rental agreement on their warehouse which is used for many of their congregational meetings and needs, is "a bit like making bricks without straw" —unreasonable demands. Please pray for them, that God will help them in renegotiating a new contract. Also the very sad predicament of one of the Bedouin people they have been ministering to in a pretty horribly unique situation. Suffice to say, God has an answer, and this person needs it desperately. Also they write about congregants who are "Trail Angels" for hikers who do an over 600 mile hike through Israel over 2 or 3 months.  God has divine appointments for these young people usually ranging from 18 to 24 years old. Also the congregation is looking forward to being able to resume face-to-face outdoor services.

The weekly prayer points from Maoz ministries often cover issues that are unusual (but solid!). That's the case this week as Shani talks about the praying for the vulnerable that are often not easily recognized as vulnerable —she calls them "the creatives" and they are on her heart because of their work with the worship musicians of Israel. As a writer who used to be connected to the music world, I know she is on to something as there is a vulnerability in the creative arts that hidden in the shadow of creative gifts. Shani writes, "Working with creatives for years, we’ve found the more gifted and impactful they are, the more prone they are to having significant struggles in some area of their life and the more likely they are to be a target for attacks from the enemy."  I love all of what she has written here including this advice: Speak to Your shepherds so they will know how much pressure is too much for the creatives in their congregation. The creative spotlight is a very influential, powerful, and thus vulnerable place to be. Don’t send them out there alone. If they are to live in the spotlight whether locally or globally, raise up a support group of friends, family and prayer warriors around them so they will not have to fight alone.

Maoz Shani also addresses the Arab party Ra'am that chose to try to benefit their people rather than the terrorist groups in the last election. "Suddenly, this small party’s 4 seats could hold the keys to a 61-seat majority coalition"... and other issues surrounding Israel's 4th election in a little over a year. Also she shares new video of Shilo Ben Hod’s song “Before.”

Some sad news from Dov Bikas of the Aviv Ministry about the manager of their rehab center who stumbled and returned to drugs. They are sad he has stumbled and is now in an even worse state than he was before he came to them at first...but the rehab work continues and now has a new manager who is a mature believer and a former addict who has been clean for 10 years. When the former manager failed, half of their residents left the rehab. Dov says it was mostly those who weren't strong yet. Pray for the 7 out of 13 who remained. This work is hard on the emotions of the ministers who work with them. Anyone with an addict or two in your family knows how hard it is. Pray God will be with these men and those ministering to them. The outreach Aviv Center in Tel Aviv continues and more people are asking to be taken to rehabs. Pray for Eduard the Aviv Center's manager, who just recovered from Covid. Also pray for the Women's (and their children) shelter as lives are slowly being rebuilt. And also pray for Olga, Dov's wife, who is still in a slow recovery process. See more in the Urgent Health needs section below.

Ronit Bender is a people lover willing to used anywhere and anytime God wants someone's life to be touched with His kindness shed abroad in her heart. That makes her a real people magnet —even for the difficult people who don't easily warm up to the kindness of others. Writing this month she encourages us all just to smile at people as we are walking through our daily lives because it is a door opener. Everyone likes to be validated by being recognized and nothing does that like a smile. Ronit writes of the Divine encounters she has had lately and invites you to write her with the kind of appointments God is giving you.  It sounds like Ronit is really enjoying being out and about again as Covid restrictions in Israel have eased up considerably.

A post from Fields of Wheat showed the setting where 50 teens would be arriving for a 1-day mini camp as the Katzir (Harvest) camps are finally able to meet again after being shut down completely for over a year. There is still now sleeping on site and it is restricted to 50 in an outdoor gathering, but they are excited for time together in fellowship again. Pray for the teens, as teens all over, including Israeli teens, have been so impacted by the isolation of Covid restrictions. Pray for great breakthroughs as the Katzir camps are again able to function again in ministry to them.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer the Israeli believers who are fighting for their lives or other urgent health needs: 

Pray for the Silvers: David's knees and Josie's back pain | Rachel Netanel  who is recovering from a broken ankle. She asks prayers for healing and for the pain to subside.  Living in a home with lots of stairs makes it all the more difficult| A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed recently with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words| Ronit Bender wrote, I am feeling pretty good, but do have trouble climbing stairs and walking is getting tougher for me because of my heart situation. My cardiologist was changed by my health provider. He is very unpleasant and I want a new one. | Rachel Netanel wrote, Please pray for me as well. I have very high blood pressure and the doctors have sent me to have a number of tests. The results won’t come for a while but please pray that all will be well. I do have peace in Yeshua. | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Olga Bikas is slowly recovering from a broken ankle (after her back surgery!) The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical exercises. Please keep praying for Olga

Donna Diorio, November 10, 2020 or
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