Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Messianic Movement Arrows from Zion 1/8/2020

Rene Bloch, Paul Wilbur & Mark Chopinsky
Pictured is Israel's Hope in 1988 at the first Messianic Jewish conference held in
Jerusalem in 1900 years! It is a great story in itself by Shira Sorko Ram which
you can read about here. I found it in search of a historical picture of the
Messianic Movement to illustrate an important article by Avner Boskey who takes
an unflinching assessment of where the movement has been in the past and as
steadfastly, the challenges that lie ahead.

by Avner Boskey 

The Book of Judges describes Jewish history at that time as repeating cycles of forty years (Judges 3:11; 5:31; 8:28; 13:1). This newsletter considers some of the major seasons in the Messianic Jewish movement over the past 50 years. There is room for praise to God here, as well as opportunity for thoughtful consideration. What are the fast-moving challenges confronting both the Messianic Jewish movement and the larger Jewish world community?

From Hebrew-Christian to Messianic Jewish | During the first part of the 20th century Jewish believers in Jesus basically had only one place to go for fellowship – the denominational and non-Jewish churches. For Jewish believers these churches ended up being agents of ethnic and cultural assimilation. Within the span of one generation many children of Jewish believers no longer saw themselves as Jews and no longer participated in the wider Jewish community.

The healthy desire for Jewish believers to meet with other Jews presented a unique challenge. And churches were not necessarily a safe place for Jews and Jewish identity. The wraith of anti-Semitism lurked just below the surface among many Gentile Christians. The terms ‘Jew’ and ‘Jewish’ were suspect. ‘Judaizing’ was used as a curse used to describe any continuing link between Jewish people and their culture, lifestyle and traditions. The stopgap solution was the establishment of small fellowship groups with a Jewish emphasis. Jewish believers in Jesus didn’t call their meetings ‘Jewish.’ The safer term of self-definition was ‘Hebrew Christian.’ The concept of a Jewish congregation scared many Hebrew Christians. It met with strong disapproval from most Gentile Christians as well.

Were these Hebrew-Christian fellowships simply the last whistle stop on the train to assimilation? How would a visible and healthy Jewish community of faith come into existence, and how would that torch be passed to the next generation?

Two earthquakes shaped the answer to these questions. The first was the Holocaust, where murderous anti-Semitism had a Christian-looking face and where the world turned a cold shoulder to Jewish survival. The birth of the State of Israel out of the ashes of Auschwitz put the Jewish nation back on the stage of international history. Jews now had a national focus and their own homeland. This renaissance triggered awareness of the Bible’s prophetic promises about Israel’s restoration.

The second earthquake was the Six Day War in June 1967. Israel defeated five Arab enemy armies and restored Jewish control to the mountains of Israel and the united city of Jerusalem.  The Jewish ‘David’ had defeated the Arab ‘Goliath.’ The shock waves of Jewish survival and victory injected a new dignity and joy to Jews worldwide, including to Jewish believers in Jesus.

Within seven years of 1967 a new wave of Jewish leadership took the helm of the Hebrew-Christian movement. The new name ‘Messianic Jewish’ replaced the older terminology. A bolder use of Jewish cultural expression quickly found its feet. Most of these new leaders were Charismatic in theology and practice, and had come out of the hippie movement and the Jesus revolution. They had a vision for revival and for fulfilling the great Commission in their generation. Bold evangelistic outreach and street witness was also part of this new Jewish movement. Messianic music (a blend of folk-rock, klezmer and cantorial) exploded across the airwaves. And some Messianic leaders began to build Messianic Jewish congregations.

A developing middle-class movement | The original Hebrew-Christian fellowships were plucky little groups. Many of the participants had been broken on the wheels of life in their journey to Yeshua. “For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong” (1 Corinthians 1:26-27). But now, the new leaders of the fledgling Messianic movement wanted their congregations to be more ‘normal,’ more middle of the road. They wanted the social composition of their members to mirror the larger Jewish community – more upwardly mobile professionals, more emotional stability, more Jewish families, etc.

As the movement grew, congregational buildings were purchased and educational frameworks were established. And the revolutionary hippie roots of some Messianic Jewish leaders gradually transformed. New benchmarks for success were set. Rather than Neil Young’s cry in his hit ‘Ohio’ (“We can change the world, re-arrange the world” – released in June 1970 after the Kent State shootings), the zeal of the radical was giving way to the complacency of the bourgeoisie.

And the same social dynamics which saw dropping attendance and observance in Reform and Conservative Judaisms began to affect the Messianic movement. Within twenty years the majority of attendees at Messianic congregations had become non-Jews. The Messianic Jewish movement was moving from a radical adolescence to a contented adulthood. The radical vision of its founders was being assimilated into the American melting pot. The Messianic Jewish movement could no longer be accurately called ‘a Jewish people-movement.’

Zionist or pro-Zionist? | An Israeli acquaintance once described for me the difference between Zionists and pro-Zionists. Zionists move to Israel, he said, while pro-Zionists send money. The Messianic Jewish movement (like most Western Jews) has tended to lean toward pro-Zionism. It is easier to be pro-Israel that to move to Israel. Life in Israel is challenging on many levels. Sometimes there are even legal difficulties inhibiting Messianic Jews from immigrating to the Jewish state.

* The general attitude of the Messianic Jewish movement is warm and friendly to Israel, but the majority of Jews in the Messianic movement have not voted with their feet in terms of ‘making aliyah’ – returning to their Promised Land. The rooting of Messianic Jewish identity in the Exile is a firecracker with a long fuse. As goes the Western world in its attitude to the Jewish people, so will go the future of the Messianic Jewish movement in the Diaspora.

The grandchildren of Orthodox Judaism | The famous Pentecostal spokesman David du Plessis used to say, “God has no grandchildren.” By this he meant that religious belief and life are not automatically passed on to the next generation. A personal and life-changing encounter with the God of Israel is foundational to the process.

Most of the grandparents of the new Messianic leaders been Orthodox Jews. These grandparents had become non-observant or less traditional after leaving the ghettos of Europe. The new Messianic leaders for the most part had little first-hand knowledge of their grandparents’ religion. Ironically, secular Jews (who also knew little of Orthodox Judaism) often accuse Messianic Jews, faulting them for believing in Yeshua: “If you had only known real Judaism (ed. meaning Orthodox Judaism), you would never have embraced Yeshua!”

This rejection has struck deep into the hearts of Messianic Jewish leaders. Some said, “Perhaps if we learn more about Orthodox Judaism – even become more Orthodox in our lifestyle and faith expression – then we will be accepted by the larger Jewish community.” So the fruit of rejection incrementally began to permeate the Messianic Jewish community. Some leaders began to study Orthodoxy and to move their congregations into a warmer embrace of rabbinic liturgy.

These dynamics helped birth two theological emphases. The first now taught that Messianic Jews are under the Mosaic Torah, and that Jewish identity is primarily manifested in rabbinic and Orthodox ways. This viewpoint is held by significant minorities within the Messianic Jewish movement. The second viewpoint denigrates the deity of Messiah Yeshua. This second view is trumpeted by a very miniscule stream on the outskirts of the Messianic Jewish movement.

* The recovery and re-creation of a healthy and biblically sound Messianic Jewish identity remains a challenge. Its expression in the Jewish state will also look different from Diaspora Messianic Jewish expressions seen so far. Pray with us about these issues!

Responding to the tidal wave of anti-Semitism | German Jews and French Jews at the turn of the 20th century believed that the future of their Jewish communities was bright. There were up to 100,000 Hebrew-Christians walking the streets of Europe in those days. But the demonic genie of anti-Semitism had escaped from Pandora’s Box, and the writing was on the wall. From the pogroms of Eastern Europe to the Dreyfus riots in Paris, the marching of leather jackboots was echoing from Munich to Moscow. Most Jews hoped and prayed that this dark night would soon pass, but most could barely imagine the malevolence of the Holocaust spirit climbing up out of the abyss.

* Europe’s Jews were trapped and slaughtered while the majority of the Western world yawned about Israel’s fate. Most Christians and Jews were painfully unprepared for these events. A biblical perspective was missing regarding the demonic roots of anti-Semitism, the Last Days international consortium resolved to annihilate the Jewish people, and the prophetic closing down of the Jewish diaspora. Today the same is true for the majority of both Jews and Christians.

Where is it safest for the Jewish people? | If the Israel Defense Forces had been around in the days of Hitler, it is possible that the Nazi High Command would have had to face the cold steel of Israel Air Force bombs. But the State of Israel came into being only after the close of WWII. Jews were not safe in most countries of the world in those days. Today anti-Semitism is becoming a global epidemic. Headlines are crowded with news about the rise of physical attacks on Jews in the Diaspora from both white supremacists and black racists. Jihadi forces are targeting the Jewish state and Jews everywhere. Safety for the Jewish people is at a premium in many nations today.

* Preparing a hiding place for the Jewish people (like that prepared by Corrie ten Boom and her family in WWII Netherlands) is once again becoming a reality and a prophetic challenge for believers worldwide. Let’s remember that gale-force winds are sweeping into every country across the globe, including the Jewish state. The only safe place to be is where God tells you to be!

When the going gets tough | A football coach for the Corpus Christi Green Hornets was the first (1953) to say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” This pro-active approach to threats and challenges is encouraging for us as well. The rising triple threats of a reborn jihadi spirit, a reborn Nazi spirit and a resurgent leftist hatred of the Jews and their state – all must be confronted with pro-activity. God is certainly not at a loss for words nor at a loss for divine strategies in dealing with these hellish schemes. We who follow the Lord of Armies need to listen up and shape up for the challenges.

Ezekiel’s army | God’s End of Days strategy brings the Jewish nation back to their Promised Land. It is the Holy Spirit drawing the children of Jacob back, yet the majority of Israel’s Jews are not yet filled with the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 37). The day is soon coming when God’s Spirit will fill the Jewish people in Israel with spiritual life. He will cause them to rise up and stand on their feet. The prophet describes them turning into an “exceedingly great army” (Ezekiel 37:10).

* As things get worse in the world, as times get tougher both for Messianic Jews and for the larger Jewish community, our prayers rise to center stage for God to visit Israel with His protection, provision and salvation

How should we then pray?
   Pray for God to pour a renewed vision and zeal on the world leadership of the Messianic Jewish movement
   Pray for the God of Jacob to reveal His Last Days strategy for Israel to many throughout the earth
   Pray for the spirit of grace and supplications to be poured out on the Jewish people
   Pray for the raising up of Ezekiel’s prophetic Jewish army

by Avner Boskey Beer Sheva 

Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.

Arrows from Zion 
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Fitting that the first ministry letter up this week is from Marc Chopinsky's son, Eli Ben Moshe who is carrying on his father's legacy to produce the worship artists of Israel from the very "Future Vision" recording facility Marc built and Eli probably learned most of his chops in. (pun intended). Eli is sharing new worship music from his ASHIRA (I Will Sing) productions: Eli Haitov's first music video and a new lyric video for Daniel Borok's single “God's Love”, we also just released a new music video for Dana Miller's "You Are Holy", from her debut EP.

ALSO, Eli, representing his wife Vanessa and his mother, Leah, wife of the late Marc Chopinsky continue on as emissaries of the Tikkun Israel family. You can support the great work that Eli is doing in the studio through the Tikkun donation page for them:

Dani & LuAnne Sayag, who started the Kerem-El congregation 10 years ago, are now transitioning out of the leadership there to devote themselves to their leadership in the mother congregation, Kehilat HaCarmel. They have been operating as the senior leaders of both congregations since the passing of David Davis a few years ago. Now they are handing the full leadership role at Kerem-El over to Yonatan and Stefan and Keren Silver. That is the big news news in the Kerem-El ministry letter, but there is also much news of their activities during the recent holidays, especially with the traditional "holiday of holidays" the city of Haifa puts on when they do major outreach on the street festivities. Also they held a Testimonies night in December for members and one of our favorite people, Ronit Bender was one of those who shared God's goodness in their lives. Kerem-El asks special prayers be made for their children and children's ministry, for wisdom for the new senior leadership, and finances for their 2020 ministry.

Chuck Cohen of the Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem group sends the Friday Prayer Points 1-3-2020. He, like 100% of the Israeli ministries we've heard from, is thankful and praising God "One of Israel's most dangerous enemy leader was eliminated yesterday by a USA drone strike on Bagdad's airport. General Qassim Solemani was the Iranian head of its IRGC division that spreads terror worldwide and has been very active in Syria near Israel recently." Read the full Friday prayer points online, and be advised that their Jan 20-27, 2020 IFI prayer conference will commence in just a couple of weeks.

Revive Israel sends this good word from Asher Intrater Two-Word Prayer for Revival | Plus 2 VIDEOs, one Cody Archer Walking with God and his internvew with Mati Shohani  What's Happening to Israeli Messianic Jews?

Yariv Goldman updates us on the Hands of Mercy/Tents of Victory ministry in S'derot writing, " Due to the tragic effects of many years of relentless rocket-trauma, nearly all of the impoverished families we support suffer from post-trauma stress disorder. Among those supported, there are people with disabilities, elderly people with no local support networks and large families." This is who they are helping. These are the lost sheep of Israel and the team asks for your to pray for the individuals they are ministering to, and also to help by donations for their various ministry programs.

 Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center sends a video 2020 Kingdom Vision about “Resting in the Lord”. They plan to release another part of their strategy each week that God has given them for the year 2020 about what He wants to do in the Galilee of the Nations and for your nation.

Last week we could only supply a small about of the news that came in the ministry letter of Rania Sayegh of the Nazareth House of Prayer & Exploits (HOPE), but this week we have a link to the whole letter Dec 2019 full of exciting and encouraging activities. Rania is a Christian Arab intercessor who is linked with many of the Messianic Jewish women in Israeli ministry, and elsewhere.  You will be blessed to follow all that they are doing in the Land.

In S'derot, a ministry that gets its name (City of Life) as God's response to Hamas declaring S'derot is "the city of the dead." There is no doubt about it: S'derot is a traumatized population. How could it not be since it is the "Bomb Shelter Capital of the World!" But Michael and Dina Beener of the City of Life are speaking Yeshua's life over the city population and ministering to so many there in a multitude of practical and spiritual ways. They write about the Hanukkah party for children of the city that they put on because they wanted to give the children a respite of fun from, "The atmosphere is tense in our city because of the constant sirens sounding announcing bombings from Gaza, the fires produced by missiles or terrorist incendiary balloons or the new discoveries of terrorist tunnels...." They "invite you to be part of our ministry so that together we can bring hope to our border town of Sderot. Our work would not be possible without the help of partners like you."

Today I read a 2017 prophecy from an Australian about seeing lightenings all over Australia which many are relating to the fires going on there now and how it will cause a great spiritual awakening in Australia. This resonated with the email I received from Rick Ridings last week recalling his own vision about lightenings in the Middle East. These he related to the killing of Iranian terrorist-General Soleimani. Here is Ridings guide to praying in this very strategic season.

Claude and Michelle Ezagouri are the leaders of the Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias, who have an essential priority on prayer and worship in their congregation and outreaches. This emphasis on worship was recently granted leave to worship in the downtown area of their city for 3 days and they report a mighty presence of God was there. Because the area around Tiberias is heavily religious (like the area around Arad) there is much going on in this congregation that we just can't share because it is too sensitive. Still we want to urge you to pray for this ministry, and either connect with them directly if you want to know more, or see my Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries, which is also only by vetted subscription.

Tony and Orna Sperandeo lead the Kehilat Hamaayan in Kfar Saba. They put out a Year in Review in Pictures (which we were unable to share that many pictures, but supplied the text in the Weekly Summary. This is also a congregation that places a high emphasis on prayer along with all the other ministries going on within the Wellspring congregation and out to the their community. Their prayer points could easily be prayed over every single congregation in Israel:

Prayer points for 2020
·         The eyes and hearts of the people to be opened to God through Yeshua's love and Lordship.  (Rom. 11:26)
·         Wisdom and direction for our elders and leadership to fulfill their calling within our congregation (1 Tim. 2:2)
·         The members of our congregation, to be prepared to minister to all the seekers God is drawing to our meetings. (Luke 10:2)
·         The new believers to grow in their faith. (Heb. 6:1)
·         God to provide more partners to join with us in fulfilling our call here in Israel through prayer and finances. (2 Cor.9:8)
·         For us to continue to develop a good relationship with our city government. (Psalm 22:28)
·         For righteousness to be the standard in our city, and for corruption to be exposed.
(Proverbs 29:2)
Israel and the Government
·         That the historic third election in Israel will result in a strong mandate to form a government that will be led by righteous leaders, honoring the God of Israel and His Word. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
·         For God's protection over our soldiers, as well as the civilians of Israel. (Zech. 2:8)

Joel Jelski is a Tikkun Emmissary who ministers for Fields of Wheat in the Haifa area, with Eitan Shishkoff. His ministry work is varied, one part working alongside David in the Olive Tree Discipleship program. The last program ran from Tabernacles to Hanukkah with several firsts, Joel writes, including the first time women where in the program; first Arab participant and teachers, first outreach done in the Middle East, and finally for the first time there was no work-pay program, instead balancing work and "spiritual" content. Joel writes about what quality spiritual impact this was for all involved including one recently released from elite military service whose heart was completely transformed as he served Syrian refugees in Gaza. "He went from fantasizing (like a football player would about a game) about fighting in a war with Syrians or in Gaza, being filled with hate for them (he saw friends killed in attacks), to serving them and sharing the gospel to them and praying over them." What a mighty God we serve!

Once the Discipleship program was wrapped, Joel was off to lead the Katzir Hanukkah youth camp - also a first for him because he was thrust into his first solo flight because Eitan Shishkoff had to stay away due to battling the flu. Joel writes that even with the challenges of being tired, the camp was a blessing for himself and also his wife Teresa who " was able to be a girls' small group leader for the first time in over a year, something that was a huge blessing to her. She loves investing and spending time with teenage girls." Pray for this young family with a son as Joel is being spiritually fathered and even now stepping into the 'prime' of his ministry life in Israel.

Howard Bass of the Beer Sheva Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua's Inheritance) congregation writes about potential fallout from the Soleimani execution by the US but encourages believers that " Morning will come, but not before the night." Do not be frightened but trust God. "Our message is the gospel" and later Howard illustrates that in talking about an evening he and Randi spent with "Deans and professors from Emory have come to Israel to meet with not only graduates, but also officials from various Israeli universities, including BGU here in Beer Sheva.  What helped make the evening enjoyable for us was being open about who we are and what I do.  It led to some surprising conversations and questions.  One Israeli business woman of some high standing (an Emory graduate who actually returned home to Israel) said that it was refreshing for her that she could talk about something else other than business!  After a homosexual introduced his "partner" without any hesitation, I told Randi how important it was that we had done the same about our faith in Jesus.  What a shame it would have been to us with the Lord if we had held back out of some fear, while a homosexual was so open about his iniquity."

Howard also appeals for prayers for those who are fighting being exiled from Israel due to their faith in Yeshua.

(Donna: This is an ongoing battle for many believers already in Israel and finding closed doors to enter Israel as citizens. This is extremely serious prayer concern which is greatly impacted by who is in power, for instance a greater problem under Netanyahu as PM because of his political need to appease his religious allies. Because of how long he has been PM, there is no doubt about it that the power of the religious opposition against Jews of faith in Jesus has become greater and greater.)

Here are several articles by Howard: When Does The Day Begin? | Lamech, Amalek... | Jesus the Israeli Jew

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani, who remains after surgery locked in the place of non-communication. Pray the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva  | Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Olga Bikas has longstanding severe back pain. please keep praying for Olga. Sadly, she is not getting better and recently she has even felt worse for a period of time.

Please continue to pray for all the Israeli ministry leaders who contracted influenza after a conference | Pray for Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | Ronit Bender says my heart valve  is still leaking but my lungs are fine. I totally have peace about my health, although it is far from great.  I still appreciate prayer, as I need it. I am very grateful they let me travel in October and November both to Australia and Holland. Please continue to pray for Ronit

THANK YOU to those who have considered this ministry worthy of financial support.

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Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

20/20 in 2020 Arrows from Zion 1/1/2020

20/20 in 2020: The Bride at the Wall
by Donna Diorio

My first visit to Israel in 2003 was packed with many things that struck me as things God wanted me to see and keep in my heart. We had rented a car and driven all over Israel as if we had done it a million times. It was during the second intifada and we were well aware of the dangers because we had been praying over them. In fact, on our list of places to visit, we were going to sites where Israelis had lost their lives in terrorist bombings — some only a matter of weeks before. We wanted to say with visiting those places that despite the dangers involved, we were committed to Israel.

We met some people in neighborhoods which were still shaken by terrorist attacks only a couple of blocks from their homes. We were able to tell them, we are Christians who love Israel and we are with you. One young man in the German Colony especially was comforted to hear this, telling us that he didn't met many Christians who loved Israel. I was struck throughout that trip at how many Christians were staying in Israel but they were there just to support the Palestinians. Local cafes and pizza parlors being bombed by Palestinian terrorists but Christians were there to succor the Palestinians and were in fact hostile to Israeli Jews. Deceived Christians.

Israel seemed peaceful to us as we traveled up and down the nation on our own even though we knew there was danger lurking. Israelis were getting on with their lives and we were traveling around as if danger were not lurking at all. On the final day or so of that 2003 trip we did encounter the reality of danger in Israel. We had just gotten onto the old highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv but within a mile or so all the cars were stopped, people were outside their vehicles looking around suspiciously at people in the cars around them. There was no traffic coming on the Tel Aviv to Jerusalem side either but some emergency vehicles went by us all on the shoulder of the road. Then some cars began to drive backwards kind of fast on the shoulder. They would have to back up for a mile or more to get back to the freeway entry. I remember thinking smugly, "How impatient Israelis are!"

Later I realized, that was not impatience, that was fear. Because when the authorities finally re-opened the freeway for us to continue driving, and we got up to the place where the emergency vehicles were, it is then we saw the abandoned car and the robotic bomb zapper near it and all the law enforcement people standing around. Even having a car breakdown on the side of the road could demand the bomb squad be called out. That is a reality when there are people who want to kill you with access to do it.

I felt like God did not want me to go home with a false sense of the real dangers in Israel. This experience let me know that we cannot be so fearful that we stop coming to show our solidarity with them, but we can't live under the illusion that the trauma, pain and fear are not that real to most Israelis. It is a small nation, like a small town where everyone has a connection to someone who has been hurt or has died because of the demonic hatred against them.

Bet you didn't think my New Year's 2020 article would take this tone. I know I didn't. But the past few weeks have been sobering times with anti-Semitic hate crimes increasing at an unbelievable pace in the US; in Europe it has been for some time. Two days ago there was a shooting attack at a church that is less than an hour from where I live. It has focused me on the knowledge that we need to have 20/20 spiritual vision going into the new year of 2020. Yeshua said that
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." It is my goal for the new year and the new decade to have a purity of heart that allows me to see God, because I do believe we are going to need to be able to see God more than we ever have in past years. I expect the challenges to increase dramatically.

Which brings me to this picture that I took in 2003 of the bride at the Wall. It is a common thing for religious brides to go to the Wall in the Old City Jerusalem to have their pictures taken in their wedding dresses, but to me it is another thing that God wanted me to see in Israel. The white of the wedding dress is a symbol of purity and purity of heart is what the Bride of Messiah needs to make herself ready for His return. You know the prophetic scriptures of the Bride making herself ready — her garments are to be without spot or wrinkle.

Psalm 24:1-6 A Psalm of David | The King of Glory and His Kingdom

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.
For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not accepted falsehood, Nor swears in order to deceive.
He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face. Selah

I believe that part of the Bride making herself ready, is having the purity of heart to stand for all the "Jacobs" who are going to seek the face of Yeshua. To be ready with spiritual courage despite the foreseeable dangers. This is my aspiration for 2020, to have 20/20 spiritual vision in order to see what God is doing among His people, one new man in Messiah.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

DISCLAIMER: You need to understand that in no way do I despise Palestinians, but I would not go to hold up their arms in attacking Israeli Jews, or Jews anywhere. I also understand that many Palestinians and many Arabs across the Middle East and scattered in the world will one day receive Yeshua and be reconciled to God. When they also become reconciled to God's plans in having restored the nation of Israel in order to spiritually restore the Jewish people in their own Messiah, that is what I can support. One new man in Messiah also means Palestinians.

Delighted to hear from Christian Arab intercessor in Nazareth, Rania Sayegh of the House of Prayer & Exploits on her busy season of travel in Norway, Canada and the US, then home again to raise up prayer and fasting for the Isaiah 19 Highway nations of Egypt, Assyria and Israel. From there Rania gives an excellent report of what went on in the recent "Welcoming the King of Glory" (Avi Mizrachi leading the Messianic Jewish contingent at the urging of Pacific Rim believers who wanted to come up to Israel by invitation of the body of Messiah in Israel - in other words, in the correct spiritual protocol).

Rania's report is the truly encouraging and she also sends a video
Hundreds gathered for a Prophetic Act of repentance on Mount Precipice. This is where Yeshua's hometown folk rejected Him and wanted to throw him off the cliff after He read from Isaiah 61:1-3 (The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me...") and then told them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Rania writes that there was a spiritually historic repentance made and a welcoming of Yeshua back to His hometown of Nazareth. It is something she says she has prayed to see for at least the past 17 years. Watch the video is powerful. For all Rania's news connect directly with the ministry or read in the Weekly Summary if you have a subscription

Speaking of Avi Mizrachi we received an end of the year review of what has been going on at Dugit Messianic Outreach Ministries and the Anonai Roi congregation via "3+ minutes to watch my short video". Avi writes about how their new Prayer Tower is becoming a focal point for intercession & their new ministry offices are now on the same floor as the Prayer Tower. Their Distribution Center is on the ground floor making it easier for the disabled and needy to access it. The HaOgen evangelistic-oriented coffee house is engaging people about Yeshua's love and the congregation is growing. Learn more by visiting their website
Israel Pochtar sent word that about 170 Israelis took part in their Christmas outreach - which many are saying that Israelis are curious to know about. " It was a day filled with laughter, fellowship, food and fun as they learned more about Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. Revealing Yeshua through the feasts of Israel is a foundational strategy of the ministry to share Yeshua with Israelis. This is just one of many gospel outreaches we host each year. Won't you partner with us as revival spreads in the land of Israel?" There were treats, gifts but the greatest gift was the opportunity to explore the scriptures about the coming Messiah and prophecies about the birth of Jesus.

The #1 item in the Friday Prayer Points 12/27/2019 that Chuck Cohen sends out for Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem is a real jewel this week:  "This past week we have had a number of answers to our prayers. Israel is being soaked with rain and with snow in the higher elevations. Statistics for aliyah have shown that over the past decade more than 250,000 Jews have returned from over 150 nations! It has just been announced that Israel has developed a laser system, called Light Blade that will defend it against flying incendiary devices, like balloons and kites, as well as drones. Also Hamas just called off its weekly March of Return along the Gaza security fence at least until March. Finally, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu won the Likud leadership elections by a landslide. What a mighty God we serve!"

Asher Intrater's Revive Israel sends an article by Greta Mavro An Undivided Heart:  Part Two, 2 videos Guy Cohen featured in Orthodox Jew to Messianic Pastor and Asher speaking on God's Unrelenting Love. Also: Revive Israel is moving beyond reconciliation with Arab Christians to a deeper and more intimate level of cooperation. Learn more here. To be a part of what Revive is doing Consider giving today

Congratulations to new grandparents Avner and Rachel Boskey as their son Asaph and Andreea welcomed a little son into the world Dec 24th. Avner and Rachel Boskey delivered their own "baby" in the form of a new music video, All Hands on Deck. view-able now.  "The song is a rock-blues shuffle laying out the prophetic vision of the Ezekiel 37 army. It is available for digital download at and of course at Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, etc. Please feel free to share or post this link on your social media networks!  Please feel free to forward this e-mail to your friends!"

Chaim Malespin shares this Year in Review VIDEO for the Aliyah Return Center

And Orna Grinman's fascinating blog post is an interesting backgrounder on the Maccabees & Hannukah. Between Jerusalem and Athens "The Talmud says very little about Hannukah. Many historians believe that was done on purpose, since for centuries the story of the Maccabees was considered to be as soured wine. But then the Zionists thinkers brought Judah the Maccabee into the forefront of the collective Jewish recognition. From the feast of Latkes and the miracle of the cruse of oil, Hannukah turned into a celebration of heroism. The Jewish papers from that time report of Hannukah banquets, celebrating the spirit of heroism, calling for a modern version of a renewed independence in the land."

IStandwithIsrael from Maoz Ministries sends two articles about people they have been able to help in Oxana's home and Ethiopian Congregation. Also from their excellent prayer points email, I want to highlight this one in particular:
1. Praying for Israeli Laborers for a Spiritual Harvest: If it’s true the laborers of the harvest are few, in Israel, laborers who are both skilled in Israel’s language and culture as well as mature in character are fewer. Ministries all over the land of Israel are in need of qualified workers. Volunteers come from the outside and help in one way or another, but their visas are inevitably only good for a few months or years - and in Israel, it takes years to build anything.
    Father, I thank You that all things considered, there are few major divisions among believers in Israel. We ask that Your Kingdom and the Harvest would continue to be our priority above petty theological differences. Lord of all, raise up laborers within the Body in Israel. 
     For more, connect directly with the ministry or read in the Weekly Summary if you have a subscription

Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher congregation in Acco writes that they have been hosting groups from Holland, the United States and England who come to help working with Holocaust survivors, renovating a city youth center and other things Guy said "was a great witness to the city." Also, a youth pastor from England came speak into the lives of our young people, a young lady, who had left the faith, returned after many years. She heard the message and afterwards gave her heart to Yeshua. We want to reach many like her—and together we can! Together we can make a difference in the Holy Land. The Bible speaks about the end-times revival in Israel. It is going to happen! We are so grateful that you have chosen to be a part of it. Give to help

If you missed the Year End giving you can always start the year off right with a donation to Kehila News. Here are a couple of stories from Kehila God’s Unconditional Love Shared at the Holiday of Holidays by Violet Chemiker about the city-wide event in Haifa and Howard Bass' Jesus the Israeli Jew in response to the Palestinian claims that Jesus was a Palestinian and not only that, a Muslim prophet. (oy veh!)

Avi Tekle who leads the Ohalai Rachamim congregation in northern Kiryat Yam writes that the Deputy mayor awarded Tents of Mercy a certificate of thanks for our contributions to the local community. " We give glory and thanks to God for the wonderful opportunity to serve the people of our city and continue to strengthen connections with the local municipality. What a great testimony this is for Yeshua!" He writes that "it is thanks to your partnership that we have the resources to do this work. Your donations will help us get 2020 off to a strong start"

Jackie Santoro of Zion's Glory writes, "Although there is not much celebration of Christmas in Israel, it is a growing curiosity to most people. Israelis want to "see" is wonderful that every year, multitudes go to the Old City in Jerusalem to try and catch a glimpse of Christmas - by looking at the lights at various places or stopping by Christ Church where they hear traditional worship music being sung and played and feel the inspiration and the sheer awe of the season. Bibles are left on the table and it is reported that many hundreds are taken. There is no doubt that many seeds are planted on this night and I believe that God faithfully waters to bring about his harvest. May the Gospel take root among his people, this year more than any other!"

Jackie also writes about the rising anti-Semitic attacks in the US and increasing worldwide. She writes that Israeli President Rivlin encouraged Jews worldwide to return home, to Israel. "Please pray for Jews to consider returning to their ancestral homeland and choose to make aliyah in the days to come. These increasing attacks are a warning. The days are growing darker! May we be wise in these times."

Jackie also asks prayers as she prepares for a trip to the US in February - the first time she is traveling alone. Pray over her itinerary and all details of the trip to be the good plan of the Lord. "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us and let us not grow weary in well doing.  God is good and his plans and purposes for us are good!"

Praying the Headlines

From Tikkun Global CEO Ron Cantor: As of 8 AM on Dec 31, which Ron says is the "largest giving day" of the year, the GOD TV Matching Funds $50,000 challenge was up to $27,148 raised. That left $22,852 that could be doubled by giving before midnight. I hope the fund came in because how often do you get the opportunity to have your donation doubled in blessing to a ministry or in this case many ministries? The money is already designated to be used in Israel to help the ministries Tikkun supports to reach Israelis with the good news of Yeshua, feed the poor, host camps for young Messianic Jews, and so much more. Even if you missed the deadline, your donations are welcomed.

Here are a couple of articles by Tikkun ministers: Israel freezes bank accounts of terrorists’ families | By Ron Cantor and Is the Press Corrupt? | by Dan Juster

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Jacob Damkani, A Painting by Benjamin Bronstein

Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani, who remains after surgery locked in the place of non-communication. Pray the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva

Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Olga Bikas has longstanding severe back pain. please keep praying for Olga. Sadly, she is not getting better and recently she has even felt worse for a period of time.

Please continue to pray for all the Israeli ministry leaders who contracted influenza after a conference. This flu has been striking many in Israel, including Rachel Boskey, Shlomy Abramav and Eitan Shishkoff. Last week I reported that Shlomy had already recovered - I misread a photo and post I saw on Facebook - but Shlomy wrote and says he still needs prayer and that he was very sick. Please pray that God would break this flu season by sending health like a mighty rushing wind through Israel.

Pray for Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | Ronit Bender says my heart valve  is still leaking but my lungs are fine. I totally have peace about my health, although it is far from great.  I still appreciate prayer, as I need it. I am very grateful they let me travel in October and November both to Australia and Holland. Please continue to pray for Ronit

THANK YOU to those who have considered this ministry worthy of financial support.

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Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status.