Passover Progression:
From Exodus to Resurrection to One New Man
From Exodus to Resurrection to One New Man
by Donna Diorio
I watched the live
prayer for Israel that is from Ron Cantor and God TV and it really took my
breath away to realize that the evidence just keeps mounting that we REALLY ARE
in the times when the veil is being removed from Israel. You can watch the
Prayer Time that featured Ward Simpson of God TV, Mike Bickle, Michael Brown,
Paul Wilbur, Scott Volk, Stovall Weems & Ron Cantor.
The feeling I have after watching this, and a couple of other Zoom
prophetic & intercessory Passover gatherings this past week, is how Rhoda must
have felt in Acts 12:12-15. She was a servant girl who went to answer the door
when she heard knocking. Inside there was fervent prayer going on for Peter who
had been thrown in prison after James had been executed. When Rhoda went to
answer door and recognized Peter's voice, she was so overjoyed that she didn't
open the door but ran to tell the others Peter was at the door. Even though
they were praying fervently for God's intervention on Peter's behalf, they
couldn't fathom that God had one just that! Anyone besides me feeling like
Rhoda right now?
I'll bet that many are in the same boat: can't quite believe that we have
entered a major paradigm shift in the plan of God. There is so much about this
Passover season that is different from all the others. All Israel was put on
complete lockdown in their homes, families not allowed to gather as the
Passover is traditionally observed.
Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem noted that in Exodus 12:21: "No one shall go outside the door of his house until morning" was amazingly echoed in the Israeli PM Netanyahu's declaration, "On the evening of the Passover Seder it is forbidden to go out of your house.” This meant no family Passovers but there was a national Passover was aired over the Israeli TV.
Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem noted that in Exodus 12:21: "No one shall go outside the door of his house until morning" was amazingly echoed in the Israeli PM Netanyahu's declaration, "On the evening of the Passover Seder it is forbidden to go out of your house.” This meant no family Passovers but there was a national Passover was aired over the Israeli TV.
It is exciting to many of us watching the times unfold. As Ron Cantor
wrote recently, "Like many people, I have been reading through the Exodus
story afresh. I have long believed that the Exodus narrative was to Israel what
the Great Tribulation will be to the Church. Can we draw insight from Moses
that can help us today? I think yes."
This is my own sense of what I'm seeing. That there are three pivotal
periods in God's plan and Passover marks the progression point. First was the
Exodus from Egypt as God dealt primarily among the Jewish people. Then the
Passover of the Resurrection of the Lamb of God as God began to open the Door
of salvation to the whole world. Finally, I believe at Passover 2020, we have
entered the season of the One New Man in Messiah.
In this period going forward will see the veil over the Jewish people
increasingly lifted and at the same time, the veil that has blinded the Church
will be lifted and a great many will be able to see what they have not been
able to up to this time: That God's ultimate purpose is "to create in
Himself one new man out of the two (Jew and Gentile), thus making peace and
reconciling both of them to God in one body through the cross" of the
Messiah of Israel.
The reconciliation was accomplished in the Passover Cross and
Resurrection, but the manifestation of a true one new man unity between
Christians and Messianic Jews has been like Elijah's little cloud far off in
the distance barely discernible (1 Kings 18:34). In the scheme of things, far
more denomination Christians have understood God's love for Israel but few
charismatics were willing to see it. It has blinded them as the apostle Paul
warned against in Romans 11:17-18, and Romans 11:25-29. Many who are famous for
miracles are as yet still blind to the purposes of God in the Messianic Jewish
people - and by extension, Israel.
That is about to change. I believe it with all my heart. In fact, for the
first time ever I felt pressed in my spirit because of all of the rare
situations surrounding this Passover, to show a symbol of the Blood on the door
posts of my home. I did it as a
Christian bridging an almost 2,000 year chasm between the Passover of the
Gospels and the transition I sense we are going into at Passover 2020. The One
New Man Passover means the lifting of the veil over the Jewish people AND over
the many in the Church who still do not get it at all what God is doing here.
That is about to change and it is marvelous in my sight.
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
In her ministry letter Passover
2020, Jackie Santoro offers a view of Passover this year in Israel, one
which she had to spend alone in compliance with the government regulations to
keep families from spreading the corona virus among themselves at Passover. She
writes, "as a gesture of encouragement, there will be a national Seder
transmitted via television while others will do Zoom and join with family and
friends. It is also incredible to realize that this Passover, also just like
the very first one, we are celebrating it with a plague swirling around us.
Huddled in our homes so as not to be touched by the Covid 19, we will read the
ancient story and thank God for saving His people by having each family put the
blood of a lamb on their door post so the death angel would see the blood and
pass over. May this be the year that the nation of Israel will read the story
of the exodus and cry out to God for His deliverance once again. May a spirit
of revelation and wisdom fall upon the people and may their blind eyes be opened
so they would see the one they have pierced! May they see Yeshua, the true
Passover Lamb who alone can deliver and save them forever - not just from the
virus but from their sins! Come Lord in power on this night. It is truly
different from all other nights!"
Jackie continues, "The congregation, Ahavat Yeshua, is doing its
very best with Zoom meetings and personal contact as much as possible. Finances
are a significant issue of course with so many people out of work. The
leadership is endeavoring to provide financial assistance to those who are in
need. Because of your ongoing generosity, Zion's Glory was able to give an
extra donation to help. Please pray for the provision of God for each one in
this time."
Norma and Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem who we have not heard from for a
while also sent a Passover greeting commenting on the amazing things taking
place some 3465 years since the first Passover was observed in Egypt. "One
wonders when, since that first night, Pesach has ever been celebrated in this
way by so large a body of the Hebrew people.
And what is God doing, bringing His returned Covenant children into such
a Passover at this time? May the God of
Israel get His people’s attention! May
this be an evening in which His Holy Wind moves through the Land, causing veils
to fall off of Jewish eyes, releasing illumination and revelation about the prison
house of sin, about His redemption and release and freedom, about the deep true significance of the Blood
and the Unleavened Bread!"
Sarvis continues, " We thank God for the way Internet, Zoom, WhatApp and other electronic marvels are allowing us to be interconnected , both within Israel and around the world. We find ourselves being reminded that a house of worship and prayer is not necessarily a separate building. It may exist in a vast network spanning the globe; or it may be within our dwellings. Here in Jerusalem, since we are not allowed to walk more than 100 meters from our homes, the worship watches in the house of prayer are now being almost entirely carried out within our homes.... We are so glad that we may connect with each of You! That we may bless you, and pray God’s protection, courage, integrity over you! As we enter into this season of The Lamb, may the doorways of each of your dwellings be protected under the power of His Blood!"
Sarvis continues, " We thank God for the way Internet, Zoom, WhatApp and other electronic marvels are allowing us to be interconnected , both within Israel and around the world. We find ourselves being reminded that a house of worship and prayer is not necessarily a separate building. It may exist in a vast network spanning the globe; or it may be within our dwellings. Here in Jerusalem, since we are not allowed to walk more than 100 meters from our homes, the worship watches in the house of prayer are now being almost entirely carried out within our homes.... We are so glad that we may connect with each of You! That we may bless you, and pray God’s protection, courage, integrity over you! As we enter into this season of The Lamb, may the doorways of each of your dwellings be protected under the power of His Blood!"
The Maoz prayer letter was full of surprises, like how Ari & Shira's
son Ayal, from his nano-biotechnology company has developed a COVID-19 test
that gives results in 2 minutes and identifies the virus and the antibodies by
the frequency they give off. It is entirely digital and being tested in both
German and Israeli hospitals now. Ayal's company, Ram Group, will complete
trials in another week or two and be able to provide the solution to the
testing shortage. “Only God could’ve shown us how to do this,” Ayal said when
they identified the virus’ specific frequency, which is measured in Terahertz
(trillion vibrations a second)." Amen to that! Amazing! Pray for their
work and that God would open doors that no man can shut.
They also write, "There has been much improvement in the Haredi
(ultra-Orthodox) community’s adherence to the rules – as it turns out, in their
secluded world, many didn’t even know the seriousness of the matter. Still,
this week alone the police have shut down dozens if not hundreds of gatherings.
Israel’s Minister of Health, who tested positive this week, is also a Haredi,
and witnesses claimed to have seen him in crowded prayer gatherings in the
weeks following his contracting the illness. Many are angry, if this is true,
that he would disregard his own instructions and endanger the many government
leaders with whom he mingled daily. This issue has not helped the growing
hostility between secular and religious Jews." Pray for both groups to understand
Israel is one people and for opening their eyes to the righteousness that is
only in Yeshua.
Two other prayer requests, for Israel's economy and for UK PM Boris
Johnson in hospital for the virus. First, the economy of the whole world is
going to be shaken. We all must pray and seek God's face for this issue, and
press into a deeper trust the God is our provider "for richer or
poorer." Secondly on the UK PM Boris Johnson.
Donna: I want to share with your what I have learned: A British Messianic friend has alerted me to how it is most likely that UK PM Boris Johnson is being medically overseen by "Dr. W" at the stellar St Thomas hospital in London. After doing some research on the doctor, I learned that his specialties are in line with exactly the specialties necessary to treat the PM in ICU - but not only that, but the doctor is a Christian who belongs to the CMF, Christian Medical Fellowship whose motto is "Uniting & Equipping Christian Doctors & Nurses to Live & Speak for Jesus Christ." Hallelujah. Boris Johnson is a key ally in the international community for Israel. Even though his love for Israel does not spring from faith in Jesus, we believe God put him into office in the UK for such a time as this. Obviously, God has "Dr. W" positioned to care for him for such a time as this. Pray that God will grant him wisdom, clarity and the mind of Christ to administer treatment of Boris Johnson that will return him to health - and we pray the Holy Spirit be upon him for conviction to faith in Jesus' name.
Donna: I want to share with your what I have learned: A British Messianic friend has alerted me to how it is most likely that UK PM Boris Johnson is being medically overseen by "Dr. W" at the stellar St Thomas hospital in London. After doing some research on the doctor, I learned that his specialties are in line with exactly the specialties necessary to treat the PM in ICU - but not only that, but the doctor is a Christian who belongs to the CMF, Christian Medical Fellowship whose motto is "Uniting & Equipping Christian Doctors & Nurses to Live & Speak for Jesus Christ." Hallelujah. Boris Johnson is a key ally in the international community for Israel. Even though his love for Israel does not spring from faith in Jesus, we believe God put him into office in the UK for such a time as this. Obviously, God has "Dr. W" positioned to care for him for such a time as this. Pray that God will grant him wisdom, clarity and the mind of Christ to administer treatment of Boris Johnson that will return him to health - and we pray the Holy Spirit be upon him for conviction to faith in Jesus' name.
From the Tiferet Yeshua congregation led by Gil Afrait, Egypt and the Coronavirus: Coming through the Narrow
Place, where Gil shares how God is bringing His bride, the international ecclesia,
through a spiritual “Exodus from Egypt” during this time as well. Also Feed Tel Aviv during the Covid-19 Crisis
and an article by Victoria Trubeck Looking for Answers in the Wrong Places:
"Looking at my Instagram or Facebook feeds, it is clear that people are
frantic for answers and solutions: 'This is going to be over by Passover!' I
saw a video post which calculated the gematria values of the Hebrew word coronavirus and the Hebrew phrase after Passover to prove that the
coronavirus will be gone after Passover. As much as I found that post
ridiculous and humorous, it clearly shows how desperately we want to be able to
determine when this will end so that we can get back to our day to day lives."
Avner Bosky has written The Passover pattern " Passover actually happened. It was a real historical event. Real Hebrew slaves, real Egyptian bondage, and real Ten Plagues. ..God created Passover to be a highly significant time for the Jewish people." ALSO Here is a new Passover music video, Dayenu!
Guy Cohen in the Acco Harvest of Asher congregations writes in, The
One Whom We Have Pierced, "This Passover we once again find ourselves
in a place where each of us, families or individuals must remain in their own
home. The world is facing a new reality." The reading last Shabbat was
from Leviticus 6-8 speaking about the work of the priest in the temple and how
the priests are to be prepared "holy and acceptable" to come before
God. "Thanks to Yeshua’s sacrifice we, His followers are all priests
(Cohanim). As a result of His sacrifice we are clean, and we can come before
Him standing in the gap for the sins of our people." The haftarah reading was from Malachi where
he tells of the coming of Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Guy writes, "The Messianic body today
are the voice of Elijah, called to stand in the gap for the iniquities of the
people and to proclaim and represent our Messiah. That is our calling, to
intercede for our people."
The Carmel Congregation also sent their Passover Seder out by
video. They wrote, "This year’s Passover feels like an especially holy
time as millions face the reality of this current plague of the coronavirus. We
have all spent these past weeks without those things that usually occupy our
days. Clearly God is calling us to a deeper and more genuine relationship with
Him." They continue, "May
there be a fulfillment of the Lord’s promise as written in Zechariah 12: 10,12:
“I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the
Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they
have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and
they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn…. The
land will mourn, every family by itself." What a prophetic picture
Zechariah gives of the revelation of Yeshua to our people! It was at the
Passover Seder in Jerusalem that He shared the “last supper” with His disciples
and took the cup after the meal, saying, “This is the new covenant in My blood.
This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me” (1 Cor. 11:25). It is
written in Psalm 30 that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the
morning.” What a great rejoicing there
will be when our people receive Yeshua into their lives and truly acknowledge
that He is the King of Israel!"
Howard Bass in Beer Sheva's Yeshua's Inheritance congregations passes
along to us that "On Apr 13, Monday evening from 6:00, until Tuesday
evening at 6:00, the 14th, a national prayer and fast day has been called by
many Messianic and Arab pastors (by whatever other name) for the Body of
Messiah in Israel to humble ourselves before God, seeking His face for His
mercy and what He may have to say to us, wanting Him to accomplish all of His
purposes through this world-wide corona virus pandemic. Most of us have been doing this already, but
it is good to come together as a corporate Body in the Spirit. For any of you so inclined, you can certainly
join us, and your churches or prayer groups. Yeshua is LORD in Heaven and on
Earth!" He also writes, For those
interested, you can avail yourselves of a Passover Haggadah which I
wrote many years, now translated into four other languages. It covers the past,
the present, and the future of this foundational feast and celebration of the
people of the one, true God. Also, here is a 'reflection' for this special
week, Passover and First Fruits."
From Rick Ridings at Succat Hallel The Season
of the Threshing Floor and the Coronavirus Plague and A
Prophetic Direction for 2020
From Revive Israel Asher articles about Passover Plague (Pt
1) and Passover
(Pt 2) | Plus Cups of
Wine | Mubarak Shaabi Masr – Blessed Be My People
Egypt | A 3 hours webcast in 21 languages Passover Holy Alignment with many Global
ministry leaders and Worship with Revive Israel on FB video
with a must see message from Asher.
for Israel in Jerusalem, Chuck Cohen writes, "This
Shabbat's prophetic portion ends with a word for this season of global concern
over the coronavirus. Those of us who trust Him are grateful for His amazing
grace that has drawn us and showed us that there is nothing in and of ourselves
over which we can boast. "Thus says YHWH, Let not the wise man boast in
his wisdom, nor let the mighty man boast in his might; let not the rich man
boast in his riches, but let him that boasts boast in this, that he understands
and knows Me, for I am YHWH that makes covenant-love, justice, and
righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I delight, says YHWH."
Jer. 9:23-24 See all at Friday Prayer Points 4/3/20
From Orna Grinman of A Sign & Example ministry, Communion and Two Altars (Part 2). Egypt, Second Millennia BC After more than 400 years, the ability of the Hebrews to control their lives was so limited. Maybe they could choose what their lunch would consist of - be it fish, melons or cucumbers (Num. 11:5), but from sunrise to sunset there were guards whipping them, telling them where to go and what to do. After centuries of enduring this routine – they were slaves not just circumstantially, but mentally as well.
Joel Jelski, an anointed young family working in close relationship with
Eitan Shishkoff in the Fields of Wheat, Olive Tree Ranch and the Katzir
(Harvest) Youth camps, sends a touching ministry letter baring his heart on
many issues he has been facing for some time now. We can all relate to the
uncertainty of massive changes, personal disappointments and having decisions
weighing up on us. This was not a depressing communication, just a real talk
one - and I so appreciate and value ministry leaders who do not feel they have
to act like they are on top of every single thing in life. No one lives such a
life! Better to just tell it like it is and ask for the prayers of the saints
on all the troubling issues. Pray for Joel, his wife Teresa and their little
boy Boaz. Pray for God's provision, protection, direction in the lives,
comforts for their losses with hope and vision for all that He has planned for
their lives. If you cn help on the financial front click here for a special
one-time gift
Yariv Goldman gives us a rundown of how the Corona virus has forced some
changes in their operations in Sderot with Hands of Mercy and in Jerusalem with
ex-ultraOrthodox. The latter refuge house had to be closed for obvious
quarantine regulations, but they are keeping in contact with many via
technology. They are still able to distribute humanitarian aid in Sderot and
Tel Aviv where they are asking for prayers for the homeless, who even with
addictions are seeing this virus shutting down what little resources they have
on the streets. It is a time when God can reach even those that have been on
the bottom of the bottom for a long while. Yariv issues a special appeal
for volunteers who can help raise prayer and financial support for their
work and invites you to their Facebook "Lost Sheep of Israel" prayer and
support groups.
Sally Shiff, an intercessor at the HaMaayan congregation in Kfar Saba writes
about the change in "jobs" since the Israeli lockdown began, by
shopping for those that can't. The congregation is keeping in touch by Zoom,
YouTube, and checking on each other. She writes, " We are entering into a
new age with the Lord, and it's important for us to stick closely to Him and
His word. He may use this time to define the call or dream that you have. He
may be calling you on to the mission field or help a neighbor next door. He has given us this time to change our
habits and work lifestyle. One of our single mothers heard that there was a
shortage of masks early on in this lock down, being a seamstress, she decided
to make them thus creating an income for her and her family. I know for me; He
is beginning something new. I am so glad
that there is time to develop His call, and I pray for God to speak to
you. Listen to that still small voice,
it speaks volumes …if you let it."
Cody & Liat Archer send a short video update about what is
happening with us as a family in Israel. Thank you so much for standing with us
in prayer and finances during this time!!! Let us know how we can be praying
for you.
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is
in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders
and believers with urgent health needs
Ronit Bender whose cardiologist told her that
her irregular heartbeat is SEVERE, and is suggesting further tests. Please
intercede for Ronit: No weapon formed against her shall prosper! | Olga Bikas severe back pain has kept her in "quarantine"
for the past 4 years or so! Please pray for God to do a miracle of healing for Olga. | Please pray for Rachel Netanel's brother who is in dire
health | Please
continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and
his dear wife, Elisheva | Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a
miracle for Ruth.| Pray for Rania Sayegh who asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy,
and complete healing.
THANK YOU to those who have considered this ministry worthy of financial support.
Donna Diorio or
Donations appreciated | on PayPal
Or by postal mail make
donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 | I do not have tax exempt status.
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 | I do not have tax exempt status.