Tuesday, November 8, 2016

WEEKLY Arrows from Zion 11/9/2016

Priority Prayer Focus Nov 9, 2016

Please pray in agreement with the Global Gathering going on in Jerusalem all this week. This has a huge Asian participation and ALL reports are this is a body of believers who are on fire for what God is doing. We believe they are even changing the atmosphere now over Israel so the heavens over the nation of Israel are being opened for healing and salvation to flow down. Let's pray in agreement with them!

Arrows from Zion
Strategically Aimed for the Lord’s Harvest in Israel
Contact info for all the ministries included inside the subscription-only Weekly Summary.

LIVE STREAM GLOBAL GATHERING from JERUSALEM Nov 7-11 Tune in for great blessing!

Global Gathering | This week the Revive Israel team is helping to host the Global Gathering prayer and praise celebration in Jerusalem with believers from all over the world.  The main meetings will take place in the Arena Pais arena with approximately 10,000 expected participants. Follow us through the week on Facebook and please join us in prayer for this event. To watch the LIVE WEB-STREAM click HERE!

Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem also writes this week about the Global Gathering In Jerusalem, "The Lord has spoken to us that this year (2016) will be the final stages of a season of great transition for His body. This has been a time in which the Lord called His family [body] together in unity, despite diversities that have historically caused separation. We have witnessed the body of Christ uniting as one family to behold the manifestation of the army of the Lord as in Joel 2:11 .... The family of God is being restored in a sovereign way; even now, the Lord is doing for us what we have not been able to do for ourselves. We are watching Christian Arabs and Messianic leaders from many streams and denominations walking together as one. This is the fulfillment of Isaiah 19:23-25 "  Read more, plus prayer requests inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary.  Watch LIVE here

Congratulations are in order for the HaTikva Project who are celebrating their first year of operation of the HaTikva Dental Clinic in Jerusalem. Evan Levine writes,  "Two years ago we started with a vision, a year ago we opened a fledgling practice, and now we are the primary destination for dental care for the needy in Jerusalem. We have performed over 2000 treatments and are looking to add additional staff in the near future. Please be in prayer for us as well as we seek opportunities to open a second clinic in a different region of Israel. This work has been too blessed to stay only in Jerusalem."  Read more from the ministry which seeks to "Help the poor while advancing the kingdom" inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

What a super report from the Kerem-El, God's Vineyard Congregation in northern Israel!  They took to the streets with the love of the Lord and the good news message and God has some hearts prepared for their teams.  You will have to read it inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary . You can also read their about their increase in the congregation, a testimony of one of the believer-congregants, and about the seminar to help their community with money management and debt issues.  Here are their key prayer requests for this month:

1) Pray for all those who heard about Yeshua at the Film Festival outreach.
2) Please pray for rain to fall in Israel - both physically and spiritually!
3) Pray for us as individuals and families to steward our resources well.
4) Please pray for more Messianic business initiatives to develop and grow.

If you are a FACEBOOK person, then truly you ought to connect with Ron Cantor to watch Ron's Out of Zion daily broadcast on GOD TV is also shared on his FACEBOOK page  It is fantastic!  Ron writes, "We were filming Out of Zion in the Old City, right next to the Western Wall. Suddenly I felt the presence of God like I have not felt since we started filming. I was sharing, but it was like I was in another dimension. A small crowd gathered and then an Orthodox Jewish man said something to me I never expected. I wrote a blog about it.  He also wrote about an archaeological find at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher Breakthrough at Yeshua’s Possible Tomb

Eric Benson of the House of Victory in Haifa, writes about the Sex Shop that just opened for business right next door to the outreach in Tel Aviv they work out of reaching substance abusers and those in the sex industry.  It was probably something the devil meant to discourage their outreach efforts by. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will upset their business as usual with unusual spiritual visitations on those who enter that darkened sphere.

Eric gives a report on several men who have come to their rehab center, not all successes, but some wonderful life turnarounds too.  Read it inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary along with his report on other great things going on in their ministry.

From Revive Israel, and Asher Intrater specifically, a couple of video messages about the US election today. If you are voting watch these two short videos on Trump and Hillary: BeyoncĂ© IN THE WHITE HOUSE - IS THAT COOL???.  This is a great article by Asher Seven Models of Apostolic Teams

Also read about the new Anti-Porn Law that just passed in Israel and how the Ahavat Yeshua congregation addressed dealing with the effects of porn within the community of faith. Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary   Cody Archer shares two videos about his recent trip to California with Matias, a young worship leader at Ahavat Yeshua. First is California Outreach Recap and one of the messages Re-gathered For Revival

Israel Pochtar is delighted to report how quickly his passport issues were settled after asking for the prayers of the saints and also about their biggest outreach event ever - 1700 unbelievers who heard the gospel and most of them chose to stand and pray.  Israel writes,  "These precious people are the reason why we aim to do these projects and evangelism campaigns. To see the light go on in the eyes of a person who is hearing the gospel for the first time, to see how God heals them and binds their heart along the way as well... that is priceless!"  Now comes the follow up... Read all about this ministry and the outreach inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Howard Bass in the Beer Sheva Nachalat Yeshua, Yeshua's Inheritance congregation writes about the US elections and the Cubs baseball win after its 108 year losing streak. (Read Bass' thought on the Cubs)  Howard also gave a teaching on what the inheritance of Yeshua is. You can read that here and talks about the upcoming series they are doing on the Gospel of Mark, read about it inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary.

Howard also reminds us to pray for the believing IDF soldiers. For those of you who have the believing soldiers on your hearts and minds, and in your prayers, [In their congregation] we have 14 young men and women who are in various stages of duty. Our son, Tal, will be released at the end of this month, after almost six years. He has various options open to him that he is prayerfully considering.  Find their list of soldiers inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Eddie Santoro is rejoicing about the continued Cancer-Free MRI's he is getting on his brain every 12 weeks and the healing miracle of my tonsil will be confirmed on December 1st when I will undergo a PET-scan on my whole body.   He gives a couple of testimonies that sounds like God has released a healing anointing to Eddie - which is exactly what their ministry has been praying for as Eddie has stood in the life and death battle with cancer for the last 15 months.  Read inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary and be encouraged about what God is doing in the body in Israel.

Breakthroughs in getting into their congregational facility have Claude Ezagouri of the Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias rejoicing. Not sharing the details publicly, but you can read it inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary.  Also  as the Global Gathering in Jerusalem wraps up, 90 Chinese worshippers and several teams from the Galilee will begin a 6-day 24/7 worship event. "Our desire is to dissolve the principalities of darkness over our city through vertical worship. We truly believe that pure, sincere worship can open the way in the heavenly realms. In the last two years we have felt a better spiritual atmosphere in Tiberias and the Galilee; we definitely think it is a result of God's grace together with consistent prayers and worship. Please pray that the 6 days event will develop peacefully. It is also a logistic challenge so we kindly covet your prayers in this respect."  Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Here are just a few of the great articles and resource materials that KehilaNews.com have been sending out over the past couple of weeks:

Jerusalem Interfaith Conference: Ecumenically Correct, Intellectually Dishonest | Hannah Weiss | "When Buddha Met Abraham" was the byline chosen for the Interfaith Conference hosted by Israel's Foreign Ministry from September 11 to 15 in Jerusalem.

Israelprayer: It is really interesting from a spiritual standpoint that while the Asian Body of Christ is increasingly reaching out to join in relationship with the Messianic Remnant of Israel - a spiritual vision directly from the Throne of God in Heaven - that a religious vision NOT from God is also underway between Eastern religions and Israel. The devil always has a counterfeit of whatever God is initiating spiritually in the Body of the LORD on the earth. God calls for unity in Messiah, misguided religionists call for religions of COEXIST. Sounds tempting, but it is a ditch.

British funds to PA suspended due to terror victim Kay Wilson's activism | Bat-El Leonard | Six years after she was viciously stabbed and her friend killed in a terror attack near the Jerusalem Forest, Kay Wilson has succeeded in convincing the British government to halt the transfer of funds to the Palestinian Authority, claiming the Palestinians use the money to finance terrorism.

The pot and the kettle | David S. | David writes, "To our great sorrow both Israel and the Christian Church and have been a very “mixed bag,” reflecting El-ohim and Christ rather intermittently and dimly throughout the centuries."

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please see inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary to keep in prayer the Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs including the fight for their very lives: 

We are sorry to report that Rick Ridings' daughter Esther has had another confirmed cancerous lump. Please keep praying and read the excerpt below for specifics.  Continue to pray for Jacob Damkani who has decided to trust God for healing and forego the advised more dangerous surgery for now (Fungus has disappeared but bacteria still present in his blood, please keep praying | Continue prayers for David Davis |   Eddie Santoro - a new form of cancer unrelated to the brain cancer | "Gila" in the Negev No new updates on the surgery of amputation of one of her limbs. Please pray for her. |Ruth Nessim has received a clean bill of health from cancer treatment: pray it does not rise up a 2nd time | David Stern Please continue pray for David's health and also for Martha, as his caretaker |  Continued prayer against cancer in Rick Ridings daughter, Esther Moore | David O., Ami (unhealed wounds); 

Long term disease battles:  Leah; an unnamed forefather of Messianic Judaism; Moshe M.;  the son of an Arab pastor, Ghazi, who is suffering from Leukemia. Judy, wife of pastor Yaakov K;  Evan Thomas in still painful occupational therapy phase after serious arm fractures; Carolyn Hyde, Eddie Beckford, Claude Ezagouri; Baruch and Karen Maayan; Michael E and unnamed Israel-related ministers.  Ronen a congregant & faithful volunteer in the Tiferet Yeshua Tel Aviv congregation.  PLEASE PRAY ALSO for all the caretakers. If you have ever been one, you know that it stretches us to our limits in an very emotional time. Pray for God to strengthen and uphold them all.

Teaching Articles

The Miracle of Israel | Excerpts from message given at the Maoz Ministries Pastor’s Conference “One in Messiah” in Jerusalem.   

For many pastors in the Western democratic countries, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raises issues not easy to solve. In churches large and small, an important part of their members are young, vibrant and active millennials.

Millennials, as we all know have a passion for justice for all things and all peoples. And they attend universities which advocate and promote the Palestinian narrative. Therefore, these Christian millennials who innocently want to help Palestinians, end up buying into a very anti-Israel Islamic agenda - of which, in reality - they have nothing in common. Read the article

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WEEKLY Arrows from Zion 11/2/2016

We are again experiencing first of the month overload
& will have to carry over some reports to next week.

Priority Prayer Focus Nov 2, 2016

"Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me."

Nehemiah 4:17-18 holds several keys for pressing forward in the building of the kingdom of God in dangerous times, and one is to be realistic about the danger of the times yet optimistic enough about the ultimate success of your building effort to build even when danger surrounds. It also speaks to the organization required to stay safe while building. The work of Nehemiah, like ours in building the kingdom of God in this day and age, is a team effort that requires both a realistic assessment of the challenge, combined with faith in the power of God for our victory.

Arrows from Zion
Strategically Aimed for the Lord’s Harvest in Israel
Contact info for all the ministries included inside the subscription-only Weekly Summary.

Ben Juster is the Operations Director of Tikkun International and sends out a monthly synopsis of what that network of ministries in Israel and the USA need pray covering for. This month Ben is touching on the Nov 7-11 Global Gathering Prayer Conference of David Demian that the Revive Israel team will be providing administrative support for. My good friend, Liz Rhodes is leading a team of Cedar Rapids, Iowa intercessors to take part in this gathering, which we hope to see the good reports that will flow from it.

Also, Ben and dad, Daniel Juster will be traveling to the US for the Nov Tikkun America network leadership meetings. They are looking specifically for "an increase of an effectiveness in evangelism and power within our communities, and for continued empowerment and releasing of the next generation of leaders. Dan will also be a keynote speaker during the Jewish Voice Messianic Leadership Roundtable in Phoenix."
Have you heard about the incredible "Fields of Wheat" project that Eitan Shiskoff and Paul Wilbur are speaking about around the USA? A planned national hospitality village in Israel dedicated to hosting God’s presence and equipping His children to bear good fruit. This Village is going to be used for multiple purposes for both Israel's Messianic Jewish and Christian Arab believers, for conferences & retreats, discipling, uniting with international believes and an outreach for Israel's returning exiles. Go to the website to learn more about this fantastic vision unfolding for northern Israel. Ben asks prayers of upcoming benefit dates for the village in the US.

We have an update from Pastor Najeeb the Lebanese pastor in Haifa who leads the Immanuel Church, Bookshop and does Refugee Ministries.  The Ahmadi Sheik who visited the Bible Book Store last report has returned with another Sheik who was also interested in obtaining a Bible. The LORD is performing might miracles of revelation to the Arab people, pray that He do so with these two influential Muslim leaders seeking out the Bible of the One True God.

Najeeb and his wife Elisabeth also give updates on the work among the refugees, as well as their Christian (Arab) Soldier (IDF) Center.  "We are slowly changing the thoughts of the Arab community round about us, not all of whom see eye to eye with us. But our main aim is not merely to change their minds concerning Israel, but to bring them the Gospel, and through the soldiers' work to gain entrance into their homes and hearts." Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Israel Pochtar shares about a large scale event they have in planning - for security reasons the details are not going to be disclosed - but this will be an outreach much like the one they held at the beginning of the year only with almost twice as many participants. Read about the event inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary. Pochtar's zeal for the running his race is quite contagious.

Richard and Carolyn Hyde share about their son's recent invite to team training for "going about the Galilee healing the sick and casting out demons." Read about their experiences as they hit the streets two-by-two inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Eddie Santoro of the Ahavat Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv talks about seeing the weather photo of the recent East Coast USA hurricane, "I was struck in the Spirit that in some way it is a picture of the times that we are living in. God has a Kingdom that he is establishing on the earth and like the strong rains, winds and waves that are breaking on the shore, there is a mighty storm of resistance that satan has loosed on the earth to try and prevent the inevitable. This storm is centered in the Middle East and the eye of the storm is over Jerusalem."

Most of the people on this mailing list recognize the fact stated by Eddie Santoro, that the EYE of the worldwide spiritual storm is indeed centered over Israel, and even more pin-pointed over Jerusalem. So far, it is a much smaller group of us who understand the truth of this part of Santoro's statement : "The devil is focusing much of his opposition to prevent the Body of Yeshua from being successfully established in Jerusalem. But like the response in the those coastal states, there is a corporate effort by many who have given themselves in the power of God to stand, protect and restore His Body and encourage those of us who live here."  Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Thank you for being one of the ones who with understanding, are standing with the believers of Israel. Let's make it a frequent prayer that God will give an increase of understanding within the international Church of how pivotal this group of believers actually are - not only to their nation, but to the world.

From the Revive Israel team, Ron Cantor:  Clearly prophetic The Miraculous Timing of Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery.   A video message delivered in California by Cody Archer Israel's Blessing is Your Blessing  An audio message by Asher Intrater Jerusalem - Every Man's Destiny

Also details about the 8-week Winter Discipleship Intensive from 12/1/16 thru 1/25/17 at the Jerusalem Hills Inn for English-speaking believers of all ages. Participants will spend time with the Revive Israel team in the Jerusalem area and Return Ministries in northern Israel for regular times of worship, prayer, and teaching. Participants will serve the local body in hands-on practical ways and each week there will be an excursion to locations around Israel. See contact & details inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Our dear lady Ruth Nessim in Nahariya of the Light of the Galilee congregation (and dearest of friends with the Lebanese ministry of Pastor Najeeb Atteih, files her report this month of the many Arabs she has been blessed to share with from her daily life.  (That God sends her so many Divine appointments with Arabs is really clear if you have read her prayer letters for any length of time!).  She also shares her desire to go areas others would consider too dangerous, but Ruth goes with God's blessing. Read her report and prayer requests inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Arni Klein of Emmaus Way asks what many Americans have been asking themselves during the US presidential election period, How did we get here?!  It is the sign of the times, and Arni adds, "A rather screaming sign of where we are is the insanity surrounding Israel.  To proclaim that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount is like saying that the death of six million Jews never happened, and if it did, it had nothing to do with Germany. It’s totally crazy. So let’s talk about crazy. Since 1994 the government of Israel has been negotiating with a group that essentially had no public identity before 1965. . . ." Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Arni also writes about a Breaking Through in the Galilee | In just a little more than a week, 90 Chinese brethren will be arriving in Tiberias for 144 hours (six days) of continuous worship.  . . . Just after the above six days, both of us will travel to London for a few days (Nov. 22-29) of meetings in a couple of different locations.  ... There are a few spaces left for the German Galilee Worship Gathering from Dec. 22-Jan.1 ....and in central Germany Feb. 2-5 gathering for the Generation of Jacob . All details inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please see inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary to keep in prayer the Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs including the fight for their very lives: 

Our list of Israeli Messianic and Christian Arab leaders (or family members) who need urgent healing prayers remains the same as last week, you can find the full list inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary.  The one exception is for Succat Hallel's Rick and Patti Ridings. Their daughter's update returns her to urgent prayer need:

UPDATE on Esther: ""...the lump Esther found under her arm...had an ultra-sound scan this afternoon which unfortunately has shown that it is most likely cancerous. The doctor told us she is 98% sure that it is cancer rather than just scar tissue. They are also concerned that other lymph nodes under Esther's collar bone also look abnormal. They have booked in a CT scan again for 4th November to get a full picture.

This isn't the news we were praying or hoping for. We are very tired emotionally and physically from this long battle. We do feel that we haven't allowed fear to take hold and we are standing believing in His words for us to prosper and come to fullness. We are encouraged by Esther being able to go away to His Place in Germany. Esther has now booked the tickets and is going from 28th October to 2nd of November for initial testings, consultation and prayer. They will then recommend a treatment plan and whether she needs to come for an extended stay (4-6 weeks). Please pray for Esther's full healing; for Grace and rest for her at His Place and for Will and Caleb at home."

Praying the Headlines

From the Messianic Attorneys of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice a report on what they are doing internationally to counter the UN campaign against Israeli legitimacy. Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Teaching Articles

Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem continues on the repercussions of recent votes by UNESCO regarding Israel. This week speaking about the declaration of the Roman Catholic Pope Francis: “God promised the Holy Land to the People of Israel." Get Martin's perspective, plus prayer points inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Israeli Ministries on Tours  |  Inside the attached Weekly Summary are itineraries and open dates for  Guy Cohen of The Harvest of Asher in Akko and Orna Greenman A Sign & An Example in Modi’in

Donna Diorio 
 arrowsfromzion@gmail.com or donna@d10r10.com

If your weekly ARROWS from ZION email does not come in,
check online
each Wednesday at our new blog site location ARROWS from ZION

If you appreciate the efforts of this ministry to share both the  challenges and the great things God is doing among the Israeli indigenous ministries, please pray about making a financial gift donation. 
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio and mail to:
Israel Prayer  P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
With PayPal, you can send money to anyone with an email address.
Log in to www.PayPal.com Send donation to:  donna@israelprayer.com 
I do not have tax exempt status. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

WEEKLY Arrows from Zion 10/26/2016

Priority Prayer Focus Oct 26, 2016

UNESCO.  Something big - and spiritual - happened last week when the UNESCO passed a resolution  denying Jewish history and heritage at the Temple Mount in Israel. This issue of Arrows contains many Israeli ministries directing our attention to what happened at UNESCO including a thorough going over the details by Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem.  There are links to a number of articles by Israeli Messianic believers in the Kehila News Israel section.

This is not a purely political matter, but in fact, many of us believe that the Islamic hatred of Israel and the UN obsession with condemning Israel have a direct link to the prophecies about a time when all the nations of the world gather outside of Jerusalem to put an end to Israel once and for all. The situation will be so overwhelming that God, who sees this as a war against HIM, will send Jesus to deal with the rebellion.

The UN just happens to be a perfect vehicle for containing such a worldwide hatred against, Israel, Jews and Christians - God and His Messiah.  Could it be that prophecy is beginning to unfold before our eyes? We do not know exactly when the end is, so nobody can say the exact time but we do know the prophecies are moving forward toward the end.

In a September 22, 2016 address at the United Nations Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told that international body of nations that the UN “began as a moral force and has become a moral farce.” This is a true statement. Please pray about your own nation's involvement in these condemnations of Israel by the UN. It is not just politics - it is as spiritual as it gets.

Arrows from Zion
Strategically Aimed for the Lord’s Harvest in Israel
Contact info for all the ministries included inside the subscription-only Weekly Summary.

Most of the time the Israeli ministries do not even mention the persecutions that are going on against them, some on a continual basis. They already live in the pressure cooker of Israel, but they also have the heat turned up on them because they are in the faith of Jesus. Israel Pochtar is a good example of how Israeli ministries are living in faith with persecutions because almost everything this guy sends out is excited, upbeat and pressing forward with the gospel. I knew there were major persecutions against their congregation years ago, but had no idea from his prayer letters that the heat on them continued.

With this prayer letter, Israel Pochtar in Ashdod opens up about the persecution they have lived with over the past ten years of ministry, and how he desires our prayers right now for a new incident of persecution that will severely limit his freedom of movement if it is not resolved. Read the details inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

While we are on the subject, we also got a new report from the Hasdey Yeshua congregation in Arad, a small city in the Negev that has been a hotbed of persecution of the faith for at least a decade and half. This is due mostly to the high concentration of ultra-Orthodox in this Negev region. They would like to take over the town and make all the rules, but there are seculars in Arad that are not that keen on the idea.  So, tensions are continuing in Arad but not just directed at the believers of Yeshua/Jesus in town, also among all the secular residents too. The Hasdey Yeshua congregation is asking for prayer for their city ...they also pass along that their Feast days were truly wonderful and they are blessing God for such a time of rejoicing with all their families.

Ron Cantor's Messiah's Mandate ministry is going through some changes - and hey! are you watching his new series on GOD TV called Out of Zion? If you don't get GOD TV you can always watch on Facebook where he is posting them every day.  So anyway, Ron says Messiah's Mandate is now a team of 9 people and it is also an outreach arm of the Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv.  He wrote something that I really like and think is important:  "When I moved here in 2003 I pledged to Asher Intrater, who oversees Elana and me, that our communication would reflect what we are doing here—not merely news from Israel."  What's such a big deal about that? Well in my mind, the point of an Israel ministry is to minister to Israelis, not just keep the Christians in the nations informed about Israel-related news stories.

So I think it is great that one of the changes that Messiah's Mandate monthly ministry report is making is to include "articles from at least four team members, all who are serving on the ground in Israel, all Hebrew speakers and all lovers of Yeshua. Ministry in Israel is reaching Israelis—it is disciplining Israelis and helping new Israeli believers to build their lives."  Not only is that important to exposing many of this next generation ministry leaders to the international church, but is also puts the emphasis on the work of ministry going on in Israel.  I think if God didn't already know, that is what He would want to read about rather than news stories.  ;-)   Please read more about Ron & the MMI team  inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

From Asher Intrater's Revive Israel a superb short teaching article Aggressive Humility, or "The Wall" "Recently while praying over a situation affecting many of our friends both in Israel and internationally, I saw a picture in my heart of a massive stone wall, indicating the difficulty of the problem.  The wall was too big to destroy or to climb over."

Plus their Yom Kippur Recap which you can read inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Also this opportunity:  Watchmen for the Nations: Global Gathering Jerusalem | This November 7-11, 2016 believers from around the world will be gathering in Jerusalem—along with many from the local Body of Messiah, both Jewish & Arab. The theme of this gathering is taken from Isaiah 11:10 "In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to Him, and His resting place will be glorious." — In addition, we also believe that this gathering is part of our longing to see the fulfilment of the promise in Isaiah 19:23-24 - "In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on  the earth." Learn More click title above. |  For internationals Register Here  | We are also looking for 200 volunteers to help make this gathering possible. Volunteers get a free day pass to the event. To volunteer, Register Here  Contact information inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Joel and Milad of Succat Hallel are off ministering at best left undisclosed locations.  Ask for prayer for travels and family back home.

David Lazarus of Beit Immanuel in Jaffa sends a report on their joyous Sukkot celebrations, writing, "It never ceases to surprise me every year when the holidays come around, and people still make a Sukkah. What a great demonstration of God's enduring presence in our lives. Sitting in our Sukkah becomes a great opportunity to talk about what God did in the past, and what He can do for us today.... At our Friday evening service, we studied God's word by performing a variety of tasks together. It was fun and challenging! Some built a bridge, some wrote a story, others had to cross a finish line at exactly the same time. And we learned that to build together everyone has their part, and that in the process of building, we need to build up one another. As the Apostle wrote: "Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which we can build up one another."
As promised, from KehilaNewsIsrael are many articles concerning the major spiritual-political actions made by UNESCO:

International lawmakers from 17 countries denounce UNESCO resolution, sign declaration in Jerusalem | By Amir Tsarfati | Nineteen members of parliament (MP’s) from over 17 countries signed a declaration rejecting UNESCO’s resolution passed last week that denies Jewish heritage and history to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Thursday.

UNESCO moves forward with anti-Jewish resolution regarding Jerusalem site | Kehila News Israel Staff | A decision that lawmakers from both the left and right of the political spectrum are calling “unbefitting of UNESCO” has left Israel’s government and many Jews and supporters of Israel around the world furious.

Israel suspends work with UNESCO after Jerusalem vote | Kehila News Israel Staff | All of Israel’s work with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will cease after the organization passed a resolution on Thursday denying Jewish connections to Jerusalem and condemning Israeli action on the Temple Mount.

Clinton: Facade of Israeli-Palestinian peace process better than none at all | Kehila News Israel Staff | A facade of an Israeli-Palestinian peace process is better than none at all, Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told senior staffers according to the latest batch of leaked emails released by WikiLeaks. 

Clinton’s message was in response to an earlier email from Sullivan who sent her a link to a New York Times article about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s apology for his remarks ahead of Israel’s March 2015 elections that “Arab voters are going in droves to the polls.”

“Unsurprisingly, Pragmatic Bibi makes an appearance,” Sullivan wrote sarcastically in the email. The presidential candidate noted in response, “This is an opening that should be exploited.”

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please see inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary to keep in prayer the Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs including the fight for their very lives: 

Continue to pray for Jacob Damkani who has decided to trust God for healing and forego the advised more dangerous surgery for now (Fungus has disappeared but bacteria still present in his blood, please keep praying | Continue prayers for David Davis |   Eddie Santoro - a new form of cancer unrelated to the brain cancer | "Gila" in the Negev No new updates on the surgery of amputation of one of her limbs. Please pray for her. |Ruth Nessim has received a clean bill of health from cancer treatment: pray it does not rise up a 2nd time | David Stern Please continue pray for David's health and also for Martha, as his caretaker |  Continued prayer against cancer in Rick Ridings daughter, Esther Moore | David O., Ami (unhealed wounds); 

Long term disease battles:  Leah; an unnamed forefather of Messianic Judaism; Moshe M.;  the son of an Arab pastor, Ghazi, who is suffering from Leukemia. Judy, wife of pastor Yaakov K;  Evan Thomas in still painful occupational therapy phase after serious arm fractures; Carolyn Hyde, Eddie Beckford, Claude Ezagouri; Rachel Slater; Patti, wife of Dan Juster; Baruch and Karen Maayan; Michael E and unnamed Israel-related ministers.  Pray also for Tal Bass. Miriam Abramov, incisional hernia, Ronen a congregant & faithful volunteer in the Tiferet Yeshua Tel Aviv congregation.  PLEASE PRAY ALSO for all the caretakers. If you have ever been one, you know that it stretches us to our limits in an very emotional time. Pray for God to strengthen and uphold them all.

Praying the Headlines

Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel appeals for prayers for Rev Andrew Brunson, who was arrested in Turkey along with his wife as a "national security threat." Turkey has released Norine but are still holding the pastor. Ridings writes that they pastor the Resurrection Church in Izmar, and have hosted 24/7 Houses of Prayer seminars for Succat Hallel in recent years. Ridings also includes a sample letter with the request for much contact with your appropriate authorities (congressman/senators) to appeal on behalf of Pastor Bruson's release. Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Teaching Article on a Current Prophetic Event

Choices at the U.N. | By Martin Sarvis in Jerusalem | On the 13th of October, UNESCO  (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) gave preliminary approval to a resolution effectively ignoring any ties between the Temple Mount and Judaism.  Read in full inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Israeli Ministries on Tours  |  BOOKING meetings now (See open dates)  Inside the attached Weekly Summary are itineraries and open dates for Simcha & Bella Davidov currently in USA; Guy Cohen upcoming Texas itinerary; Orna Greenman currently in southeastern US

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Israel Prayer  P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

WEEKLY Arrows from Zion 10/19/2016 Sukkot/Tabernacles

Priority Prayer Focus Oct 19, 2016

Our prayer is for the eyes of many Jewish people to be opened during this time of Sukkot, the final in the prophetic fall Feasts of the Lord. 

 Heavenly View of Jerusalem's Warfare

I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not to the seed of Jacob, Seek me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.

...Look unto me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth:
 for I am God, and there is none else.

I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.

In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

Arrows from Zion
Strategically Aimed for the Lord’s Harvest in Israel
Contact info for all the ministries included inside the subscription-only Weekly Summary.

Israel is in the midst of celebrating Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernancles and Moshe Morrison of Tents of Mercy has a great book on Sukkot that he is offering in a free downloadable PDF called A Feast for All Nations. You can get a taste of it by reading the short excerpt online.  I loved reading about how Moshe had been a believer in Yeshua six years before receiving a revelation that it was about Jesus while setting up a sukkot booth!

These feasts of the Lord are prophetic and they are to speak to the Jewish people thousands of years after God commanded them to observe them. For such a time as this because God knew from the beginning that Israel's salvation would come last - it was all part of the mysterious plan of God for salvation through Yeshua.  As Christians, we need to know about how these Feasts of the Lord symbolize Jesus and God's dealings with the Jewish people - because we want to cooperate with God in that! Don't we? Who better to learn of the Feasts from an Israeli Messianic Jew who has experienced how these feasts speak for himself?  I would encourage you to take advantage of the free book offer.

Brian Slater of Abundant Bread of Salvation puts out "A Call to All of God's People: Help us make a difference in the lives of our Jewish Community"  Brian writes, "People of all ages and backgrounds - ranging from elderly Holocaust survivors to disadvantaged adults to young children and orphans - are facing an unprecedented challenge:  hunger. Which is why they desperately turn to Abundant Bread of Salvation."

There are lots of ways you can help with Brian's ministry in the Netanya area, and Messianic ministries across Israel who are reaching out with humanitarian aid in their communities.  In fact, in Brian's outreach, you can even volunteer when you come to Israel to tour.  Israel must be more than a curiosity to us, more than just a religious pilgrimage to see where Jesus walked - it has to become alive to us to see the people Jesus still desires with all His heart to gather to Himself.  We can be a part of that through our support of the Israeli Messianic community of faith.

You want to know what is rare? Rare is Messianic Jewish TV programming originating out of Israel for Christian TV.  That is one reason we are so excited that GOD TV has given a daily segmentcsalled Out of Zion featuring Messiah's Mandate Ron Cantor. Watch the first five episodes as Ron seeks to "change the way people view Israel, both by presenting the Scriptures and through an honest presentation of history."  GOD TV is especially big across Europe where misrepresentation of Israel and the Jewish people has been especially egregious.  Pray for this segment to begin to penetrate through the lies and deception everywhere GOD TV is carried.

Forgiveness has been on the thoughts of Jews as it is a HUGE part of the fall Feasts of the Lord, so it is not surprising that Asher Intrater of Revive Israel writes about the Lord of Forgiveness  this week: "God is the inventor of forgiveness. He is the Lord of Forgiveness.  So let's not forget to put into practice these two most basic steps of faith: repent and forgive.  And let's remember to intercede for the Jewish people during this season that many more will come to know the total forgiveness, peace and assurance that we have with God through Yeshua's perfect atonement!"

There is also a recap of the joint Trumpets Celebration with the Arab Christians and Messianic Jews inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary Together they sounded the trumpet and cried out "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" inviting Yeshua, the Messiah-King to return to Jerusalem to rule. See the full report in the attachment.

DON'T MISS the wonderful short video response of Asher to the UNESCO claim that the Temple Mount is NOT Jewish.  It is on Facebook and it is priceless!

From Kehila News Israel, here are three of their feature stories gleaned from several issues just to give you a taste of what a suberb resource this is becoming in record time!

Interview with Eitan Bar about Internet Evangelism in Israel | Caspari Staff | "The popularity of the internet and social media in Israel has made it possible to reach more people than ever before with the gospel, and Eitan Bar is not one to let such an opportunity pass him by." 

Providing Bible-based Counseling to the Messianic Community in Israel | Karen Faulkner | In downtown Jerusalem is a former pornography shop that was purchased by King of Kings Community and transformed into a beautiful Messianic Counseling Center called the Anchor of Hope.

Israel suspends work with UNESCO after Jerusalem vote | Kehila News Israel Staff | All of Israel’s work with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will cease after the organization passed a resolution on Thursday denying Jewish connections to Jerusalem and condemning Israeli action on the Temple Mount.

Lastly,  Israel Pochtar of Voice of Judah Israel & the Beit Hallel Congregation included an excellent teaching on the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot in his prayer letter this week, however the purpose of the Israelprayer mailing list is not so much to share the wonderful teachings that come from the ministries of Israel, but rather to share about the wonderful people who are following Yeshua in Israel. This is why I will share instead Israel's tribute to Shelly, wife of Pochtar's associate Pastor Eitan, who lost her battle with cancer on Yom Kippur.  Read it inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please see inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary to keep in prayer the Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs including the fight for their very lives: 

Voice of Judah/Beit Hallel's Israel Pochtar sends the sad news that Shelly M, Pastor Eitan's wife  lost her battle with cancer on Yom Kippur.  He writes, "Though our hearts are aching, we rejoice in the fact that Shelly is in heaven with Yeshua, and that she has received her eternal inheritance, everlasting life filled with joy, peace and love from the Father."

PLEASE Pray for ANOTHER MIRACLESpeak death to every cancer cell which has been attacking God's servants even multiple times in order to cut off the gospel from their mouths! God is greater than even cancer arising twice!  Continue to pray for Jacob Damkani who has decided to trust God for healing and forego the advised more dangerous surgery for now (Fungus has disappeared but bacteria still present in his blood, please keep praying | Continue prayers for David Davis |   Eddie Santoro - a new form of cancer unrelated to the brain cancer | "Gila" in the Negev No new updates on the surgery of amputation of one of her limbs. Please pray for her. |Ruth Nessim has received a clean bill of health from cancer treatment: pray it does not rise up a 2nd time | David Stern Please continue pray for David's health and also for Martha, as his caretaker |  Continued prayer against cancer in Rick Ridings daughter, Esther Moore | David O., Ami (unhealed wounds); 

Long term disease battles:  Leah; an unnamed forefather of Messianic Judaism; Moshe M.;  the son of an Arab pastor, Ghazi, who is suffering from Leukemia. Judy, wife of pastor Yaakov K;  Evan Thomas in still painful occupational therapy phase after serious arm fractures; Carolyn Hyde, Eddie Beckford, Claude Ezagouri; Rachel Slater; Patti, wife of Dan Juster; Baruch and Karen Maayan; Michael E and unnamed Israel-related ministers.  Pray also for Tal Bass. Miriam Abramov, incisional hernia, Ronen a congregant & faithful volunteer in the Tiferet Yeshua Tel Aviv congregation.  PLEASE PRAY ALSO for all the caretakers. If you have ever been one, you know that it stretches us to our limits in an very emotional time. Pray for God to strengthen and uphold them all.

Rick Ridings sends an extended update of his daughter, Esther Moore. Here are excerpts to pray over:
....Esther recently found another lump in her armpit again. She has had a lot of pain over the last few weeks in her scar area. We have yet to have this tested. (Read more inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary)

Praying the Headlines

An important article by Shira Sorko-Ram of Maoz Ministries
Aide to Hillary Clinton: Huma Abedin's Other Life

There are titanic shifts taking place in Washington D.C. Under the watch of President Barack Obama, a flock of Muslim aides and advisors have been welcomed into the White House. They have surely had a strong influence in the Muslim-leaning policies the president has initiated in the last eight years. One might hope the next president, whoever that may be, would not have this heavy bent toward Islam.

Wrong. There is a strong chance there will even be greater Islamic influence impacting the White House with the next administration. Why? Because although the New York Times doesn’t know this, nor does CNN, ABC or NBC, Islamists have a single ultimate goal, an all-consuming and focused mission to the world - to conquer all nations for Allah and to establish his Sharia law.  Read more online.

Teaching Articles

Inside the attached DOCX Weekly Summary another great teaching on Sukkot by Martin Sarvis In Jerusalem.

Israeli Ministries on Tours
  |  BOOKING meetings now (See open dates)  Inside the attached Weekly Summary are itineraries and open dates for  Cody Archer and Ariel Blumenthal, Revive Israel Team Members in separate speaking itineraries;  Ronit Bender in Carmel setting up dates for June 2017; Simcha & Bella Davidov currently in USA; Guy Cohen upcoming Texas itinerary; Orna Greenman currently in southeastern US