Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Arrows from Zion 10/17/2018

Ron Cantor: "In 15 years of living in Israel & in 25 years of leading tours to Israel,
I have never seen this many tourists! This is the customs line at the airport. I’ve never seen it so full!

Priority Prayer Focus

Can I tell you how much I love all of the Israeli Ministries after reading week after week for the past 17 years how they each are going about in diverse ways to diverse segments of the Israeli population to reach their people with the good news that Yeshua really is Israel's Messiah? It is an enormous work that they are doing. One type of ministry could not do all the plowing, sowing and harvesting that exists in the Israeli harvest field and none of them is insignificant! They are all doing a powerful work of God among the people of Israel from the work of Dov Bikas among the addicts to Israel Pochtar and the Segals in humanitarian aid. There are direct Gospel preaching ministries like the multitude of ministry leaders associated in Tikkun and in no less importance, the valuable work of KehilaNews in making known what is happening across a broad spectrum of ministries in Israel.

It has always been my passion to introduce those I could reach to Israeli ministries they have never heard of before. So many churches and congregations only know one or two Israeli ministries and have no concept of the actual ministry workforce God has throughout the land of Israel - increasing in numbers and fruitfulness year by year.

Listen, the years ahead are going to be a real rollercoaster of deep human challenges and soaring spiritual victories in whatever nation you are living in, and for all the ministries of Israel.  The battle between the darkness and the Light is increasing. For our own sakes in the nations, we are to come alongside the Israeli ministries to help them fulfill their ministry of the Gospel in Israel.  As more and more Israelis come to faith, we in the nations are going to see a parallel increase of spiritual harvest. If you are praying for revival, standing for family members to be saved, you need to invest in the harvest in Israel.  Romans 11:15 "For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?"

Please Note: There is a real crisis that has been taking place over the past year with donations from the nations towards Israeli ministries of all kinds taking a serious nose dive. It is so serious that many have been forced to lay off staff and make other really hard decisions about their ministry outreaches. Please, if you have the means to bless Israeli ministries, their ability to continue to increase rather than decrease their ministry to Israel is expedient for us all.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Rejoice! Rejoice! For the first time in the past six months since Eddie Santoro's second surgery for brain cancer, the MRI report has come back with NO VISIBLE cancer! "As always though, the doctor was quick to remind us that the cancer is still there though not visible and will no doubt return one day. But we say "no!" Let God's word be true!" Praise the LORD! (If you have not read Eddie's book, Lifted Up  - Overcoming Through the Power of Love, you MUST because it is a powerful faith builder).

Please keep praying for Eddie as he will continue a reduced number of cancer treatments to eradicate all cancer cells. Also, please pray for the healing prayer ministry that has come out of the Santoro's many hospital/clinic visits over the past 3 years.  In other news of their ministry, the Santoro's write about the opposition to the gospel which is fierce in Israel, plus the other intense situations of the area with strong threat of an outbreak of war at the Gaza border. But good news and fruitfulness from the Jerusalem congregation, Ahavat Yeshua.  Read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries.

Ron Cantor had a shock while in Nepal, The Sanhedrin Called me an “Anti-Semite” which of course is nothing but slanderous accusation, but rather indicative of the certain uptick of religious persecution that is again rising against the body of Messiah in Israel - especially against the ministry leaders.  This week in Israelprayer, we have numerous accounts of religious attacks on the ministry leaders, and I hope all the subscribers will read Ron's article, other accounts in the Weekly Summary, familiarize yourself with the reality of what is happening, and pray for these ministry leaders (Acts 4:29-30 is a key verse to pray:  "And now, Lord, consider their threats, and enable Your servants to speak Your word with complete boldness, as You stretch out Your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”

It is not just harassment they have to deal with because the threat of physical harm is also real. In Ron's article, he used a 1408 painting by Mariotto di Nardo of Stephen before the High Priest and Elders of the Sanhedrin. Stephen was the first martyr of the faith in Jerusalem and Paul was a young Jewish "antimissionary" who was present at Stephen's stoning. I don't mention this as a history lesson, but to emphasis that all will come full circle and this is the understanding that many ministry leaders in Israel are well aware of. They have in fact consider the cost of being a disciple of Yeshua as it is laid out in Luke 13:25-34. It is serious, and need serious prayers from the nations.

Following Ron's article we have two short summaries of articles from the Hebrew press that appeared in the Oct 10 issue of the Caspari Media Review. The two articles from the Jerusalem religious newspaper, The Informer, writes about anti-missionary group Or L'Achim targeting two Messianic ministries doing humanitarian aid in Israel: Barry and Batya Segal's Vision for Israel, and Israel Pochtar's Voice of Judah. Understand that it is against the law to target Messianic Jews for religious persecution, but it happens in ebbs and flows that relate to how much power the religious feel they are operating under current political government.  This should be ringing bells of recognition for many of the righteous in the nations in the battles going on between darkness and light. We are all in this together, and that is the message loud and clear from Heaven!

We get a first hand report from Israel Pochtar (whose ministry letter I have flipped the order of to emphasize the attack they have come under, not just in bad press, but in open vandalism of their new congregation and now pressure on the Ashdod municipal authorities to dispute their right to exist and hold up necessary permits and licenses. Israel writes, "All of a sudden the municipality disputes our church's right to exist as a congregation, and now after more than 11 years, we need to defend this right. We've done our research through our lawyer and have established that we have indeed abided by the law all of these years. According to the law, we do indeed qualify and have the right to exist and to operate as a congregation. This is a blatant attack of the enemy as we stand on the threshold of expansion, and we ask for your prayers for a massive breakthrough in this regard, please." Read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries where the good news of the Beit Hallel congregation, its fruitful outreach and programs to follow up are detailed. This is an amazingly fruitful ministry so no wonder the antichrist spirits are stirred up.

Ari and Shira-Sorko Ram, founders of the Tel Aviv Tiferet Yeshua congregation and now concentrating their full efforts with Maoz Ministries as a helping hand to Israeli ministries and believers, speak this week about the terrible terror attack last week when two young factory workers were shot to death by a Paletinian who is still at large. The sorrow Israelis are experiencing is difficult. It is a small land and so many families across it have been touched by the losses of loved ones by terrorist attacks. Pray for the families of the dead, and for the whole family of Israeli Jews.

Maoz also calls for prayers over the replacement of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, "Israelis were in shock. Some may say they were in mourning. Many here in the land called her 'our Ambassador to the U.N.' as she ferociously and fearlessly stood up for Israel the last two years. Pray that the next Ambassador will, too, be a fierce supporter of Israel, defending us on the international scene."

After several months we have heard from Ruth Nessim in Nahariya again - and she shares that her friend, an Auschwitz survivor named Shoshanna, whom she never failed to ask prayers for, has passed away. She was a neighbor and friend for over 45 years. Pray for Ruth and the family who may visit Ruth next year. Also Ruth has had some health struggles over the past months, especially eyes, but other issues. Please pray for her.  She has much news on recent travel to England, many international guests since returning home, IDF service of her grandchildren, the Arab ministries who love her so much, and her new book, The Roofed Gate, which will be available through

IFI, Intercessors for Israel Jerusalem send out their Friday Prayer Points covering a range of topics focused on the issues facing Israel, and to a lesser degree, the body of Messiah in Israel. This past Friday their prayer topics included upcoming municipal elections, choosing good leaders - also there is concern about early national elections. Other topics offered with prayer points are Netanyahu & Putin relations; Gaza; terror activity on the Gaza border, Desperate need for Rain; Aliyah from the nations and Chuck Cohen's current tour of the NW USA. Read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries.

From Revive Israel, Asher Intrater's article asks if we are for Nationalism or Globalization in light of " an age of world peace as described in Isaiah 2 and Micah 4." Also two videos featuring Cody Archer - one with Sarah Singerman and Raphael Almeda  Stories from Israeli Soldiers, and the second Cody asks Who's Responsible for the Next Generation? | Is reaching the next generation only for parents and youth workers? Or are we all responsible?  Plus, this will help you understand Revive Israel's Strategic Giving to identify and strengthen believing individuals and organizations that are advancing the Kingdom of Yeshua in Israel.

Dov and Olga Bikas are pastoring a Russian-speaking messianic congregation in Beer Sheva, and do evangelism/outreach among drug addicts & victims of sexual abuse in SouthTel Aviv and Beer Sheva. They have a rehab ministry in Beer Sheva.  Few of us today have not been touched in a personal way with the heartache and trauma that is involved with drug addiction. The sex trade is neck deep in drug addictions as well. Those special people that follow the Messiah's heart to rescue people from their own self-destruction - even when it has become too much for family members to deal with anymore - are real saints in my eyes. The work is difficult, often disheartening and not the most well-funded types of ministry people choose to support. Yet, despite all of this, some very special people among us are as devoted to the work as any ministry labor of love known to the faith.  Please pray for the Bikas' Aviv Ministry and their rehab director Alexei. You can read about specific prayer needs by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries.

Articles from the Tikkun Global mailing, Eitan Shishkoff's His Kingdom Came in our Midst, Eric Morey's Danish Jews And Israeli Arabs, and Malec Gavris Standing Between Two Worlds.

I want to make a special appeal for the support of  which has been delivering an exception online news and teaching source featuring the Israeli ministries, teaching, videos, and the inside views on Israeli and international events relating to Israel. This great source would be a terrible loss due to lack of support. It is really hard to understand why believers don't get the place of ministries like this in the overall effort of reaching Christians and Jews who have not yet come to faith. Come on!

From  here are a few of their many available features:

SURVEY: Believers share their thoughts on home groups and congregations | Chava Stein | In trying to determine new congregational trends and how believers feel about having their needs met in a congregation/home group, KNI recently conducted a brief survey asking mostly Jewish believers in Israel (and a few others) their opinion about the following questions: Do you think home groups are the legitimate wave of the future? Do you attend a congregation and do you prefer it to a home group? If so, why? Do you attend a home group instead of or in addition to a congregation? Explain why.

The Temple was built on a threshing floor | One For Israel Staff  | Why that spot was chosen

Swedish yacht completes sympathy sail to Israel | Kehila News Israel Staff | The Elida is Sweden’s pro-Israel answer to the notorious Gaza flotillas. 

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Keep praying for CONTINUED URGENT PRAYER FOR JACOB DAMKANI | Praise the LORD for the ALL-Clear on EDDIE SANTORO's lateste MRI showing no more signs of cancer in his brain! | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery but keep praying for total restoration |  Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.| Rachel Netanel took a fall and has broken her leg. Pray for quick healing. In April she learned she had a polyp on her vocal cords. Please pray for complete healing for this evangelist in Israel.  | Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | Ruth Nessim has several health issues, read in her update this week: Most critical EYES.|  
                Marianna Gol of Streams in the Desert (widows & orphans) asking
Prayer for several urgent situations:
     A, 20 yr old man whose mother called us regarding his court case, did not receive a favorable judgment in court.  Still incarcerated, but opportunity to be moved to a psychiatric facility at the end of this month. Please pray that he will be able to make the change to the place more conducive to healing.
     M1, after several surgeries (including removal of a brain tumor) once again facing surgery 10/17 Wed to remove a growth from her liver. She will be incapacitated for several months. Please pray for healing, successful surgery, and financial provision until her government subsidies are in place.
     M2, mother of 2, will have a double mastectomy this next week. Her daughter is currently in a boarding school, but her autistic son needs 24/7 care. Please pray for healing, and also that either social services or her congregation will step up and provide the care needed.
     T, mother of 3, with severe back trouble for some time, is in so much pain she is bed-ridden and unable to move. She will see a rheumatologist in 2 weeks. Please pray for healing, and a correct diagnosis by the doctors as diagnosis will determine whether she is eligible for financial help from the government.
                Pray also for Israel intercessors/supporters in other nations with urgent health needs:  Jeurgen at ICEJ, Karen and Yonit in Israel.  Also for Israel intercessors:  Cecelia Toth, Arlene Stucki, Una Gere, Mo Murray, also from our friend Steve in the UK for his wife Elizabeth.

Update for Israel intercessor Debra Koen Abernethy:  After double lung transplant in early March, then with complications that left her unable to eat & necessary to remain in the hospital, Debra reports she is just now released to return to her home state and is excited at being able to breathe! ...but healing is extremely slow. She has now has 10% capacity working in her right lung, but 90% capacity in the left. Please keep praying for her complete healing. She says "Another miracle on the way and trust me it could never be too soon! Thank you for all the prayers we feel them!"

Praying the Headlines

By Martin Sarvis Jerusalem

We join with so many in giving praise and thanksgiving this week for the release from prison and house arrest of Andrew Brunson |  Many of you have joined with us and thousands around the world over the past two years in praying for the release of Andrew from imprisonment on false charges in Turkey. For years, there has been a strong correlation between members of the Body of Messiah in Jerusalem and Pastor Brunson's congregation also the house of prayer which they oversee in Izmir (ancient Smyrna). 

Last Monday, many received the following prayer request, similar to others which have been sent out since the beginning of his trial, “Please do pray for us as we come up to the next hearing, October 12.  We have no idea what will happen, but we are asking the Lord for a miracle.  Andrew’s consistent prayer request over the past year has been to be faithful to the end and to finish the race well.  We are so grateful for your prayers.” 

What a wonder then, on Saturday evening to watch a freed Andrew, his wife Norine and his family being welcomed into the Oval Office in Washington DC  by President Trump, and to see Andrew kneeling and with his hand on his shoulder praying for the President.

"Father, God I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit on President Trump—that you give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans you have for this country.  I ask that you give him wisdom to lead this country to righteousness.  I ask that you give him perseverance and endurance and courage to stand to truth.  I ask that you protect him from enemies…I ask that you make him a great blessing to this country and fill him with your wisdom and strength and perseverance; and we bless him and may he be a blessing to our country, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”  [Watch on YouTube here]

We pray the LORD be a “rear guard” behind Andrew and his family, and the church and extended Body in Turkey to which he was so faithful for so many years.  In Hebrew “rear guard” (as found in Isaiah 58:8) is ya’aseph—“the One who gathers.”  We pray You protect from behind, and “gather” Andrew Brunson and his family into a wholeness, restoration and strengthening in body, soul and spirit.  We pray you protect and guide over their future.  We also pray for the Church in Izmir—and throughout Turkey—that it be strengthened, come to life; that it’s “candlestick” burn brighter and brighter in the gathered darkness of that land, which was once the first nation ignited with the fire of the Gospel coming forth from Jerusalem.

Teaching Articles 

Oneness In God's Love | By Guy Cohen of Harvest of Asher in Acco

....What were Yeshua's last words? In John 17 Yeshua lifts up his eyes to heaven knowing the journey of his life here on earth is ending. He is interceding for us, that God, Abba would protect us here on earth. Yeshua prayed in vs 15 that God would keep us from the evil one and that we would be made holy or sanctified by His truth vs 17.

When I read this chapter I see oneness. Oneness of Yeshua and Abba, oneness of Yeshua and us, and oneness of us and Abba through Yeshua.

Yeshua ends in verse 26 with this unique word in Hebrew, Ahava (love).  He declares the following, "that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.”  אהבה (Ahava) if you take this word in Hebrew you have aleph and bet, the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which spells the word Av (Father). You also have the letter hay which stands for God. This kind of  love can come only from the Father because He is Ahava (love). This is not about earthly love but heavenly love. A love which gave His own son for us. The Son loves us, and thanks to His sacrifice given in love, we are one with Abba.

Do we as Believers walk in this definition of love? Are we one, living in unity? Or are we saying I belong to Paul, I belong to Cephas (Peter)? In our days we have different denominations, even non-denominations are a denomination. Is that what the Lord asks of us, to be defined according to our individual denomination or to be one in Him? Read in full in the subscription-only Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

Donna Diorio  or

Please pray about making a financial gift donation. 
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
and mail to:
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
Or via PayPal,
Send to: or  
I do not have tax exempt status. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Arrows from Zion 10/10/2018

Mount Precipice outside of Nazareth, in Luke 4

Priority Prayer Focus

One of the most difficult things we face as Yeshua's people is dealing with the attack of others who are also called by His Name. Not everyone understands that they are to be transformed in their inner person by the Spirit of the LORD, who is making us to resemble Yeshua to the uttermost depths of our beings. It is a process not a once and for all moment. It is daily choices and walking in the understanding that God is after transformation within us, so we are transformed from where we are at salvation to Yeshua's likeness from glory to glory. That's not pie in the sky, that's Bible.

So, when believers who think they can still act like the devil against us, we have a pretty big challenge on us. It is like a beloved close family member relentlessly attacking us in hateful ways. The flesh cries out to return the animosity, but the Yeshua in us wants something more, namely their restoration, their salvation, their reconciliation.

It is a fine line we walk when the attacks are spiraling out of control. I will never forget God showing me how Jesus walked this fine line in His very first, post-Holy Spirit anointing (MT 3:16), instance of reading the scroll in His hometown synagogue.

The crowd became enraged at Yeshua: 'Who does he think he is?!' They became a mob baying for his destruction. They acted as one, pushing him out of the synagogue all the way to a steep cliff outside the city intending to push him over to His death. It was utter chaos as all the pushing and shoving became pushing and shoving each other and not just Yeshua. 

When they got to the edge of the cliff, He calmly walked through the enraged crowd. He walked away from the midst of them and did not allow them to carry out their will upon Him. If you will notice, it was not the only time that scripture records how Yeshua did not just allow angry people to do to Him what was in their darkened hearts to do. It was not time and He knew it.

In my opinion, we sometimes try to be more spiritual than Jesus when we are being attacked. I base my view on Yeshua's precedent in Luke 4. We cannot allow those who are acting in the flesh, even under the guise of some higher spiritual calling, to do whatever harm to us that they will. We are to be as harmless as doves, but wise as serpents. When we are standing in an attack of vipers, we need to remember that. We pray for our enemies, but we do not let them push us off the dangerous hometown cliff.

Pray for the peace and unity of all the believers in Israel.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

In keeping with the Priority Prayer Request is Avner Boskey article to help intercessors as they pray for Messianic Jewish healing and restoration. Healing the wounds – Messianic Judaism’s intercessory challenge covers a few of the issues involved.

Martin Sarvis tells us the need for rain is becoming "serious" (on every level the rains are need!) Also Norma's reflections of being an Israeli citizen for the 29th year - lots of changes

Like so many Israelis, Ron Cantor is sending An Open ‘Thank You’ Letter to Nikki Haley from an Israeli American Messianic Jew. Ron also files a report on the congregation in Tel Aviv which was packed out beyond expectations as he returned recently from time in the US. It is a good and growing work in Tel Aviv.

The latest Maoz Israel Report is out with articles by Shira Sorko-Ram, How I Learned to Pray the Prayer of Faith on the Mount of Olives and Eliezer Ben Yehuda: Father of the Modern Hebrew Language | Part 2: The Visionary; also from Ari: Bringing the Truth of Israel to Brazil.

Another Maoz article A Sign of the Times really struck me as I looked at the accompanying photograph of children holding their musical instruments in their Music Making for Kids program. I had to do a double take on the photo because at first glance it looked like kids holding weapons. Of course, those kids were proudly posing with their musical instruments. So often I see photographs (and have for decades) of young Palestinian children holding weapons while terrorism role-playing at their Hamas kindergarten children's camps. This is the difference in what comes from different child rearing: Train up a child in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Lovely Revive Israel Team photo included in this issue of the Weekly Summary (which is by subscription only, but free at I used it to illustrate the Revive Apostolic Equipping Center.

Plus Dan Juster's article The Palestinian Confederation Idea and two videos, one In the Footsteps of Paul with Cody Acher & Greta Mavro, also Asher Intrater on Biblical Meaning of "Gentile". Finally Asher & Dan's book Israel, The Church and the Last Days - a fresh perspective on the last days and the swirl of current events.

Also from Revive, if you are interested in an 8 week Discipleship Journey in Israel don't miss this VIDEO from Chaim and Ruti Singerman. The next event is coming up Dec 29, 2018 to Feb 23, 2019  to view more of this email in your browser  

Often heartbreaking but wonderful in rejoicing over men rescued from addiction, the report of Eric Benson from House of Victory in Haifa is full of good reports and requests for prayers over some who are still teetering. Since these are so sensitive, we will not share in public, but please pray for those who are ministering to this segment of Israeli society. You can learn more by directly subscribing to the ministry, or reading more in my Weekly Summary. Heaven rejoices over the recovery of one lost soul that everyone else has completely given up.

Jim Schutz directs The Joseph Project, largest importer of humanitarian aid to Israel, but this month a new thing has blossomed which really sounds like the LORD's leading!  It's a wonderful story of how the Joseph Project was called on to help transport luxury hotel furniture for an Israel organization that did not have the funds or means to receive the donation. In the end it has opened up a new avenue for working with similar Israeli businesses that want to help solve the poverty problem in Israel. It is quite a great development which you can read in my Weekly Summary or through contacting the Joseph Project.

From the Tikkun Global email, Dan Juster's What Is The Future Of The Nations? and from his wife, Partricia, her book Refined by Fire A Grieving Mother Finds Treasures Hidden in Darkness. It is her story of the fire in their home that took the life of their son, Samuel.  Also from the leader of the Return to Zion congregation, Leon Mazin, Ministering To New Immigrants

Intercessors for Israel Jslm share prayer points on riots in Gaza, Israel's response, potential for violence in the W Bank, Syria/Russian/Israel, Aliyah for increasing anti-Semitic Europe, Drought, elections & prayers for their ministry

Orna Grinman's latest blog article about ministry to Holocaust survivors He had Set Eternity In Their Hearts is an excellent and much needed resource from Israel - for the ministries in Israel, for the Church in the nations and also as an outreach to Israelis interested in the Messianic faith. Like all of the ministries, Kehila has been hit with a lack of financial support that seriously imperils the operation. Some do not consider a website to be a ministry but nothing could be farther from the truth. I hope God will stir up many to come alongside with regular monthly financial support so we do not lose this important ministry resources.

Some of the articles available from Kehila this week:

An Open Letter to the Ministry of Interior | Chava Stein | " all Jewish-born individuals and their offspring who, by virtue of the Law of Return have the right to live in Israel and be counted among her people."

Seal Of King Hezekiah And Of Isaiah Discovered | One For Israel Staff | The seal of King Hezekiah was recently discovered

New album released in Portuguese and Hebrew – DESPERTA (Wake Up) | Thais Schucman is a worship leader at Shemen Sasson congregation in Jerusalem

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Keep praying for CONTINUED URGENT PRAYER FOR JACOB DAMKANI and prayer for continued decreasing cancer in  EDDIE SANTORO's brain | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery details in Howard Bass' ministry letter |  Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.| Rachel Netanel took a fall and has broken her leg. Pray for quick healing. In April she learned she had a polyp on her vocal cords. Please pray for complete healing for this evangelist in Israel.  | Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | Ruth Nessim continued prayers for health
                Pray also for Israel intercessors/supporters in other nations with urgent health needs:  Jeurgen at ICEJ, Karen and Yonit in Israel.  Also for Israel intercessors:  Cecelia Toth, Arlene Stucki, Una Gere, Mo Murray, also from our friend Steve in the UK for his wife Elizabeth. A special appeal for prayers for Israel intercessor Debra Koen Abernethy 

Special Urgent Request for the USA
Praying the Headlines
Last week we asked prayers for the United States locked in a horrible political battle that had serious spiritual ramifications. There was what can only be described as a demonically-inspired attack against a righteous Supreme Court Justice nominee. In the end Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court but it was an intense spiritual battle that in times past would have destroyed the nomination through the lack of courage to fight such an intense battle. Now we have barely had time to get over that and we hear that one of the strongest, most courageous voices in the Trump administration for Israel will be exited her ambassadorship at the UN.

Please pray as Maoz Ministries' Shira Sorko-Ram speaks to this:  Twenty-eight days until the election. Today is the last day in Texas and Florida to register. As they used to say, even God can't direct a parked car. We must pray and act. The Bible says, "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? (James 2:14)

Remember, we are fighting for and believing for the ultimate goal of revival in America and Israel and the world. Some people think it doesn't matter if we have righteous leaders or wicked leaders. Not true. The N.T. tells us clearly that Israel is an example for us. When rulers like Ahab and Jezebel rule, the Israel went south like never before. True believers were hunted and killed.

When rulers of Judah like Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and Josiah ruled, there was revival in the land and the nation prospered. It is very important who America's rulers are.

Take Nikki Haley--a known born-again spiritual official who left a tremendously important mark on the U.N. God literally prospered everything she did. She was the best UN representative America has had. Israelis love her. Even in America, she was respected by more people of different political perspectives than anyone I know. I am very sad she is leaving.

Now it is very very important to pray for the right person to fill her place. There is one possibility that is being bandied around that I believe would be a disaster. We need another person at the UN who is blessed by God because he or she is a God-fearer and has family values. So we must add the filling of this empty seat to our prayer list.
Remember to bring before the Lord the names of Congress and Senate candidates that we are praying for. We are in war, and this war must be won.

There is a real crisis that has been taking place over the past year with donations from the nations towards Israeli ministries of all kinds taking a serious nose dive. It is so serious that many have been forced to lay off staff and make other really hard decisions about their ministry outreaches. Please, if you have the means to bless Israeli ministries, their ability to continue to increase rather than decrease their ministry to Israel is expedient for us all.


Donna Diorio  or

Please pray about making a financial gift donation. 
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
and mail to:
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
Or via PayPal, Send to: or  
I do not have tax exempt status. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Arrows from Zion 10/3/2018

Priority Prayer Focus

This morning I 'just happened' to notice on my Day Spring calendar that October 7, this upcoming Sunday, is an international 'Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem'.

Earlier I had already chosen and prepared the photo for Arrows from Zion for this week of the biblical Watch Tower at Yad Hashmona in the hills just outside of Jerusalem.

This week the prayer priority is exactly what the first prayer topic is for the conference call of the 'Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem'

1:00am – 1:59am | Pray That God Would Raise Up Christian "Watchmen" to Pray for His Peace and His Purposes to Manifest in This Spiritually Strategic Land

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Ron Cantor announces a Dallas/Ft Worth conference in mid-Nov Israel, The Church & the Coming Revival also featuring Asher Intrater and Michael Brown. Plus articles and videos:  I am Looking for the FOURTH Temple! | The Favor of God is upon you! | Don't Commit: SHOFAR ABUSE! | and an invite for his next tour Join Elana and Ron in Israel

Summer evangelism report from Josh Simon, carrying on the ministry of father, Voice in the Wilderness, see full details in the subscription only Weekly Summary

Maoz Ministries Moti Cohen: An Orthodox Israeli Woman Follows Yeshua. Prayer requests for Israel's intensifying conflicts with Russia and for revival in the Middle East

Hasdey Yeshua in Arad continues to focus the need for prayer over Oct 30th municipal elections going on throughout Israel. Whoever is elected mayor is key to the future of city AND how Messianic believers in Yeshua will be treated. IMPORTANT ELECTION (as the mid-term USA Nov 6th are also critical elections)

The Hasdey (Mercy of) Yeshua congregation continues in outreach to the Bedouin, Children, Youth, Young Soldiers...and their ongoing need for full finances for a congregational building. Please pray for them.

Christian Lebanese pastors Najeeb & Elisabeth Atteih report on son Tino's ongoing ministry to IDF Arab soldiers, the Immanuel bookstore outreach and their work with refugees in Jordan. They are also praying over a potential Sept 2019 trip to minister in the US. Please see the subscription only Weekly Summary for the full report.

Asher Intrater writes in the Law of Moses and the Millennium, "reading through the Torah, we cannot help but notice that there are several social institutions described that never seem to achieve their fullness in Israel’s history." Plus videos: Cody Archer sits with Jeremiah Smilovici and Tal Taroni discussing Overcoming the Fear of the Prophetic  and Unity's Full Expression

Orna Grinman's latest: A Rainbow, a Bridge and a Genocide

Detailed prayer list from the Intercessors for Israel Jerusalem on the Un General Assemply & Abbas lies; his pressure on Hamas in Gaza & salvation of Palestinians; Netanyahu at the UN; Trump & the Kurds; Trump & 2-state solution; Israel-Russian relationship; critical upcoming municipal elections - much ground plus scriptures covered. See the Weekly Summary.

Israel Pochtar's report on the Evangelism event in the Galilee they held with 1,000 non-believer participants - much fruit, healings and 60 new people showed up afterwards in their Shabbat services. Now for discipling and more resources to do all the outreach and discipling God has called them too. Wonderful report you can read in the Weekly Summary.

Arni and Yonit Klein send a report on the last few intercessory gathering at their ministry - one from Italy and one mixed group of internationals. Now they are en route to London with German group to meet with British group. Read more in the Weekly Summary, also upcoming Galilee Worship Gathering from Nov - April

Praying the Headlines
The enemy has really reared its head against the righteous in the USA. There is much lawlessness, anger and unrest over accusations without evidence against a Supreme Court nominee with a sterling reputation. He has been forced to flee his home with his family due to activists targeting his family with intimidation and vandalism. Late yesterday reports emerged of letters intercepted containing ricin at the White House addressed to President Trump, and the Pentagon addressed to the Secretary of Defense Mattis and Chief of Naval Ops Admiral Richardson. Two workers in Senator Ted Cruz' Houston office were treated after handling a powdery substance in mail. Please pray for the US at this extremely tense and lawless time.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Keep praying for CONTINUED URGENT PRAYER FOR JACOB DAMKANI and prayer for continued decreasing cancer in  EDDIE SANTORO's brain | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery details in Howard Bass' ministry letter |  Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.| Rachel Netanel took a fall and has broken her leg. Pray for quick healing. In April she learned she had a polyp on her vocal cords. Please pray for complete healing for this evangelist in Israel.  | Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | Ruth Nessim appears to be on the repair and currently out of the country with her son after suffering from severe Gastro-Enteritis which she had 5 attacks of within a 2-month period. Con't prayers |  
                Pray also for Israel intercessors/supporters in other nations with urgent health needs:  Jeurgen at ICEJ, Karen and Yonit in Israel.  Also for Israel intercessors:  Cecelia Toth, Arlene Stucki, Una Gere, Mo Murray, also from our friend Steve in the UK for his wife Elizabeth. A special appeal for prayers for Israel intercessor Debra Koen Abernethy 

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