Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Future Vision | Arrows From Zion 10/16/2019

Sorko-Ram/Ferguson family gather in the succah
Future Vision

by Donna Diorio

As I considered what to name this issue, the name of the ministry of our dearly departed brother, Marc Chopinsky, came to mind — Future Vision. That's what it is all about, isn't it? It is not just what we are doing today, it is the vision for the future that we are also carrying. It was not that long ago that I carried a piece from Eli Ben-Moshe (Chopinsky), Mark's son who is continuing on in the worship music legacy of his father.

Mark, who pioneered Messianic Worship Music with Paul Wilbur and Rene Bloch, founded his Future Vision recording studio in Israel twenty years ago. He wanted to help the Israeli Messianic worshippers make professional quality music. Eli caught the same vision and continues on with his Ashira production company in his dad's Future Vision studios.

I am seeing so much of this type of transition taking place among the congregations and ministries in Israel, and today there are even more beginning to transition into their own future visions. It is an encouraging sign when the international ministries in Israel also recognize that it is time to begin the transition of their Israeli work over to the local Israeli believers.

This week I was sent an announcement article from Elizabeth Eriksen Levy, CEO of the Caspari Center in Jerusalem, "
What Does the Future Hold for Us?" When the Caspari Center was established nearly forty years ago, there were far fewer Messianic Jews in Israel than there are today. It was an outright missions work.

"Our organization was established in 1982 by foreigners desiring to support and build up the local body of believers. Since that time, our leadership and board have traditionally been foreigners. Watching the development of the local body for years, our leadership recognizes it’s time for some changes on our end.

"And so we have arrived at the momentous decision to slowly transition our model of governance to contain more local people. This is a big step, and one we do not undertake lightly. This new model will include a majority of locals on our board (4 out of 7 members will be local, with 3 foreign board members), and will be led by a local CEO. We will aim for this new model to be in place by 2021."

This is a critical recognition on their part. We saw
Sukkat Hallel recognize the same thing several years ago as they transitioned to more local believers leading in the 24/7 worship and prayer watches. It is so important for internationals to recognize the body of Messiah in Israel are the 'home team' so to speak. Internationals are in Israel on a visitor's pass, so the leadership of the spiritual house of Lord Yeshua in Israel, must also be Israelis.

I really appreciate how they expressed this, "We at the Caspari Center know how important it is for the local work to be locally run." It is so important that these kinds of transitions continue to take place.

The Caspari Center was an essential help to me almost twenty years ago when I began to try to find and connect with the ministries of Israel. A friend gave me a copy of
"Facts & Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel" and through that book I was able to take a giant leap forward in identifying the Messianic congregations and ministries of Israel. Right now they are in the process of surveying for an updated version of the book which will also give us our first real peek at how many Jewish believers are actually in the Land these days. We have estimates, but it will be great to get a credible number for where we are today.

When Israel became a state in 1948 there were only 29 confirmed Messianic believers in the whole land. In the 1980's and 90's many of the American Messianic congregational leaders began to immigrate and integrate into life as Israelis serving in established Messianic congregations, and then starting new works. By 2013 there were already 100 congregations, many more smaller fellowships and somewhere in the neighborhood of 18,000 Messianic Jewish believers in total in 2019. The number may be greater than that, but one thing we know for sure is that the number is increasing and Israelis have never been as open to hear the Gospel as they are today.

That's why it is so important that we also see so many of the ministries beginning to transition their pastoral leadership to the younger generation. The 'Baby Boomers' generation is making way for the next generation leadership. We have to leave a work that can continue on into the future even when we are gone on to glory, as David Davis at the
Carmel congregation did with Dani Sayeg, and Yeshi Reinhardt did with Yariv Goldman at Hands of Mercy.

At the Maoz Ministry, we have watched over many years now as the Sorko-Ram's completed the transitioning pastoral leadership at the Tel Aviv
Tiferet Yeshua congregation. Now we are watching as they have begun transitioning the Maoz Ministry operations to daughter and son-in-law, Shani and Kobi Ferguson. Sometimes it is possible to transition to family members with the gifts for that organization leadership, sometimes the best people for the job are spiritual sons and daughters. Either way, it is important to prepare leaders able and anointed to step into leadership roles for the next generation of ministry in Israel.

Arrows has carried the reports of the transitioning that has been going on in the Tikkun ministry, as their three pioneering founders, Eitan Shishkoff, Dan Juster and Asher Intrater continue to release more and more of the congregational and ministry headships to those young people they have invested in for so many years...for such a time as this. This is a steady, paced and prepared for transitioning of leadership for the generation of Israelis who are coming to know the Lord today and tomorrow.

Personally, I believe this process is so important that I want to make is a focus of our ongoing prayer for all the ministries of Israel. It is vision for the future that we are seeing as ministries develop their young people to walk in greater roles of leadership.  Also when international ministries in Israel realize the time has come for them to transition to local leaders too, this tells us that we are entering a new era for the Gospel in Israel.

Now personally, I do not believe we are anywhere near the time when the Israeli ministries will not need the financial support of Christians in the nations. Israel is not like other nations where missions are established and then both leadership and finances withdrawn as the body continued to grow.

The reason for that is the multiplied intense spiritual warfare that exists to keep Israel from coming to the faith in Yeshua. We must recognize Israel is the last stand of spiritual warfare against Jesus is being waged with an all effort to keep "all Israel" from being saved. Why? Because Yeshua will not return to rule and reign until Israel says, Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai - Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

The Israeli body of Messiah is going to need our prayers and financial support to keep advancing the Kingdom of God in the Land of Israel — and not only ours, but many more in the international Christian community need to awaken to our connection to the believers in Israel and their significance to the return of the LORD to this earth.

Like the whole world seems to be doing at an accelerated rate, the body of Messiah in Israel is transitioning into the demands of a new era. All of these transitions and demands are going to need our prayers and finances to press through. God made it that way so we would come together as one new man in Messiah.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

See From Revive Israel Ministries, and article by Greta Mavro Be Holy or Do Holy?, 2 VIDEOS: Israel Through the Eyes of Youth and Asher with Aglow's Jane Hansen Hoyt What Have You Come To See In Israel? . Lastly, an enlightening article on how Revive Israel developed from a small home group to a budding non-profit organization, with one of the primary directives the Lord put on our hearts was what we refer to today as “Strategic Giving” in serving and supporting the local believing body in Israel.

Chuck Cohen, Intercessors for Israel sends the Friday Prayer Points online 10/11/2019 (Print link available). In point #3: Trump's abandonment of America's Kurdish allies has shaken this nation deeply – regardless of which side of the political spectrum people stand. There are numerous editorials and statements saying that once again, Israel can only rely on itself. America's other allies in this region are even more shaken by this move – especially as Turkey and its evil leader Erdogan, and Iran, are both beneficiaries of this move. Lord, show us how to pray into this (Amos 3:7). Thank You Lord that Israel always can rely on You (Psa. 121:4).

Yariv Goldman and the Hands of Mercy team are offering a unique opportunity to get to know their work better by inviting you to connect through a webinar and Q&A session with Yariv

From Maoz Ministries Shira Sorko-Ram writes The Rise and Fall of the Word of God (Part 2). Also prayer requests over their team's desire to minister even more to the people of Israel which they will do as they join with Chaim Malespin in the Gallilee for a Sukkot celebration. There is a feeling of isolation as many of the believers are spread across the Land, they write, "Therefore, we make it a point to travel throughout the country to build new relationships and strengthen ones we've had for decades."

Maoz also covers the horrifying Hamas call for demonstrations, "Child's Martyrs Day." Even the UN was so shocked that they rebuked Hamas, warning them about putting children in harm's way. Maoz is also praying on behalf of the Kurds, and the security concerns that have increased in Israel due to the shocking developments. Please continue to pray for salvations during this appointed time of God's biblical feasts. And pray for Israeli politics which are log-jammed by the inability of all parties to compromise for the good of the nation. Finally pray for Jews to make Aliyah as Anti-Semitism continues to rise throughout the world.

Steams in the Desert, Marianna Gol's ministry to orphans and widows is launching an agricultural project for underprivileged youth who will be able to learn to grow fresh food for needy families. This is a pilot program with a cost of about USD $1642 or 1488 Euro. Contact the ministry for more details.

From Orna Grinman, A Sign & Example Ministry, Betrayal, Shame, and Forgiving Both Fathers In my previous post (Selichot) I promised some more testimonies to the power of forgiveness.

Dan and Patty Juster's personal ministry, Restoration from Zion is announcing that going forward will also be the personal ministry of son Benjamin and Lorena Juster also. Dan also explains some of the changes that are going on in how Tikkun is organized giving greater clarity to the changes. Ben Juster gives a report on his most recent activities, including attending the 20th anniversary of 24/7 prayer at IHOP-KC. (Mike Bickle has been a great friend of the Israeli ministries, connecting with the Tikkun founders even before IHOP came into being.) To subscribe to the ministry letter contact them at their new website.

Howard and Randi Bass at the Yeshua's Inheritance congregation in Beer Sheva share their doings during the Feasts which is filled with visitors coming and going. Read Howard's article on how the Day of Atonements (Yom Kippur) also has relevance to Christians. Condolences to Randi whose dad died on September 30th. There has also been time visiting with Evan's fiancee's family and fellowship in the congregation. One special prayer request: " Do pray for rain -- rain-independent or not -- but in its season, and in proper amounts.  That is the blessing God promised if His people were in obedience to Him and faithful to His covenant.  As you know, this has not historically been the case, nor is it now.  But God is gracious!"

One email from Ron Cantor had slipped to the bottom of my inbox, so this is about a month old, but still important to share about his interview with Robert Morris in Dallas at the launch of the Gateway Church Center for Israel. Also, Ron shares about The Fight I Was Not Looking For! | A few weeks ago, a high-profile evangelist with a checkered past was confronted publicly for sexual abuse. As I read the post, I was intrigued because for months I had been bothered by this fellow’s ministry. Still, this was not my battle. However, the next day, the overseer for this evangelist, an internationally known prophetic voice, went after the “whistle-blower”—to the point of cursing him—and appeared to defend the accused molester, while not even mentioning the alleged victims. I was stunned! .... The good news is that, whether from our efforts, the efforts of others, or both, it was agreed that a neutral council of leaders would look at the allegations and make a judgment. Some of these allegations may actually need to be referred to the authorities. We will see."

Also Ron announced here he has accepted the position of CEO of Tikkun Intl, the global family of 35 congregations in Israel and the US. "The biggest change is that I get to serve, not just Tiferet Yeshua, but all of the Tikkun-related congregations in Israel."

From Evan Glasser of HaTikva Project: God is using HaTikva Families to lead the charge in Israel for foster care and adoption support. Over the past ten years, we have continued to make steps forward in serving the 367,000 at-risk children in Israel. We want you involved as well. Will you join us? Also God has used HaTikva Dental to treat 827 patients in our HaTikva Clinics over the last three months. Because of our growth and need for more space, we signed a lease for a new dental clinic in Jerusalem last month. Can you help with our dental sponsorships to cover the costs of some of our patients? Join us as we take the good news of Messiah to those in need.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Continue to pray for Jacob Damkani | Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please pray for her acute back pain. | Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | Ronit Bender says my heart valve  is still leaking but my lungs are fine. I totally have peace about my health, although it is far from great.  I still appreciate prayer, as I need it. I am very grateful they let me travel in October and November both to Australia and Holland. Please continue to pray for Ronit | Shlomy Abramov of Awake Israel, because of a condition where blood does not flow to his legs as it should, was advised by a specialist in case of injuries, he could lose his leg because of the blood flow issues. Please pray.

Prophetic Photo?

Ron Cantor shared this photograph (by Josh Wander) on Facebook writing,

"Last night, on the second night of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), just after we finished dinner, thunder and lightning storms hit Jerusalem.

"A local man snapped a picture of a lightning bolt that appeared to have hit the minaret tower of the Al-Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount where the first and second temples stood.

That is an amazingly reminiscent of the Oct 11th email Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel sent out - a prophetic vision:

"I saw the Lord shrouded in a pillar of dark clouds above the Temple Mount. Flashes of lightning went from the clouds towards Tehran, Ankara, and Moscow. Lightning struck a demonic throne in each place. The thrones started shaking and gradually disintegrating. Then the dark clouds began to dissipate. The Lamb was revealed inside, radiantly white. He was then revealed in a much greater way to Israel and the nations.

"The following Monday, September 16th, the three leaders of Iran, Turkey, and Russia met together in Ankara, Turkey. The threats of Turkey invading the Kurdish area of Syria (and killing large numbers of Christians among them) are very real, as are the threats coming from Iran to destroy Israel."

Pastor Andrew Brunson, who was falsely imprisoned in Turkey for two years before being set free at the priority urgings of the Trump administration, is now sharing the prophetic dream he had in a Trukish prison cell in December 2016. Here is the gist of it:

"In the dream, Turkey, Iran, and Russia began to move together in a very dark alliance," he explained. Brunson woke up from the dream drenched in sweat and barely able to speak. At the time, Turkey and Iran had been enemies for years so he knew something drastic was about to happen.

Several days after Brunson had his dream, a Turkish police officer assassinated the Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov while he was speaking in Ankara. But instead of sparking hostility between Russia and Turkey, Brunson said it seemed to bring the two countries together. He believes the alliance has been growing stronger ever since.

Right out of the gate, CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell said, 'This is in many ways a jihad' in his explanation of the Turkish invasion of Syria. Click the link to read his analysis.

Gatestone Institute wrote: As the Voice of America itself reported on January 23, Erdogan's plan was to resettle three million or more refugees from other parts of Syria in this "security zone" extending twenty miles deep into Syria. Twenty miles may not sound much, but – the VOA omitted to mention – almost all the Kurdish towns of northeastern Syria lie within that area. So Erdogan's intention to annihilate the Kurdish presence in that area and replace it with others has been manifest ever since the beginning of 2019.

Now one week after the Trump-Erdogan phone call we see that the U.S. letting down its guard opened a door for Turkey to carry out its desire to annihilate the Kurds as they invaded Syria in the Kurdish stronghold where the Kurds have been keeping ISIS captives in prisons. Today in new headlines: Turkey Boasts ‘Neutralizing’ 595 Kurds. Many Syrian Christians have also been caught up in the melee Turkey is visiting on Syria in their effort to commit the genocide of the Kurds.

Israel has been outspoken in favor of the Kurds, in fact, Israeli Messianic ministries have also written in their prayer letters over several years now about their work with and prayers for the Kurds. Some Israeli newspapers in the past week are asking "Is There a Biblical — and Genetic — Reason Why Jews Support the Kurds?" According to results of a new study at the Hebrew University there is a close genetic connection between Jews and Kurds. From a genetic point of view the study finds that the Kurds may be the people with the closest genetic connection  to the Jews.

To understand the political confusion most people have regarding the Kurds, I would like to recommend you watch this Facebook video Dalton Thomas of FAI. Dalton is one of the "Sheep Among Wolves" filmmakers  about the Christian revival in Iran, has also lived and laboured among the Kurds for several years.  This is the most informative and educational I have seen on the Kurds and why it is important for Christians to support and pray for them.

What I have presented here are both prophetic and hard news views of believers-professionals who have actually served, and are serving in the region. In my opinion, these are the voices most worthy paying attention to because far-removed politicians and pundits cannot possibly have the spiritual element in priority as they assess the ever-changing Middle East alliances. I hope subscribers will do a deep dive into the links provided in this article.  — Donna Diorio

Donna Diorio or

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

First Rain 5780 | Arrows from Zion 10/10/2019

The blessings of the first rains of 5780 (and since April 2019)
fell across the Land on Sunday, October 6th.

Synagogue Hopping 

by Moshe Morrison, Tents of Mercy 

My childhood memories of the great fall festivals of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot have little to do with the spiritual realities they were intended to convey. There was no genuine connection to the God who gave us our history, promised us a glorious future and reveals His supernatural presence to us daily. At Rosh Hashanah dinner with one side of the family the first night and the other side of the family the second night (It’s a good thing that it’s a two day celebration!) there was lots of incredible food for the body, but nothing on the menu for the spirit.

I remember “synagogue hopping.” In the Baltimore Jewish community where I grew up there were numerous synagogues in close proximity. Many teens would spend a bit of time in one and then wander out and down the street to the next one where they could “schmooze” (socialize) with their friends awhile and then move on to the next one. We majored on “schmoozing,” but minored on praying. It was not due to a lack of faith in God on my part. I was a firm believer in the God of Israel. It was just that what was happening in the synagogues did not seem to hold much more of Him than what was happening on the front steps.

My home life was “observant” in some areas, but not in others. The kitchen was strictly kosher, but television and lights were used on Shabbat (Sabbath) and holidays – but not on Yom Kippur! We fasted on Yom Kippur, not even brushing our teeth lest we accidentally swallow some water. All day was spent in the synagogue except for a few hours in the afternoon when we could go home and rest for a while. Most of the words in the prayer book were lofty and beautiful but they were like something from another planet.

I can remember wondering whether or not the old guy who was blowing the shofar would have enough breath to make it to the end. That seemed of greater significance than actually considering why we were listening to the shofar. Sermons were not terribly interesting or inspirational. To this day I cannot recall a single one. Yet I’ll never forget the time that the score of the World Series was announced during a Rosh Hashanah service. Technically, no one was supposed to be listening to a radio or watching television or calling someone on the ‘phone to get that information. Yet, somehow, miraculously it was provided.

There were little pledge cards in the seat pockets. They had the seat number printed on them and little tabs with different dollar amounts. You could just fold over how much you wanted to give since writing on Shabbat and holidays was forbidden. If someone was not in his reserved seat, we kids would often help him out by folding over the tab for a $10,000 donation.

Rosh HaShanah in “Liberty Heights” | One of the deepest resonances I have of Rosh Hashanah is ironically, connected to a scene from a movie. “Liberty Heights” is a Barry Levinson film about race relations, anti-Semitism and growing up Jewish in Baltimore in the mid-50’s. The father of the featured Kurtzman family runs an illegal gambling racket and is the owner of a burlesque theater in Baltimore’s notorious red-light district known as “The Block”. On the high holidays he attends services at a magnificently beautiful synagogue with a distinctively domed ceiling that soars majestically above the heads of the congregation within.  (The movie was made in Baltimore and these scenes were shot in a synagogue that my family attended and where I began my Jewish education at the age of 7.)

In the film, it just so happens that Rosh Hashanah falls on the same day that the new Cadillacs are displayed for the first time in the dealers’ showrooms.  In spite of the glorious inspirational surroundings and as important as this holiday is, Mr. Kurtzman just cannot stay seated. The call of the Cadillac is too strong. He leaves the sanctuary and makes his way to the Cadillac dealer and purchases the latest model as he does every year.

I am sure that Levinson’s film characters are composites of his family members and people he knew. The incidents portrayed are a mixture of actual happenings and creative story telling based on stereotypical behavior patterns of the community in which he grew up. Growing up in the same world just a couple of years behind him I feel like I know these same people. They were my relatives, my schoolmates, my neighbors.

Cadillacs and Holidays | Beyond my personal connection with the synagogue, there is something about this Rosh Hashanah/Cadillac story that I find very compelling. There are three prominent points.

    1. Mr. Kurtzman is a successful businessman, well respected in the community, most likely a generous contributor to Jewish causes. With those things in mind, the nature of his work is not considered unusual or wrong even though it is totally at odds with the character of the God of Israel. Yet this is not a factor in his synagogue attendance on Rosh Hashanah. We never hear him repenting for promoting carnality and lust. He’s doing the right “religious” thing but it doesn’t change his behavior or touch him where he primarily lives his life. (Jeremiah 7:1-11)
    2. While Mr. Kurtzman would insist that his religion is important to him and that he is a faithful Jew, there is no evidence whatsoever that he has any perception at all of the reality of the God of Israel, much less a vital connection with Him. The new Cadillac is the reality with which he connects.  It is not esoteric or ethereal, but solid and embraceable, therefore, providing the satisfaction he needs. We are multi-faceted beings, both physical and spiritual, with physical and emotional needs. However, without genuine spiritual input, the end result is death. No matter what material satisfaction we receive, it can never be enough. (Psalm 106:14,15)
    3. The new Cadillac is a symbol of all that the holidays should be, but are not for Mr. Kurtzman. The fall festivals should be a time of personal renewal and revival – when damaged places in our lives are repaired, relationships healed and God’s bountiful blessings are received (though not necessarily Cadillacs). This is a season of harvest and preparation for new realities on a personal as well as a national level. The evidence of God’s love and care should draw us near Him in gratitude rather than sending us in search of substitutes. (Jeremiah 2:11-13)

Expecting His Presence | My intention here is not to point a finger of blame at those who should have conveyed a spiritual reality but did not. I wish to caution us all that we can make the same mistakes if our approach to celebrating God’s ordained festivals is without humility and expectation. Humility avoids the attitude of “I know this stuff. I already know how to do it.” But instead says, “Lord, speak to me. Give me something new and fresh. Keep me from presumption.” And an expectation that since God ordained these times, there is a release of grace and spiritual reality when we enter with right hearts.

No one ever told me to expect more than tasty dinners on Rosh Hashanah. We never would have wandered from synagogue to synagogue to meet with our friends if we could have hung out with the Lord. So much of what we fill our lives with would seem so trivial if we really understood how much of God is available to us.

I’m not trying to spiritualize everything and deny our humanity (also a gift from God). The cultural and social aspects of our celebrations are important as long as they don’t usurp the focus and become idols. As Shaul said of Passover in 1 Corinthians 5:7, but which is equally applicable to the fall festivals, “Let us celebrate the feast with sincerity and truth.”  We can do so because of what Messiah Yeshua has done for us!  Synagogue Hopping

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

At times we find ourselves in an internal struggle, forced to make a choice between what we feel like doing and what we know to be the choice our Father would smile upon. Such a choice was made in Acco last month. Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher congregation wrote to us about it: the city was demanding unfair building taxes from them and at the same time asking them to help in humanitarian outreach. Who wouldn't grumble internally? But Cohen chose the path that " reflects Yeshua’s teaching, example and command to go the extra mile and to turn the other cheek." They helped at their own expense. Last week the city sent notice that they are free from pay any building taxes. We are often in tests and don't realize it until we have chosen rightly and suddenly there is fruit before our eyes. Mazal tov to Guy and to the congregation...also to Guy who has been set in as the leader of Tikkun Israel with oversight in the Tikkun congregations in Israel.

Please make urgent prayers for Ruth Nessim in Nahariya for the loss of her eyesight. Ruth has been on our list (and the medical list) for a condition that is causing her sight to fail. Socialized medicine has some good advantages, but getting everyone in for what they need in a tmely manner is not one of those advantages. She has needed an operation, but in the wait time her sight has begun to slip dramatically. She writes that this ministry email may be her last that she is able to write for herself as the letters have faded from black to almost completely white. Pray for Divine intervention for Ruth, who is never a complainer - a cheery woman who everyone she meets recognizes the charitable, open spirit she has toward them. 

Hands of Mercy, newly under Yariv Goldman's leadership, has returned its headquarters to Jerusalem where they are opening a new residential outreach centre serving the former Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox community to those who have abandoned a strictly religious lifestyle. (Maybe you have seen the documentaries on how difficult it is for them to leave the cloistered life.) The Tents of Victory outreach centre is still operating in S'derot, but the return to J'slm is reflective of Goldman's desire to " reaching out with the L-RD's heart of love to rescue and save the lost sheep of Israel." Learn more about what they are doing in their new Jerusalem ministries by connecting directly, or reading the Weekly Summary if you are a subscriber.

They also dropped us a line about the switch they are making for PayPal donations to an official "PayPal for Charities" account, which means we will receive the mandatory benefits designed for legally recognized charities, including more suitable reporting and accountability tools. This may be an answer to some of the problems Israeli ministries have experienced in the past with PayPal.

Michael & Dina Beener are also in Sderot, with a congregation called City of the Living, they are pouring themselves out to minister to the poor people who live in that continually terrorist-threatened city so close to Gaza. Besides the congregation they do a great deal of humanitarian outreach - not only covering basic needs, but also entertaining events like the concert they just held for needy elders and Holocaust survivors (who also received groceries & kitchen essentials). They also provide professional psychological support - you might imagine the "panic attacks, phobias, fears and hopelessness" that fills the lives of so many in that city. 

One couple, Holocaust survivors recently wrote them, " There are not as many people as you, with whom we can talk and tell you about the problems and the situation in which we find ourselves. Thank you for the attentive listening, guidance and psychological advice that that you give us in the uncertain security situation in Sderot, we have received inner peace in the heart during prayer, but for now it is difficult for us to understand about Jesus the Son of God, but we believe a lot in God and we know that He will reward you for what you are doing for the community in Sderot." Please pray for them.

From Asher Intrater (2 weeks of Revive Israel reports): Blessed is He who Comes! (Part 1) and Part 2

VIDEO New Wine & Oil Overflowing | Cody Archer with Ruben Hydel and Alisia Grover | VIDEO Orthodox Jew to Messianic Pastor | Cody Archer with Guy Cohen | VIDEO Worldly vs. Biblical Success also Cody Archer sent word that he and Liat are going to take a 1 year Sabbatical, turning over to trained teammates all of their current ministry responsibilities...with the blessing of the Revive leadership. Cody writes, "So, what will this sabbatical rest year look like for us? We will share more about this soon."

Rania Sayegh of House of Prayer & Exploits sends a report on the Deborah's Arising Women's Conf they held in Sept - great turnout of 70 Arab women/4 Jewish to learn the HeartSync model through training and equipping women in leadership in the Arab Church. Rania has been traveling, to the Hong Kong Global Gathering with Watchmen for the Nations, Norway, and in Jerusalem Rania did this VIDEO Interview with CBN atFIRM's (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) Jerusalem Encounter. More travel upcoming: to Norway, Canada and the USA. Rania asks prayers for health, travel and for their ability to move into a bigger building for the ministry.

Chuck Cohen  Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem sends Friday Prayer Points 10/4/2019 | Read online

From Ron Cantor, "a message from my new book on leadership called, Don’t Call me Pastor!  It’s about abusive leadership, which sadly, is rampant in the body. This message is in VIDEO form. Ron also shares about an upcoming conference in Jacksonville hosted by Tikkun international, as well as Celebration Church, Revive Israel and GOD TV. To be held in Jacksonville in November 15-16 for "Israel and the Coming Worldwide Revival" with Dr. Michael Brown, Jonathan Bernis, Ward Simpson, Paul Wilbur, Stovall Weems and Ron Cantor. | Lastly Ron's article on the chaos in the Israeli government at this time: Rivlin: Israel democracy facing an emergency, calls for unity

From Maoz Ministries, Shani Sorko-Ram Ferguson writes Have You Told Your Children Yet? What if our kids lived in awe of all the things previous generations went through to get them where they are now? If the generation we are raising can grasp the past and dream of their future significance in history, maybe that pair of jeans or iPhone won’t be the most important thing in the world. Maybe doing things that will matter 100 years in the future will matter to them now. | Also, how you can help Maoz translate a children's book love throughout the world Translating The Action Bible in Hebrew

HaTikva Project writes about how they have carried forth the vision God gave them 10 years ago to impact Israel is some unique new ways. Yes, a humanitarian aid, but so much more. Yes, outreach to unsaved Israelis, but also a God-send of help to the needy in the Israeli household of faith. Yes and amen to so many people and in some really unusual and unique ways. As director Evan Levine writes, "We don’t just look back at what God has done; we are looking forward to what He will accomplish next. Join us as we pass one decade of fruitful ministry and press in to the next decade of God’s faithfulness."

Israel Pochtar of Voice of Judah Ministries & Beitl Hallel writes, "I started my ministry as an evangelist on the streets of Tel Aviv, and would spend days on end reaching out to people, approaching anyone who I thought would listen. It was challenging time, but things have changed! People's hearts are so open, and we cannot let this moment pass us by without turning into "fishers of men" and reaching them with the Gospel of Yeshua." This is why they are preparing for an upcoming outreach to 500 people in Jerusalem. Pray for them and help with donations to this outreach.

Eric Benson of the House of Victory rehab ministry that is connected to the HaCarmel congregation in northern Israel sent a lovely HaCarmel leadership photo for the new year of 5780. He wrote, "Here on this mountain in Israel, it is our passion to live in a manner pleasing unto the Lord, a lifestyle that allows the fire of God to continue to fall and fervently burn in our hearts. As a member of our congregational leadership team, I have had the privilege to witness the faithful commitment of my brothers and sisters who lead in the humble example of Yeshua. The Lord’s grace has enabled us to continue to walk in a unity that allows His precious oil to flow down upon us. As we celebrate the biblical Feasts of Israel we want to express our holiday greetings of love. May the Lord’s blessings be richly poured out upon you at this time." Eric sent an update on the many times over the recent past where they have been able to experience great fellowship in the congregation via a 2-day hike, a sports outreach, a men's meeting on the beach, an after service picnic and testimony sharing. Pray for continued blessings on the congregation, and Eric's labor of love bringing hope, salvation and life stability to men with addictions.

What a blessing to hear from our friend Jackie Santoro, "as I move forward in this season of my mourning and grief." Finally laying the headstone at Eddie's grave, she asks for prayers as God opens new doors for her that "I would walk through them in confidence as I minister to people without Eddie by my side. We always ministered as a couple and I greatly miss his overflowing love, optimism and the affirmation and encouragement he gave to each person." Jackie also wrote, " I was so very happy to be able to celebrate Rosh Hashana in my home with family and friends and to give thanks to the Lord for his love and mercy. In the midst of my tears, I felt the excitement of a new season and do believe that we will all begin to see and experience things and events we could not have imagined. God is really doing a new thing! May we walk in his grace, joy and love each and every day as we keep moving forward with our eyes fixed on Yeshua!"

Jackie wrote, "Tonight is the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. On this most solemn day of the year, everything stops. There is no regular TV programming, no radio, no cars on the road and the majority of Israelis fast as they petition God for the forgiveness of their sins, so that their names will be written in the Book of Life. As believers, we join the nation and come before God with humble hearts and examine our lives before him. Grateful that our sins are already forgiven, we do intercede for God's beloved nation and declare his promise that "All Israel shall be saved. Evangelism has been very strong on the hearts of our young leaders. Our congregation, Ahavat Yeshua is just finishing up a series on evangelism which was done in partnership with another congregation, Melech Hamlachim. It has been an excellent 4 week series which has encouraged all of us to move out of our comfort zone and share the love of Yeshua with all those we meet in our daily life."

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Continue to pray for Jacob Damkani | Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please pray for her acute back pain. | Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | Ronit Bender says my heart valve  is still leaking but my lungs are fine. I totally have peace about my health, although it is far from great.  I still appreciate prayer, as I need it. I am very grateful they let me travel in October and November both to Australia and Holland. Please continue to pray for Ronit | Shlomy Abramov of Awake Israel, because of a condition where blood does not flow to his legs as it should, was advised by a specialist in case of injuries, he could lose his leg because of the blood flow issues. Please pray

Reading List

Five Big “Alls” |by Asher Intrater  10/6/19  | As we enter more into the End Times and closer to the second coming of Yeshua, there are several major trends which are moving toward their fulfillment. Of course, we in Israel are looking toward the great promised revival of our people.          

Trusting with Little | by Guy Cohen | Sometimes we find ourselves trying to protect the little we have, and becoming slaves to it. Yet the Lord can take the little we have and multiply it. He is the God of multiplication.

Thought Life: Creepy Jungle or Fertile Field | by Eitan Shishkoff | May I ask you a personal question? What are your thoughts like when you first wake up? Frankly, mine are not always positive, helpful or encouraging. At that moment I have a decision to make. Will I continue to entertain the moldering leftovers from that weird dream? Or will I push myself out of bed and author a constructive path for my mind?      

Religion, Patriotism & Family:  Checking Vital Signs | by Dan Juster | A recent survey commissioned by the Wall Street Journal and NBC news highlighted a disturbing trend. Among USA residents aged 55 and older, nearly 80% said that patriotism was very important compared with only 42% of those aged 18-38. Two-thirds of the older group cited religion as very important compared to less than one-third of the younger group. Among the older group 54% said that having children is very important compared to only 32% of the younger generation. Hence the American fertility rate is at an all-time low: 1.76 births per woman; the replacement rate is 2.1.  The young adults represented in this survey are the product of an educational system that is destroying the historic national consensus on these three values (religion, patriotism and family).            

The Five Pillars Eschatology | by Dan Juster | The doctrine of the last days is very important because according to one’s interpretation of the last days or eschatology, one’s orientation to life varies.            

Blessed to Serve | by Leora Mazurovsky | When I was growing up my mother, Katya, would often tell me “When you feel discouraged, look around and see whom you can serve. You will soon find yourself focusing on something other than your own troubles and will be a much happier and more fulfilled person.”            

An Invitation to Stop | by Avi Tekle, Tents of Mercy | Of all the symbols related to the biblical “High Holidays” – a stoplight is not traditionally among them. Apples dipped in honey, pomegranates, shofars and even fish are images which classically signify the season. Rosh Hashanah (the “head of the year”) is the first of these fall holidays. Following it come the ten Days of Awe– days of preparation, prayer and self-evaluation leading up to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.

Donna Diorio or

THANK YOU to those who have considered this ministry worthy of financial support.

Donations appreciated | 
Or look up on paypal:
By postal mail make payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
I do not have tax exempt status. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Trumpets Call | Arrows from Zion 10/3/2019

Jewish New Year & Biblical the Feast of Trumpets
Trumpets Call Webinar Speaks to the Days Ahead

It is somewhat a spiritual tradition among many worldwide believers to ring in the New Year on  January first with a spiritually oriented way of celebrating, and also that prophetic words are released in the New Year. So, when it comes to the rabbinic (not biblical) date of the Jewish New Year which is really the biblical date of the Feast of Trumpets, I still thought it was so appropriate for our cover story to look at what this Feast of Trumpets webinar brought forward. 

The webinar featured Israeli Messianic Jew Asher Intrater of Revive Israel, Egyptian David Demian of Watchmen for the Nations, and American Christian living full time in Israel, Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel in Jerusalem, and others: Sarah Singerman and Tal Haroni of the Revive Team,  Hany Boghossian of City River in Toronto,  Tabitha Lemaire, a worship musician also from Canada, Kathi Pelton of Inscribe Ministries in Oregon, and a Native American gentleman whose name I have not been able to track down yet.

Thousands gathered together in 73 nations to participate in the webinar
I hoped to get the link for post-webinar viewing in time to include here,
but I will include it in earliest Arrows once the link becomes available.

If there was anything that I personally needed for the New Year it was spiritual refreshing, and I sure got it in this 2-hour web conference event. I must confess, as someone who keeps on the news in order to pass it along to others, the news has really been getting me down. It feels overwhelming, doesn't it? So much bad news you begin to wonder, what is going to happen next? How is God bring His people to overcome the kinds of conditions that are stacking up against us higher and higher daily?

So I really needed to hear all the things that were presented by the prophetic gentleman and ladies who also had prophetic input in this Feast of Trumpets webinar. David Demian led off with telling everyone how we were entering a season where God was going to confront all systems in this year of 5780. He was going to confront all the systems to set His Bride free to worship Him. We know God has said He is going to shake all things that can be shaken and honestly, that sounds really scary, doesn't it? 

As I listened to Demian elaborate on what this means, for the first time I felt relief from the fear of that scripture on God shaking institutions. Demian was speaking to all the things in the news that have had me feeling overwhelmed by the degree of evil, sinful lawlessness that we are bombarded with in news every day. In one example he spoke about the networks of evil, like a spider's web, that God was going to shake up. He spoke of God making a such an obvious differentiation between black and white (good and evil) that there was no gray middle ground left for people to stand in undecided - it would be an obvious choice between the darkness and the Light, no uncommitted gray middle ground. 

These are good things. No matter what you think about President Trump, God has been using him to draw out and expose the hidden evils in the US government that we never had any idea were there is such huge numbers. To my way of thinking and not because Trump was even mentioned in this webinar, this is the kind of Divine exposing and shaking that God is going to do in all the institutions in the coming year.
Rick Ridings shared extensively about three visions he had between October 4th to November 1st, 2016 and which he believes point to what will begin to be fulfilled starting Rosh Hashana 5780, Sept 30, 2019. You can read the visions online at Succat Hallel website, Visions of Increasing Shaking in the Nations. The things coming in a nutshell: Will release living water into the spiritually driest places | Will bring about a period of confusion and tumult in the nations | Will accelerate the polarization of light and darkness, and permit new alignments | Will cause a release of Kingdom healing, miracles, and harvest.

Another critical symbolism to understand about the decade we have entered into — and we carried an article by Norma Sarvis a few weeks ago that describes 5780 in detail — we have gone from the 5770 decade of the 70's which revolved around seeing, to the decade of the 80's which revolves around declaring (read Norma's article to understand why I say that). The key though is NOW is the time to declare what God has shown and spoken. 

One of the things we did that was so important was taking communion together. The prayer was for the cleansing of our souls so we might be made ready to truly enter into the things coming. It was a holy time and I believe a great work was done in myself and the thousands in 60 nations who participated in the live webinar.
Personally I had a very freeing experience in taking the communion as Asher shared a word prior to it that my spirit latched onto big time. I am waiting for the link to be sent out because I failed to write down the scripture Asher was referencing about the communion, how the word "flesh" is really the soul - His soul was given in sacrifice to cleanse our souls.

As I have searched this morning for which verse Asher cited, I see it is a longstanding biblical idea, as in Leviticus 17:11, For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make an atonement for your souls upon the altar, since it is the lifeblood that makes atonement."

More than cleansing our flesh, it is the cleansing of our souls. Now as I took this communion, I pressed into that thinking to lay hold of the promise of cleansing of it. I have been oppressed for as long as I can remember by what I believe is a generational spirit, but I saw in this communion that it was a matter of understanding He specifically sacrificed His soul so my soul could be cleansed by faith. What freedom in an instant!

Recently Ron Cantor shared a teaching, "Revival can be Fatal without the Fear of the Lord" which is why I believe this communion time was really important to make us ready for the things that are coming.  In the description of the audio message is written, "We say we want revival, but when God draws close, the results can be fatal. Look at Lev. 10 and 1 Sam. 6. People died because they did not discern the holiness of God. Also in the New Testament. In the midst of Revival just a small lie was fatal to Ananias and Sapphira."
It is one thing to be excited to hear about the things that God intends to do and that we will be a part of, and another to begin to check ourselves to hear from God if we are ready or in need of cleansing. This is the fear of the Lord that Ananias and Sapphira did not have. We must be ready for the chaos and the glory that are coming.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

 As Avner Boskey writes in his latest word, "If it's Jewish, it must be kosher!" But not so fast because he also writes: "To some Gentile believers, anything coming out of Israel or the Jewish people must automatically be ancient, revered, deeply spiritual and worthy of imitation. But a problem exists here: many Jewish traditions were established and made legally binding by those who rejected Yeshua’s Messiahship, the original Messianic Jewish apostolic leadership and the New Covenant teachings." This is a good word to all Christians who love God and love Israel, but are still having trouble figuring out what's God and what's man when it comes to Israel and the Jews. In this article, Morphing the Torah Avner takes on many points that have been troubling to many, starting first with the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah.

Big news from the Tikkun Global Messianic Family which is taking another giant leap forward in its years old plan to train and raise up the next generation of ministry leaders within its organization. Many of those younger leaders have been operating in positions of greater responsibility but now many of the top leadership posts formerly held by the founders are being transitioned to the younger leaders. For example, Tikkun America is now to be presided over by Ben Juster. Guy Cohen will lead Tikkun Israel, which combines the congregations formerly overseen by Eitan Shishkoff and Asher Intrater. Ron Cantor will be taking on the role and authority as CEO of Tikkun International. There are lots more organizational restructuring details in the announcement by Asher Intrater, who adds: "So there is no confusion, I am still leading our worldwide family—Tikkun Global—along with the 'founding fathers' - Dan, Eitan and Paul. Ron will be overseeing the Tikkun International nonprofit. This next year will bring an even greater consolidation of the younger generation to lead our family network worldwide." 

Exciting to see such a strong structure for supporting all its ministries becoming reality, developed in the time-honored way of sons, fathers and grandfathers carrying forward a continuing spiritual vision: "First, to bring closer together the different streams of our ministry | Secondly, to set the strategic center of our cooperative ministries more clearly in Israel | Thirdly, to give more leadership authority to the next generation leaders." Over the next 90-day transition which will include closing the Maryland offices and opening a new office in Dallas, there are some short term financial challenges. "Your help is greatly appreciated. The time to 'favor Zion' really is at hand."

The Hasdey Yeshua congregation in Arad ministry letter is overflowing with thanksgiving this month: They thank you for praying for Israel's elections and ask that you please continue. Contrary to what we might think they say The religious divide was the main issue. They thank you for praying for their mayor (pray for him & his family to come to faith also!). They thank you for praying for their Bedouin outreach which has expanded to 4 different tribes, but it is a real spiritual battle to free from Islam.  Several other prayer issues they thank you for their congregation and revival in their city, plus they are adding the Arad Russian congregation to their prayer requests, as it had been so severely harassed by the ultra-orthodox that it temporarily disbanded. The congregants are quite elderly but now they've started up again in a location no so accessible to the troubling from the religious persecutors. 

Israel Pochtar sends this VIDEO on YouTube about a unique evangelism event we are organizing in Jerusalem, that you can be a part of. He also includes a teaching on the profound biblical significance of the Feast of Trumpets, and talks about the great opportunities for the Gospel during the Fall Feasts. " When we speak about God’s love and kindness, it is especially important to reflect that during the holidays, showing that kindness in action. A gift as small as $30 can help us bless one family with supplies for the holidays.  We’re grateful for your generous heart, for your loving prayers and the care you show the people of Israel through care and support of the work God has commissioned us."

Dan and Patty Juster, Restoration from Zion, send a report on their Toward Jerusalem Council II in Singapore that Dan says "exceeded our expectations. We were seeking from 40 to 70 key leaders from the churches of Asia.  We had 66.  They came from Korea, Japan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, and the South Pacific Islands.  Five team members from the International Leadership Council gave presentations with time for dialogue.  We met in a hotel in Singapore that is dedicated to prayer for Israel!"

"The Toward Jerusalem Council II project seeks to see the whole Church in all its streams in alignment with Israel and the restored Messianic Jewish community." As Patty writes, "Even though the world of nations may be vastly different in their agendas, culture and beliefs, they come together in a strong unity of purpose. They are aligned against Israel in their hatred and desire to destroy her.  So Israel becomes a unifying factor, both for the Church and for nations."

Pastor Najeeb and Elizabeth Atteih send a full ministry report of the outreach areas that they are given to - the Christian soldiers' home and their Heart to Heart ministry among the refugees especially in Jordan, but they know there is need spread in other countries like Armenia. Some of the experiences they are having with refugee Christians and non-Christians is heartbreaking — but they are committed to the call of God to minister Yeshua's love to these people in terrible living situations. First on their mind is the work they are doing with the Christian soldiers' home which has been given great favor from the IDF to help lone soldiers, and they have even been invited to conferences of Avigdor Liberman's party. In one they were actually asked to pray at the conference. But the money for the home is still tight and it is imperative they get a roof on one area which they need to raise about 167,000 NIS around 47,000 dollars to begin this final project which will complete the soldiers' home. 

Chuck Cohen sends the Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem Friday Prayer Points 9/27/2019 | Read online. Also their 2020 Intercessors for Israel Conference in Jerusalem Jan 20-27, and post-conf Prayer Tour, January 27-Feb 1. Click here for booking

Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center sends this video greeting from Gallilee and a reminder about their amazing BBQ dinner: "Galileans from all walks of life will celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in our Succah with a BBQ Feast." This event will cost, of course, but Chaim asks for help to be a blessing during a key biblical Jewish holiday also asks for prayers with them for this event!

Orna Grinman's latest blog post is Selichot. “Selichot” is a general name for the liturgy that focuses on the goodness of God, who forgives His creation for their sins.

Sally Shiff at the Kfar Saba HaMaayan congregation marks the Feast of Trumpets as the 13th year since God gave her a word to sell or give away all she had to move to Israel to serve Him as an ambassador of Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). "This is what my life is all about, and why I am grateful that you are a part of my ministry; living life among my people, making a difference because of how Yeshua made a difference in my life and changed me forever." In 2 weeks, after 10 days of prayer culminating in a day of fasting (Yom Kippur) for the salvation of our nation and her people in her congregation, Sally travels to the USA visiting the east and west coast. Pray for her travels and Divine appointments.

Yet another engagement in the Bass family in Beer Sheva, Howard and Randi gathered with their family for Rosh Hashana write, "we received a video call from our daughter, Tamar, and her FIANCE, Ezra!  Ezra timed his proposal in Los Angeles to coincide with the beginning of the New Year evening Israel time. We all gave a shout of victory and joy! 

In other Yeshua's Inheritance congregational news, they were invited to a young adults discipleship program primarily geared for post-military believers. They were invited to Lech Lecha since many of our 'youth' were going to actively participating there, both in leading the worship for the whole conference, and for a testimony of God's calling on his life given by our son, Evan." They also held "a social gathering for our staff and volunteers in Nachalat Yeshua, to appreciate one another and to be encouraged in what the Holy Spirit is accomplishing among us in the congregation.  About 50 persons will be coming together.  When I speak of staff, it is not big:  me, a couple of other elders; a couple of deacons.  Only two of us are paid any salary (minimum wage).  All others are volunteers  in their service."  Howard writes about everyone contributing their gifts to the benefit of the whole congregation: " Without such bodily love for the Lord and for each other and for His purpose, we will not produce good and righteous fruit for God, nor be much of a light to those outside."


Some HIGHLIGHTS from Facebook this week:

America: If you are not following Shira Sorko-Ram on Facebook
you are missing some powerful prayer direction for the current USA political mess!


Great FB picture shared by Chaya and Avi Mizrachi of their new VIP House of Prayer Room.
Here they are holding a special Shabbat service of Adonai Roi in Tel Aviv to celebrate. 

Also Ron Cantor gives an update of the PayPal problems reported last week: After a week, we have been able to transfer funds in smaller increments. This was after I submitted to them my 1040 from 2018. They said that wanted to confirm that "I was me", but I had submitted all the forms to them months ago and they never told me there was an issue. And I had to talk to so many people just to find one person who understood what the issue was. We should have all our funds removed from them by the end of this week and we are working on a better options. I appreciate all the prayer and advice. 

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue 
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs 

Continue to pray for Jacob Damkani | Also for Ruth Nessim whose most critical prayer need is her eyes which may require an operation.| Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please pray for her acute back pain. | Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | Ronit Bender says my heart valve  is still leaking but my lungs are fine. I totally have peace about my health, although it is far from great.  I still appreciate prayer, as I need it. I am very grateful they let me travel in October and November both to Australia and Holland. Please continue to pray for Ronit | Shlomy Abramov of Awake Israel, because of a condition where blood does not flow to his legs as it should, was advised by a specialist in case of injuries, he could lose his leg because of the blood flow issues. Please pray.

Donna Diorio or

THANK YOU to those who have considered this ministry worthy of financial support.

Donations appreciated | 
Or look up on paypal:

By postal mail make payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
I do not have tax exempt status.