Please Note : Next week there will likely not
be a new Arrows from Zion or Weekly Summary of the Prayer Requests
from Israel Ministries. Bad
timing, I know. Iran is threatening revenge on Israel out of Syria and the
opening ceremonies of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on May 14th. Then on the
16th, Ramadan begins.
But on Wednesday (5/16) my husband Tony is scheduled for surgery on his neck for severe spinal stenosis. My first priority is to him. You all know to be in prayer for Israel. If I can file the Arrows & Summary, I will but there is much involved in his surgery. At 75 he is still the head of a cabinet business of laborers who cannot function without lots of supervision.
But on Wednesday (5/16) my husband Tony is scheduled for surgery on his neck for severe spinal stenosis. My first priority is to him. You all know to be in prayer for Israel. If I can file the Arrows & Summary, I will but there is much involved in his surgery. At 75 he is still the head of a cabinet business of laborers who cannot function without lots of supervision.
I am asking for prayers to be made for Tony.
This is the second spinal stenosis surgery in the past few years. The first was
much more intense in the lumbar, but this is intense for its own reasons: following after his 2nd heart attack in
February, the weekend before he was scheduled for this critical neck/spinal
surgery. I trust God will keep His hand on Tony, but do covet your prayers for no complications or post-op issues of any
kind. Also that his business will stay on track as we need the income for
As soon as I can get back to work on the
prayer request list, I surely will. But for instance, I know that the first two
weeks of post-op I will have to do all the driving that my husband needs to
keep his business up because of the pain medications he will be on. Please pray
with us and see you again as soon as possible. Shalom, Donna Diorio
Priority Prayer Focus
Before the Feasting & Fun came the Fasting & Fervent Intercession | Just because the Purim holiday has past doesn't mean it is not time to call for a Purim-type fast in the same sense of urgency. There are plenty of reasons to call for fervent intercession on behalf of the Israeli ministries and for Israel right now. Whatever is in the arsenal of the powers of hell to come against God's plans for the salvation of Israel are in play right now.
Obviously, the threats of Iran to take
revenge against Israel for striking its base in Syria, as well as for exposing
the double-dealing of Iran's nuclear ambitions by the bold Israeli intelligence
raid that took Iran's secret nuclear ambition files right out from under their
noses. Of course they are furious and calling for revenge strikes - but notice
they do not want all out direct war because they would lose! What we have to be
troubled about is the loss of innocent lives in proxy strikes on Israel for
Iran by Syrian militias supported by Iran.
Too many believers say, "God is in control and will protect
Israel." Yes, He will, but IN PARTNERSHIP with our petitions to Him. Save
lives, pray now over these threats against Israel, especially in the north.
That is not all that the enemy is throwing at
Israel right now. There is the ongoing Gaza border conflict. They have
promised to keep it up all the way to the US Embassy opening. Israel is
thwarting terror attacks. Much prayer should surround this ceremony.
There is also an emergency need among the
Israeli ministries for financial donations. As far as I can tell, this is
affecting all the ministries. There is no explanation as to why there is lack
of donations, but it is real and it affects the ability to do the ministry of
the Gospel in Israel. 2 Corinthians 8:12 says, "For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according
to what one has, not according to what he does not have. It is not our
intention that others may be relieved while you are burdened, but that there
may be equality.…"
Your prayers for Israeli ministries and for
God to spare the lives of those in harm's way from the fiery darts &
missiles of the enemy are urgently needed now. Also in this Priority
Prayer Focus is request for prayer over the unity of the body of Messiah
in Israel.
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only arrowsfromzion@
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only arrowsfromzion@
Salvation is happening now in Israel. In fact a new study just released from One For Israel finds that from the 1948
statistic of 23 Jews living in Israel who believed in Yeshua as Messiah, in
2017 the "conservative estimate is now 30,000."
"The growth has not been linear, but exponential. Similarly, attitudes towards Messianic believers have also come a long way. Israeli Jews used to be mortified at the thought of a Jew who believed in Yeshua, but today almost everyone we talk to have heard of this growing movement of people."
"The growth has not been linear, but exponential. Similarly, attitudes towards Messianic believers have also come a long way. Israeli Jews used to be mortified at the thought of a Jew who believed in Yeshua, but today almost everyone we talk to have heard of this growing movement of people."
In fact, "22,000 Israelis
search every month for 'Yeshua' or 'Messiah' in Hebrew, and a lot of effort is
put into making sure they reach the answers from a Messianic point of view.
Testimonies of Jewish believers and answers to common objections to faith can
all be easily found as soon as someone starts searching for the Messiah. This
has proved wildly successful. There are barely seven million Jewish people in
Israel, yet our Hebrew language videos have been viewed more than fourteen
million times!" For more
interesting insight into the salvation of Israel, see Findings
Of New Research On The Messianic Movement In Israel
Case in point: Ido Receives Healing
at Tiferet Yeshua. This is story of how God healed a man in Israel
because his friend who had just been baptized by the Tel Aviv congregation
Tiferet Yeshua, told them he was searching. First the sign of healing, followed
by a revelation that God loved him. Maybe this was the 30,001st person in
Israel to believe in Yeshua. The story is told by senior pastor Gil Afriat in
the April issue of Maoz Israel Report, Ari and Shira Sorko-Ram's monthly
newsletter online.
There was also a weekly prayer letter from Maoz covering the delicate
situation surrounding the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. The enemies
of God are none too happy about it. These are shared in the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from
Israeli Ministries, if you happen to be subscribed to that list too. One of the inclusions in the Maoz weekly
letter: "Today most of our office staff in Israel
attended a first-of-its-kind conference for Messianic non-profit organizations
in the Land. We had an amazing
opportunity to learn from people who know their craft, and Shira was also one
of the featured speakers. Please pray
for us to implement what we learned, and continue serving the Lord's purpose
with joy and determination.... Pray for the many ministries we are supporting as they
continue impacting this nation with the Gospel."
No one can say that Avner Boskey doesn't do his homework, and here are two prime examples: Striking a match in a roomful of fumes "Israel finds itself in the crosshairs of more than a handful of potential blow-ups this week. It is a time for those who love Jerusalem to be praying. Here is the list of significant events happening this week." Also: Gold, greed and genocide: global industrialists and the murder of the Jews " The Scroll of Esther contains a hidden key which sheds light on how greed influenced Haman’s attempted Persian Holocaust against the Jews."
There is also an appeal for support of the
Boskey's ministry. This is echoed throughout the ministries of Israel - and it
echoes all the way back from the apostle Paul who first emphasized the need for
the Israeli ministries to receive material support from the believers in the
nations. He wrote about it in many of his letters, but this is perhaps the
clearest and loudest in Romans 15:27 speaking of a contribution to the saints
in Jerusalem: "For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual
blessings, they are obligated to minister to them with material blessings."
Israel Pochtar is also concerned about the
poor in Israel - not only the materially poverty, but also the spiritual
poverty. That is the dual point of the
many evangelism outreaches that are done under his ministry oversight.
Currently he is planning and raising funds for a Shavuot (Pentecost) outreach
where they will minister to the spiritual and material needs of 500
non-believers. Going on a biblical tour is a luxury for immigrants in Israel -
and this Bible tour visits sites important to the life of Yeshua. Learn more "and help us spread the gospel in the land by supporting
this project, or similar ones. See
details how you can help."
Israel also writes about the incredible sign of God's faithfulness that
is apparent in the re-birth of Israel 70 years ago. As he encourages believers
in the nations to prophesy to the bones (Ezekiel 37), he says in certainty:
"Israel is alive because of God's promises. We celebrate the miraculous rebirth of the nation
of Israel 70 years ago, and as believers we fully trust God will bring the rest
of the prophecy to fulfillment, which is: ...put
my Spirit in you and you will live. That day is quickly approaching as
Dani Sayag is the senior pastor of the Carmel
Congregation in Haifa that was started by David Davis years ago. It is a dynamic
worship and prayer congregation whose weekly messages can be viewed on Facebook. He also is the senior pastor over the Kerem-El,
God's Vineyard congregation and a constellation of outreaches to the poor, the
addicted, the hungry, the new immigrants, the Holocaust survivors and those who
need healing in their community. "We have
begun to see healings break forth in some of our meetings, as well as in
encounters with unbelievers on the streets of Haifa."
Yeshua said in Mark 16:17-18, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." We are hearing more and more reports of healings as Israeli believers are taking their faith to the streets.
Yeshua said in Mark 16:17-18, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." We are hearing more and more reports of healings as Israeli believers are taking their faith to the streets.
Also from the Carmel congregation, an appeal
for material support: "Please pray with us for the ongoing finances to
continue operating all the branches of the Kehilat HaCarmel ministries. We
believe we are entering a season of multiplied fruitfulness, and we are
trusting Him to enable us to continue all that He has established."
Many great articles from Tikkun (which means
restoration) ministries in Israel from the various ministry and congregational
leaders: from Asher Intrater A New Level of Prophecy "I believe God is offering a "double"
prophetic anointing to enable us to speak of God’s destiny for Israel, the
Church and the Nations in these end times." Also, "In every
generation, each person must see himself as if he came out of Egypt." Passover and
From Dan Juster, The Battle for Language There is
something more about "politically correct" language, it is a battle
to establish new realities. Avi Tekle of Tents of Mercy writes in A Good
Predicament to "... send portions to those
for whom nothing is prepared" and the Return to Zion congregation give a Passover Report. Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher
congregation writes that "Others should be able to 'read'
our lives, as reflecting Yeshua - not because of our abilities but because the
Spirit which dwells in us, gives life" in Messages Written by Messiah. And finally
Cody Archer of Revive Israel in Jerusalem writes about the Six Things to
do When Under Spiritual Attack: Repent -
Stay in Community - Stay in the Word - Speak in Faith - Keep Worshipping - Keep
Ronit Bender lives in the Carmel region and
attends the Kerem-El congregation. She is friend who is inventive in reaching
out to the people around her ... and some she travels long distances to reach.
While recently on a speaking tour in Australia, she received a prophetic word
that she mulled in her heart after returning to Tel Aviv. She writes that "I
knew the Lord wanted me to go back to south Tel Aviv, to minister to women that
are drug addicts, prostitutes and the broken people living on the street. For
several weeks, I have been volunteering with “The Red Carpet”, a ministry that
serves these women, and showers them with the love of God. Some get saved, some
die of illness or drugs, and some choose to reject the gospel." The work
on the streets of Tel Aviv to the addicted and the prostitutes is mnistry for
people with a special compassion and Yeshua-love for the broken. Ronit is one
of those special kinds of people. More of her news is found in the Weekly Summary list.
Another quite excellent list of prayer topics came
in last Friday from Intercessors for Israel, Ofer Amitai, Eliyahu Ben-Haim and
Churck Cohen. The start by praising God
for helping the Israeli Intelligence Agency, Mossad, to heist the documentation
of Iran's hidden nuclear program right out from under their noses! It was a
feat of remarkable proportions and likely has had great impact on the announcement
today by President Trump to pull out of the Iran Deal and slap tight sanctions
back on the country for lying and continuing its quest for nukes. These are all prayer points that that comprise
an intense constellation of major situations in and around Israel this week. Much more available on the Weekly Summary
Carolyn and Richard Hyde's monthly letter is
full of "Appointments, both divine
and scheduled". One instance: Praise G-d for recent opportunities to
share the love of Messiah with groups of Holocaust survivors and pioneers from the
early days of the founding of the Modern State of Israel. These beautiful people responded with great
joy and at one point, an elderly lady took my microphone and said, "You
have brought light and hope into a place of darkness." After many other examples, the quote from
Psalm 102: You will arise and have mercy
on Zion. For it is time to be gracious
to her, for the appointed time has come.
From Asher Intrater of Revive Israel: "What will come of the U.S. Embassy
move, Korean nuclear weapons, President Trump, and the world of Media? We must
unite in prayer and intercession before the God of Israel. Read Urgency of Prayer PLUS VIDEO 2018
Prayer Targets
Two videos Cody Archer interviews Gateways Beyond /and with an article Revive Media Building to New Levels. Revive Israel writes, "You can make a difference in Israel. Help us to continue to reach and disciple Israelis through your generous giving. Donate today."
I love the message Guy Cohen has in the
differences in the account of the healing of a young boy in Mark 9:14-29 and Matthew 17. "Yeshua didn't rush in and heal the boy though.
He moved into the situation, asked the scribes what they were discussing and
got his answer from the father. Then Yeshua tells them to bring Him the boy at
which point the demon reacts by throwing him to the ground. Still Yeshua does
not respond but continues to inquire about the boy's condition, asking how long
he had been this way. Did he really need to know and was it necessary to spend
time in gathering information? What are some of the things we learn from this
account? First of all that we should be walking in holiness with the intent of
our heart to be to see God's hand move in the lives of others. However, there
will be those who stand ready to criticize and dispute our intentions based on
our success or failure, in their eyes. As was the case here, we tend to put our
faith in what we see. In this case their failure to heal the boy brought doubt,
in everyone." Pray for Guy to have favor granted in a long running
situation tomorrow.
From the Kerem El, God's Vineyard
congregation, they have reports on the recent holidays, and also this special
event for their congregants - a Finance Seminar. "Finishing the month can
be difficult in any country, but Israel happens to be a very expensive place to
live. In order to help our congregation
in this very important area of finances, we recently had a financial seminar. This seminar was open to other congregations,
as well. Two members of our congregation, attended training for this, and now
they are accompanying families that need help in this area."
Ron Cantor of Messiah's Mandate and Tiferet
Yeshua congregation, shares a short video about 15 Years in Israel "I
remember landing in Israel 15 years ago. We were depressed and scared and had
no idea what the future held for us. My daughter Sharon, produced this very
short video on our journey.... We love Israel and are so blessed that the Lord sent
us here to minister. We love our congregation Tiferet Yeshua and the city of
Tel Aviv! Let me know what you think of the film. :-) Do you have a group
coming to Israel? then you must come see us in Tel Aviv! Presenting "Revive Tel Aviv!"
Tiferet Yeshua has produced a 60 minute presentation to connect you to the
Israeli body of believers, through testimonies, teaching and worship in Hebrew.
If you have a group coming, please contact us"
The Yuval Messianic Worship Center for Music
and the Arts at the Clal Building in Jerusalem, have a new worship CD Panai El
Adonai (My Face to God). It is available here
And a new blog post from Orna Grinman I Will
Tabernacle Inside You
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry
leaders and believers with urgent health needs
Rick Ridings daughter, Esther Moore continues to need prayer in her ongoing
battle with cancer. She needs a miracle | Eddie
Santoro please continue prayers for
Eddie for full healing and that God will use him mightily to give testimony
to God's love and healing power in Yeshua
| Michael Lambert, while teaching at the Nigerian Bible School in Tel Aviv,
had to return to the US in Jan after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He just
finished his 2nd round of chemo last week and is already planning to return to
Jerusalem in the Fall. The oncologist believes the tumor will be 100%
eradicated during the next 5 months. Please pray with Michael for complete
healing and restoration to minister in
his beloved Israel | Please pray for Shlomy Abramov for leg pain and for
his associate Gindin, who suddenly
is unable to walk. | Rachel Netanel has
a polyp on her vocal cords. Please pray for complete healing for this
evangelist in Israel. | Daniel Juster's quick recovery from
gallbladder removed April 23 - please pray
| Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is
getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial
improvement | Steve Lightle of Intercessors for Israel (IFI) recently
suffered a heart attack & is now
recovering in Seattle. Pray for a full, quick recovery | The Kfar Saba Wellspring (Hamaayan) Congregation is asking
prayer for their members suffering from cancers | Lebanese Christian Pastor
Najeeb Attieh had two surgeries on his thighs & a hip replacement Pray
for full recovery| PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYER FOR for HaMaayan congregant Danny Meyuseff suffering poor health on
several fronts, David Ortiz, Ami Ortiz, Ruth Nessim| LONG
TERM BATTLES | David Stern, David, Leah and
Ami, Moshe M.; Michael E, Claude Ezagouri; Baruch &
Karen Maayan, Judy, wife of pastor Yaakov K. | Please continue to pray for Mississippi Israel Prayer warrior Debra Koen Abernethy who underwent a double lung transplant on 3/7 then developed a complication with immobility of esophagus on 4/8. On the 4/26 Deb
got a g (gastric) tube. She hopes to get out of the hospital finally. Please
keep her in prayer for full recovery.
Great Praise report from Miriam Abramov: Gindon who lost his leg strength suddenly and was in a
wheelchair, can walk again!!!! Praise the lord for he has done great things! Thank
you friends who love the lord and pray for Israel.
An Invitation to Help
Esther Ridings Moore
Her dad, Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel the 24/7 prayer & worship house operating in Jerusalem for decades, is asking for donations for Esther's cancer treatment at this GoFundMe account.
Her dad, Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel the 24/7 prayer & worship house operating in Jerusalem for decades, is asking for donations for Esther's cancer treatment at this GoFundMe account.
Click to learn more about this worship
minister, her family and her battle.
Israeli Ministries on Tours |
Marc Chopinsky May 12 @ 11am | Washington, DC - Ahavat Yeshua Messianic congregation - Music and speaking
Sally Shiff in Kfar Saba setting up bookings now for Norway in July, then the US in September, in her role as Kehilat HaMaayan liaison. She believes her message will be about Rosh Hashana, the fall holidays and Israel —and how that pertains to the Church.

Donna Diorio or
Please pray about making a financial gift donation.
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
and mail to: P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 Or via PayPal, Send to: I do not have tax exempt status.
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