Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Arrows from Zion 10/31/2018

Priority Prayer Focus

In a Season of Sunsets
by Donna Diorio

Last week I was struck by the beauty of this photograph of a Netanya sunset that an intercessor for Israel posted on Facebook. I thought it would be a poignant follow up to our saying goodbye to Marc Chopinsky...then I read the post that accompanied the photo.

Darlene was in Israel and just gotten word that her mother had just passed away. A friend of hers posted the lyrics to an old hymn,
Beyond the Sunset, to comfort her in her loss. This morning she told me that her dad has also passed away while she was in Israel in 2009. Both of them were Christians, so her loss is tempered by the knowledge that, as the lyric goes:
"Beyond the sunset, O glad reunion with our dear loved ones who’ve gone before.
In that fair homeland we’ll know no parting—beyond the sunset for evermore!"
Sunsets in terms of human life are like sunrises — it is all part of the human condition. The loss of loved ones is only made bearable by the blessed hope we have in an eternity with the LORD. This is also why there is so much sorrow surrounding the horrible anti-Semitic attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue last Shabbat. Eleven traditional Jews were killed in the attack, 2 were in their 50's, 3 in their 60's, 2 in their 70's, 3 in their 80's and a woman who was 97 years old.

The demonic hatred of the Chosen People is not confined to the minority fringe of "White Supremacy" of the politically far right in America. The media rarely acknowledges it, but the Liberal Left has practically mainstreamed anti-Semitism through the many activist groups who embrace Islamists as allies. The alliances share agendas and strategies. It is baffling how a Palestinian hijab-wearing Islamist like Linda Sarsour could be the face of the Feminist movement in the USA if you do not understand it in its spiritual reality.

Of course, the demonic hatred of the Jews and Israel is not merely manifest in the hate groups in America. You can name the hate group worldwide and there will be an element of demonically inspired anti-Semitism that fits the hate group precisely. Some based on theological errors, some based on group grievances - but all hate groups share at least some degree of anti-Semitism. Even when it is dressed up in theological garb of pro-Palestinian Christian defense against an "evil" Israel, the hatred of Israel and the Jews all comes from the same source.

The enemy hates God's plan for the salvation of all Israel and over the centuries has set apart the Jews as special prey. Through hatred nurtured in the hearts men, the devil seeks to cut off the lives of the Jews wherever they are. 

I have heard many explanations over the years for all the terrible things that have been done to the Jews, but only one thing remains in my heart as true, and that is the demonic opposition to God's plans to give them a future and a hope.

This is why it is so greatly saddening to me when I hear of Jewish people who are cut off from life before they have had their eyes opened to the love of Messiah. It is a powerful reason to pray for Israel and for the Jews worldwide, to awaken from their slumber and receive the salvation of Yeshua. This is why we pray for the Israeli ministries who are on the front lines of the battle for the salvation of Israel. For when that salvation comes, and it is already coming now, it will restore so much life throughout the world. (Romans 11:11-14).

We are not as those who are without hope in the world. There are sunsets and there are sunrises yet for us. It is as the promise in Isaiah 60:1-3: 

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. For behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you, and His glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.…

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

We are continually balancing this regarding Jewish opposition whether it is in opposition to the Gospel directly, or to Biblical righteousness and social justice:  As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes. Romans 11:28

There is no escaping politics as the Israeli Municipal elections underscores emphatically. Most mayoral elections have boiled down to secular vs. ultra-Orthodox control. That is true in Ashdod, Jerusalem, Arad & others. Pray for the run offs between the two sides in 2 weeks as outcomes are critical to Messianic believers

Israel Pochtar says the persecution against their congregation has been ratcheted up as not the Ashdod City Hall is questioning its right to exist. This is, of course, against the laws of the Land, but local authorities exercise control in reality that sometimes defies what the national laws dictate.  "Friends, I ask you to please stand with us in prayer and faith for the strategies and campaigns of the enemy to be cast down in the name of Yeshua (Jesus), and that justice will be done for the believers in Ashdod and for Beit Hallel Congregation, and that this persecution from Ashdod City Hall will work out to the glory of God."

[Critical city elections were held last night in Israel, two of the run off cities where the balance of power is critical are Jerusalem - where we favor Ofer Berkovitch - and Ashdod - where we favor Shimon Katznelson. In both cases it is because the other candidate will swing too much clout to the ultra-Orthodox in overall policies of the city. I have done my own homework on this assessment, but it is solid information for those who care about the safety of the Messianic ministries to worship and live in religious freedom. Please pray for them as runoff elections will occur in 2 weeks.]

Avner Boskey has a word on the Pittsburgh anti-Semitic attack on a Jewish synagogue, asking the question, How can we make any sense out of the travesty of these eleven murders? “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17)

Arni Klein has a report on their recent ministry with Germans and Brits in the UK: Arni writes, "For the most part, Germany has borne the brunt of the condemnation and guilt for the Holocaust quite alone. This one question calls the allied nations, beginning with Great Britain, to account for their part in a way and to a degree perhaps never before really addressed. . . . perspective and understanding takes us right back to the bitter curse decreed in Genesis 12:3. Whether for doing evil or for not doing good, sooner or later the righteous judgments of God’s Word will be made manifest. Also upcoming Galilee Worship Gatherings scheduled for 2019. Read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

Orna Grinman's  Back to Beit Lehem: Sleeping Beauty (Part 9)

The Arad Hasdey Yeshua (Mercy of Yeshua) congregation is delighted to report that the utra-Orthodox did not win the mayoral bid in Arab, but their loved mayor Nisan Ben Hamo did! This is good news for Arab believers because Mayor Ben Hamo protects the rights of all citizens and has not sold out to the ultra-Orthodox desires to dominate the city. Many political figures in Israel, in order to obtain the votes that will put them in power, bow to the desires of the ultra-Orthodox. This factor affects all Israeli politics all the way to the top of the political power chain - the Prime Minister. We have seen it before in the late 1990's when Netanyahu began to bend to the religious demands against Messianics to gain the votes to keep his coalition viable. Pray over this situation that is always see-sawing back and forth in Israel's political realm.  For more of the news from the Arad Hebrew congregation, read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

David Lazarus asks what the future of Messianic Jewish-ness is considering the departure of younger Messianic Jews from the Jewish traditions that forged the parent's generation of Messianic Judaism.  Lazarus looks at what factors he believes is drawing younger generations away and how their own congregation seeks to remedy the issues. Read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

From Revive Israel two videos: Gaza's Internal Turmoil |with Cody Asher talking with Bassem Adranly | Dan Juster speaks from the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 and encourages us to overcome in The Great Reversal | and an article by Asher Intrater on how the one role of original Apostles actually became seven roles, cooperating together. ​ The Seven - Fold Ministry!?!

Sally Shiff who is an intercessor and liaison for the Kehilat HaMaayan in Kfar Saba writes of an outstanding 7 weeks in the US - outstanding and in some places astounding what God did. Her beautiful testimony of what happened in a Alabama church service after only 15 minutes of sharing, 10 minutes of shouting before the Lord and the healings that followed will delight your heart.  Read more by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

Many Christians have their eyes on the traditional religious Jews of Israel and excitedly follow all news of their preparations to rebuild the Temple and bring Israel under the authority of the modern Sanhedrin. Can I break the news to you that these things are NOT GOOD for the GOSPEL in Israel? Which is why I was delighted to see Ron Cantor take on this important subject:  Yeshua Transfers Authority from Rabbis to Apostles. Ron writes, "In Matthew 23 Yeshua says, the members of the Sanhedrin sit in Moses' seat, so we have to obey them. (Yes, there was seat in every synagogue like the one above, called Moses' Seat) But I found four places where Yeshua clearly transferred that authority from the rabbis to the Jewish apostles." Wake up Church! Some of you are following the wrong leaders. More from Cantor by connecting directly with the ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries

With critical Mid-Term elections in the US, Municipal elections in Israel and another critical election that was just held in Brazil, Maoz Israel's Shira Sorko-Ram has been leading an anointed daily prayer points vigil on Facebook for several weeks.  Yesterday she posted about the new Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro whose party’s motto is “Brazil Above Everything, God Above Everyone.” This combination is a belief in national sovereignty and recognition of the proper role of God has the atheist left absolutely terrified.  Follow Shira on Facebook.

Also from Maoz, this report from Ari Sorko-Ram on his recent ministry in Brazil: Bringing the Truth of Israel to Brazil.  As reported in the Caspari Media Review below, Brazil had the largest number of participants in the ICEJ Sukkot conference with 900 in attendance. There is a great awakening among the Church to Israel in Brazil, and God is blessing them with political leadership that also acknowledges God and His heart for Israel. This is no coincidence, folks.

The Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias led by Claude and Michelle Ezagouri have set their hearts on the youth for several years and many who had back-slidden are coming back into the fold. Some have agreed to take the discipleship course so this is a priority prayer request that these teens will reconnect fully with faith and devotion.  Secondly, they write, "Tiberias is a difficult city with much opposition to the Gospel". Tiberias is difficult [Donna speaking now] because like Arad in the south, there is a huge part of the population that is ultra-Orthodox, which gives sway to the politics of the city and surrounding region.  Please pray for this congregation and their plans to move forward in the name of Yeshua.

Finally, (1) they pray for God to bless Israel with desperately needed bountiful rain during the winter season which is just starting. (2) pray against pedophilia which has multiplied in Israel over the last several years. The enemy is always seeking ways to either kill or destroy Jewish people before they can come to the Light of Yeshua. Pray for the new Police unit operating to detect pedophilia rings. (3) pray for ongoing Hamas conflict which has been escalating .

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

CONTINUED URGENT PRAYER FOR JACOB DAMKANI who is now in a rehabilitation facility where medical staff can work to get him back to consiousness. Please keep up the prayers | Praise the LORD for the ALL-Clear on EDDIE SANTORO's latest MRI showing no more signs of cancer in his brain! | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery but keep praying for total restoration |  Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.| Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | Ruth Nessim has several health issues, read in her update this week: Most critical EYES.|
                Continue pray for Marianna Gol's urgent requests shared last week for Streams in the Desert (widows & orphans)
:    A, the 20 yr old jailed man | M1 following surgery last week & many related needs | M2, mother getting a mastectomy who has an  autistic needing 24/7 care. Many needs | T, mother of 3, bed-ridden with severe back pain. Many needs including a correct diagnosis which will determine eligiblity for financial.         
                Pray also for Israel intercessors/supporters in other nations with urgent health needs
Jeurgen at ICEJ, Karen and Yonit in Israel.  Also for Israel intercessors:  Cecelia Toth, Arlene Stucki, Una Gere, Mo Murray, also from our friend Steve in the UK for his wife Elizabeth,
                 and Debra Koen Abernethy still recovering from complication following double lung transplant. This Facebook post just today: " We are heading to Birmingham..UAB this afternoon please be praying my oxygen is quickly dropping to 80’s so I have got to be admitted to see what they can do... my right lung has not been working but I know it will...Know this is not good so just remember us if the Lord willing"

Praying the Headlines

10/29/18 Caspari Media Review Jerusalem  Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies | The Caspari Media Review is a valuable resource that tracks and summarizes news items in Israel that appear in Hebrew only which are related to Messianic Jews and/or Christians.

Media Review September 2018 #3 | Anti-Missionary Attitudes
Source: Iton Shacharit, September 18, 2018 | This article described a group of “missionary Subbotniks” (Judaizing Christians) who attempt to convert Jews living in and around the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. Anti-missionary organization Or L’Achim claims these missionaries use a façade of love and mercy, when in fact they use deception, pretend to be Jews, and trick their way into the country. Or L’Achim calls them “Subbutniks” because the missionaries decide to Judaize of their own accord, without rabbinical guidance, and they are therefore not Halakhic Jews.

Source: The Jerusalem Post, September 18, 2018 | A Messianic Jewish Congregation in Ashdod has suffered a vandalism attack. Senior pastor of Beit Hallel, Israel Pochtar, uploaded a picture to Facebook of two ultra-Orthodox men spray painting such slogans as “the mission is a national disaster” on the congregation’s new building. Pochtar called the incident an “act of hatred against Messianic Jews,” and made an official complaint with the police. Pochtar said, however, that in the past the police have not taken the safety of the Messianic community in Ashdod seriously enough. The police have opened up an official investigation. Beit Hallel has about 300 congregants, who have faced, according to Pochtar, systematic “harassment, bullying, shaming and threats from ultra-Orthodox residents of the city.” Beit Hallel continues to be an active part of the Ashdod community, distributing weekly meals to 1,200 needy families with the help of about 100 volunteers from the congregation. The author of the article noted that “Messianic Jews are continuously ostracized both by mainstream world Jewry and by Israel with an almost blanket rejection of Messianic Jews, or Jews who believe in Jesus.”

Christians in Israel | Source: Various Articles
 Close to 7,000 Evangelical Christians from nearly 100 countries worldwide took part in the annual Jerusalem March that was held during Sukkot...[an] Eshkhol representative said: “Israel is fortunate to have many Christian friends all over the world who provide key support for the Jewish state in their home countries.” ....

The country with the largest delegation at the march was Brazil, with 900 participants. In second place was the Ivory Coast, with 500 participants. In an interview, one pastor from Brazil said: “We are supporting and praying for Israel, because if Israel is strong, then it will help bring Jesus for the second time.”

In the past, Jewish leaders called on Jews to avoid events organized by the ICEJ for fear of efforts to convert Jews. However, the ICEJ continues to maintain that it has a policy against proselytizing in Israel.

October 21, 2018 Media Review | Anti-Missionary Attitudes
Source: BaKehila, October 11, 2018; Iton Shacharit, October 17, 2018 | The first article reported that Yad L’Achim received dozens of calls to its hotline when Messianic Jewish “missionaries” took advantage of the Jerusalem March to preach conversion to thousands of Jews. Yad L’Achim said the incident was not spontaneous, but well-coordinated. The missionaries came with matching shirts and thousands of pamphlets.

The second article reported that Yad L’Achim turned to the Jerusalem municipality, without formal response from Mayor Barkat, to attempt to bar a known “missionary church” from the ‘Batim MeBifnim’ – an open house event wherein landmark sites are open to the public. Yad L’Achim was horrified to find that the municipality even recommended the church as part of the tour. Yad L’Achim planned to put a team in front of the church during the event in order to warn passers-by of the danger. The article never mentioned the church by name, but a picture of the entrance to Christ Church in the Old City of Jerusalem was included in the piece.

My Word

I can't help but notice how the Messianic Jews are coming into view in the wake of the horrible anti-Semitic attack on the Pittsburgh synagogue occurred last Shabbat. Israel must be a safe haven for all Jews, yet the denial of the "Jewishness" of Messianic Jews remains an obstacle in every way. The closest one can get to having their conscience pricked over that false assertion that Messianic Jews are no longer Jews, comes when there is wide acknowledgement that anti-Semitic murderers do not make the same distinctions as do many Jews. There is no denial: Messianics are still Jews.

The day after the murder of those 11 elderly Jews, Dr. Michael Oren, Israel's former Ambassador to the US, now a Knesset member and the Deputy Minister for Diplomacy tweeted this comment:

"The Conservative Jews of Pittsburgh were sufficiently Jewish to be killed because they were Jews but their movement is not recognized by the Jewish State. Israel must bolster these communities, already challenged by assimilation, by strengthening our ties with them."

Oren's comments were politically pointed to the strong legal controls of the Orthodox in Israel over other sects of Judaism which are widely accepted, much less the Messianic movement which they utterly oppose. I could not pass up the wide opening to reply to Oren's tweet: "Yes and amen to that. Israel should also recognize the same with Messianic Jews. Our Dallas Shabbat service was shot up by an anti-semite in the late nineties. Many shots fired into the packed service & miraculously no one hit. Messianics are sufficiently Jewish to be killed too."

Normally I keep my Twitter feed non-religious because I use it to follow the news. I do not want to be blocked by Jewish news reporters that I follow, as I have been in the past by some Jewish counter terrorism experts.  Despite this, I could not comment with such a wide opening left.

Later I saw another wide door open when Bethany Mandel of Jewish publication, The Forward tweeted, "When I was being harassed and sent death threats, the ADL wasn't interested until liberal journalists got them too. They never had any advice or assistance with security concerns. Experts at the Federation gave me their cell phone numbers and told to call them day or night."

I replied in a tweet: "When our Messianic synagogue was attacked in the late 1990's by an anti-semite shooting rounds into a packed Shabbat service, all Dallas ADL did was go on a media campaign about how 'they're not really Jews'. As they repeated after subsequent hate vandalism attacks"

Now I see that a controversy has broken out over Republican Jewish candidate defends inviting Messianic rabbi to honor Pittsburgh victims. "Lena Epstein, a Jewish Republican nominee for Congress in Michigan, defended inviting a Messianic rabbi to honor the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre at a campaign event that featured Vice President Mike Pence.

“I invited the prayer because we must unite as a nation — while embracing our religious differences — in the aftermath of Pennsylvania,” Epstein said in a statement she posted Monday on Twitter after news of the event prompted Jewish outrage on the social networking service.

“Any media or political competitor who is attacking me or the vice president is guilty of nothing short of religious intolerance and should be ashamed,” she said."

Does it not seem like the timing to lean in to this prayer point and challenge to the greater Jewish community be made now?

Donna Diorio or

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