In the new year, I don't think there is a higher resolution that we could make for ourselves than what is expressed in Philippians 3:12-14 to press on to take hold of that which Messiah Yeshua took hold of us. We all fall short in many ways, but in Him we can all continue to press forward in our high calling.
I am starting
out the first day of 2019 the same way I finished the last day of 2018, by
working on Arrows from Zion and the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests
from Israeli Ministries. But I will be honest with you, this year has been
a hard one and the last few weeks the whispered question in my mind has been,
Is the effort really helping? Is the work making any difference? Are you really
reaching people?
This past year
I made a change in how I distribute Arrows from Zion, the shorter
version of the Weekly Summary. I have to keep the Weekly Summary
off of the internet because there are too many details that could be used
against the ministries in Israel. But I was always working in the blind, never
knowing how many people actually wanted the long version — or the short
version, Arrows, for that matter!
So I removed
Arrows from the list that sends out the Weekly Summary and put it on
a list that I can see who is opening the email and who rarely touch it. Also, I
got a better reading of who actually uses the Weekly Summary, because to
continue to receive it, subscribers had to specifically renew their request to
It was
enlightening. I was reaching only half of my list. That was really hard to deal
with. You think one thing is happening and it's not that at all. I was able to
improve Arrows from Zion greatly, but now I see better why God did not
want David numbering the people in 1 Chronicles 21! When you see how weak the
numbers are, it is disheartening. Disheartening — like discouraging: the
"dis" is the removal of whatever essence it is attached to: courage,
2018 has been
a year that has been greatly humbling to me and anything I thought I was
getting done. Even pressing ahead with improvements, my donor support dwindled
down to nothing.
Many say, If
God is in it, He will provide for it. It's another one of those hard, fast
Christian dogmas that I don't think is always true. Maybe mostly true, but if
it were always true then the ministries in Israel would be overflowing with
donor support, and they just aren't. I KNOW that God is 100% behind what they
are doing to reach the people of Israel. So I have to remind myself of that
when I don't bring in enough donations to even cover the expenses of producing
my mailing.
As my husband
and I were talking about this yesterday, he said, 'There may not be donations,
but that doesn't mean there are not blessings.' It's true. Even though the
discouragements of 2018 were many, I cannot see altering my course in 2019. Arrows
from Zion and the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli
Ministries will continue on. It is my calling to do it.
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
The yearend wrap up of Avner and Rachel Boskey
take a look back at the good things of 2018 in their ministry including a
review of their US tour 21 Days in November and several new
articles from Avner, Three red cherries and a one-armed bandit
on the winds of change sweeping the earth, and the intriguingly titled, Cross-dressing – the One New Man and the Bride of
Messiah. They have new emphasis on visual communications with Our YouTube channel is Signet Ring Media. Also Listen to a song for you
Eddie and Jackie Santoro write about how the
battle for Eddie's health continues with the reemergence of the brain tumor for
the third time. Please read more in the Weekly Summary - their faith remains
high despite the bad news. Here is an interview with the Santoro's Once
again in need of a miracle in KehilaNews this week. In an earlier email,
Eddie and Jackie wrote about the Israeli curiosity about Christmas. They wrote,
"It is a great opportunity for evangelism and many of the believers go
there to share with the Israelis the truth about Christmas - that this holiday
is really about their Messiah! Please
pray that as Israelis go around looking to "see" Christmas - not only
here but throughout the world that they would encounter Yeshua and the true
meaning of this holiday."
From Revive Israel, Asher Intrater writes on 3 Goals of Teamwork, Video with Cody
Archer & Ariel Blumenthal on One New Man, and Dan Juster's video Expanding the Kingdom
Israel Pochtar writes about their efforts to
bless the many Russian and Ukraine Jews who fled terrible circumstances with
little more than the clothes on their back. One of their projects is supplying
these people with winter essentials — from blankets to electrical heaters. Watch this video testimony. Also of the
"Celebration of the birth of the Jewish Messiah," Israel writes, "How could anyone possibly say it's not a
Jewish holiday if it celebrates the birth of our Jewish Messiah, who was born a
few miles away from where we write these lines. Yeshua chose to be born here,
so it would be impossible to forget that Israel was his homeland, it was here
that He chose to reveal Himself to His own brethren - the nation of Israel."
Ron Cantor has a several part series in
writing and on video called Secrets Surrounding the Birth of Jesus. Also a super report
about the news crew from "i24, a major Israeli news outlet
for Jews and Evangelicals all over the world came to Nes v'Cafe to do a story
on Messianic Judaism. The other day, I did an hour long interview with one of
their hosts, Emily Frances. I had free rein to fully explain what we believe,
share my testimony and more. Pray that God will use this interview to touch
Jewish people all over the world." Also, Ron's latest, a news summary VIDEO
Your Israel Connection. And finally an
article by a young man mentored by Ron in his first blog article, "Who
are you to judge me?" by Michael Elady
Orna Grinman's new blog post The Love Revolution is the Jewish view of
the outreach she just did with a Christian Arab sister, Rania Sayegh, who is also
featured this week in the Weekly Summary talking about their street ministry
distributing 300 roses to areas in Jerusalem neighborhoods populated mostly by
Arabs. You will want to read both of their accounts. Orna's online, Rania's in
the Weekly Summary along with other
news from her prophetic intercessory ministry from Nazareth.
The Tikkun Global email in Dec featured a little background on the Tents of Mercy congregation which was founded by Eitan Shishkoff, who recently transferred the leadership role to Avi Tekle, his son-in-law. The humanitarian outreach center is central to the heart of the Messianic congregation in one of the poorer areas of Israel, known as the Kryot—the ‘towns’. Volunteers come from within Israel and all over the world to help distribute food and clothing all throughout the year. During the holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Passover, they extend the distribution and give away 700 large bags to ensure that these precious people have food and other special holiday items with which to celebrate the feasts. This was a year end appeal, but it is never too late to sow into the good soil by designating a donation to the humanitarian work.
Howard Bass in Beer Sheva writes about their
annual trek to Bethlehem to worship with the Christian Arab brothers &
sisters. Here is "one of
the songs that we did at Immanuel Church and here is my Christmas message to Yeshua's
Inheritance Congregation" in writing.
Kobi and Shani Ferguson recap their year "we ministered to over 30 congregations abroad
offering a glimpse into life in Israel, God’s heart for His prodigal people....Our
Israel Family Initiative provided for the medical, educational, physical and
spiritual needs of families, orphans, widows and IDF soldiers. Our Israel
Worship Initiative brought together over 100 Israeli musicians, psalmists and
songwriters from all over the country to network and invest in their spiritual
development and practical skills." Learn more inside the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from
Israeli Ministries or by connecting directly with the ministry.
In the past 17 years of following Israeli
Ministries, I have never seen such an explosion of so many noting the Israeli
interest in Christmas festivities. It has come from believer sources, as well
as non-believer sources, like Tablet Magazine that recently carried an article,
"Christmas Envy—in Israel". Recently I read about an exchange between
an Israeli believer and a religious Jew where the believer distanced themselves
from the Christmas festivities but the religious Jew's reaction was in gist,
What? Are you kidding? I am interested BECAUSE of Christmas! Now who would
have thought that making Israel "jealous" would ever have come in the
form of Israelis envy & fascination with Christmas celebrations?
Martin Sarvis writes exactly on that subject
about how Israelis were showing great interest in Christmas this year, packing
out Christmas services in the Old City Jerusalem, classical radio stations
playing Christmas music for a couple of days around Christmas. Martin writes,
"Remarkably, it has become not uncommon in the past few years, to hear the
radio announcer, during preliminary remarks for, say, a performance of Bach’s
Christmas Oratorio, made use of Jesus’ true Hebrew name Yeshua, rather than the
“Yeshu” which most Israelis have been taught since childhood is his name.... PLEASE
PRAY: That Israel would recognize Who loves her with an everlasting love, and
is drawing her with loving kindness (Jer. 31:3). Who was “in the beginning with
God —who is the true Light which came into this world in the “House of Bread”
–Bet-Lehem (“Bethlehem”)—who lived and died and was raised to bring life to the
house of Israel—and the whole world! reports
that it was able to meet and even exceed its goal of raising over $15,000 to
cover the months. They are giving thanks for those who responded to the call
and explain some of their vision for providing a centralized platform to help
Israeli ministries reach a larger audience. Read more Read more inside the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from
Israeli Ministries or by connecting directly with the ministry. A few of the selections featured in KehilaNews: A sign spoken
against by Howard Bass | Secrets
surrounding the birth of Messiah (Part 1) by Ron Cantor | VIDEO: Hananya
Naftali I was
born in the Galilee
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry
leaders and believers with urgent health needs
EDDIE SANTORO's latest MRI showed the return of the brain tumor. The doctors will only finish out the treatment he is already was having - only 1 more treatment and they are stopping further medical interventions. From the beginning, God spoke to Eddie to flow with the doctors in dealing with the brain tumor. The doctors always said it would come back and now for a third time, it has. The doctors have reached the end of what they can do - and Eddie has miraculously lived long past what they expected from the beginning. Eddie and Jackie are holding onto their faith, and Eddie is also spiritually set to receive the needed miracle to live, or to be present with the LORD. Please pray for the miracle of life for Eddie as he as done as the LORD said, flowed with the doctors. Where human strength fails, God's power arises.
Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please pray for her acute back pain. | CONTINUED URGENT PRAYER FOR JACOB DAMKANI still in a critical condition | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery but keep praying for total restoration | Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.| Ruth Nessim has several health issues, read in her update this week: Most critical EYES.|
Praying the Headlines
(Maybe I Should Re-Label this My Word!)
I am including this Caspari Media Review summary of a news
article in HaAretz, because I find it so appalling that Christians are still
being suckered into going to the unsaved rabbis instead of the saved Messianic
Jewish ministries so they can learn "authentic Torah teaching." Fine,
you want to learn the Bible from someone who does not have the Spirit of God
indwelling their hearts and enlightening their teaching? You are the one who is
placing them and you in spiritual jeopardy. Currying favor with the unsaved
rabbis is not helping you or them. -Donna
December 20, 2018 | There is a growing trend amongst
Evangelical Christians who desire to study the Bible from rabbis in so-called
“Yeshivas for Christians.” Rivkah Lambert Adler, an Orthodox Jewish
educator, said: “It’s become a phenomenon. What we’re seeing is a profound
hunger and thirst among Christians for authentic Torah teaching.” A number of
such yeshivas have emerged recently, many of them as partnerships between
Orthodox Jews and Evangelical Christians. Some offer online learning, others
involve face-to-face education in Israel. The demand is high, but there are few
teachers, and the different yeshivas often share teaching rosters. Lambert
Adler said this is because “the pool of teachers who are Jewishly
knowledgeable, who are English-speaking and who are willing to engage with
non-Jews is relatively small.” When asked why Orthodox Jews are reluctant to
teach Christians, Lambert Adler responded: “The Jewish people, by and large,
are very defensive about Christians. We tend not to trust them, we tend to
think they have a missionizing agenda 100% of the time, and we tend to want
them to just leave us alone.”
Secondly, I was equally appalled by an email
link to an article in a Charismatic magazine over Christmas: FIRST I DO NOT RECOMMEND THE ARTICLE but I'm using it for illustrative purposes.
The link in Christian magazine actually sent you to the article that was
published in Breaking Israel News - a
source that is wholly untrustworthy. "Are
We in End Times : Orthodox Children Prophesy Great Worldwide Turmoil"
it if you must)
I believe the
conflict is becoming more and more brought to the fore of our vision, when
Israel-supporting Christians still have not figured out that although we are to
consider unsaved Israel "beloved" for the forefathers sake, they are
at the same time "enemies of the gospel."
I see this conflict manifested in
Christians who make no difference between the Israeli Jews who believe in Jesus
and the Israeli Jews who don't. Here it is one is our spiritual FAMILY and the
others are the ones we pray will become our spiritual FAMILY, but in the mean
time we need to see them as human beings who are not infilled nor empowered by
the Spirit of God in Messiah.
"Yeah, yeah, we know that," some
would say, "but we are trying to reach them with our kindness toward them
in Jesus' name."
That should not include hanging on every
word or action that you assume is a prophetic sign. Like the article that came
from an Israel-supporting Christian source this morning asking, "Are We in
End Times? Orthodox Children Prophesy Great Worldwide Turmoil. While not
everything these children say is biblical, could this prophecy pertain to
Jesus' return?"
Prophecy that is from God is given by the
Holy Spirit. Those who are not imbued by the Holy Spirit cannot speak prophecy
by the Holy Spirit.
The kids in this article are saying,
"The Messiah is already here and the final, painful stages are about to
commence." The article cites a Talmud opinion that says, "Since the
Temple was destroyed, prophecy was taken from the prophets and given to shotim
(judges) and children."
NO! That is not where the spirit of
Prophecy was transferred. "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
prophecy.” The administrative offices of God - prophet, priest & king - are
all fulfilled in Jesus, who has delegated them to those who are His by faith -
we all are called the priesthood, and the administrative offices are the
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers who are in the faith and
power of the Holy Spirit.
Why would Christians who have been
Christians most of their lives even consider this? Is there no discernment
whatsoever when it comes to Israel? Honestly, is this what incrementally
falling away looks like? Not being able to comprehend that little autistic
Orthodox children in Israel are not empowered by the Holy Spirit to prophesy
the truth?
"Then if
any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. ...
"If anyone tells you then, Look, here is the Messiah!' or, Over here!' do
not believe it!"
The whole of Matthew 24 which so many seem
intent to keep walking blindly into.
—To End This on A More Positive Note
If you want to be astounded by the growth of Israel
Messianic Jewish believers in Israel just watch
this short video by ONE FOR ISRAEL
In 1948 when the state
of Israel was established there were only 3 or 4 Messianic families in the
entire country. The total number of believers in 1948 was 23.
Today there are over 300 congregations in Israel — that's more Messianic congregations than Conservative and Reform synagogues combined! A conservative estimate of the number of Messianic Jews in Israel is 30,000.
This is the magnitude of what God is doing in Israel!
Today there are over 300 congregations in Israel — that's more Messianic congregations than Conservative and Reform synagogues combined! A conservative estimate of the number of Messianic Jews in Israel is 30,000.
This is the magnitude of what God is doing in Israel!
The Israeli Messianic
Feature of the Week

We want to make sure that everyone is included in the event, so we are subsidizing the entire conference and would sure appreciate your help! The guests will receive all meals, lodging, and transportation. This is no small cost, and the whole conference is going to cost us $50,000.
We would be so blessed for your support both financial and spiritual for what is going on in the body of Messiah in Israel. We know that God will bless you as you bless others. Donations
Thank you!
Chaya Mizrachi and Norma Sarvis
Conference Organizers
Diorio or
Please note change in PayPal donations:
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
I do not have tax exempt status. or
Please note change in PayPal donations:
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
I do not have tax exempt status.
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