Historically considered a wise point of etiquette, the admonition to "Never discuss politics or religion in polite company" does not seem to apply to the times we live in. When polite runs head on into the dangers of remaining silent, we had better start talking with others about our religion and our politics, or so it seems to me.
That is why this week I want to put in front of you some of the things that are being said about the upcoming election for Prime Minister in Israel by Messianic Israelis along with some of the directions Israel's Liberal news media are saying.
First, let me say that I do not know who would make the best Prime Minister for Israel in the coming season. I am confident however that God does know and that He will have the last say in how the vote goes. There is a scripture verse that says of God, "He removes kings and establishes them." But Daniel 2:21 goes on to say, "He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning."
It seems to me there is an invitation there from God to believers to be with Him in our prayer petitions to Him for the next Prime Minister of Israel. God can do anything He wants, but what He really wants is for us to be on the same page with Him, because when we aren't, He has been known to give us what we wanted that was in opposition to what He wanted for us. King Saul instead of David, for example.
If believers in the United States were voting in the Israeli elections, there is little doubt that Benjamin Netanyahu would win this election hands down. The majority of Israel-supporting Christians are conservatives (Republicans) who relate to Netanyahu's strong Israel-national security positions. To us, Netanyahu is a Trump-like figure, something the Israeli news media really doesn't like and writes to dispel.
For example, today in the Jerusalem Post Did Trump Interfere in Israel's Election by Sharing Netanyahu Instagram Post? the paper took issue with President Trump's re-tweet of the above pictured political billboard bearing the slogan,"Netanyahu: In a different League."
In the U.S. that will be seen as a plus among Christian Israel-supporters but the trouble is, they are not well versed in the religious side of the coin. US Christians don't really know the factors shared in Daniel Juster's recent article about the political alliance Netanyahu is overly dependent on. Because of Bibi's need for the religious parties in his government coalition, it gives power for the religious persecution of the Israeli believing community. This is something we need a real breakthrough in of understanding among international Christians, so please read Juster's, The Painful Rule of the Shas Party
There is also misunderstanding even within the Israeli Messianic community about the main source of rising anti-Semitism in the United States. The Israeli news media continually stress that it originates primarily in the conservative Right wing of US politics. Nothing could be farther than the truth. This misunderstanding is based on liberal Israeli news media flat out misreporting and misrepresenting the facts.
You can take that from the US liberal left Jews or from the liberal right Jews, but know this: "Republicans now sympathize with Israel (as opposed to the Palestinians) by a whopping 52-point margin over Democrats—79 percent to 27 percent—the greatest spread between the two parties in the last 40 years. Republicans have never been more favorably disposed toward Israel, while for Democrats, the opposite holds true."
Jonathan Tobin of the Jewish News Syndicate writes, No, there’s no Trump-fueled surge in anti-Semitism. Tobin cites false data by the ADL and other the false claims that Trump is responsible for provoking revival of right-wing extremism that targets Jews. The Christian Family Research Council begins to clear up some of the false narrative in Left-Wing Anti-Semitism: The Greatest Campus Threat Is Ignored by the SPLC.
Benjamin Weingarten notes in Israel as a Partisan issue that "The Democrats have ceded the Jewish State to the GOP for future political gain" and asks, "Could it be that liberal Democrats have grown more Arabist, consistent with the growing anti-Zionist nature of the progressive movement?"
Aligning with the Jewish Liberal Left in the USA who are mostly Democrats, Israeli news media have naturally adopted the same narratives. This leaves two big problems: (1) the real roots of rising anti-Semitism in the US goes unaddressed by Jews. (2) Israeli Messianic Jews may not be as questioning of the narratives they read in their own newspapers regarding politics concerning Jews and the United States.
On Twitter I see consistent false narratives from Israeli news sources about Trump, where American anti-semitism is originating from and our politics in general. To be like the men of Issachar in our day, we need to develop a sense of what subjects our news sources are trustworthy in reporting on, and what subjects they simply are not.
On Israel Today I noticed an article by Tsvi Sadan titled, Democracy in Danger: A Call for Revolt where he notes that "Israel's left is becoming increasingly hysteric in its outlook, now openly calling for violent revolt and even civil war." This is what we have been dealing with in the United States throughout the Trump presidency, plus all the accompanying dirty tricks of the so-called "deep state," the entrenched powers seeking to halt drag Trump from office by hook or by crook.
Anyone who follows Israeli politics is well aware that this is how the political game is played in Israel too, which means we need to be cautious about narratives, which are not the facts, and turn up our God-given discernment to the highest level. Our nations are so on the line but God wants to give us understanding of our times so we can enter into unreserved agreement with Him as to which way we should go. We can turn our discernment into action in the voting booth - and we should!
If you remember my recent article The Cave of Adullam & The 3 anointings of David, when David fled from the jealousy of King Saul, he was joined immediately by 400 men from the tribe of Judah. But that wasn't the end of it because 1 Samuel 22 tells us that after that, "Day after day men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God."
Among them where the men of Issachar, who "came to David at Ziklag, while he was still banished from the presence of Saul son of Kish." As I Chronicles 12:32 says of the men of Issachar, they were men "who understood the times and knew what Israel should do'.
We are like those men who came day after day to help King David (a type of Yeshua) until he had a great army like the army of God. We are also like those men of Issachar who came to David to cooperate with the will of God in setting up David as their king and fighting with him until it was done. The men of Issachar were those who were especially granted the gifts of God in "wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning" —as are we!
We need to see ourselves in a new light, not merely being politically opinionated like everyone else in our nations, but being in another league of Spirit-led understanding of the times and what Israel should do, so we may enter into full agreement with whatever God wants to do next. - Donna Diorio
Post Script: After writing this yesterday, President Trump delivered his State of the Union message to the American people in which he could not have made a stronger statement as to his personal commitment to the Jewish people when he concluded the SOTU speech with a strong emphasis on honoring Holocaust survivors, a Pittsburgh Synagogue survivor and strongly opposing anti-Semitism. See a small portion in this video clip (apologies for the advert in the opening)
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only donna@israelprayer.com
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only donna@israelprayer.com
From Ron Cantor, Messiah's Mandate, his 1/16
Middle East Update focuses on the disclosure from an outgoing IDF chief that
Israel has struck 'thousands' of Iranian targets in Syria. Ron explores what
this means. He also does a video version called Your Israel Connection | Prophetic News Magazine.
His editorial The Death of New York is in step with
most Americans of faith over the NY decision to legalize murder of babies in
"abortions" even after successful birth! Plus the upside with the
Special Needs band who won First Finalist in the Israeli Singing competition -
a must watch VIDEO!
Maoz shares the 3 Most Read articles of their 2018 Maoz Report: Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel, Israel's Most Controversial Film: "A New Spirit" and Evangelicals and Israel. Also from the weekly Maoz prayer letter: Pray against the rapid rise of anti-Semitism - perspective and prayer points
Maoz shares the 3 Most Read articles of their 2018 Maoz Report: Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel, Israel's Most Controversial Film: "A New Spirit" and Evangelicals and Israel. Also from the weekly Maoz prayer letter: Pray against the rapid rise of anti-Semitism - perspective and prayer points
Avner & Rachel Boskey are on tour in the
US with remaining dates: Feb 6-7 Middletown CA | Feb 8 Novato CA | Feb 9 Fresno CA | Feb 10-12 Menlo Park CA | Feb 13-20 Los
Angeles CA | Feb 22-23 San Diego CA | If
you would like to know specific locations, times and details about gatherings
in these places, please feel free to contact us at avnerrachelboskey@gmail.com
or via Facebook Messenger. Their letter included photos from the filming
of Avner's latest song, All Hands on Deck, a call to stand up and be counted,
to be ready, sober-minded and alert in these latter days. Read more by connecting directly with the
ministry, or by subscribing to the Weekly
Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries
Last week I promised to try to get a link to
the commentary written by David Lazarus titled "Is There a Future for the
Messianic Movement in Israel?' "There
are deep divisions within the Messianic Jewish movement in Israel. Recent spats
threaten to create major rifts between factions among the believers in Israel....If
we are not able to overcome these differences, the Messianic Jewish Movement
will become just another irrelevant conflicted religious offshoot. A
disappointment to the Lord, to His purposes for Israel, and to many of
From Israel Today. Here are more
of David Lazarus' and others' articles on the Messianic Israel news site: Trump Appoints Ambassador on Antisemitism,
Beware of Fake News From Iran and Democracy in Danger: A Call for Revolt
From KehilaNews.com In Haifa Israeli believers choose unique way of giving from
the heart and Career course being offered for Israeli believers
next month (Feb)
Avi Tekle who leads the Tents of Mercy
congregation in Kiryat Yam writes about their KELIM
discipleship program by Avi Tekle (online) and in the ministry
letter. It's for young adults to build relationships that are "one of the
means God uses to mature us and enable us to fulfill our destiny in life."
In the prayer requests focus on the March Purim play; annual Passover distribution
of food baskets to the needy; and many gatherings of each age level within the
congregation. Read more in the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries
Good reports on health situation reported last
week by Sally Shiff (see it in Urgent
Health Needs below). Also a surprising turn of events as Sally see a
literal fulfillment of Isaiah 54:11 as she welcomes a youth into her home and
life. The teenager's mother had to leave the country under unusual
circumstances and a short term stay may now become long term. It is a good solution
thier HaMaayan congregation is fully supportive of.
From Revive Israel an article by Asher
Intrater Blood of the Covenant (Part 1), 2 videos:
Israeli Youth Harvest with Cody Archer
& Joel Jelski; Dan Juster Perfected in Unity; and Beit HaYeshua |
Messianic congregation and rehabilitation center bringing the Gospel to those
who suffer from addiction. Article and VIDEO
Howard Bass in the Beer Sheva (Inheritance of)
Nachalat Yeshua congregation, writes about two subjects on his heart recently: The Gap Between Believing God's Word and Human
Wisdom and Yeshua Raised the Bar. He also writes about how God may use the
generations to 'revive' each other "so that we truly give a sacrifice of
praise and thanksgiving with whole-heartedness." See more thoughts
expressed in the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries
A good report from Norma Sarvis on the Tel Aviv Women's Conference she and Chaya Mizrachi organized to bless the believers called "Daughters of Zion". This is the 2nd time they have put this Bat Zion conf. on with women aged 17 to in their 80's. Norma writes, "Women in Israel are hungry for more of the Lord! Their raw honesty and transparency open the doors of their hearts for deep healing and renewal. There are many, amazing, Women of Valor in the Body in Israel! [That is the literal translation from the Hebrew of the first words of Proverbs 31:10] The next generations will run with what we are starting now!" see prayer requests in the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries
Caspari media review gives a summary on Anti-Semitism articles in the
Hebrew press, one of which highlights exactly what I wrote about in my opening
commentary, In Another League. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Diaspora
Affairs, headed by MK Naftali Bennett got bad (false) statistics from the US
for its annual report.
I don't know about Europe, but as far as the United States, that conclusion is a bold faced lie, likely based on the deceptive reporting habits of long trusted Jewish sources that are no longer credible due to falsification of statistics by the ADL, SPLC and other trackers.
ISRAELI MESSIANIC JEWS need to wake up that this is part of the narrative battle that is being played out in the politics of the US, false narratives which are repeated as factual by the Liberal news media in Israel. This is a battle for the truth and the truth in certainly that the uptick of anti-Semitism in the USA is coming from Left-Wing activist groups, Islamists and their adherents. Right Wing anti-Semitism is factually miniscule in comparison.
I don't know about Europe, but as far as the United States, that conclusion is a bold faced lie, likely based on the deceptive reporting habits of long trusted Jewish sources that are no longer credible due to falsification of statistics by the ADL, SPLC and other trackers.
ISRAELI MESSIANIC JEWS need to wake up that this is part of the narrative battle that is being played out in the politics of the US, false narratives which are repeated as factual by the Liberal news media in Israel. This is a battle for the truth and the truth in certainly that the uptick of anti-Semitism in the USA is coming from Left-Wing activist groups, Islamists and their adherents. Right Wing anti-Semitism is factually miniscule in comparison.
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry
leaders and believers with urgent health needs
chemo has doctors open to giving him
more /see update above; and Elisheva's
good report last week for Jacob
Damkani's rehab | Ronit Bender is home from the hospital
and being watched for more definitive evidence of the leaking heart valve.
Please pray that no weapon formed against against all three of these shall
prosper & that miracles of healing will flow.
| Ron Cantor's mother-in-law fell breaking her pelvis & Ron is
pretty upset with Israel's inefficient socialized medicine seeing how his
mother-in-law must remain hospitalized because they can't find an opening in
any rehabilitation center | Sally Shiff
got a potential diagnosis of "bakers cyst" on her knee & treatment
is planned. She also reported an outbreak of serious health issues in the Kfar
Saba congregation, from Orna Sperandeo
with double pneumonia who is now reportedly doing very well. Other accidents
resulting in broken bones, back injuries are showing great improvement. (After
a week, my back injury also cleared up completely!) | Martin Sarvis has suffered an injury to his shoulder & is/was
scheduled to see doctors, asks prayer for recovery & wholeness |
Ruth Nessim has several health issues, one of
the most critical is her EYES which has sent her to the hospital many times.
Please pray for Ruth in Nahariya | Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become
chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This,
no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family.
Please pray for her acute back pain. | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a
successful surgery and an amazing recovery but keep praying for total
restoration | Rania Sayegh
asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | In the Acco congregation: Prayer for 5
year old Leon is still very much needed. The bacteria affecting the head
injury has been identified as Streptococcus. Up until now all treatment,
including steroids has not succeeded in stopping this infection. Pray for his
mother and siblings as the past months are taking their toll.
The Israeli Messianic Feature of the Week
The Israeli Messianic Feature of the Week
What the Bible
Really Says About
Powers of Light and Darkness | Angels Demons, and Spiritual Warfare
by Daniel Juster, ThD Restoration from Zion (Tikkun from Zion)
Powers of Light and Darkness | Angels Demons, and Spiritual Warfare
by Daniel Juster, ThD Restoration from Zion (Tikkun from Zion)
I am purposefully slowly reading Dan Juster's
book because the nature of it. It is so full, I need to move slowly to absorb
it all. There are so many startling revelations dropped in this thing it has
been mind-blowing to me.
The majority of it is just going through every book of the Bible where Dan summarizes any activity of Angels, Demons and Spiritual Warfare. While he tells a little about what various groups have made of the information, he really is laser focused on what EXACTLY the Bible says and does not say. Then he drops these 'revelation bombs' in every few pages & that is why I am going so slowly through it.
I have long recognized that Dan Juster has a
huge amount of biblical wisdom. He is a theologian, theologically trained in
the Scriptures but with an unusually powerful faith in the supernatural. That
is something that I certainly don't associate with the word
"theologian." But Dan has one foot firmly in sound theology and the
other foot firmly planted in the supernatural. I like that! I don't want one
without the other.
This is my high recommendation for this book.
All those stellar faith leaders who wrote recommendations about this book in
the opening pages certainly saw the same thing I'm seeing: this book is going to
be a classic work. It is stability of the scriptures for some and a reset of
faith for others in all things supernatural.
You can purchase the book here: Tikkun TV

Donna Diorio
donna@israelprayer.com or donna@d10r10.com
Please note change in PayPal donations:
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
I do not have tax exempt status.
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