Prime Minister Netanyahu, wife Sara & son Yair
hosted children suffering from cancer during 2013 Purim festivities
hosted children suffering from cancer during 2013 Purim festivities
It’s Purim, So I'm Voting for Bibi
by David Lazarus for Israel Today | David is the congregational leader of Beit Immanuel
In yet
another inexplicable, some would say divine, turn of events, the future of
Israel is once again weighing in the balance, and just in time for Purim.
general election just weeks away, Hamas rockets are flying over Tel Aviv,
antisemitism has been unleashed around the world, there is mayhem in Gaza and
on the Temple Mount, Hezbollah is digging in on the northern border and terror
attacks are on the rise. The timing of these events and more coinciding with
Purim cannot be ignored. Who can forget Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
meeting with former-US President Barack Obama on Purim during the Iran nuclear
crisis, when he placed into the hands of the American leader a magnificent,
hand-written manuscript of the Scroll of Esther? With Mordechai-like clarity,
Netanyahu declared, “Mr. President, we must stop Iran, before they destroy us!”
For the
Jewish prime minister, Israel is facing a modern-day Haman. Netanyahu has
described Haman as “a Persian antisemite who tried to annihilate the Jewish
people.” Netanyahu explained that “in every generation, there are those who
wish to destroy the Jewish people. In this generation, we are blessed to live
in an age when there is a Jewish state capable of defending the Jewish people.”
today, Netanyahu’s message rings clear. Purim reminds us that we must take
action to save ourselves. It is not enough to just allow events to take their
course and wait for divine intervention, though it come.
Purim is
the assurance that the divine hand will turn the tables on Israel’s enemies,
when someone is willing to stand up for what is right. The hero of Esther’s
Scroll is not fate or consequence, though the story unfolds around a series of
humorous coincidences. It is about a young girl, who with good sense, a woman’s
intuition, and feminine persuasion manages to convince a king to listen to her
plea. It is about the “stroke of luck” that happens when a faithful uncle risks
everything to stand up for what he believes, and without hesitation warns his
people of impending danger.
Purim is
our annual reminder that Jews have enemies dedicated to our destruction, and
that we can, and must, do something about it. When the chips are down, and it
seems like the cards are stacked against us, we do not sit around and brood.
The celebration of Purim shakes us out of apathy. It calls us to do whatever we
can to turn the tables on our enemy, to foil our foe by exploiting his own
has stood alone against Iran. He is not afraid to declare that Israel is a
Jewish state, for the Jewish people, and more than most, he will resist US
President Donald Trump’s pending “peace plan,” if necessary, to protect our
country. Watching Netanyahu is like reading the pages of the Purim story, the
only biblical text without God’s name in it. That’s an indication that the
message of this story is that human initiative is required, even if divine
assistance is implied. Netanyahu is reading Esther and Mordechai’s story
correctly when he calls for active Israeli self-defense against our nation’s
existential threats.
Long ago,
the die was cast. There is no diplomatic solution to Israel’s security in the
Middle East. Israel cannot risk her survival with wishful thinking. The only
question remaining is whether the US, or any other nation in the world, will
cast their lot with our people. When Bibi sent that Scroll of Esther to the US
president, he could have highlighted Esther’s warning with a yellow marker: “If
you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise
from another place… And who knows but that you have come to your royal position
for such a time as this?”
Purim is here, and I am voting for Netanyahu on
April 9th.
online at Israel Today
Pray for our leaders and the April elections in Israel | Wendy Halloun for | Wendy writes, "Our nation has elections coming up on April 9, 2019. Whatever your political allegiance might be, God’s word instructs us to pray for those in authority."
Pray for our leaders and the April elections in Israel | Wendy Halloun for | Wendy writes, "Our nation has elections coming up on April 9, 2019. Whatever your political allegiance might be, God’s word instructs us to pray for those in authority."
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
Congratulations to Israel and Vicky Pochtar, the first time grandparents of a
beautiful granddaughter Sky, born to their son, Sason and his wife, Sophie.
Mazal Tov to all the Pochtars as they continue to run their race with zeal in
the Land. It is hard not to be impressed
with the vigor that this ministry is doing to reach out in every direction to
reach the Jewish people. There is not
enough space here to include all the mini-reports of their ministry efforts reported
in this ministry letter, but you can connect with them directly or read the
filing if you are subscribed to my Weekly
Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries.
Two areas I will mention here in the prayer requests for Pochtar's Beit Hallel: One, the Security Gates update. they have reached the halfway mark for installing the $10,000 security gate around the building perimeter - this is MUCH NEEDED for the protection of their congregational facility as they are frequently targeted by anti-Yeshua religious activists. Also, their Bible School which they are preparing students for the stepping into ministry leadership in Israel. Pray for their discipling of new ministry leaders.
Maoz Ministries weekly prayer request focus on
the elections. Katy Smith notes that there is an unprecedented 43 parties
running for the 21st Knesset. This is
such a fractured electorate it reminds of the time of the Judges when scripture
notes "everyone did what was right in their own eyes". God bring
forth a Judge in Israel to lead the people through the next season which has
every indication of being extremely troubling. Do not leave Israel defenseless
having chosen leadership unable to guide the nation wisely in the midst of the
rising waves of trouble. For more of the prayer requests from Maoz, please connect
with them directly or read the filing if you are subscribed to my Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from
Israeli Ministries.
Sally Shiff, an intercessor at the Kfar Saba
congregation of the Wellspring which is led by Tony and Orna Sperandeo - Sally
also acts as a English-speaking liaison for the congregation in speaking
engagements in the USA - is still troubled with as a yet to be identified knee
issue. Please pray for doctors to zero in on the issue and that the Lord will
extend healing to her. She writes about
a new intercessory assignment she has entered into with an Israeli intercessor
group that is comprised of prayer warriors from all over the country and
different nationalities. Jew, Arab and gentile, we come together to pray and
proclaim God’s promises at strategic places such as Hebron, Beit El (place of
Jacob’s dream) and next week, the temple mount. Every month, we have
different times of 2 hours each to pray for Israel, as well as these prayer
trips. The caliber of the people is top
notch, and we are seeing things change and shift in our nation. I am humbled
that God is using me in this, and excited to be a part of it. Pray for this group. You can see the entire list of prayer points
Sally sent this month by referring to the Weekly
Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries (you must subscribe by
email: or by connecting directly with Sally Shiff. She
is now arranging speaking times for her Oct/Nov US visit.
Chuck Cohen of Intercessors for Israel has
written a new book called, Humanism The Last of the Giants that you can Buy online here. Also
the Friday Prayer Points for Mar 15th cover the elections, Netanyahu, Aliyah
(praying for God to stir up Jews in the West - UK, EU and USA - to immigrate as
anti-Semitism continues to alarmingly rise up worldwide. They also pray over
the northern borders and Gaza - both are extremely the Mercy Gate
and temple mount in Jerusalem.
The March Team
Update for friends of Revive
Israel is out, including an invite to the life streaming of the Esther Fast
going on now. Revive sends a report on
the breakthrough they are seen in Japan and Hong Kong as believers there are
awakening to the truth of the One New Man connection with the Messianic remnant
in Israel. Plus two videos Why does IHOPKC Pray for Israel? Cody Archer gets answers from IHOP's john Chisholm
AND Discipleship Journey Israel 2019
Ron Cantor's timely message Hipster Jesus and Updating Bible’s Moral Code comes with a hilarious depiction of a bespectacled,
right social-justice garbed Jesus. As many call the Bible’s view of morality,
“culturally outdated” Ron provides a course correction for that generation:
" My point is that Jesus had no problem challenging
outdated and corrupt “policies.” But when it came to the moral code of the
Bible, He went in the other direction.
Ron Also shares these: Hamas Accidentally Bombs Tel Aviv as sirens send
Israelis looking for cover, Understanding Israel’s Secular vs Orthodox Culture,
Israel's First General Was American Podcast 1 and Part2
and Come Up To Zion with Ron & Elana Cantor Dec 11-21-2019 Fall Israel Tour. Stand with us!
It's Time for Revival in Israel!
As the shadows of anti-Semitism lengthen
across the globe, and as nations take counsel together and devise cruel
strategies against YHVH, His Anointed and His Jewish people, Avner Boskey of
Final Frontier Ministries, remembers what God said and has remained true to
throughout numerous periods in history of attempts to annihilate the Jewish
people: "I will be honored
through Pharaoh"
Plus: see Avner Boskey - interview on Jonathan Bernis' "Jewish Voice" | It's our pleasure to let you know that an excellent 30 minute interview with Avner Boskey is now available on Rabbi Jonathan Bernis' Jewish Voice TV program Scroll down the page to the interview. Avner shares his own journey to faith, and gives background to the helpful book "Jews, Arabs and the Middle East - a Messianic Perspective" available at on our David's Tent website
Ye'shi (Jesse) Reinhardt of Hands of Mercy, a
humanitarian effort in hard hit S'derot sends a plea for financial support and
prayer support for their work as they deal one of the most rocket-pocked
community in Israel as their proximity to Gaza has a permanent X mark on the
city. It is a poor community and many of its members are suffering from the trauma
of living with the bombardment. The after effects are detrimental to local
economy and employment opportunities, destroying family stability and the
health of our children. As a result, some of the most vulnerable members of our
community suffer from various negative psychological and physical effects:
depression, trauma and physical illness due to their inability to sleep. These
stressful situations challenge us to reach out in hospitals and homes to many
dear moms and their children with expressions of mercy and faith for the
difficult days ahead. Please help all the Messianic ministries to do
humanitarian work in the land.
¡Olé! Carolyn Hyde has released her new music
video with Lenny Flamenco in Hebrew and Spanish called "Ata
Yeshuati" - "Tú Eres Mi Salvación which means "You Are My
Salvation" in English. Plus: Interviews - Entrevistas | Xtotv Enlace Bolivia | March 18 at 10 AM Bolivia time and CVCLAVOZ - March
21 at 11:30 AM Miami, Florida time.
The Hydes have so many world events in the coming months, see their schedule Upcoming Journeys. Plus check out these blessings from their journey in Uganda - powerful! Return Ministries Sing Together with Christians and Jews at the headwaters of the Nile. | Israeli tourists on an El Al flight arrived in Entebbe, Uganda for the first time since the legendary hostage rescue in 1976 | Hine Ma Tovu at the Africa-Israel Alignment Conference
The Hydes have so many world events in the coming months, see their schedule Upcoming Journeys. Plus check out these blessings from their journey in Uganda - powerful! Return Ministries Sing Together with Christians and Jews at the headwaters of the Nile. | Israeli tourists on an El Al flight arrived in Entebbe, Uganda for the first time since the legendary hostage rescue in 1976 | Hine Ma Tovu at the Africa-Israel Alignment Conference
Arni and Yonit Klein also have a report on
their trip to Africa. Arni writes, "Many preachers and missions have sown
much into the African continent. People attending meetings have numbered into
the hundreds of thousands and more. Though there have been pockets and moments
of awakening, a fraction of the potential has barely been tapped. This is not
surprising given what they’ve been taught. The message has centered largely on
personal salvation. Additionally, the fact that little is understood about the
place of Israel can’t help but affect the degree of the manifest Presence of
God. Though what Yeshua did is proclaimed, in the end it still centers largely
on man and getting our needs met."
Also an update on their course, "We are
encouraged by the reports from various groups going through the Israel Revealed
course in the US, the UK and Australia. Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Dutch
translations are in various stages of development. The German version is
finally going to print. German materials can be obtained from Benjamin Martin
at For the record, we do not sell these or any other
materials. We suggest an offering of ten Euros, Dollars, or Pounds Sterling to
fund reprinting and translations to other languages. Contributions can be sent
via PayPal from the donations link on the website, and in Germany also via
Cornhouse as noted on the site. The messages of God’s heart for Israel, its
centrality in God’s global plan, and the call to absolute surrender cannot be
Rania Sayegh in the Nazareth prophetic
intercessory House of Prayer & Exploits writes about the upcoming gathering
of Arab and Jewish spiritual mothers in April. "The vision for Deborah’s
Clan is a dream that has been in my heart for many years. I desire to see Jewish and Arab spiritual
mothers come together in unity to form a strong core that will cause a
breakthrough in our nation." Watch these video featuring Rania
with Orna Grinman and Rania
with Chaya Mizrachi speaking about the conference. " Pray for God’s
clear guidance and revelation His heart to lead us in these 2 days." Get
more detail by connecting directly with Rania or read the filing if you are subscribed
to my Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests
from Israeli Ministries.
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry
leaders and believers with urgent health needsCONTINUED FERVENT PRAYER for EDDIE SANTORO A troubling update does not stop us from believing for total healing in our brother /see update above; and Elisheva's good report last week for Jacob Damkani's rehab | Ronit Bender is home from the hospital and being watched for more definitive evidence of the leaking heart valve. Please pray that no weapon formed against all three of these shall prosper & that miracles of healing will flow.
Ruth Nessim
has several health issues, one of the most critical is her EYES which has sent
her to the hospital many times. Please pray for Ruth in Nahariya| Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic,
with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no
doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please
pray for her acute back pain. | Albert a
Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an
amazing recovery but keep praying for total restoration | Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of
restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing. | In the Acco congregation: Prayer for 5 year old Leon is still
very much needed. The bacteria affecting the head injury has been identified as
Streptococcus. Up until now all treatment, including steroids has not succeeded
in stopping this infection. Pray for his mother and siblings as the past months
are taking their toll.
Praying the Headlines | Israeli News You Can Trust
Anti-Semitism is heating up all over the world, the political strategy
of Islamists is pressing in harder in the USA than we have ever seen before as
it already has in the UK and Europe. It
is impossible to keep up with all the news that matters, but it is important
that we do not close a blind eye to what is happening in our world. We need
to be vigilant. That's why I am offering a few of the news stories that caught
my eye over the past week. Please pray over these issues as you read the summaries, or the articles.
To save maximum space for Israel Ministries oriented material, please link to my IsraelWatcher blog where these news items articles of interest are summarized.
To save maximum space for Israel Ministries oriented material, please link to my IsraelWatcher blog where these news items articles of interest are summarized.
Teaching Articles
A while back searching for a photo of a certain type of Israeli tree I
happened across the blog of an Israeli tour guide, and not just any Israeli
tour guide, but a person of like precious faith — an Israeli Messianic Jewish
tour guide! His name is Ran Silberman and he is a congregant in the HaMaayan
Congregation in Kfar Saba. This week I got an email notification of a new blog
post by Ran that had some really interesting details you will enjoy.
Judah: The Lion that confessed by Ran Silberman | We Jews, are called after our father Judah - Yehuda in Hebrew (יְהוּדָה), the fourth son of Israel. What did Judah do to get the honor that all of the Jewish people are called after him? ....Although he was the fourth son, he was the one who got the best blessing. Judah was compared to a lion! This is a blessing that prophesied the role of Judah in the genealogy of the Messiah! What was it in Judah that gave him the primacy and blessing from his father? The name Yehuda, comes from the word "Hoda" - To praise and give thanks....The Hebrew word "Toda" (תּוֹדָה) that means "thanks" comes from the same root of Hoda and Yehuda. Read this greatly informing teaching message at Ran's blog
Judah: The Lion that confessed by Ran Silberman | We Jews, are called after our father Judah - Yehuda in Hebrew (יְהוּדָה), the fourth son of Israel. What did Judah do to get the honor that all of the Jewish people are called after him? ....Although he was the fourth son, he was the one who got the best blessing. Judah was compared to a lion! This is a blessing that prophesied the role of Judah in the genealogy of the Messiah! What was it in Judah that gave him the primacy and blessing from his father? The name Yehuda, comes from the word "Hoda" - To praise and give thanks....The Hebrew word "Toda" (תּוֹדָה) that means "thanks" comes from the same root of Hoda and Yehuda. Read this greatly informing teaching message at Ran's blog

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