Tuesday, June 18, 2019

In Tribute to Eddie Arrows from Zion 6/19/2019

Eddie Santoro, pictured here in the middle of Israeli Messianics,
blowing a Trumpet in Zion, the sound of the shofar of God's Holy Mountain
In Tribute to Eddie Santoro


A Message from Jackie Santoro
Zion's Glory Update June 17, 2019

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day... ( 2 Tim 4:7,8)

Eddie went to be with the Lord on Saturday, June 15, 2:10 pm Israel time. He was an incredible warrior who fought the good fight of faith valiantly and has now received his reward in joy.  With the help of very dear friends who were supernaturally sent by God, we were able to care for Eddie in our home, even as his condition deteriorated daily. The Lord's love and favor was overwhelming and he was constantly surrounded and immersed in love, comfort and peace. And miraculously, he was never in pain.

Every day those he loved came to minister to him and bless him. As he was when he was healthy, so he was in his weakness- he never complained and remained optimistic and positive to the very end and as much as he was able, telling people he loved them.  Evan and I were with him as he breathed his last in the beautiful home that he loved so much and that was such a blessing to him these last 13 years.

He was buried on Sunday in the cemetery of the moshav- a lovely spot surrounded by the Eshtaol Forest. It was perfect in every way.

Following the service, many dear friends returned to the house to share some food and begin the 7 day "shiva" period of mourning. It was Eddie's greatest pleasure to entertain a houseful of people. He loved it when they would  fellowship over food, sit outside and enjoy the beauty of his garden. I was happy that we could have such an "Eddie" event.

As I look back on all that has happened these four years, I can see God's hand in so many ways. We both learned so much, experienced such grace, and were strengthened in faith beyond what we could have imagined. Although much of the mystery behind supernatural healing remains, I know with a certainty that what we went through and the stand we took has had great ramifications in the spirit and that God was and is greatly pleased with our unwavering trust in his goodness.

We are in a great end time battle and sadly as in any battle, there are casualties. But we have confidence that nothing is in vain and we as the Body of Messiah are going forward in greater strength each and every day.

I thank you for your steadfast support. You held our hands up, you encouraged our hearts, your love kept us going forward.

Now the next chapter begins as I start my new life without the one who so filled my life in this world. Eddie and I were inseparable for close to 40 years. I know God's grace will be carrying me as you pray. May I have strength and courage and eyes to see the open doors into which the Lord will guide me.  Weeping may endure through the night but joy comes in the morning.  (Psalm 30:5)

Please also pray for my son, Evan whose help was invaluable in so many ways, and who was a tower of strength for me this whole time and especially in these last weeks. Pray that God's comfort would be with his wife, Iris and especially for the grandchildren who loved their grandpa so very much.

Pray also for Rodney and Robyn, whose help enabled us to go through this season. Pray for provision and the leading of the Lord in their lives.

To God be the glory, always and forever. With love from Zion,  Jackie

70th birthday 1-27-19

My favorite picture of Eddie
and Jackie as they returned
from the US in 2018

My first face to face meeting with Eddie & Jackie in Israel 2003
Always the great smiles

Asher Intrater, Ari Sorko-Ram,  & Eddie worship the Lord at Tiferet Yeshua, Tel Aviv

Marrying a couple in Avahat Yeshua leadership, Jerusalem

Praying over the moment
of salvation in Tel Aviv

Eddie's book is his parting
gift to all who would grow in
grace and trust of the Lord

Lifted Up is available on Amazon .

by Donna Diorio

In Israel on Sunday, a wonderful man of God in Israel was laid to rest. He departed his earthly body on Shabbat to enter into eternity with the Lord. Today Eddie is in the Presence of the LORD with great joy at finishing his race well.

Two of my favorite pictures of Israeli ministries are pictures involving Eddie Santoro. The Trumpets photo was taken at a Messianic gathering some years ago as the body gathered together to sound the alarm on God's Holy Mountain. The Messianic Jews don't just live in Israel, they are God's warriors on the front lines for all He wants to do in Israel.

My other favorite picture is of Eddie, only two days after discovering he had brain cancer, being lifted up to the Lord by the whole congregation. To me it has always captured the essence of my vision for this prayer letter.

As you may know, when Eddie was first diagnosed with brain cancer August 5th, 2015, doctors gave him little hope. He was advised that surgery was fraught with dangers of physical and mental impairment. But two days after learning he had brain cancer, "I was in the midst of prayer and I had an unexpected and remarkable vision from the Lord." He saw himself on the operating table and being suddenly thrust up into heaven with an arm in a great cloud applying something to his body.  When he cried out asking the Lord what He was doing, He answered, "I am covering you with My grace." This is also what was taking place in the photo of his congregation lifting Eddie to the Lord.

Eddie certainly has been covered with the grace of God throughout the battle against brain cancer. Even though I read Eddie and Jackie's ministry letters throughout the battle for Eddie's life, I had no idea of how intense the battle was until I read his book, Lifted Up: Overcoming through the Power of Love. The intensity of the battle pressed Eddie even deeper into his faith as he did what the Lord told him to do, to flow with the doctors in their suggestions for tackling the cancers. Yes, multiple cancers, because a year after the brain cancer, Eddie was diagnosed with a separate cancer in his throat, which he also overcame.
Eddie would probably not like me spending all this time on talking about his battle, but I do it to encourage you to read his book, which even though it is transparent about how intense the battle was, is much more so focused on the deepening of faith that he experienced throughout. In fact, I remember how delighted Eddie was to have finally finished the book just as he and Jackie were returning from their last trip the United States to visit with family in the beginning 2018. My favorite picture of Eddie and Jackie (because they were so happy) was a selfie they took at the end of that trip.
Within a few weeks of returning home to Israel, Eddie would return for testing and learn the brain cancer had returned. As he faced a new round of surgery and treatments, I can only imagine what he went through deciding whether to proceed with seeking to publish his book. It was about overcoming personal disaster and here it looked like he was facing yet another brain surgery. Lifted up isn't just about surviving cancer, it is for all the challenges we face in life and about trusting God to the uttermost to finish our race victorious.

Eddie wrote, "To forgive and to love, to give counsel and to raise up healthy people in healthy congregations was a daily reality. But now for the first time in my life I was seriously facing the possibility of leaving this earth and going to be with the Lord. Surprisingly, this thought caused me anxiety and much sadness. My emotions were fragile. I realized that I was fearful of dying. I knew that I needed a new and fresh revelation of eternity."

As he sought the Lord, God met him giving him a clearer concept of eternity. He wrote, "As the Lord filled me with His confidence and love, I began to feel much less anxious. Yes, the last enemy to be defeated is death! I felt free from the fear of death. For the first time the thought of leaving and going to be forever with the Lord filled me with a great peace. As John 14:3 declares, as I breathe my last breath, Yeshua will meet me and He will take me to the place He has prepared for me."

There is so much to commend about Eddie's book and it is a lasting legacy, a last gift he left for us. He also left us with gifts in the many young people in Israel who he invested his life into. His ministry in Israel with his wife Jackie was always about spiritually fathering and mothering the next generation of young Israeli leadership. There are dozens of young ministry families in Israel standing strong today for the love, care and wisdom that the Santoro's have invested in them. I am already seeing many giving honor to Eddie on Facebook for what he was meant to them over the years.

In one of the Zion's Glory prayer letters Eddie wrote that he and Jackie were "body builders" and they were. From the part they played in the founding of Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv with the Sorko-Rams and the Intrater's, to new Jerusalem Ahavat Yeshua
congregation founded with Asher, Eddie and Jackie were focused on building up the body, which special love and anointing to the young leaders who would be raised into the next generation ministry.

When people die, we always hear about the good things in their lives, but I have to tell you, that from everything I have ever heard about Eddie Santoro, he is probably one of the most loved men of God among the body in Israel. Before him there is probably only Ilan Zamir who was so universally loved within the community of the faithful. I didn't know Ilan Zamir, but I did know Eddie and I have to say that if Eddie is well loved it is because he loved well.

Please pray for Jackie, and their son, Evan who are sitting shiva for Eddie through this Friday.  Pray also for the congregation Ahavat Yeshua, Love of Yeshua, who are missing a beloved elder shepherd in the life of their body in Jerusalem. Pray for all those who loved Eddie and were touched by him throughout the Land. Pray also that the many seeds of faith he planted among the unsaved, will begin to blossom into the faith of eternal life.
If you don't know Eddie, or if you do but have not read his book, I urge you not to miss his last treasure he left on earth for you to discover and be blessed by.  You can send your condolences to Jackie Santoro via email.

Israeli Pastor Laid to Rest: A tribute to Eddie Santoro
by Ron Cantor for Tikkun Global Family ron@cantorlink.com

If the number of people who attend your funeral is any indication of the kind of life you lived, then Eddie Santoro, Senior Pastor of Jerusalem’s Ahavat Yeshua for many years, lived an amazing, selfless life. Tikkun President Asher Intrater remarked, “Despite the sadness, it is a great joy to see this man of God finish his race well, with faith, grace and love.”

Eddie and his wife Jackie immigrated to Israel in the late nineties, when Eddie was already in his late forties. It is hard enough to learn a second language as a teen or young adult, but very few undertake such an effort in their fifties. Eddie loved Israel and loved Hebrew. Even though he was stronger in English, he preferred Hebrew.

I met Eddie and Jackie when I was in Bible school in 1985. I accompanied Dr. Michael Brown on a ministry trip to upstate New York. During that particular trip, Dr. Brown prophesied over Eddie that he was going to plant a Messianic congregation. He did so successfully and, later, joined that congregation to Tikkun America. “Eddie’s love, passion for Yeshua and zeal for the work soon produced a vibrant congregation,” writes Tikkun America leader Dan Juster.

In the early to mid-nineties when revival hit Toronto and Pensacola, Eddie was all in! He loved the presence of the Holy Spirit and had a passion for a move of God that would sweep people into the Kingdom. Later on, he felt that to fully fulfill his calling as a Jewish believer in Yeshua, he needed to move to Israel.

Like many of us, upon his arrival in Israel, he put vocational ministry aside to give the whole of his effort to learning Hebrew. When my family arrived in 2003, Eddie and Jackie were overseeing the young adult ministry at Tiferet Yeshua. However, it was more than just a ministry. It was a mini-revival. Every week, on Wednesday nights, the fellowship hall was filled with young Israelis, hungry for God.

Eddie and Jackie were famous for giving their time in counseling. They would fill up their schedule, meeting with people—and not just from their congregation. Even after moving to Jerusalem, they continued to regularly have people come from the Tel Aviv area, just to meet with them.

If Eddie and Jackie invited you over, it meant a good meal. Eddie was a gourmet Italian cook. His lasagna was the best I’ve ever had! My wife Elana would always ask him to cook two trays when we came over, so she could take one home. And Eddie cooked from his heart. It was all part of his pastoral orientation. When I became a pastor, the example used to give me an idea of what a pastor does was Eddie and Jackie Santoro. They were everyone’s example.

In 2006, Eddie was sent out from Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv and, with the help of Asher Intrater, planted Ahavat Yeshua. Eddie was soon the senior pastor and he was beloved by many. It was no coincidence that he was laid to rest on Father’s Day, as he was a father to many.

“Eddie is one of the most guileless and one of the most loving leaders I have ever known,” Juster continues. “For ten years he lived this love as the senior pastor of Ahavat Yeshua, and after this he continued to serve as an elder, to love, to counsel, to practice amazing hospitality and more.”

Four years ago, Eddie noticed that he could not remember things. He was disoriented. After a doctor’s appointment came the devastating news: brain cancer. The doctors gave him less than a 10% chance of survival after surgery. Eddie and Jackie began to pray. He studied the word of God. He took hold of God like never before and, before long, he was cancer free. The doctors were amazed and so was every Israeli with whom Eddie shared this testimony—which was nearly every Israeli whom he encountered! It was a miracle. Jonathan Moore (a current pastor at Ahavat Yeshua) shared at the funeral, “Eddie became a super evangelist, boldly speaking to anyone… and everyone!  Doctors, patients, random people at restaurants, everyone Eddie saw…he preached the love of Yeshua and the same power that raised Yeshua from the dead.”

But, sadly, the cancer returned. And again, Eddie stood against it. But it was this third recurrence of the disease that proved to be fatal. Eddie slipped in and out of consciousness several times over the past week. One of his closest friends, Barry Mevarech, said when Eddie came back to consciousness, he blurted out three words boldly, “Amen! Amen! Amen!” He did this several times.

It was as if Eddie was visiting his new home and returning to say, “It’s a good place; a better place; I approve!”

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only donna@israelprayer.com
Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel in Ashdod reports that a new wave of persecution has broken out against them that is "so unprecedented that if it succeeds, it will affect the whole body of believers in Israel."  If their basic rights can be threatened, if religious authorities triumph in their case, it would set a harmful legal precedent for all the Messiani congregations in Israel. They are seeking deny them an occupancy permit and to revoke the congregational status as a house of prayer. If they succeed, it would "then allow them to legally persecute us as though all these years we have been operating illegally."

Pochtar says they are going to fight this in the courts, a legal battle that will be costly but crucial to protect the legal rights of all believers in Israel. So far they have about 50% of their potential legal fees and ask for financial assistance to fight this battle.  Pastor Israel would like to keep in touch personally on this, calling for prayer warriors and financial supports to email him personally

Meanwhile the ministry continues with special outreaches like their Men's conference Here is what it looked like last year. Also If you would like to partner with us in our impacting humanitarian and outreach programs in reaching to the lost and needy of Israel, visit the website and find a list of projects to support under the "Projects" tab

How to Correct an Error Bringing So Much Harm? | by Donna Diorio | My original intention this week was to do a cover story to emphasize the great need of ALL of the Israeli Ministries for financial support. The need has become so acute, I would even term it dire need.

I am reminded of what Jesus said
in Matthew 11:16-17, "To what can I compare this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: ‘We played wedding songs, and you didn’t dance, so we played funeral songs, and you didn’t mourn.’

It is so greatly troubling to me that major American Christian influencers are continuing to promote the fundraising organizations of unsaved Israeli rabbis while the whole saved Remnant ministries of Israel are being strangled by cutbacks of donations. How will the work of Yeshua's ministry be done if Christians continue to choose to donate instead to the unsaved rabbinic organizations instead of those preaching the Gospel?

If this current situation were written and recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, then the Christians in the nations who made the donations carried to Israel would be sending their contributions not to James, Peter and the other apostles in Israel, but the biblical accounting would clearly show Christians were sending donations to the 'Sanhedrin' that are persecuting the believers!

Why is that so hard for the Christian world to understand?!  The believers in Israel today are the spiritual descendants of the believers who are written about in the Acts of the Apostles and the rest of New Covenant scriptures. Christians in the nations canNOT be grafted in to unsaved Israel, only to the saved remnant of Israel. We are at the point when Christian good deeds toward Israel are a stranglehold on God-deeds in Israel. — Donna Diorio

From Howard Bass in Beer Sheva is grieved - as many Israeli believers are - by Netanyahu's appointment of an openly homosexual  person to the head of the Justice Dept in a blatantly obvious political appeal to the LGBT's of Israel to back him in election. "God has not changed, and calls us to speak up for Him in our own day among ourselves, firstly, and to those of the world." Bass also writes about Shavuot/Pentecost here, as asks that we keep wife Randi in prayers as she continues to help take care of her aging father in the U.S. till near the end of the month.

Ye'shi Reinhardt of Hands of Mercy tells the story of a newborn in S'derot who was born prematurely with only three working heart chambers. Little "Bubu" who still does not have his permanent name (awaiting for circumcision after operations) has had one heart operation and is waiting another. He is quite an adorable looking infant and he is for sure already a major miracle. If you would like to help go to the  'Adoption-Sponsorship' program at the Hands of Mercy website.

From the Fields of Wheat equipping ministry, and specifically from the Katzir National Youth Ministry, founder Eitan Shishkoff and his right hand man Joel Jelski appeal for help with their upcoming summer camp for 80 teens. The camps are fully subsidized so all teens regardless of family economics can attend. These special events for teens have been going on for the past 20 years, so many who attended as kids are now the young adults ministering to the current generation of teens. That's a LEGACY worth having!
A gift of just $200 will bring a young person to this life-changing experience. They’re counting on you. Donations can be done online.

Big news from Ron Cantor about Nes v’CafĂ© their coffeehouse outreach in Tel Aviv: One great church in Florida made up the $150,000 shortage needed to proceed with remodeling expansion! Praise the Lord for Celebration Church in Jacksonville! Israelis are flowing into the coffeehouse to learn about the faith and are coming to faith. Good soil to plant seed in Israeli evangelism.  Ron writes, "This summer we have some real challenges. If you were able to send something special to help us get through these months, we would be so grateful."

Also check this out from Ron and Elana's just finished Israel tour:  Check out Ron, as he goes through the recently discovered, water-filled, pitch black Hezekiah's Tunnel in the REAL City of David! One woman shared through her sobs, how God touched her life. Miguel, in his eighties, said other tours would not take him because of his walker. In tears, he thanked us for allowing him to come. I love it! We can’t wait for our December Tour!

From Revive Israel, Asher's video message that blessed me: Worry is a Sin | Cody Archer with David Demian video Can We Be a Global Family? | Read the June Revive Team Update inclding a report on the Tikkun Restore Conference | Ahavat Yeshua is a Messianic Jewish Congregation in the heart of Jerusalem founded in 2006 by Asher and Betty Intrater, Eddie and Jackie Santoro along with others from their Revive Israel team.. Learn more

Tikkun Cares - Reach Israelis with the Gospel | In 1948 there were only 25 documented Jewish believers in Israel. Since then, the body of Messiah has grown to 20,000—some say 30,000. Congregations are growing all over the country. The Bible is clear that the restoration of Israel as a nation would coincide with her restoration to God. Read in full here

Daniel & Shirya Yahav in Tiberias catch us up with the Peniel congregation which surprisingly were asked to speak to a tour group of 30 local pensioners about their faith! This is something that I have seen reported by others and is kind of an amazing thing. They write, "Many seeds have been sown along the years and continue to be sown through personal contacts and relationships, at school, at work, in the university, Army, neighbors etc, and one by one new people do come to faith, but it takes the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of each individual and often it is a long process. You can help by praying for our people for the veil to be lifted up and for their spiritual eyes to be opened so that many who are truly seeking God and desiring to know Him, would find the one and only way leading to eternal life."

They send updates on the status of their elementary school they have to find a new facility for: it will have to share with their kindergarten at least for the coming year until something suitable is found. Also their elder is slowly recovering from the thigh bone break. Daniel is writing his story of his father surviving the Holocaust and has ministry scheduled in Switzerland in August. 

Evan Thomas and Lev Guler at Beit Asaph in Netanya have a lot going on  especially in the way of missions which they are stepping up from short term to commissioning a long term mission for a member at Beit Asaph in Uganda. There are lots of preparations including Evan and Maala going before to prepare the way. They would love help with this vision to be "living letters' sent out of Zion to the nations. Plus 10 of their youth will "join hands" with 10 German youth for 2 weeks of training, outreach and tripts to the death camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau with Yad b/Yad (hand in hand).

Evan has experienced another accident with a torn tendon & dislocated shoulder. He writes, " in seeking the Lord about this new affliction, I sensed the Spirit saying, “I am giving you a picture of my Body in the Land and beyond. It too is impacted by conflicts (many of which are self-imposed). It is torn and dislocated and suffering. And more than that, it is not able to function as it is designed and called to do.” We share this very personal prophetic picture in the hope of mobilizing intercessors throughout the world. The Body is in desperate need of our heavenly physician, Yeshua. 

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue 
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

NEW: Urgent payer for IFI's Eliyahu Ben Haim who while in Scotland ministering at an Intercessors for Israel Prayer Conference, suddenly was struck with a "flesh-eating disease" a rare and virulent bacteria called "necrotizing facsiitis" and his leg had to be amputated at the knee. As of Tuesday, his wife and daughter is reporting  that he is still sedated and on life support in critical condition. He needs prayer for blood pressure to stabilize, that his organs will overcome the trauma & function normally & the new sedation meds will allow him to wake up calmly 

 CONTINUE to PRAY for the urgent healing needs of Jacob Damkani | Ronit Bender is awaiting results from her heart echo test results although she has she feels so much better - but has had a persistent cough for months now. She will have to go to a lungs doctor...and the heart valve is still leaking. Please continue to pray for Ronit. She has been released to travel to Australia in Oct, and Holland in Nov despite the outstanding issues.| Martin Sarvis has undergone arthroscopic surgery and is now in the healing process. Surgery was successful and now will have physiotherapy for a couple of months. | Shlomy Abramov of Awake Israel, because of a condition where blood does not flow to his legs as it should, he was advised by a specialist in case of injuries, he could lose his leg because of the blood flow issues. Shlomy has to wrap his legs daily because of the blood flow issues. Please pray for Shlomy | Ruth Nessim has several health issues, one of the most critical is her EYES which has sent her to the hospital many times. Please pray for Ruth in Nahariya|  Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please pray for her acute back pain. | Albert a Messianic leader from southern Israel, has had a successful surgery and an amazing recovery but keep praying for total restoration |  Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.

Donna Diorio 
donna@israelprayer.com or donna@d10r10.com

THANK YOU to those who have considered this ministry worthy of financial support.
Donations appreciated | paypal.me/DonnaDiorio
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 
I do not have tax exempt status. 

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