Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Conflict & Justice Arrows From Zion 8 21 2019

This generation of Christians have left their believer parents views of what is right and wrong in favor of the hit & miss definitions of "Social Justice" according to their Millennial peer group. If there was ever a time for us to take hold of principles of true social justice as God described in detail in the Hebrew Scripture, this is such a time. Dan Juster's book is for such a time as this.

Self Definition and (Social) Justice
by Daniel Juster 

We are witnessing a perfect storm of moral and social destruction in the West.  Combinations of philosophies that have gained control over the culture forming institutions in society (media, entertainment, and education) now combine post modern relativistic philosophy and neo Marxist analysis to destroy the historic consensus of morals and ethics. 

It is well to note the influence of the two schools of philosophy, the Frankfurt Critical School and the French Post Modernism School. Both have terrible consequences for sexual morality in our societies. While the Frankfurt school is a complex phenomenon often over simplified by popular critics, the effect on society can be summarized.  It seeks to deconstruct social institutions, historical norms and even history writing and literature. Generally, all is understood in terms of the oppressor and the oppressed. Who are the oppressed? Any who are not free to live out their lives according to their desires as long as others are free to live out theirs without oppression. It is more than the oppression of the working class by the capitalists.  It includes the oppression of the homosexuals by the straights or minority groups by the majority. It can be the oppression of one ethnic group by another.
Post modernism gives us relativism in spades. There is no objective basis for moral and ethical norms, but such norms are social and individual preferences. Harkening back to existentialism, it is taught that there is no essential nature to human beings, but human beings choose to make themselves according to their preferences. The contradiction of relativists then making absolute statements on justice and morals is so blatant.  But contradiction does not matter. It is a power assertion and propaganda for what the relativists desire and their attempt to re-make the society according to their desires and vision.
When people speak of justice in the political and social debates of our times, though they may not know of the assumptions from which they speak, analysis shows a leveling equality orientation behind the false definitions.  See my new book Social Justice for greater clarity on definitions of justice and the applications. 
For example, as Mike Brown points out in his books, the gay movement leaders know that there is no essential genetic basis for homosexual orientations. They only posit such for the sake of straights and for influence into the traditional oriented cultures to change their views. They have been effective in some religious communities by this means. But they really know that though there may be desires that are deep rooted (and sometimes such desires are not deep rooted) the main issue of morality for them is the right of all to self-define sexually. Any other orientation is oppressive. 
So sexual morality is defined as non-compulsion and the societal embrace of whatever consenting adults want (whatever makes you happy!) Anything that does not allow such self-defining is oppressive and any criticism of the self-defined is hate speech. Vilification can thus end debate and move the social ball forward to their advantage. From this point of view, one can be heterosexual, homosexual, transgender, bi-sexual, poly- amorous, polygamous, transvestite, and can choose lasting commitments or only fleeting engagements.  For some there is sexual fluidity, like New York Mayor Bill DE Blasio’s wife, who says she was a lesbian but has become a heterosexual.
Those Christians who are trying to be more tolerant in this culture are giving up the battle on the basic worldview assumption level. The people who profess lifestyles of aberration by traditional standards, do not believe the fundamental assertions of the Bible. This includes that God made us male and female, with foundational physical nature of male and female which is to be completed by living consistently in the soul realm in accord with that physical nature. That nature permeates every cell with either a male or female genetic code, xy or xx.
Then the Bible makes it clear that His norm since the coming of Yeshua the Messiah and King, is monogamous marriage between a man and a woman as the only legitimate sexual expression. We may defend civil rights at a basic level for those who do not embrace Biblical norms, including rights in employment, public services etc. This is not to compromise religious freedom where artistic businesses are free to not engage in fostering behavior they consider sin, or the freedom of a businessman or corporation to support religious organizations that foster traditional morality without being accused of hate or being discriminated against in seeking government concessions and contracts. (Note Chick Fil A in this regard at the San Antonio Airport and on campuses). 
Yet, it is a shame that society has not recognized traditional marriage and the family as a building block of society and has given up uniquely endorsing such. The LGBTQ battle against traditional morality, are with abortion rights, the defining moral issues of our age.  If we lose this battle and it seems we are losing, the level of destruction in the lives of people is incalculable.
This article is but a taste of the wisdom in Dan Juster's new book, Social Justice. "Social Justice, as a concept, mostly refers to all members of a society getting a just deal in provision and opportunity. As contrasted to legal justice before courts, where there is just restitution for crimes, resolution of conflicting claims for pay, inheritance and punishment for crimes, social justice is very connected to economic justice. Deuteronomy 17:10 affirms, Justice and only justice your are to pursue.
As Dr. Michael Brown wrote about it, "At last! A voice of sanity and clarity in the midst of today's social justice craze....Bringing theological depth, solid biblical thinking, and a heart for the marginalized, Dan offers us a clear and concise guide to a complex and divisive issue." 

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Rachel & Gilad Netanel of Beit HaNetanel (The House God Gave) send an update on their on-going conflict with the religious muslim authorities, the Waqf. This time they dumped 200 sacks of garbage on the path to her house. They claim no one is allowed to walk there because it has a grave, so is a Muslim holy site. (Garbage dump, okay; people walking on the path, not okay.) This brought them all before a judge for arbitration and during the explanation of the sides of the story, Rachel was able to speak to the judge about the real reason they are kicking up a fuss: Her Messianic faith in Yeshua. The judge didn’t know what that was and wanted to know more. In the end he ordered the Muslims to clean up the garbage, they refused and so now it means further attorney fees to represent their case in a full scale lawsuit. Pray for God’s help on the money needed to defend their rights, as that is the walkway that many Israelis have tread to come hear about Yeshua. This house is an evangelistic tool being used to the utmost. Pray for God’s intervention and provision.  The Netanel’s share about their work in Zukim in the Negev, and also a new believer who has recently been baptized by Gilad. Plus witnessing on their 3-day getaway trip to Greece. Rachel loves to tell the story of God’s love to her people. Pray also for their health and refreshing, as ministering in two places has taken a lot of energy.

Daniel and Patty Juster write in their personal ministry letter, Restoration from Zion, about their time ministering in the United States, and how they have now returned to Israel. I think I am probably about the same age as the Juster’s and I honestly do not know how they keep up with all the international travel and ministry they do. Please pray for their health, strength, rest, refreshing and anointing on all they do. Dan writes how in Atlanta, “I spoke on the Five Pillars and it was wonderfully received.  I do now believe that this message is a life message that I am called to spread in every way possible for as long as I live.” Pray for the health and strength of Moses, the anointing of Paul and the promised provision of the nations to fund all this ministry pouring out of the Juster’s lives. (Also for the two new books Dan has just published, and all the writing he is doing on Facebook and articles to bless the body.) shares new articles and videos each week from the Israeli ministries; here are a few that caught my eye:  Anti-missionaries publish incendiary article against Messianic couple | Kehila Staff | Arutz7 – an Orthodox news website ran an incendiary article about a Messianic couple that has led to a police complaint against them 
     VIDEO: Psalm 111/112 (Live in studio) | Miqedem
Richard writes, "Recently the daughter of our close friends, Esther, had died of cancer as a young adult. Before she died she had been sent by Jesus to tell her family and friends a Word from Jesus, that what is so much more important to Him is not our great attainments for Him..." 

This week I am introducing a ministry new to my list, a Chosen People ministry, Jason and Janice Rose in Tel Aviv. Jason is also a tour guide, a father to five young boys and is asking this week for prayers over their new outreach. See more at
our Chosen People Ministries Staff Page

Guy and Tali Cohen and family have been visiting Vilnuis, Lithuania where Tali’s grandmother and her family lived 70 years ago. Only two people of Tali’s family remained alive after World War II. These are the streets where she played as a child and now we are here visiting with the great grandchildren of Tali's grandmother. As Guy writes, it is good to “know where you came from” and also “Thank God that Am Israel Chai (the nation of Israel Lives)”
Maoz Ministries, Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram, and Kobi & Shani Ferguson write, In the last 12 months, you have helped us participate in 12 major projects and programs of Israeli ministries all over Israel ... We are busy – making believers strong in Israel. In the last twelve months, with your help, we have invested $765,000 in these outreach opportunities. And together we have changed lives! When you give to Maoz Israel ministries, you are part of what God is doing in Israel today. And you are certainly laying up treasures in heaven.

Founder Eitan Shishkoff shares a report on the latest gathering of the KATZIR (Harvest) Natl Messianic Youth Ministry. (3 youth camps annually). He writes, “It’s hitting me while worshiping with some 70 youth from all over Israel, at the conclusion of our summer conference. These kids are faced with a tsunami of alternative identities. And all but one of them lead to a dead end—even literally. The one identity, the one true person they really are, is only discoverable through an intimate, real, full-on, love relationship with their Creator—who also redeemed each of them through the atoning power of His blood. Joel (Jelski) is closing the final message from the week-long series on the Sermon on the Mount. He’s inviting the youth forward to get rid of whatever blocks their relationship w/God….Teenage men and women hold their heads in their hands, soberly considering their lives before God in prolonged prayer.”  Continue to pray for the incredible investment that has been made over many years in the youth by Katzir, and consider becoming a partner with them in it.

I have often heard that in missions giving people are more motivated by projects rather than regular giving to specific ministries. That is one reason that I emphasize so many of the projects that the Israeli ministries are undertaking throughout the year. However, I do believe it is a huge mistake in missions giving in support of Israel to be completely project-oriented rather than simply honoring the Father’s desire for us to materially support the Gospel-sharing of Israeli ministries. That is the ultimate ‘project’ that God is requiring of us in this hour, everything else is a pale effort in comparison.
Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel and Voice of Judah network sends a report on the 21-days of Prayer that their Ashdod congregation is in the midst of. (Psalm 61:1-3) Pochtar writes, “There are things that God is doing, or wants to do in your life, that place or state that only He can bring you to, something you wouldn't be able to do on your own.” Amen! Israel also gives a good report on ten baptisms recently following their Aleph Discipleship Course which is also offered to seekers, not-yet-believers. There are many different ways that what we might be used to that the Israeli ministries are finding great effectiveness with, and Israel Pochtar’s outreaches and humanitarian work is quite diverse. They are also in the final stretch of the Children's Back to School Project Learn more here

Chuck Cohen of Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem shares their Friday Prayer Points  Aug 16, 2019 Praise: Starting with this Shabbat, the prophetic portions until the fall feasts are known as the Shabbats of consolation or comfort. The reading for this weekend is Isaiah 40:1-26.
Asher Intrater’s ministry August Revive Israel Team Report Update can be read online. It includes the Brazil Trip Report. Also 2 videos:  The Isaiah 19 Highway is Open! And Outreach: Who Sets the Agenda? Plus the Nesher (Eagle) Project 
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

CONTINUE to PRAY for the urgent healing needs of Jacob Damkani | Ronit Bender sends this update:  My cough is gone mostly, my heart valve  is still leaking but my lungs are fine. I totally have peace about
my health, although it is far from great.  I still appreciate prayer, as I need it. I am very grateful they let me travel in October and November both to Australia and Holland. Please continue to pray for Ronit | Shlomy Abramov of Awake Israel, because of a condition where blood does not flow to his legs as it should, was advised by a specialist in case of injuries, he could lose his leg because of the blood flow issues. Shlomy has to wrap his legs daily because of the blood flow issues. Please pray for Shlomy | Ruth Nessim has recovered from a strong 2-month bout with Sciatica, but her most critical prayer need which she says may required an operation. Please pray for Ruth in Nahariya| Olga Bikas’s health condition that seems to have become chronic, with no hope from the doctors for any improvement in the future. This, no doubt, puts an additional emotional and physical burden on our family. Please pray for her acute back
pain. | Rania Sayegh asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.

Conflict: At the Intersection of Israel-support & Terrorism
by Donna Diorio

I have followed and studied Islamist fundamentalist terrorism since the 1980's because I support Israel and Islamist terrorism is the number one enemy Israel has faced. I watched how Yassar Arafat played at political jihad, acting as if his stripes had changed from being a PLO terrorist to being an international diplomat and political leader of the Palestinian people.

His was always a carrot and stick approach: the carrot was not real but merely a political front to give the nations a reason to tell Israel they had to give more and more concessions because he was the only "peace partner" they had. The stick, of course, was Arafat giving "the green light" to release the jackals of his terrorist troops against Israel whenever Arafat decided them needed to be terrified and softened up Israelis into giving into him.

Then in the early 1990's I was also watching when several organizations popped up on the scene that translated what the Palestinians were saying to their people versus what they were telling the Western world. Really dramatic documentary evidence of how they just told the West what everyone wanted to hear but to their own people it was just the opposite: continual incitement to hatred and bloody murder against Jews.

Political Islam the art of war using deception; that's not me saying it, that was FBI wiretapped trial evidence in the Holy Land Foundation trials. Political Islam is just about getting as many concessions as possible while hoodwinking everyone that the end goal is not total fundamentalist Islamic domination. It is about convincing everyone that Islamists are the "victims," the underdogs, not the aggressors that they in fact are. Political Islam is the literal wolf in sheep's clothing.
Now what used to only plague Israel has spilled out across the Western world. It had to come to that according to the principle of sowing and reaping. International leaders were willing to play dumb about the true jihad intentions of 'political Islam' against Israel. They knew better but pretended that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was just a spat between two rivals instead of what it was: a jihad terrorist commitment to wipe Israel off the map.

Even when terrorism began taking place in Europe, against non-Jewish targets, international leaders were so married to their idea of closed a blind eye to the terrorism against Israel to protect themselves that they continued to say terrorism against Israel was "different" than terrorism against their people and nation! Slow learners or just completely deceived? 
Just in the past week it has come out that France agreed in 1982 not to target Palestinian terrorists who killed French Jews in Paris if the Palestinian terrorists refrained from carrying out further attacks on French soil.  It would not surprise me if other nations cut the same deal, because they have never done the right thing by Israel and allowed lies about Israel to be foisted on the world. That hope of protecting themselves is now beginning to evaporate into thin air, but it has not caused them to repent of their false dealing with Israel.

Of course weakness does not work with bloodthirsty Islamists, so here we are in 2019 with most of the European nations overwhelmed with the Islamist takeover of their nations. The USA also sees (not quite yet fully sees) how we are up to our necks in the takeover too. For brazen Islamists like Tlaib and Omar to be sitting in American Congress driving their anti-Israel, anti-Jew propaganda across the United States is a sign of just how far gone we actually are.
Let's not forget Linda Sarsour, face of American Feminism, of all things! That has got to be the ultimate deception. What is more oppressive of women than fundamentalist Islam?  But that is how Islamists have created "intersectionality" with godless Leftist political activist groups. Not that American Jews or many Israeli Jews can see it, but President Trump has been a containment factor sent from Heaven over all these enemies of God and His people. 

If America does not wake up to the predicament we are sitting in, then our future is going to look more and more like what has engulfed the UK and Europe. No-Go Zones that were vehemently denied by nations and news media only a few years ago are now acknowledged, at least by the nations who are desperate to turn the hostile takeover around. The USA has our own regional (almost) No-Go Zones. These are districts that elected Tlaib & Omar. Areas where the police will arrest Christian street evangelists because Islam does not allow freedom of speech in their districts. In some New York City boroughs there are already city-funded 'Sharia patrols'. 
Some might accuse me of being an "Islamophobe," but I'm not; and this is not about your good Muslim friend. There are MANY good Muslims out there, they came to America to live free of the oppression of Islamists in their homeland. But the fundamentalist Muslims also dominate the good Muslims in the same way they dominate everyone else, through deception, lies, coercion and threat.

The news media do not give much platform to the spokespeople of good Islam, but rather they give it to the political jihadists like CAIR and anti-American, anti-Jew and anti-Israel congress people like Tlaib and Omar. Meanwhile, from the American campuses into our political mainstream, radical Islamist representatives like Rashida Tlaib have learned the lessons of forming alliances with other protest activist groups in the United States and the tactics these groups use have become interchangeable just like how they share each other's enemies. Islamists hate Jews, so Black Lives Matter back them up. It's been the Islamist strategy for gaining support in the American public.
For example, this was discussed in the strategy sessions of Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood affiliates who met in 1993 to lay out a road map to overthrow the Oslo Peace agreement with Israel, to misrepresent Hamas to the American people, and generally how to win Americans to their side of the conflict with Israel by with deception. In that meeting they actually discussed campus alignment with grievance activist groups even mentioning the "no justice, no peace" slogan! this is documented in the trial evidence of the Holy Land Foundation 5.

We didn't elect Tlaib and Omar but their districts did; Omar's little Somalia and Tlaib's Detroit district that includes Dearborn . There were many warnings going out over a decade ago about allowing Muslim nations to import radical Islamist doctrine in the US by building the mega-mosques in areas that did not have enough Muslims to even support such a massive mosque. The mosque was a hub-magnet to draw certain sects of Islam to an area. How do you think No-Go-Zones are created? It is around a hub mosque teaching radical Islam.
This is why US officials were foolish to allow foreign interests to build mega mosques in areas with few Muslims in order to create hub-cities where clusters were drawn to live. This was the beginning stages of US "no go zones". And still most of America has no idea how we got here much less how do we get out of this tightening python stranglehold.

Why have I spent so much time on such an un-spiritual topic as terrorism? Because Islamist terrorism is a Book of Revelation-level "Beast" enemy. It is part of the end times war we are in, at least that is my firm belief, and we better be able to tell the difference between the facts and the deceptions that are being presented to the public. It is important to be aware how much deception is involved in terrorism tactics so we can fight the good fight of faith against it.

Next Week (or read now at my blog):  Myth-busting with Fact Checking  

Donna Diorio or

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