Wednesday, February 5, 2020

So What! | Arrows from Zion | 2/5/2020

So What!
by Asher Intrater

Asher Intrater has found an amazing two-word prayer that has the potential to bring national revival from Philippians 1:18: "So what!"

Two-Word Prayer for Revival | by Asher Intrater

When a nation is on the verge of a great revival, there has been a level of success in the congregations and ministries.  The number of people is growing.  More donations are coming in.  The spiritual leaders are becoming well-known, influential, sometimes even wealthy and famous.

This level of blessing gives the Ecclesia the tools that could affect a national transformation.  This is a necessary stage, like a woman who has come to full term in her pregnancy. Yet the very success itself contains within it the obstacles that can at the same time hinder, and even halt, the growth of the kingdom of God.

God’s blessings carry with them the inherent temptation to turn away from God and concentrate on the blessings. People can become lazy, carnal, entertainment-oriented, greedy, prideful and rebellious.  Moses referred to this syndrome as “Yeshurun became fat and kicked” – וישמן ישורון ויבעט – Deuteronomy 32:15.

The temptation to worldliness is dangerous for any human being.  Yet there are two dangers that are particularly dangerous for spiritual leaders: ENVY and COMPETITION.

Philippians 1:15 | Truly there are those who proclaim the Messiah out of envy and competition, but there are those who preach from good intentions.

Spiritual leaders can try to out-do one another.  Instead of working together to bring a revival to the whole nation, they begin to pull against one another. Instead of seeking new territory and new people to touch for the kingdom of God, they become protective of their own resources and accomplishments.

Envy and competition then lead to the leaders speaking negatively about one another; criticizing the others to make themselves look good in comparison. In essence, they unwittingly begin to curse one another in the guise of “spiritual discernment” and “warning the flock”. This leads to division and destruction among the people of God.

When Paul wrote this, he was in jail.  All of the work he had done was being taken over by others (some with good intent and others not).  Some were becoming famous and speaking badly about him.  He was lonely and suffering. However, instead of looking at the problem, he chose to see a blessing in it.

Philippians 1:18 So what?  The result is that one way or the other, whether from deceitfulness or from pure motive, the Messiah is being proclaimed, and in this I rejoice and will continue to rejoice.

There it is, the two-word prayer that can bring national revival: “SO WHAT!” If all the leaders would ignore feelings of envy and competition towards one another, and just rejoice that someone else’s work is growing and affecting many, the whole kingdom of God would leap forward.

This is a necessary purification of the heart for every spiritual leader.  Paul dealt with it concerning Apollos (I Corinthians 3).  Peter had to deal with it concerning John (Yeshua challenged Peter not to compare himself to John, even if Yeshua asked Peter to be crucified and John to live forever – John 21).

I have seen this challenge in almost every country where the work of God is growing and blessed – USA, Far East, Africa, Brazil, Europe, and certainly here in Israel.  It seems insurmountable, yet by God’s grace, it can be overcome.  Let us put away all envy and competition.  Let us pray for the other groups’ work to be even more successful. Let us see one another as one family of faith, even though we are totally different.

Someone else seems to be growing more than you? So what!  As long as more people are being touched by the love of God, that’s great! Someone is getting credit for something you did? Someone else is working out of selfish ambition? So what! We put aside all comparisons.  When one is blessed, we are all blessed. We are one family.

Let’s pray this great two-word prayer for victory over competition and envy. “SO WHAT!” And let the revival begin.

Listen my Israel supporting friends. I know we in the USA all love Netanyahu, but I am learning that because he prevails with the help of the religious parties, that the PERSECUTION of the Israeli Messianic believers has grown untenable.
The reason is that the religious persecutors have been growing and growing under Netanyahu's reign.
FOR THE SAKE OF THE BODY OF MESSIAH IN ISRAEL I will stand against the re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu and trust God that HE is well able to preserve and protect Israel from being overrun by her enemies.
The persecution of Jewish believers in Yeshua in Israel is becoming extremely dangerous once again. Netanyahu is not as important to me as them! Please put the people of God, the followers of Yeshua ahead of political preferences for a system of governing in a complicated nation that we barely understand, and pray that God will put in place the person who will remove power from the religious and stop turning a blind eye to the illegal persecution of Messianic Jews in Israel!

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Ron Cantor shares the story of how his HOT news, a real game changer for Israeli outreach, came into being. In the gist of it, Israel's largest television provider made an offer they couldn't refuse: a TV channel- in HEBREW - to share the Gospel. Understand this has NEVER happened before and they are going live in 1 month! Ron writes, " We are challenging the body of Messiah here to make powerful content. We already have some really good stuff. Our friends at One for Israel have dozens of Hebrew testimonies and we have great music videos in Hebrew. Israeli evangelist Yakov Damkani is giving us a ton of material in Hebrew, too. There are others, as well, but we need more!"

The first 7 years air time have been paid for but there remain many expenses including essential hires for communicating with those who respond. I'm not going to go details - you can write Ron to get on his list for more details - but he is asking for two things: help raising the $100,000 for the follow up expenses, and for prayers over the following: That Israel will hear the Gospel in Hebrew! No hiccups! | That HOT will promote the channel. | That we will have teams to follow up on people (still in process). | That Israeli believers would invest in making powerful content for the channel. | For God to open the eyes of the Israelis. | Minimal to no resistance! And pray that HOT will not give in to Orthodox pressure.

Next, one of the anointed, native Israeli evangelists, who shares so naturally with the people God puts in her path, we have an update from Rachel and Gilad Netanel. (Gilad is from Austria). Many people come to their home which is built in a cave in Ein Karim, including brought by Israeli tour guides who don't yet know the Lord - but they are drawn by the caring couple who share meals and their faith with all who come. They also have a place in the desert at Zukim which also attracts the secular people who live in the village.  Please pray for them and all the seeds they are planting, also for the health issues that I have shared below in Healing Needs.

From Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center 2020 Kingdom Vision 4th Focus: VIDEO Worship & Bringing the Jewish People Home. In the worship video, he also talks with Arni Klein.

Tikkun Global features the honor that was given to  Acco pastor Guy Cohen and Messianic Pastor Efraim Goldstein, plus a group of volunteers from Tennesee & Georgia who pitched in to hlep with the flooding clean up in Nahariya. They were honored by the Nahariya mayor.  Ron also features the May 29-31 Tikkun Family Conference in Ellicott City Maryland.  Register here.  AND Eitan Shishkoff's book What About Us? The questions for many Gentile believers who struggle with God's plan for mankind in general and Israel in particular.

From Revive Israel an article about a whole generation of younger Christians who are missing the understanding of Yeshua's plan for Israel and the nations. Revive Israel Netherlands & Tikvah Messianic ministry, Eelco Schaap writes, Coming into Fullness of Destiny.|Two VIDEOS  Cody Archer w/Samuel Whitefield Son of Man – Why Did Yeshua Use This Title? and Cody Unity's Full Expression | plus Asher's book Covenant Relationships Why do our conversations with other people seem to stay superficial and never reach a deeper level?

Howard and Randy Bass have given their daughter Tamar in marriage to Ezra who works with Jewish Voice. Many blessings to the entire family. In other news, Howard talks about a reluctance among leaders and pastors in Israel to talk about the time of Jacob's Trouble which is not going to be trouble just for Jacob! Besides being an uncomfortable topic, Howard believes there is reluctance because "they think it will be bad for fund-raising and bad for generating prayer for Israel and the Jewish people! They say that people won't donate to Israeli Messianic/Christian ministries if God is just going to judge His people and nation; and why pray for Israel if God is going to judge them?"

Howard advises: "Brothers and sisters, do not base your stand and commitment to Israel based on appearances!  Stand with Israel; pray for Israel; donate to congregations and ministries that are active in evangelizing the Jews and Arabs and others; donate to ministries and congregations that help the poor and needy, especially within the household of faith, and also to those outside who need to see the love of Jesus/Yeshua through our good works shining for the glory of the Father.  God's judgments are still His Fatherly chastisements upon those He calls His children, even though -- and because -- they are rebellious."

I think this is only what people who believe in a pre-Trib rapture could possibly think, which I am not one of those. I was raised to believe that, but once I studied the issue myself, I ceased to believe it could be the case... not with everything I saw about how God was going to join the Church and saved Israel together in One New Man. Even the restoration of Israel as a state and the spiritual restoration of Jews to the Jewish Messiah tell me that I will be here with my Jewish friends standing in faith in the times of the evil one. But it is not necessary to divide over such issues because one way or the other God is going to unfold it as He has decided, and we just need to stick with Him. ..and Israel of course.

Howard is teaching on a new series which he invites you to drop in on once a month: Daniel, The Prophet for Our Days. 

Avi Tekle from Tents of Mercy in Kiryat Yam talks about the welcome abundance of rain this year even though it has caused some trouble it has also filled up the Sea of Galilee which is Israel's fresh water source. But it did give the ministry opportunity to give out food baskets to some even during the local flooding, and they were blessed to do it. Avi writes, "Passover is now two months away and we are already anticipating what God will do among us. We look forward to sowing into our community in an obvious and practical way. Our aim is to distribute 800 bags (even 850 if possible). Each bag costs $75. We invite you to join with us in this outreach by helping purchase bags for distribution. With thankfulness for His provision and our partnership."

From Joseph Magen, the founder of, which has put out a Pro-Life edition. (You may not know this but in Israel abortion is even more accepted than it is in the US, which is why the Messianic Pro-Life organization Be'ad Chaim is such a powerful ministry and force for good in the Land.  Read some of these article featured in Kehila: Find Healing - Plant a tree in the Gardens of Life for remembering aborted or miscarried babies | Pro-Life celebrates 30 years in Israel and challenges Israeli congregations to get involved | Personal stories of babies saved by Pro-life Be'ad Chaim by Be'ad Chaim director Sandy Shoshani.

Ronit Bender is another one of those Israelis gifted with a heart of love to share the love of God with those He puts in her path. She shares about several of the people that she is having an ongoing relationship with in the coffee shop, the news stand and the deli. She writes about the opportunity she had to share with her Kerem El congregation and how "the Lord encouraged me the other day, saying that all the seeds that have been sown over the years [there are many], are about to bear fruit, and people will be saved! Israel is not an easy place to witness, and people often seem to have a hard heart and stiff neck, but let me tell you:  THE LOVE OF GOD, THE TRUTH OF HIS WORD AND HIS GRACE ARE AT WORK! Please continue to pray and stand with us who here live in Israel." She will be touring in the US May 4th-26th in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Rhode Island.

Evan Levine of HaTikva Families wrote about their recent presentation of Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) for professionals in the fields of adoption and foster care, in partnership with Anchor of Hope Counseling Center and Adoption Wisdom. TBRI is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. They are not doing a once-over-lightly approach (same with the pro-life group, those ministering to PTSD trauma victims in S'derot, and other groups believer groups ministry to deep needs in Israel). Evan Levin writes that these are living-giving tools....The orphan crisis seems insurmountable, but we know our God is bigger.

From Maoz Ministries prayer points for the great success of Boris Johnson in getting BREXIT done at long last! Bravo Boris! They write: "The EU has largely been anti-Israel and pro-Islam and the UK has been forced to go along with the majority vote for decades. It has also been forced to allow the unchecked flow of illegal immigration from Islamic nations – who have long declared their ambitions of conquering Europe through childbirth." Pray blessing on Boris pro-Israel stance, and pray also for a full opening of Boris Johnson's eyes on what Israel needs to be fully defended. There is much more in the Maoz weekly prayer points which you can read in my Weekly Summary, if you have a subscription, and of course you can directly contact any of the ministries we feature each week to subscribe to their ministries directly.

Maoz (the Kobi and Shani part of it) will be traveling in the US this summer with their 5 kids in tow and would appreciate prayers over all the details of that trip.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue 
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

NEW: Please pray for full recovery for Rachel Netanel for food poisoning 3 wks ago that sent her and Gilad to the hospital it was so severe. Gilad has recovered, but Rachel still needs prayer for complete recovery. She also injured her back and continues to suffer from having to overdo it. | Ronit Bender says On Feb 23 I will be meeting a cardiologist regarding an irregular heartbeat. Although we don't look to doctors for healing, the Lord has given to men wisdom for helping people identify ailments and medicines for seasons. Please pray the Lord will give the doctor wisdom so I can continue to minister in the strength that the Lord continues to download into me. PLEASE do not stop praying regarding my health. Thanks!

Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani, who remains after surgery locked in the place of non-communication. Pray the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva  | Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Olga Bikas has longstanding severe back pain. please keep praying for Olga. Sadly, she is not getting better and recently she has even felt worse for a period of time. Please continue to pray for all the Israeli ministry leaders who contracted influenza - it is a strain that really hangs on | Pray for Rania Sayegh who asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.

My 2¢
by Donna Diorio

I hate to see articles like David Lazarus wrote on Israel Today, Will the local Body of Messiah in Israel survive the current serious debates? 

Even without being able to see the full content because I am not a subscriber, I wish David had not singled out MY FRIENDS as the reason for the problems in the opening paragraph that is visible to ALL who go to the link. It plants the seed of doubts against Tikkun leaders among all who read it, and I doubt it gets any better if we could see the whole article. One-sided journalism is not journalism.

WHY ARE THE ACCUSERS NOT THE STORY? Because that is where the REAL STORY is from my point of view. Why are the accusers in a special protected class, where we might discuss the motivations behind the accusations?

This isn't the first time an Israeli Messianic publication wrote about the conflict that has been going on for more than a couple of years and in both cases, the Tikkun ministers were treated as "the Accused" — assumed guilty until they prove their innocence! At least in the previous article, Hannah Weiss did not hide her criticism of the Tikkun leaders behind anonymity, although she did not name any of those who were making the accusations an issue among the leadership of the Israeli ministries. Not the original witch-hunters or the 

Also the accusers and those pushing the issue are NEVER named, they enjoy complete anonymity whereas several Tikkun ministers are being slandered not only in their leadership meetings but in accusations that are going out to believers outside of Israel. How is that righteous or godly justice?

If the Messianic body in Israel are headed for a split, it will not be because of the Tikkun ministers who have been bending over backwards throughout the inquisition to reassure their fellow ministry leaders in Israel that the accusations against them are false. When will the accusers come out from behind the protected wall of anonymity and prove their innocence in falsely accusing their brethren?

UPDATE: I finally got to read the article by David Lazarus, who I have always liked since I met him in Israel in 2003. From where I have been sitting, this is not an entirely non-partisan handling of the situation because it continues to put Tikkun in the seat of the accused being demanded to prove their innocence. 

In reality, this is about the accusers and I would not even know about it if one of the accusers had not reached out to me in 2017 making false accusations about the ministers of Tikkun. I know they are false accusations because I know them as brothers and have followed closely all of their ministries for years. I know what they teach and it is not what the twisted perceptions of their accusers.

Now I read in Lazarus’ article that the national leadership committee which is called Kenes Artzi, in David’s words, “The Kenes Artzi called for a ban on publications covering the controversy.” Now I can take that two ways: (1) Publications in Israel could voluntarily comply with a ‘gag order’ on the process it was conducting (which didn’t stop the accusers from distributing lies far and wide); and/or publications that covered the controversy were to be banned. Either way, the truth has been suppressed while the lies and false accusations - the slander - has run unhindered through the worldwide body of Messiah. That is unacceptable. 

David also writes, “According to the Messianic leaders we have spoken with, there is still a lot of confusion as to what will happen at the upcoming meeting. Will Messianic Jewish leaders be called upon to vote and determine if Tikkun is teaching false doctrines? Will Tikkun leaders and their congregations be considered false teachers or banned from the Kenes Artzi? Meanwhile, a number of Messianic Jews have already left, or are threatening to leave the Kenes Artzi over the controversy.”

From out here it looks like Kenes Artzi has lost its way and is unable to be just. I hope that is not the case, but regardless I stand by my friends, the ministers of Tikkun, because I know them to be blameless.

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