by Donna Diorio
How is this
Passover different from all the other Passovers?
Never in
world history have the people of all the nations been in quarantine because of
a virus plague killing people. That is one of the most remarkable ways this
Passover is different from all the others ever conducted in the history of the
world. Personally I do not believe that could possibly be a coincidence that
has nothing to do with God.
When the Messiah Yeshua became the world's sacrifice for sin on the
cross, fulfilling the prophetic sacrifice of the Passover Lamb, everything in
the world changed in an instant. Many in Israel and throughout the world went
on as if nothing had happened at all, but others took notice of powerful
manifestations of the change. Even among those that witnessed the events
firsthand, some of them went on in callous disregard; others knew they were
experiencing extraordinary events.
Matthew 27:45-54 tells us what those powerful manifestations were:
"From noon until three in the
afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Yeshua
cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God,
my God, why have you forsaken me?”). When some of those standing there heard
this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.”
Immediately one of them ran and got a
sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to
Yeshua to drink. The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes
to save him.”
"And when Yeshua had cried out again
in a loud voice, He gave up His spirit."
"At that moment the curtain (veil) of
the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split
and the tombs broke open.
"The bodies of many holy people who
had died were raised to life. After Yeshua’s resurrection they came out of the
tombs and went into the holy city and appeared to many people."
"When the centurion and those with
him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they
were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”
Great darkness befell the land as Yeshua was dying and when He gave up
His spirit, there was an earthquake that opened up the burial caves. Only three
days later, after Yeshua's resurrection, were the dead awakened coming out of
their tombs to show themselves in Jerusalem. First the deep darkness, then the
earthshaking change, then the dead awakening in resurrection.
This is a spiritual progression, just like the spiritual progression that
is rehearsed by the command of God among the Jews each Passover. The last two
of the 10 plagues to strike Egypt were the plague of darkness and the death of
the first born sons. There was darkness in Egypt, but not in Goshen where God's
people were. Then when the death angel visited, God's people were told to
'quarantine' in their homes. They were sacrifice a lamb, put its blood on the
doorposts of their houses, and to eat the Passover Lamb. Every household that
did this, the death angel passed over.
Yet even after all this there was still hardness of heart in Egypt, and
so will there be hardness of heart in our world as this 2020
Passover-worldwide-Crown Virus subsides. Corona is a Latin word for Crown and
the Corona virus name was chosen because under the microscope the coronaviruses
have a series of crown-like spikes on its surface. It is a virus that affects
the respiratory system making it hard to breathe. The enemy is try to steal the
breath of those that God wants to breathe the Holy Spirit of eternal life into.
Spiritually speaking these facts certainly don't seem coincidental
because the battle in this world is is over who or what wears the Crown - the
ruling authority - in our lives. Is it the King of kings or is it one of the
many idols of the world? This visitation
is about His rule over our lives and the protection and security we have in
that eternally. So much so that He crowns us with life, as Psalms 103:2-4 says,
"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do
not forget all His kind deeds— He who forgives all your iniquities, and heals
all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit and crowns you with
loving devotion and compassion".
This is our God, who even in this moment when fear is gripping the hearts
of people worldwide, our Abba has redeemed our lives from the pit and crowned
us with loving devotion and compassions. Even as life appears to return to normal,
we know that spiritually everything will have changed. Just like in the day
that Yeshua died as our Passover Lamb, and the tombs of spiritual darkness were
broken open by the supernatural earthquake, so too in the aftermath of this
pandemic, many people and I believe a huge number of them will be in Israel,
will begin to emerge from their spiritual tombs, awakened by GOD to new life by
the veil being lifted from their eyes and able at last to see their King for
who He is.
We who know the LORD, know we are experiencing the most unusual of
situations on the earth. When has there ever been any like this — and yet there
is a thread of likeness to other dramatic, world changing spiritual events in
Biblical history. These are events that drew the eyes of those that God had
called to see, like Moses and the burning bush, or the Eastern magi who saw the
star of Yeshua's birth, or the centurion guards who registered at the death of
Yeshua that the darkness and the earthquake were no mere coincidence to the
death of the "King of the Jews" on a Roman cross.
I believe this Passover is so different from all the others because it is
the Passover that the veil is being lifted. This is the time I believe God
would have us all focus on are all those who were spiritually entombed in
darkness, whom God is about to spiritually awaken and send out into Jerusalem
to show themselves.
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only
Starting this week with a powerful article from Avner Boskey that I 100%
agree with —an issue that has seriously vexed my spirit for two decades. It is
called Drinking
the cup of poison and it is regarding the plague of conspiracy theories
"an ‘equal opportunity deceiver’." As Avner points out,
"Christians of all stripes (Catholics, Orthodox, Reformed, Evangelicals and
Charismatics) are not immune.... Conspiracy theories are dangerous whirlpools
dragging us into turbulent and deep waters. The rapids on this wild ride pour
over the waterfalls of paranoia and finally collect in the cesspools of
anti-Semitism." Please read. This is a serious form of deception that effects so many
Christians, it is a spiritual barometer.
The Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias led by Claude & Michelle
Ezagouri are among the many Israeli ministries who are following the government
restrictions and finding other ways to hold services, prayer meetings,
discipling and keeping connected at a community. (I believe that obeying the
government authorities in this is a great discipling lesson in itself!). Several
things they need are more funds to meet the needs of so many of their people
out of work, for keeping food charity going out to those in dire straits, and
also money to buy equipment that will allow them to live stream their services.
As all the congregations are becoming equipped to do this in Israel, the silver
lining is, of course, that it multiplies the number of people in their
communities that they can reach with the message of Yeshua in a completely
private and non-threatening manner that is also fully by the choice of the
person watching. This is no minor silver lining development for many of the
ministries who are now becoming equipped to do their services live streaming.
When Coronavirus is gone, this is one outreach that will stay in place
spreading the good news of the Messiah in Israel.
From the many selections on,
my top choices are Paradigm
shift: Messianic congregations turn to Zoom, online streaming to connect
and Believing
ministries adapt to restrictions, step up efforts to help during corona crisis
FRIDAY (tomorrow) Arni Klein of Emmaus Way in Tiberias will be shown on
an hour-long interview he did in the UK last month with Simon Barrett’s Middle
East Report on the Revelation TV website. Friday,
April 3 at 21:00 GMT | Re-airing Sunday April 5 at 15:30 GMT |
Monday April 6 at 6:00 GMT
Eric Benson from the rehab House of Victory in the Carmel Congregation
satellite of ministries writes that their house is full and "open to all
strangers who are willing to seek the Lord and obey the rules of our program.
It is only a matter of time before the personality of each man is brought to
the light. Hidden motives and secret agendas eventually are revealed. It is at
this time our love for each man must also arise in order for them to have a
revelation of the love of God." This is a mighty work to re-claim lost
lives the rest of society has given up on, but they have shining examples of
how compassionate and able God is able to turn around the most wrecked of
lives. Even though cut off from the many tour groups from the nations that come
to see, help and bless, they are continuing in the work that is within the
bounds of the current restrictions. Pray for God to meet the needs and prepare
many answers to prayer for them.
In Revive Israel, Asher Intrater gives his Summary of End Times – Part 2. Also Please
listen to the Live broadcast from Revive Israel that aired
today because of very important prophetic message shared, and also last
week Praise, Prophecy, Prayer, Preaching from Revive
Israel. Also VIDEO Serving as a Leader with Cody
Archer | Asher and Dan's book Israel, The Church And The Last Days
The Arad Mercy of Yeshua congregation is dealing with the health
restrictions by breaking into small groups according to language and also
making the messages accessible to members via private Youtube. They continue to
help the needy - increasing even because so many are now without work to pay
for food. By law the elderly are not to leave their houses at all so the
younger people in the congregation are buying and delivering groceries to the
elderly doorsteps so no potential infection. They ask prayer for everyone's
protection and for the number of healthcare workers in their congregation. As
always, financial donations would be welcomed. Pray for their good Mayor Nisan
who tested positive for the virus.
The congregation in S'derot is also serving a poor community with much
humanitarian outreach, so Michael and Dina Beener of the City of Life are
following the guidelines even as they deliver bags of food to the most needy in
their city. Their congregational meetings are now carried out online so them
can stay in the parameters of public safety to "avoid the concentration of
people in a closed place as the authorities ordered us." What a powerful
witness the Israeli ministries are both to the people who so welcome their care
in delivering much needed help and also to the government struggling to keep
the spread of the virus as low as possible! If you can help, please donate.
Avishalom Tekel at the Tents of Mercy in northern coastal Israel, "Even
though we put our trust in God's strong arm to intervene, we are well aware
that many of you are being affected by the chaos, financially and otherwise, as
are we. The world is sick and in pain, from the virus, fear of catching the
virus, protective sanctions that have been put in place and the resulting
consequences on the world economy.... Yet in the midst of all this, I am
reminded of Yeshua looking upon Jerusalem with tears in His eyes.... God’s
heart aches for people in pain, while He grants them hope. Hope and brokenness
can co-exist.... We are called to weep for the hurt as well as intercede to God
on behalf of our nations as His priests. We need to see the pain and allow the
time of brokenness to be a driving force to serve Him - especially during these
times. Beloved I believe the best is yet to come!" That is why they are
pressing still - within the govt guidelines - to prepare Passover baskets for
800 families in their area. "Through your faithful partnership and support we
are able to feed the hurting and the needy, to be a light in dark times. We
want to thank you deeply for your sacrificial commitment and support. You are
in our prayers! Please pray for us."
Howard Bass of the Yeshua's Inheritance congregation in Beer Sheva is
also complying with all the govt restrictions with messages recorded and
uploaded to their new
YouTube channel. But Howard is also thinking long term in light of the End
Times things that scripture warns us will come: "I am convinced that the
Scriptures encourage believers to meet together physically. (Heb 10:25), and
especially as the Day approaches. THIS will be a real challenge when it is
not a virus, but persecution that prevents us from gathering in significant
numbers. We are going to need the wisdom, and the courage, to trust and obey
the Lord when such a time comes upon us.
It will bear some resemblance to the first church that we read about in
the beginning of Acts, except that we will be very much nearer to the Lord's
return than what they at first hoped. The pattern begins with small house
groups that grow. The natural tendency is to big a bigger house so that more
people can come, and because they are coming.
What we see in the epistles, and in the letters to the seven churches,
is that they were generally written to churches in a city, with joint
leadership overseeing them, probably drawn from the leaders from the various
groups that were meeting, or being overseen. The Bible speaks of the elders of
the city. Anyway, I do believe we will be heading in that direction. How it
comes about, and will be implemented in such a way to show that there is love
and unity amongst those who are disciples of Yeshua/Jesus/Yasua/.... I trust
the Holy Spirit to lead us as the time goes on, ready for when the real and
felt need arises." Very interesting thoughts to consider for the times
ahead. Bass also writes, " Here is my teaching for our second Corona service"
Pochtar of the Ashdod Beit Hallel, "With less than 7 days left
before Passover officially starts, we want to ensure we don’t let outward
circumstances change our God-given mission: to be a blessing to people in need.
Our goal is to provide 1000 families with hot meals during the Passover week,
as well as 500 food packets which we will bring to families or individuals that
are currently left without survival means. Currently the humanitarian need in
Israel is greater than ever. We really need your help now to ensure we can help
as many as possible before Passover during this nationwide lockdown in Israel.
Every act of kindness matters!
The Kerem-El congregation on Mt Carmel led by Yonatan Arnold and Stefan
and Keren Silver say it plainly (and I applaud them): "The ministry of
Kerem-El continues in crisis and is even more necessary as our members struggle
with the unexpected realities now facing them. Many are on unpaid leave due to
businesses being shuttered in compliance with government regulations."
Giving to Israeli ministries has already been down in the last handful of
years, yet like their fellow Israeli ministries, Kerem-El is pressing on in
their ministry to their congregation and community. They are live streaming
services, video conferencing, prayer meetings by Zoom, and they have received
city approval to continue in their volunteer network to bring food and
prescriptions to the elderly. I love their honesty: "Lift up Kerem-El, for
the brothers and sisters who are wrestling with their faith, struggling to
trust daily needs to God, the deeper faith that is required when no explanation
is available and no visible or tangible guarantee for the future is at hand."
This is probably a reality going on in the whole world among people of faith.
Let's pray into it - and help Kerem-El through financial help too.
The weekly prayer request letter from Maoz reflected a common problem we
have also seen here in the USA as some religious groups have been defiant
against public safety restrictions, and the sense among young people that they
are invincible, so also defying restrictions. Both groups are now suffering
major infection in their community and age group. Maoz writes, "It is no
wonder then that now in Israel the highest demographic to have caught the virus
is the 20-29, age group." The
ultra-Orthodox are upwards of 30% infected according to some reports. We will
likely see the same increases in our nations among those who will not comply.
This is not to point a finger - we need to be seriously compasionate with those
who refused wisdom. God can yet redeem them through His love in the person of
Messiah Yeshua. Maoz also asks, " Father turns the hearts of the children
to the fathers – reconnect the generations and cause the younger generation worldwide
to understand the value of the older generation."
Tikkun Global has "suspended our normal fundraising apparatus to
raise funds exclusively for hurting Israelis. Please consider our “COVID-18”
project to bless the needy among the household of faith in Israel and also "be
an answer to prayer for those who do not yet know Yeshua." Please
make a small sacrifice of $18.
Avi Mizrachi's Dugit, the
"little fishing boat," is also fishing for men even in this time of
worldwide Coronavirus lockdown. One way is by helping needy Israelis to by
Passover food. "Your gifts to Dugit help us to be a Passover blessing and
share the good news of Yeshua with the people of Israel during this difficult
time. You enable us to be a light to those who are hurting, to be food to the
hungry, and healing to the broken. Please help us provide for those
in need and reach them with the love of God and the good news of salvation!"
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is
in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders
and believers with urgent health needs
URGENT PRAYER NEED from Ronit Bender whose cardiologist told her that her irregular heartbeat is SEVERE, and is suggesting further tests. Please intercede for Ronit: No weapon formed against her shall prosper! | Olga Bikas severe back pain has kept her in "quarantine" for the past 4 years or so! Please pray for God to do a miracle of healing for Olga. | Please pray for Rachel Netanel's brother who is in dire health | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Pray for Rania Sayegh who asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.
URGENT PRAYER NEED from Ronit Bender whose cardiologist told her that her irregular heartbeat is SEVERE, and is suggesting further tests. Please intercede for Ronit: No weapon formed against her shall prosper! | Olga Bikas severe back pain has kept her in "quarantine" for the past 4 years or so! Please pray for God to do a miracle of healing for Olga. | Please pray for Rachel Netanel's brother who is in dire health | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Pray for Rania Sayegh who asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.
Live Streaming Passover Event
Join us on the 7th of April (3pm Jerusalem)!
We’re calling the Body of Christ, from every nation, to join us as we
celebrate Passover as one. It is time for the Global Ekklesia to rise and shine
as one army, in holy array under the blood of our Passover Lamb.
For the King and His unshakeable Kingdom!
The event will be live-streamed on the Revive Israel Facebook
account and Watchmen YouTube channel.
More information to come on the Watchmenwebsite.

Donna Diorio or
Donations appreciated | on PayPal
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006 | I do not have tax exempt status.
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