Friday, January 22, 2021

Road to Emmaus | Arrows from Zion 1 22 2021


Road to Emmaus
by Arni Klein of Emmaus Way

1/20/21 | Not in our lifetime has there ever been an hour that was as certain to change the world as the one we are now in. The events will likely take some time to fully play out, but a switch is about to be thrown that will effectively change tracks one way or the other and alter the course of human history.
     On the natural level the unfolding scenario has been in the works for decades. From the spiritual perspective it’s been a lot longer than that. The abject wickedness of the one world-globalist-deep-state-complex is only now able to be openly seen -- from sex trafficking to child pornography and human sacrifice, from Hollywood to the halls of government, from big pharma to global tech, from mainstream media to worldwide social platforms, from man’s agendas to satan worship. 
     Could it be just by chance that in the last year alone so much that was hidden in so many arenas has come to the surface? God is at work to divide light from darkness for all that have eyes to see. We each are as jurors in the courtroom of our minds reviewing the evidence set before us. Understandably some of us would prefer to remain uninvolved and just focus on life’s daily chores. But whether by action or inaction, we will find ourselves on one side of the line or the other.
     What might now appear to be lines in the sand will likely become high walls. Let us not miss the fact that the Lord’s displeasure with lukewarmness is as clear as His intention to expose the hidden motives of hearts. Only after the coming great division will true unity be possible. Such is the purpose of the sword He came to bring. (Mat.10:34-39) We must keep what we know of Father’s priorities in mind. Above all else, it is the glory of His Name with the other side of the coin being the purification of the Bride of Messiah. The degree and depth of exposure we see taking place in the world must also happen in the believing community.

     Are we awake or asleep? ... The moment of waking comes with the awareness of having been asleep. In the physical it’s a daily occurrence. In the spirit it’s a little like finding out we walked and talked in our sleep and don’t know what we said or did. Realizing we are physically awake not knowing we have been spiritually asleep would certainly be unsettling. I am convinced that passing through such moments of revelation is a central aspect of a healthy spiritual life. Until we have experienced the grief of realizing we are not where we thought we were, we have not yet begun to wake up. Only in the mirror of the Word of God is it possible to be asleep and know it.

     How sad, how terrible, how awful it was for five of the ten virgins waiting for the Bridegroom to find out they were not ready until it was too late. ...The Greek word for foolish bears the aspect of being heedless. That means they didn’t listen or take to heart the Master’s warnings and attempts to get their attention. Getting the opportunity to see where we are before it’s too late is great mercy and grace from the Lord.
     To speak from my own personal experience, the stress of these days has gone deep and revealed things I have not seen in myself. Over the days, weeks, and months of relentless intensity, for various reasons I had struggled to find a resting place. ...Ironically, the current book chapter I am working on is about peace…shalom. I had no choice but to acknowledge the reality of where I was and turn to the Lord.
     We hope and pray that the Body of Messiah will realize how much current events have been orchestrated to reveal the state of our hearts. One way or another God is going to uncover every hidden thing. Our deep attitudes and motivations must come to light. From our perspective, to think we are really okay would place us in a pew in the church of Laodicea.

     Here at home, it seems that most people are accepting the public narrative and lining up to be unsuspecting guinea pigs for an experimental injection purported to protect against a biological entity statistically shown to be less threatening to mankind than the measures being enforced to protect us. Since our last letter in which we addressed this matter in some detail, the situation in Israel has gone through a dramatic shift. At present nearly two million Israelis have received the first injection and the second round is proceeding.
     It has been stated as fact by various officials while predictably denied by others that our government made a deal with Pfizer for Israel to be their human experimental trial. This is why we were able to get so many doses before anyone else. Our Prime Minister boasts that we are the most “vaccinated” country in the world. This was done without people’s consent or knowledge. Notwithstanding that the virus’ risk for youth is close to zero, and there have been no studies at all on dangers to pregnant women, the government is now encouraging both groups to be part of the experiment. Soldiers refusing the injection will have their privileges severely curtailed. Though the voices expressing concern are growing, they have yet to find listening ears among­­­ governmental officials. It’s all quite hard to believe and receive.

     For the most part, not being able to move around freely doesn’t seem to affect us so much on a daily basis…except when we think about it. We are happy at home. We have a lovely little interesting place to live. We worship, pray, think, write, talk, eat, and even play a little. Our days are quite full. On the other hand, the fact that our three Winklers can’t yet come home is an ever-present reality. The fact that worshippers and intercessors from the nations cannot come to the Land is of no small effect. We greatly miss the ability to host groups for the monthly ten-day Gatherings. We should probably also mention that the offerings from the gatherings enabled us to meet our monthly expenses.
      Not being able to gather as a congregation and worship together is something we do not expect to get used to. Our personal challenge and perhaps yours as well involves processing and accepting that without any specific warning, literally overnight all around the world millions and millions of people have been stripped of the most basic human rights through a coordinated campaign of manipulating statistics, misinformation, and a denial of facts and legitimate questions and concerns surrounding Covid-19 and the experimental vaccination.
     Samuel and Claudia just told us that in Mallorca it is now forbidden to speak on public trains and busses, and in Germany the government has designated certain buildings as holding places for citizens who do not follow the quarantine regulations. This scenario is all too similar to what took place in Germany over seventy years ago. A big difference is that today it’s not just in one nation but it’s happening all across the world. Once more the people are going like sheep to the slaughter. The economic, social and emotional effects of the repeated lockdowns have been nothing short of a global catastrophe. The matter of Covid-19 -- where it came from, how it came about, what it actually is, and the pressured promotion of the incompletely tested injection can only be really understood when viewed in the context of the wider spectrum of world events.
     If one believes that there was substantial fraud in the US Presidential election, of which we personally are convinced, there is reason to think that the advent and timing of the so-called pandemic is more than mere coincidence. Having been watching and listening, studying, conferring and praying for months on end, we cannot find in ourselves one shred of doubt that something is drastically wrong with the pictures being presented to us by those sitting at the gates of the world.

     In the coming days, after the dust settles, we expect there will be more to share about the complex dynamics surrounding the US election. In short, we have never witnessed such unabashed, deliberate refusals across the board to consider verified facts or verify the details and sworn testimonies of what has been presented. We experienced a small taste of societal breakdown in the 60’s and 70’s. Our then perception of the world spinning totally out of control was instrumental in propelling us to seek after God. One significant difference between then and now is that for the most part the media still reported what was actually happening and there were judges, courts and officials who considered truth to be a value to fight for.
     If we were to name one element that stands out as the most difficult aspect of our current reality, it is that in the public arena it’s impossible to know who and what we can believe. It is critical that we come before the Lord as a Body, waiting and listening to hear until we hear something we have not yet heard.

     To distill all the above to one lead thought…It’s all connected. The creation and dispersion of what we know as Covid-19; the release and desire to mandate a yet experimental “vaccine;” the outlawing and suppression of cheap, successful, available treatments of the disease; the US courts’ refusal to look at the credible evidence of fraud in the US election; the flat-out denial that any such proof exists; and the censorship of all opinions and allegations contrary to scripted narratives all make perfect sense when seen as aspects of a plan formed by an elitist group to bring forth a global shift they refer to as “The Great Reset.” We will relate to this more in the days ahead. Please read two passages from Scripture: John.14:29-31 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

 1/21/20 Addendum: It’s the morning of the day after. Something has happened. Wonderings and speculations have been laid to rest. Or have they really? ....Perhaps it would do us well to be quiet for a while and not try to figure anything out. For some that will be challenging. It seems clear to us that the Body as a whole does not have much experience of waiting in silence. Personally, we have a number of thoughts about our ways and God’s ways. But lest we contradict our own injunction, we’ll let them remain unspoken for the moment. “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.” (Ps.62:5)

Arni and Yonit Klein of Emmaus Way are Prayer and Worship ministers in the Galilee. They hold  extended times of prayer and worship ministry to the Lord to scheduled international groups throughout the normal year, meaning not since Covid halted visitors to Israel. If you would like to sustain them with a donation see info on their website or email them at  


Arrows from Zion Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Back in 2004 when Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel released a prayer word for Israel, A Prayer to Remove Occult Shields, because "after four years of suicide bombings, killing hundreds of innocent victims, we were crying out to God, that he would bring injustice to an end"  THIS PRAYER LIST prayed along with him over the months to follow. He asked that we pray for the occult shields that were protecting certain Islamist leaders in the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Iraq to be removed. There was a quick and dramatic first response as one quickly removed with the two others removed over time. These were terrorist voices that stirred up the violence in Israel. Some Christians called for us to pray for their souls, but I believed this was the outcome God wanted: the voice of terrorism silenced.
     So hear me, when Rick Ridings put out an adapted call,
A Prayer to Remove Occult Shields Over the United States, I believe we need to enter into that. There is no doubt whatsoever that it is called for as we are fighting between good and evil here, not mere political disagreement. We are not praying for anyone's death, we are praying for the wall of lies that are protecting evil doers in leadership, leading people astray, to be removed, so those who have been believing them have the opportunity to see clearly what choice they are making: evil or righteousness. 

Ari Hyde and the team at Tree of Life Ministries in Haifa send a wonderful report in the midst of one of the most difficult years in memory. Be sure to read and watch the video Stories from the Harvest in Israel as they had an explosion of video views - 23 million - before the end of 2020. One video ministered to many in Israel during the many Covid restrictions there: How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety. They write, " Maybe the greatest surprise this year is that we’re beginning to see an awakening among those who were most antagonistic to the Gospel: Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews. (See more of their stories here and here.)  Not only that, but we also had the privilege of baptizing several other Orthodox Jews this year (See a few of their stories here, here, and here.)....Also a woman in New Age her story here.)

Among the prayer requests for Tree of Life, pray for victory against CENSORSHIP, govt persecution of the faith (Avi & Leora Hyde need prayers in this), all the new believers, more laborers in the harvest & great breakthroughs in 2021.

Revive Israel sends information about their new discipleship program Your Kingdom Come Discipleship that begins in a few days under the leadership of Youval and Valerie.  Also watch this VIDEO with Sarah and Valerie in the Judean Mountain discipling site. If you click here you can read short biographical sketches of each of the students who will be going through the discipleship training - PLUS keep scrolling for information on how you can adopt a student for a day or for up to the full 2 months of the program. Keep scrolling and you will see highlights from previous discipleship and testimonials from some of those students.

Avner and Rachel Boskey send new video links for their Ezekiel 37 Institute - this time one by their son David Boskey teaching in Hebrew, ‘Revelation is the fruit of intimacy’ based on Daniel 9:20-26.  Also Avner continues his teaching series on the Minor Prophets, ‘The Prophet Hosea – Part One’. The Boskey's encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel: Signet Ring Media and for more info regarding the E37 Teaching Institute, visit David's Tent website.

Shani Ferguson writing in the weekly prayer points email from Maoz Ministries begins by writing, "I remember hearing the head of a large ministry discussing their ministry plans for the next few years. At one point he said, “I know everything is pointing to this being the end of the world, but the Lord is telling us to build.” And so, two decades later, I find myself to be in a uniquely similar situation." This is so interesting to me because even before reading this, the Lord opened my eyes to something I never realized was a running theme in my favorite book of the Bible, Isaiah - and that was so much emphasis on building. It was enough to launch me on a fresh study of Isaiah to pull out all the building references for a fresh take on what God is saying. Then a little while later, I got an email in from Danny and Tammy Meyuseff, also quoting yet another Isaiah reference apart from the ones I already "stumbled upon" about building. More about that next week!

Back at Maoz: Shani writes about the seemingly counterintuitive on one of two of their 2021 major ministry focuses - the one about heavily investing in Israeli worship by "sending the worshippers to the battlefield before the army arrive." She writes their 2021 focus will be "1. Using the I Stand with Israel fund to keep believers afloat until these lockdowns end and the economy bounces back. 2. Expanding the influence of Israeli worship through the Fellowship of Artists." They strongly believe "Israel has a calling to release the power of God in worship—and we want to see that calling maximized." As a person who was beckoned to the Messianic movement by the music of Israel's Hope, I do believe Israeli worship is a call to the church to come alongside the Israeli ministries, and also a witness to the unbelieving world that Yeshua really is the Messiah, the Anointed of God. To

Here are a diversity of articles that caught my eye from various ministers in Tikkun Global: Marty Shoub, the Canada rep for Tikkun Intl, wrote an excellent piece called The Immovable Stone beginning with the realization in 2006 in Haifa that Katyusha rockets were exploding all around him and even as a new immigrant he was stunned to realize, "Someone is trying to kill us." Then came the preponderance of condemnation of Israel from the world. | Asher Intrater writes Exodus and the End Times | Guy Cohen at Harvest of Asher writes  I Became 80% Deaf | Tents of Mercy Hannah Tekle's A Lesson-Filled Doughnut (You really want to read this fresh take on the 5 Foolish virgins parable) | And Tal Ruben at Revive Israel writes on the Ex-Orthodox Crisis. 

Israel Pochtar of Voice of Judah ministries reflects on how through the deep challenges over the past year, God made a way for them to be for fruitful than they could have thought possible. One reason because the Covid lockdowns were so restrictive, they could reach out to the needy with humanitarian aid right to their doorsteps without having to wait for people to come to them. "We couldn’t begin to describe the overwhelming feeling of gratitude from so many who have lost everything during this pandemic." Israel writes, "We count on an amazing team of volunteers that work long hours without asking for any compensation, loading and unloading truckloads of goods. We just want to make things easier for them as they labor selflessly for the Lord and those in need, as well as take this work to the next level of efficiency simply by purchasing an electric forklift. A simple piece of equipment, an electric forklift, worth about $7,000 can change a lot for the hardworking volunteers that tirelessly work to get help to those in need as soon as they unload the deliveries." Can you help?   

 Orna Grinman of A Sign & Example ministry has a new blog post Words Falling to the Ground on a hot topic, "Nearly two million people had already taken the Covid vaccine in this small country. Within the next couple of weeks, almost the entire nation will be vaccinated, in what seems to be 'the biggest experiment on humans'. Due to the uniqueness of Israel - small nation, clear borders, health system that enables a quick access to doctors and nurses – Pfeizer had chosen us to be the first nation that will receive as many vaccine doses as we need, to show the whole world how it works."

Gilad Rosinger conducted a Zoom Global Prayer Call for Shabbat last week and today (1/22) we get word it will be ongoing: "We will be resuming Prayer Calls each Friday, starting next Friday (January 29), where we will pray together and explore more about the importance of Shabbat with one another. This will also be a wonderful time for fellowship with fresh revelations, words and directions from the Lord to navigate the road ahead. Every week we will have a new guest who will be sharing more about what the Lord is doing in this hour. More details for the call will be sent out next week. We hope you will join us!" Write for details on the passcode and number to call in each country to be able to connect.

 Sally Shiff of HaMaayan congregation sends an insight gained in an Israeli national intercessors group while joining in with a worldwide intercessor prayer time. Before the Zoom call the leader went into “a-fib” and had to be rushed to the hospital for her heart has to be “shocked” back into synchronization. Her husband described how the process: "“Your heart has a small valve at the top of the heart, it’s the “still small voice” of your heart that tells the heart what to do. It beats constantly and in essence is in control of your heart. Below in the lower chambers is the workers of the heart that pumps out the blood to the rest of the body.” She writes, "He then went on to explain what happens in “a-fib”: 'Just imagine an auditorium of High School Seniors getting ready for graduation, and all the noise and excitement that is going on with them. In their noise and distraction, they would not be able to hear the Principal trying to give them instruction on how to orderly proceed with their graduation, until the track coach fires the track gun in the air to get their attention. In shock, the auditorium becomes silent and the Principal can now speak and give proper instructions." I was so touched by this amazing explanation of God’s creation in our bodies, how He forms our heart to listen to a still small 'voice' at the top of the heart. . . . God, help us to hear you, to go above the clamor of today with all its distractions and hear your voice."

There is a much longer letter of news from Najeeb and Elisabeth Atteih in Haifa with Immanuel Church, outreaches and Refugee Ministries. I had to break it into 2 parts to adequately cover. This first looks at their need for support of the Christian Soldier's Center as during the Covid crisis a major source of the 3,000 NIS per month (36,000 NIS a year) rent was cut off. They write, " we know that we cannot meet the financial demands on our own. We cannot continue without the prayers and support of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are praying and asking the Lord for partners who will help support this ministry." They also offered insight in the political situation that because of a lack of Israeli Jewish support, Netanyahu was driven to seek allies among the Arab parties and visit Arab cities and towns to campaign and try to convince them to vote for his party. This was very upsetting to many in these Arab cities, especially in Nazareth. He was rejected and people were shouting saying, 'We do not want Netanyahu and his party. You and your party have never cared about us. You didn’t take into consideration that not all Israeli citizens are Jewish; there is another people group in this country who are also citizens. Now you want our vote? We do not and will not believe or trust liars.' Please pray with us for our country." They also write about the confusion - even among believers - over taking the Covid vaccine. Najeeb's advice when asked, “I cannot say whether you should or shouldn’t take the vaccine, but I do urge you to pray and ask the Lord what He would have you do. See how the Lord guides you. As mature believers I know the Lord will lead you in what you should do." Sound.

Chuck Cohen of Intercessors for Israel in Jerusalem sends his Watchmen from Jerusalem Teaching God Challenges the Church: Do You Trust what the New Testament Says about the Old Testament? Part 1 and the usual Friday prayer points 1/22/2021

From Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center in the Jordan River area, and invitation to come to their Fall Feasts Restoration Journey Tour Sept 2021 | VIDEO Restoration Journey Click for more details.  Also learn how you can Serve in Israel in this VIDEO Feed My Sheep. Chaim also invites you to Pray with us in this VIDEO The Olive Press.

Gil Afriat of Tiferet Yeshua writes, " or the last two months, we have had a steady increase of Israelis reaching out to us online through our Hebrew Facebook account, @tiferetyeshuacongregation. From the contact information that some of them have given, it is clear that they are young men in religious schools. There are also secular Israelis looking for answers during this challenging time."  He also writes about "a pandemic of fear. Israel is leading the world in covid-19 vaccinations, but the vaccination is causing many to react in fear because of all the conflicting information they are reading online and hearing from people around them." Their last prayer request is for healing: "This past month we have seen an increase in the number of people in our congregation and even on our leadership team who are dealing with sickness and health issues. We feel that this is a spiritual attack intended to discourage and distract us."

Cody and Liat Archer of Fields of Wheat in the Golan Heights send a beautiful account of how their 2nd grader daughter has used the love of the LORD to draw out a child her age who is painfully shy and withdrawn. Their daughter "was determined to love, pray and be patient with her so that she could gain a new friend in a new neighborhood. As the months have gone by, her persistence has been paying off. Her friend A. is gaining confidence in social settings and usually only agrees to do things in public if Hallel is going to be there. Her parents have praised Hallel repeatedly for her kindness. Another mother who knows this girl told us recently that she has seen much positive change in A. and believes Hallel has been sent by God to help this girl!" A beautiful testimony of how God's love shed abroad in the heart of even one so young can have impact that makes even adults take notice.

The Archer's continue to raise funds for their car upgrade for their growing family and ministry which they are 2/3 toward their goal. They also sent VIDEO Recently Liat connected with Rebekah Wagner over a zoom call to discuss how her time serving in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) went.... We are sure that this interview will bless you and give you a clearer picture into what challenges young Israeli believers face during their army service and how God is moving among them.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

Christian Arab Pastor Victor Bahbah is in rehabilitation! A post from Sonia Bahbah Abu-Duhou in mid-Dec. read: "Christmas will be extra special for our family this year as we almost lost our beloved brother to Covid. It has been a very long and tough road for him and his family. But he fought hard for his life and is now on the road to recovery. Praise be to God. Thank you to our family and friends for keeping him you your prayers God bless all my brothers and sisters and their families and bless you all." | Sally Shiff still faces 2 more surgeries but "my pain that I had in my legs continuously is gone!" | A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed recently with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words| Ronit Bender wrote, I am feeling pretty good, but do have trouble climbing stairs and walking is getting tougher for me because of my heart situation. My cardiologist was changed by my health provider. He is very unpleasant and I want a new one. | Rachel Netanel wrote, Please pray for me as well. I have very high blood pressure and the doctors have sent me to have a number of tests. The results won’t come for a while but please pray that all will be well. I do have peace in Yeshua. | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Olga Bikas is slowly recovering from the operation, but last Thursday she lost consciousness for a couple of seconds because of a sudden spasm of pain and as a result fell and broke her ankle.

BACK COVER STORY: You shall be My witnesses

by Dov Bikas

Have you ever been wondering about certain developments in your life that did not make any sense – like unexpected difficulties, disappointing obstacles, or even terrible tragedies? When I look at my past and present, I notice a strange paradox, which has baffled me greatly until these very days. I have been a believer for 35 years and a minister for 30, and during all this time, on the one hand, I have had a relative success in ministry, including launching and expanding big projects like planting the church “Desert Flowers”, opening an outreach center in Tel Aviv for drug addicts and the homeless, a rehabilitation center for men in Beersheba and a Women’s Shelter for victims of violence and abuse.

     On the other hand, however, during all these years in my personal life I have been facing one serious problem after another. We were watching our son suffer from progressive muscular dystrophy since early childhood and die at the age of eighteen. Several years later my wife Olga started having acute backaches that turned her, a young and energetic woman, into a handicapped person. And finally, when in October she decided to undergo an operation and for the first time in the last four years we started hoping for a significant improvement, three weeks after the surgery she fell and ended up with a broken ankle, which threw her many months back in her recovery and made it a much farther and more difficult goal to achieve than before.

     All these facts together seemed like puzzle pieces that would not come together to form one picture. While caring for and expanding our ministry I felt like “driving with the handbrake on” because of all the difficulties that characterized my personal life. I had to invest in them a lot of time and energy that could have been used for the ministry, and I saw no logic in this situation. I just knew I had to stay faithful to God and keep serving Him no matter what, and I comforted myself with a thought that one day in heaven I would know all the answers…

     And then one day these words of Jesus came to my mind: “You shall be my witnesses”. I had always understood these words only in the sense that we should testify before other people about our Savior and His Good News, but then I realized that our very life is a testimony about Him – with all its ups and downs, victories and failures, difficulties and successes. Each of us runs the race that is set before him or her and eventually joins the great cloud of His witnesses with a unique testimony which He has chosen for us and has given us. For example, it was not Peter, but Jesus who chose “by what manner of death he should glorify God”. In Hebrews 11 we read about God’s witnesses, some of whom were miraculously delivered from destruction, while others suffered much and even met tragic death, but all of them bore a meaningful, powerful testimony for the Lord!

     So what is the logic in my life? What testimony am I for my God and Savior? I believe that my life shows that God can start and raise big ministry projects through anyone – even a simple guy like me, who is neither a very gifted leader, nor a profound theologian or a very energetic person, and who in addition has got so many limitations and obstacles along the way in his family life. I believe that this is the testimony the Lord chose for me, by which I should glorify Him, and this understanding finally brought peace into my thoughts and a great encouragement to my heart.

     This is what I wanted so much to share with you this time. May God bless you and keep you, dear brothers and sisters, and may He help us all be His powerful testimony – testimony of His love, of His grace and of His might.

Dov & Olga Bikas (Tel) Aviv Ministry & Beer Sheva Abuse Rehab and Women's Refuge —Evangelism/Addiction on Tel Aviv streets | Negev Ministry: Evangelism & church planting  P.O.Box 1181 • Arad 8911002 • Israel  A 7-minute video about our work and my personal testimony


Donna Diorio, November 10, 2020 or

THANK YOU to those who support this ministry with donations.
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Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status. 

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