Friday, June 11, 2021

A Sad Commentary | Arrows from Zion 6 11 2021


A Sad Commentary

by Donna Diorio

Anytime I hear a version of what Mike Evans just said, I know the Christian has gotten their priorities totally screwed up when it comes to God’s desire for Israel.  
     We heard almost exactly verbatim last year from Laurie Cardoza-Moore but instead of saying Israeli voters screwed things up for evangelicals, she was saying the ones screwing things up were the Israeli Messianic believers and those who align with helping Messianic ministries fulfill their calling before God to be witnesses of Yeshua in Israel.
     My conviction is that because neither Evans nor Moore have had any connection to the believers in Israel, neither of them understand God’s greater purposes at this time in Israel.  That matters to me as I think it should matter to all pro-Israel Christians.
However,  I must say that to the general Israeli public— including the Israeli ministries who have commented on Mike Evans terrible outbursts against the new Israeli government— all  they are hearing is Christian antisemitism.  Mike Evans would deny he is guilty of that, but his ill-advised railings have most Israeli Jews saying and thinking, ‘We have seen this kind of anti-Jew sentiment from Christians before,”  like from Martin Luther for example!  Mike Evans may consider his statements to be purely political, but he fails to appreciate how Jews are hearing reverberations of classic antisemitism.
     Truly, no matter how hard any Christian has worked on behalf of Israel, we do not have what is framed in legal terms as “standing” to dress down Israeli citizens over whom they have elected to lead them. We just don’t. We don’t live there and it is not our decision, no matter how caught up in the politics of Israel that we might be. We are not going to have to live under the government they have elected.
   As you know, I’m not one that thinks it is spiritually off-limits for believers to get involved in politics. I believe it is our duty to be salt and light in our own nations on every level. But we can only be that in the nation where we live, not imposing our views on those who will have to live with whomever they elect. 
     I also see that many news commentators writing about Evan’s comments are attempting to insert their personal dislike of Donald Trump into it as having a negative anti-Semitic influence on Mike Evans. That is also political rhetoric and entirely unfair political ploy. Trump didn’t say all these things, Mike Evans did. Many in the Jewish world paint Trump as a magnet for anti-Semites. In reality the American Left is the magnet for anti-Semites, not Donald Trump. Mike Evan’s failings in this respect are on his own head, not Trump’s.  
     After so many years and so many coalitions falling apart, voting over and over again, Israelis wanted to try something different this time. Even many of the Israeli believer-ministry leaders I know were ready to see Netanyahu go, many of them for the same reasons the general Israeli population was ready to see him go: Netanyahu has been giving excess power to the religious who are a burden on the general public.  
     For Messianic citizens of Israel or those hoping to be citizens of Israel, many of those religious party leaders are intricately involved in creating systemic persecution of the believers in Israel.  For example in the institutionalized persecution within the Interior Ministry that tries to kick out Israeli believer-citizens  by revoking their citizenship, and also working to keep all Messianic Jewish believers from immigrating and getting citizenship. 
     Frankly, with the rise in antisemitism throughout the world, including in the USA, I would think God would want to remove that potential exclusion of believers from Israeli citizenship - regardless of how much Mike Evans feels he has sacrificed himself for Israel. Clearly he has not sacrificed as much as the 20,000 Messianic believers in Israel. 
     Evans should repent and recant the unwise vows he has made. I do believe that when Christians love the Israeli Messianic community and are aware of how they oftentimes persecuted by religious activists WITHOUT losing their love for their countrymen and nation, that it gives a more Heavenly perspective on what God is calling us to in loving Israel. 
     Many Christians who do not know about (or care about) the 20,000+ believers in Israel in over 200 Israeli Messianic Jewish congregations, fellowships and ministries, cannot understand the “no strings attached” love of Israel that God calls us to. Knowing the believers in Israel and their walk in some hard places gives us a greater capacity to love Israel and keep God’s desires for Israel foremost. 

P.S.  I just had a great talk with one of the most well known family names in the Messianic community, also in Jerusalem, who urged me to urge my readers — and especially any of the leaders among you — to speak out publicly that Mike Evans is speaking for himself, not for the rest of us. They also urged Christian leaders to reach out to Bennett-Lapid government to express our continued Christian loyalty and support of Israel. We need to put a strong emphasis on this because currently all Israel is reeling with angst over Evans’ outbursts. If you would like to read it for yourself, see Evan’s Times of Israel blog

*CORRECTION  Last week I described the new coalition government in Israel as “Leftist” and a trusted friend there wrote to tell me that “is the terminology of Netanyahu and those who are trying to create an atmosphere of division and fear in our society. And…it cannot accurately be called ‘leftist’ since there are parties from the right, the center, the left, and the Arab-Israelis as well.” I take his point. It is almost impossible for anyone to understand the rhetoric occurring in a pitch political battle because from afar one can only pick up bits and pieces.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Shani Ferguson has written an excellent piece on the uproar that was created by Mike Evan’s vitriolic statements against the new Israeli government, writing: “ Living outside of Israel, it is easy for people to form opinions on the governments they don’t live under…. while I appreciate many aspects of Netanyahu’s leadership, local believers have suffered greatly because of the political authority he gave the ultra-religious parties in his government. And contrary to common belief of those abroad, the majority of Israelis didn’t vote for Netanyahu and his party. Only about 25% percent of Israelis actually voted for Netanyahu which is why he was unable to build a coalition.” She also writes, “…you should know that only in the last couple of decades have Israelis begun to trust evangelicals as allies. They have hundreds of years of reasons not to trust Christians and this wound can easily be reopened with foolish outbursts like the one in this article.” Shani also puts in prayer points to pray for the stability of the new “coalition of left, center and right politicians including the first Arab party to join a coalition. Some of the agreements made include a budget to invest in Arab communities—many of which are overrun with crime, lawlessness and poor education. It also includes the agreement to pass no laws that will increase the influence of the LGBTQ community in everyday life. In addition, with no ultra-orthodox members in this government, everyone is watching what anti-orthodox Avigdor Liberman, the expected Minister of Finance, will do to the massive budgets that have been sent to fund the ultra-religious community for decades.”

The Tikkun Global ministry also issued a statement regarding Mike Evan’s letter to the incoming Israeli Prime Minister in which they state Evan’s letter can only be described as “crude, rude and arrogant. This has been in most major newspapers here in Israel, Hebrew and English.” They also write, “As Messianic Jews, citizens of the state of Israel and Zionists, we have to reject not only Mr. Evan’s words, but his tone. It was one of the poorest representations of Christian love to Israel that we have ever seen; and yet, from someone who has given his life to serve Israel. Such meddling in Israel politics is not appropriate for evangelical clergy. Furthermore, Mr. Evans' claim to represent all evangelicals is simply false.” They also share that “Mr. Evans issued an apology yesterday, just before he gave a rambling speech and press conference that only raised more questions and red flags, and continued to attack Naftali Bennett…. He treated the Israeli reporters quite rudely. He allowed them to ask questions, but didn't answer many. It was a spectacle. watch here.
     Also from Tikkun Global: June 2021 Israel’s Restoration magazine PDF including Asher Intrater’s “Battle Coming”, Eitan Shishkoff’s “Jerusalem:  Profound and Problematic, “Surprise Encounter at the Supermarket” by Moti Cohen and Val Yanay’s “Three Way Joint Effort and Fruit” plus more. And separately, Birth Pangs? | by Leon Mazin

Israel Pochtar video/articles: From Rocket Fire to Holy Spirit Fire! And Gospel Outreach on the Shores of the Lake of Galilee. VIDEO  Bible Lessons from Caesarea and God's Goodness. Articles: Dima and Tanya's Story and A New Crossroad for Israel. Thank you for being a blessing to the nation of Israel and helping us share the Gospel!

Asher Intrater gave a detailed look at the issues involved in a government with Netanyahu, which I cannot find online anywhere, but here are some comments, after spelling out the various leaders in this new unity government and some of the issues posed: “These are not just political issues, but spiritual ones, about the future of the nation, and the heart of the inner dialogue among the people; Jew and Arab, religious and secular, right and left.  Throughout the Bible there is an interaction between the Prophets, the Priests and the Kings.  It strikes me that today there is a spiritual connection between what we see going on in the Israeli government, and what is going on in the unseen world of angels and demons. There is also a symbolic connection between the Israeli government and the Church ecclesia…. recently we have been going through a particularly turbulent time in the Middle East. And many of these conflicts are reflections of a greater spiritual battle with significant prophetic implications. Therefore, I do want you to be better informed. Perhaps some of these "shakings" are actually the results of all the increased prayers for Israel, the Church and the kingdom of God.
     Plus July 2021 Out of Zion USA

David and Josie Silver, Out of Zion Ministries 6/4 and 6/8 David's Latest Video Update on YouTube and Prayer for Israel Zoom meeting every Tuesday 9 pm Israel time - 7 pm UK - 2 pm EST -  6 am NZ -  4 am OZ (Passcode: 146188). David also shares a commentary on What is Behind the Dramatic Rise of Anti-Semitism? He writes, “hatred of the Jewish people is most accurately Anti-Messiah or Anti-Christ….The truth is you cannot separate the nation of Israel, Zionism or the Jewish people - they are all deeply inter-connected…. What so called 'Anti-Semitism' is really all about - it is about destroying Israel and the Jewish people, to prevent the return of Yeshua to rule over the Kingdom … on Mt. Zion.”

Avner Boskey weaves together these three strands Elisha's arrows, Sauron's eye, and Ahithophel's counsel  in addressing the fast breaking, never boring, news from the Middle East. 

Rania Sayag of the House of Prayer & Exploits writes about praying for the people appoint to the new unity govt coalition to be people of integrity.  Also, she was “reminded Rania of the Love Revolution of 2018 when Arab and Jewish women handed out roses in the streets of Jerusalem. We are currently talking with Messianic and Arabic congregations in the land to repeat the Love Revolution but this time in every town and city! Please pray for wisdom, timing and unity.” Their upcoming Arab Deborahs gathering is currently is session: please pray over them. Messianic Orna Grinman will also be sharing at their gathering. Also for the work on their guest house and search for a new building. WATCH as Rania joined Paul Wilbur, David Damian, Asher Intrater and Sarah Singerman in a roundtable discussion.  See the newly redesigned website.

Ron Cantor is pretty excited about all they are getting done at Shelanu-TV reaching thousands and thousands of Israelis with original programming including testimonies fro sabras (native Israelis) like Reuven Doron, Sarah Lieberman and Guy Cohen. Cantor writes, “The Jewish people brought you the gospel, through Jesus the Jew, and of course, the Jewish apostles who spread the message from Israel to Antioch to Rome. But now it's the Jewish people who need to be reached. And this is a great way to say thank you to Israel for giving you the gospel. Again, the data tells us, that every dollar we spend on social media reaches 100 Israelis…. Who's going to watch the video you sponsor? It could be a rabbi in Jerusalem, it could be a homosexual in Tel Aviv, it could be a settler on the West Bank or it could be an Israeli Arab in Haifa. Let's reach them all together!” Donate here

Gil Afrait who leads the Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv writes they are adjusting to new routines now that Israel has lifted all its covid restrictions and they are able to all meet again in the building at one time. Pray for all to re-connect with their local fellowships and congregations. There was a baptism last month of a young man who has been in discipleship, and a meeting with a new seeker, also a young man, who accepted Yeshua as Messiah and Lord. Pray for them and for the awakening of Israelis to seek the truth of His Messiah. Pray also for the continued financial breakthrough: they have been able to raise $75000 of the 100,000 commitment they need for the congregational rent. That leaves $25,000 in commitments they still need to raise for 2021. Can you help?

 Norma is someone I have tracked for many years in Israel—someone who have been deeply involved, most often behind the scenes of so many important ministry works, not the least of which is the first 24/7 prayer house in Jerusalem, the youth ministry camps of Katzir and lately providing refreshing to the women in ministry in Israel. I was very touched reading one of her latest blog articles, incline your heart because it really communicates her tender heart toward people who need God’s touch so desperately. Have your tissue at the ready when she speaks about the 5-year old she came into contact with during her days as a speech therapist decades ago in Texas.  It is a good message on how to keep yourself in the love of God. 

Guy Cohen, who leads the Harvest of Asher congregation in Acco, also wrote an excellent article for his monthly letter called “The Friend I Trusted.” It is about the surprising riots on the streets of Acco and other cities throughout Israel where Jews and Arabs had before lived in harmony. Guy writes that in the aftermath, “ Unfortunately, a lack of trust surfaced between Jewish and Arab neighbors after these riots. We, the leadership of the believing community are the priests that stand before God representing the people. I believe we have failed in this area. Especially when the leadership of the believing community here in the land were more focused on our differences, causing division and lack of attention to God’s heart, His people.  I see that the period of instability in the land, beginning with multiple elections and disunity and now leading to riots in the streets is connected to and began with the division in the leadership of the Messianic Body in Israel. Only when we will put our differences aside; coming in humility to wash one another’s feet will we see change.  As for the mixed cities, those spiritual leaders who serve Yeshua; both Arab and Jew must come together standing in the gap for our cities. We must stand in a place where the blood and body of our Lord is ever before us. A place where His blood continually cleanses all iniquity. For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread. 1 Corinthians 10:17

Lastly, and I think this is so important that I am including everything that I included in the Weekly Summary.

Ron Cantor
The "scandalous" story of Euodia and Syntyche | If you have been following me for any amount of time, you know that we've gone through a great trial here in Israel. No, I'm not speaking about Hamas, nor am I speaking about the persecution that we experienced when we birthed Shelanu TV. I'm speaking about an attack from within.

     About five years ago, some brothers brought some concerns about our doctrine within Tikkun (network of leaders with whom I serve). This led to accusations of dishonesty, that we preach two different messages, one in Hebrew and one in English (never entered our minds)—and even suggestions that we might be heretics. When the entire eldership of the Messianic body came together to discuss these issues, a certain individual was invited to give a message—our main accuser (we were not invited to give a message ??). One of his points was that truth trumps unity. He accused us of wanting unity at all costs—even at the expense of truth. Of course, this is nonsense.

     Most people obsessed with heresy hunting have little patience for unity, reconciliation, or anything that can be interpreted as ecumenical. So, because we place a high value on Scripture's admonition to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit," we were accused of not placing the correct value on truth.  Let me be clear, without the truth of God's word, we are utterly lost. It is the truth of God's word and Yeshua's work on the cross that has brought us from darkness to light. Yes, the truth has set us free! (John 8:32) One of my greatest pleasures in life is to spend hours in deep study of God's word—truth. It seemed as if we were being accused of not loving truth sufficiently because of our love for unity and peace.

     So, what does the Bible say about unity? The "scandalous" story of Euodia and Syntyche.
Finish reading online

Footnote: Please continue to pray for unity in. the Israeli body, as this issue is still not resolved and probably won't be until October. I can honestly say that I am glad for it. While we were not guilty of the accusations against us, it did help us see where we communicated recklessly. We did have things we needed to correct. So, whatever the outcome, I am grateful for the process, even if it was flawed.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer the Israeli believers who are fighting for their lives or other urgent health needs: 

Pray for Ronit Bender whose heart arrhythmia sent her to ER! She is home now with new meds but still needs our prayers | Pray for Carolyn Hyde whose left hand is so pained she can no longer play guitar and it is also sometimes painful to play piano | the Silvers: David's knees and Josie's back pain | Rachel Netanel  is still recovering from a broken ankle. She asks for healing & for the pain to subside. Her ankles were weak already, so the process is slow and painful| A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words| Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva | Olga Bikas is slowly recovering from a broken ankle (after her back surgery!) The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical The recovery process is slow, but, praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, can already walk for 20 minutes and do some physical exercises. Please keep praying for Olga

Donna Diorio, April, 2021 or
THANK YOU to those who support this ministry with donations.
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Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status. 

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