Priority Prayer Focus
The photo above was taken at the cliff's edge in Nazareth which is believed to be the cliff spoken of in Luke 4:16-30. Leon Mazin of Return to Zion in Haifa was speaking to us about this passage of scripture. After coming out of testing in the Wilderness, the people of Yeshua's hometown, His fellow loyal synagogue-goers became furious with Him and pushed Yeshua from the synagogue to the cliff edge to throw Him to his death. Why did they become a frenzied lynch-mob after Yeshua read Isaiah 61:1, and part of verse 2? Because He applied God's Word to Himself. Think about that.
The photo above was taken at the cliff's edge in Nazareth which is believed to be the cliff spoken of in Luke 4:16-30. Leon Mazin of Return to Zion in Haifa was speaking to us about this passage of scripture. After coming out of testing in the Wilderness, the people of Yeshua's hometown, His fellow loyal synagogue-goers became furious with Him and pushed Yeshua from the synagogue to the cliff edge to throw Him to his death. Why did they become a frenzied lynch-mob after Yeshua read Isaiah 61:1, and part of verse 2? Because He applied God's Word to Himself. Think about that.
The first thing
they said to each other was, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" In other
words, Who does he think he is? Yeshua is just a man we have known from the
time he was a child growing up in Nazareth.
Yeshua answered them, "no
prophet is accepted in his hometown."
This is one of those "Truly I
tell you" truths from Yeshua that still applies to the true prophets
The thing that
made this particular stop on the 2005 tour with the Tikkun-Israel ministries so
impactful to me was because God had already shown me in His Word that despite
being surrounded by a furious mob intent on pushing Him to His death, Yeshua
let them push Him out of the synagogue, through the town and all the way to the
brow of the cliff above. But instead of being pushed off the cliff the passage
ends with, "But He walked right though the crowd and went on His
way." Looking over the edge of this cliff in person, you see a steep and
rocky drop off that surely would have killed anyone violently pushed over the
edge. Yeshua let them push Him so far, but He did not let them kill Him off.
I am writing about
this incident in the start of Yeshua's ministry emergence in Israel and the
reaction of all the people who were familiar with Him because I remain concerned
about the uprising of some in Israeli ministries against the anointed work that
God is doing through the Tikkun-related Israel ministries. There is an element of it that pits the non-charismatic ministries
against the charismatic ministries. As one
of the Israeli ministers who is completely
unrelated to Tikkun told me recently: "Pray, pray, pray. A spiritual
police-like spirit are persecuting other believers in Israel. Happening among
each other, been going on for months but getting worse."
This remains my number
one prayer priority and I urge Israelprayer subscribers to make it theirs too. But
here is a word to those who are targeted by the innuendos, the accusations, the assault on reputations and the
utter presumption of those judging God's servants, remember that Yeshua was
pushed all the way to the cliffs edge, then He turned and walked right through
the angry crowd who were all jostling and
shoving each other. That is what this will ultimately amount
to also. - Donna Diorio June 12, 2018
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only arrowsfromzion@
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only arrowsfromzion@
This week we're introducing a new ministry vision from a couple, Zvi
& Yaffa Randelman, who have been active in ministry in Jerusalem for many
years at King of Kings, and also a congregation built around a rehab ministry
center. The new vision is summed up in a scripture ("Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.") and is spelled out an
outline detailing the need for establishing an additional Messianic senior
living facility in Jerusalem that is open to all the body in Israel. The ministry name is Beit-Hesed and if you
would like to know more - including receiving the full outline which is really
detailed in the vision, please write to Zvi.randelman@ (remove space after @ symbol)
Top of the list
from Asher Intrater at Revive Israel is an outline of how to pray for the
Trump-Kim Summit in Singapore. By the
time you get this prayer summary, the event will no doubt be over, still it is
important to pray for God's will to be done in the matter of North and South
Korea. As you may know, there is a
tremendous presence of God on the people in the Far East. South Korea
especially has become renown for the effectual fervent prayer of the saints
there. In North Korea there are believers, but we do not know much about them
because of the horrible state of most North Koreans under the oppressive reign
of the ruling dynasty. Yet "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD,
as the rivers of water: He turns it whichever way He wills." Let us pray
for this opening in North Korea, a time for stability and for the Gospel to go
forth in great power. Forget the politics of this: think salvation flowing to
the people of North Korea!
Also from Revive
VIDEO Cody Archer interviews Jeremiah and Tal
| Learn more about how we are
reaching the people of Israel with the good news of the Kingdom of God through Yeshua Chai | Enjoy this viral VIDEO A Day in Jerusalem | And a monthly
update from "the City of the Great King" where Revive Israel is doing
many things - including giving away 1/3 of their general income to other
organizations and individuals ministering in Israel. If you are a Weekly
Summary subscriber, this entire email is available to read in the email this
All I can say to Israel Pochtar's summary of events the Beit Hallel and
Voice of Judah Ministries has put on in the month of May, is
"Wow!" Not only did they draw
500 people to an evangelistic event to hear the Gospel during
Pentecost/Shavuot, but they also put on a Family Course where 70%
of the married couples in attendance were non-believers. This is a
course to teach people how to build a family foundation according to God's
Word. Can you believe the incredible draw of unbelievers? Can you imagine how
hungry those people are for answers to the basic questions in life like how to
have a solid family? They also had a
Women's Conference that didn't just draw believing women, but 100 unbeliever
women as well. This is powerful what is
happening - and none of it is wasted! Good seed is being planted in soil that
is dry and thirsty.
The ministry
that is run by Israel Pochtar is also in a building mode in Ashdod where they
have gotten a lot of religious opposition but they are pressing in to fulfill
God's call on them. As Pochtar writes, "This
building is no small effort, and it's quite a historical moment in our city,
where there are over 400 synagogues, and not a single believer-owned church
building. Beit Hallel will be the very first!" There have been reports
that the religious orthodox are also using curse-prayers and witchcraft against
them. Israel asks: "Please pray with us for a breakthrough as we fight
to finalize our building and preparing for our move. Pray for protection for
all involved in this process, as well as for God's favor and provision as we
bring this project to completion in the next few weeks."
Daniel and Shirya Yahav of the Peniel Fellowship in Tiberias have a report on their recent doings. Don't let the name "Fellowship" fool you, because this may be one of the largest congregations in Israel. In the beginning of the update Shirya speaks of the changes they have witnessed since the early days, including having a lot more other believers in your school, or immediate day to day surroundings. Now that has changed and this is no longer true for their children and grandchildren. They are part of why this is true, because they just kept doing the work of the ministry where they were, despite the persecution, and God added to them those who were being saved. Today their ministry encompasses a lot ground making a real community hub for believers. If you are a Weekly Summary subscriber, you can read all about the various aspects of their ministry and how to make contact. They are also in the process of getting a larger meeting place and now have 62% of the total cost to continue. This has been years in the making and prayers for the resources would be greatly appreciated.
Daniel Yahav
will be ministering abroad in 2018: 21-29 Jun
- Taiwan, two seminars in two locations.
18-23 July - Brazil, teaching 7 sessions at a conference. 31 July -
Halle-Salle Germany, Vietnamese sommer Bibel frietzeit. 25-26 August - Hildesheim, Springe, Germany.
11-14 October - Memmingen Germany. 15-21 October - Finland, preaching tour with
ICEJ. 12-14 Nov - Memmingen Germany. Israel Conference.
Ronit Bender in
the Haifa area has just written about her son's wedding in Perth, Australia
(and the speaking engagements she did in the weeks leading up to the wedding).
She's a delighted mom and ready to return to the harvest fields in Israel -
that all Israel might be saved.
This bowled me
over: Guy Cohen who writes this week about Perseverance and Victory, says,
"I have been deaf since I was two years old
from meningitis (no hearing in right ear and 30% hearing in the left ear). The doctors didn't
have much hope for me. The person that stands before you today, how and where I
am, is a miracle. Today I look back and understand that the deafness is
actually a gift." I have talked with this young man face to face and never
had an inkling! He talks about running into one of his teachers from childhood while
volunteering in the Acco soup kitchen, home for the elderly and the blind
Guy writes, "When I saw her, fear and concern came into my heart. I realized that I was afraid of rejection. With this the meeting began and it was great. My teacher was impressed to see Gentile Believers in Israel who had come with a loving spirit. She felt their love and respect for the Jewish people. In each place that we visited they offered to pray for the people. Everyone, including my teacher welcomed their prayers and accepted their blessings, even when in the name of Yeshua. When I spoke to my teacher I explained that there are many people around the world who love the Jewish nation and understand the importance of blessing Israel. ...Also that it is written how in the end times the Gentiles will understand the call of the Jewish people. She immediately responded, "these are the end times, to see this wave of love and to see the bible prophecies fulfilled in front of my eyes." I could see in her eyes that she was proud of her 'young student Guy'. For me it was closure because when I was a child she didn't see much of a future for me. " Another powerful example of how God is opening the hearts of the Jewish Israeli to the love in Yeshua.
Guy writes, "When I saw her, fear and concern came into my heart. I realized that I was afraid of rejection. With this the meeting began and it was great. My teacher was impressed to see Gentile Believers in Israel who had come with a loving spirit. She felt their love and respect for the Jewish people. In each place that we visited they offered to pray for the people. Everyone, including my teacher welcomed their prayers and accepted their blessings, even when in the name of Yeshua. When I spoke to my teacher I explained that there are many people around the world who love the Jewish nation and understand the importance of blessing Israel. ...Also that it is written how in the end times the Gentiles will understand the call of the Jewish people. She immediately responded, "these are the end times, to see this wave of love and to see the bible prophecies fulfilled in front of my eyes." I could see in her eyes that she was proud of her 'young student Guy'. For me it was closure because when I was a child she didn't see much of a future for me. " Another powerful example of how God is opening the hearts of the Jewish Israeli to the love in Yeshua.
Eddie Santoro's new book, Lifted UP is out on
Kindle and will be available in printed form on Amazon by June 15th. To see the
book, just go to "Kindle" and write in "Santoro, Lifted
Up". I believe that this book will be an encouragement to all who read it as
it is not just about living through and overcoming cancer but is a way to
victory in any trials we are facing. I encourage you to read it. You will be
I have also written a review
of Eddie's book in the Weekly Summary,
and which I share on my blog Fruit of the Fig Tree. Please help spread the word
about Eddie's book.
The Joseph
Project is the largest importer of humanitarian aid to Israel and is run by Jim Schutz, who just happens to
be touring in the US this month in TN, NC , VA & PA talking about his
"passion and prayer for the Middle East and
carrying a spiritual impression of the mystery of God with Israel and the
nations." Catch him if you can, email
for more information. In his update he shares a couple of testimonies of people
helped in the Pentecost season. He writes, "The people
here who need help are not necessarily on public display in the streets, but
rather hiding in the background. To help them requires working together with
many partners, as well as availability
and creativity. We are grateful to be
able to make a positive impact on so many lives as we work together with great
partners near and far."
He also speaks about the humanitarian work they are doing on behalf of suffering Syrian civilians. "In addition to the container for Syrian refugees, we received four other containers in May, and have one more in port now about to be released. As more containers come in, so do the requests for help from Israeli organizations and ministries dealing with different elements of the population. Most recently a society representing 2,000 Gypsies in the Old City of Jerusalem has turned to us. We are both honored and challenged by all the new requests, which far outnumber our ability to respond. Nonetheless, we see doors opening for us, together with you and all our partners, to impact the nation and make a difference for the glory of God. Thank you for standing with us!" (Who knew there were Gypsies in Jerusalem?!) For the full report, see the Weekly Summary if you are a subscriber, or contact the Joseph Project.
He also speaks about the humanitarian work they are doing on behalf of suffering Syrian civilians. "In addition to the container for Syrian refugees, we received four other containers in May, and have one more in port now about to be released. As more containers come in, so do the requests for help from Israeli organizations and ministries dealing with different elements of the population. Most recently a society representing 2,000 Gypsies in the Old City of Jerusalem has turned to us. We are both honored and challenged by all the new requests, which far outnumber our ability to respond. Nonetheless, we see doors opening for us, together with you and all our partners, to impact the nation and make a difference for the glory of God. Thank you for standing with us!" (Who knew there were Gypsies in Jerusalem?!) For the full report, see the Weekly Summary if you are a subscriber, or contact the Joseph Project.
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry
leaders and believers with urgent health needs
Ruth Nessim, one of the pioneer ministries in Israel, was hospitalized twice for 10 days with severe Gastro-Enteritis. I have had 5 attacks in the last less than two months and ask for your prayers | Rick Ridings daughter, Esther Moore continues to need prayer in her ongoing battle with cancer. She needs a miracle | Eddie Santoro please continue prayers for Eddie for full healing and that God will use him mightily to give testimony to God's love and healing power in Yeshua | Michael Lambert, while teaching at the Nigerian Bible School in Tel Aviv, had to return to the US in Jan after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He just finished his 2nd round of chemo last week and is already planning to return to Jerusalem in the Fall. The oncologist believes the tumor will be 100% eradicated during the next 5 months. Please pray with Michael for complete healing and restoration to minister in his beloved Israel | Please pray for Shlomy Abramov for leg pain | Rachel Netanel has a polyp on her vocal cords. Please pray for complete healing for this evangelist in Israel. | Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | Steve Lightle of Intercessors for Israel (IFI) recently suffered a heart attack & is now recovering in Seattle. Pray for a full, quick recovery | The Kfar Saba Wellspring (Hamaayan) Congregation is asking prayer for their members suffering from cancers | Lebanese Christian Pastor Najeeb Attieh had two surgeries on his thighs & a hip replacement Pray for full recovery| PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYER FOR for HaMaayan congregant Danny Meyuseff suffering poor health on several fronts, David Ortiz, Ami Ortiz, Ruth Nessim| LONG TERM BATTLES | David Stern, David, Leah and Ami, Moshe M.; Michael E, Claude Ezagouri; Baruch & Karen Maayan, Judy, wife of pastor Yaakov K. | Please continue to pray for Mississippi Israel Prayer warrior Debra Koen Abernethy who underwent a double lung transplant on 3/7 then developed a complication with immobility of esophagus on 4/8. On the 4/26 Deb got a g (gastric) tube. She still needs prayers for recovery.
Praying the Headlines
Summary of the American Jewish Committee Poll | American Jews Disapprove of Jerusalem, Trump, Settlements, and the Jewishness of the State | The political divide between Israeli and American Jews has widened considerably, according to a poll published by the American Jewish Committee on Sunday. The following conclusions are according to the poll taken in April and May, and based on a representative sample of 1,000 Israeli Jews and 1,001 American Jews.
Also in Israeli News, from the June 5th issue of Jerusalem Post, a favorable article on the Messianic village of Yad HaShmona:
How a
Finnish Kibbutz Became a Center for Messianic Jews | by
Ania Bessonov | “The Finnish people that lived here turned their life to be with
the same as the local life of the Jewish people", said Tsuriel Bar David,
manager of the Yad HaShmona hotel.
Prophetic Prayer for News Events in Israel
Martin Sarvis tackles two current events areas with prayer points regarding ill prevailing winds:
Winds and Flame in Gaza | The so called “March of Return” violent protests on the border with Gaza continue.
Winds and Flame in Tel Aviv |
Friday afternoon, as ten thousand Palestinians were following a spirit-wind in
Gaza, 250,000 were following a different
wind in Tel Aviv as the city’s 20th annual “LGBTQ Pride” parade (its largest yet) poured
through its streets.
These are available in full with a subscription to the Weekly Summary,
or directly from the Sarvis ministry.
The Israeli Messianic Marketplace Feature of the Week:
"Lifted Up" will be available on Amazon by June 15th. The Kindle edition is now available. To see the book, just go to "Kindle" and write in "Santoro, Lifted Up". I believe that this book will be an encouragement to all who read it as it is not just about living through and overcoming cancer but is a way to victory in any trials we are facing. I encourage you to read it. You will be blessed!
- Eddie Santoro
Donna's Review: Reading
"Lifted Up" is like reading a modern day version of the book of Job,
a book I have read many times over the years.
The attack of satan against a man
of God is devastating and revealed in the intimate thoughts of man living through
the fiery trials. But Eddie's experience of being like a modern day Job is
different. Instead of sitting in the counsel of accusing friends, Eddie's story
is about sitting in the counsel of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Messiah
Yeshua who is the Word of God that indwells each of us that believe.
I'm sure that not every word that was spoken to
or about Eddie's battles with cancer was faith-building or encouraging, but
Eddie is not communicating that story, as was the case in the book of Job.
Eddie's story is more about the internal dialogue with the Almighty in the face
of every discouraging, knee-weakening and withering phase of his all-out battle
for life against formidable, multiple cancer attacks.
In Job's day, his friends uttered true
statements from God's Word that they misapplied to Job's pitiful state
of being. In Eddie's day, the Holy Spirit uttered true statements from God's
Word perfectly applicable to
rescue him from every fiery dart that has tried to annihilate him. The end of
the story of Job is a restoration of everything Job lost by double.
All Job had to do was forgive those who spoke
the wrong things about him in judgment. Eddie's battle has been purely focused
on the reality of his inheritance in the Almighty through Yeshua. Whatever
happens next, one thing I am sure of, Eddie's story will be a profound breakthrough
for many. His testimony will be doubled with power and anointing to all who
receive it.

Donna Diorio or
Please pray about making a financial gift donation.
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
and mail to: P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
Or via PayPal, Send to: or I do not have tax exempt status.
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