Photo Monday 6/18:
Environmental Terrorism at Kibbutz Gvaram Nature Reserve
Environmental Terrorism at Kibbutz Gvaram Nature Reserve
Priority Prayer Focus
For decades I have heard it said that prophetically the state of the society is a reflection of the spiritual condition of the body in that nation. This may not hold up applied to every single instance, but the environmental terrorism being waged by the terrorists who control Gaza reminded me of James 3:5-6:
Consider how small a spark sets a great forest on fire. The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
Yesterday I read an excellent article by Ron Cantor that brought sound biblical balance to a verse of scripture that has been chronically misused over the past several decades in the USA. Ron's article is , “Touch not God’s anointed”—a misused verse: Leaders are to be accountable to other leaders. I could not agree more with everything Ron had to say in this article, and in fact, it has prompted me to clarify here my own recent outcry against defamation of certain prophetic/apostolic leaders in Israel.
I do draw a distinction between the leadership meetings which have debating doctrinal issues some have with a certain group of associated ministries in Israel. That's the right forum for such debate. I do agree with what Asher Intrater said about the leadership discussion: That they could be very productive, but they also could continue on too long.
Why is that? For the same reason that I became alarmed by it all: I didn't hear that Israeli ministry leaders were discussing these issues in their meetings until I had already been exposed to much behind-the-scenes gossip that cast suspicions on certain ministry leaders. It is the gossip that spreads like wildfire and creates a scorched earth wherever the accusations spread. That is what raised my alarm - and yes, anger, over defamation as I see it.
The last half of 2017 I began to hear talk against my ministry friends in Israel by several people who are also my friends but bringing the targeted Israeli ministers under grave suspicion. There were also accusatory writings that were both veiled references to the leaders and also writings that named names. Apparently from the get-go of the leadership meetings there was a wild fire sweeping in the underbrush to cast suspicions and guilt-by-association on certain ministers. That is not right.
Some people think I should not bring this up publicly, that it is family business in Israel and I have no right to speak up. But what am I doing with weekly Israelprayer mailings if not raising up intercession over the issues of concern in the body of Messiah in Israel? I believe this is to be an issue of great concern to the whole body of the Lord.
Now even though Ron Cantor's article was addressing some out of whack things going on among ministry heads in the USA rather than this situation in Israel, I believe it applies here too. His article convicted me of how I have spoken against ministry leaders in the US in a way that is not good or helpful. As it says in James, our tongues are difficult to tame.
Yesterday, seeing more of the fires set from all the hatred, envy and animosity from Gaza, it seemed an appropriate parallel to me. It is a time to repent of allowing our tongues to be a deadly weapon against others in the ministry. It is not that we cannot question leadership, but it is another thing to cast suspicions in the underbrush that builds up a deadly fire against them. James 3:13-16
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
For decades I have heard it said that prophetically the state of the society is a reflection of the spiritual condition of the body in that nation. This may not hold up applied to every single instance, but the environmental terrorism being waged by the terrorists who control Gaza reminded me of James 3:5-6:
Consider how small a spark sets a great forest on fire. The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
Yesterday I read an excellent article by Ron Cantor that brought sound biblical balance to a verse of scripture that has been chronically misused over the past several decades in the USA. Ron's article is , “Touch not God’s anointed”—a misused verse: Leaders are to be accountable to other leaders. I could not agree more with everything Ron had to say in this article, and in fact, it has prompted me to clarify here my own recent outcry against defamation of certain prophetic/apostolic leaders in Israel.
I do draw a distinction between the leadership meetings which have debating doctrinal issues some have with a certain group of associated ministries in Israel. That's the right forum for such debate. I do agree with what Asher Intrater said about the leadership discussion: That they could be very productive, but they also could continue on too long.
Why is that? For the same reason that I became alarmed by it all: I didn't hear that Israeli ministry leaders were discussing these issues in their meetings until I had already been exposed to much behind-the-scenes gossip that cast suspicions on certain ministry leaders. It is the gossip that spreads like wildfire and creates a scorched earth wherever the accusations spread. That is what raised my alarm - and yes, anger, over defamation as I see it.
The last half of 2017 I began to hear talk against my ministry friends in Israel by several people who are also my friends but bringing the targeted Israeli ministers under grave suspicion. There were also accusatory writings that were both veiled references to the leaders and also writings that named names. Apparently from the get-go of the leadership meetings there was a wild fire sweeping in the underbrush to cast suspicions and guilt-by-association on certain ministers. That is not right.
Some people think I should not bring this up publicly, that it is family business in Israel and I have no right to speak up. But what am I doing with weekly Israelprayer mailings if not raising up intercession over the issues of concern in the body of Messiah in Israel? I believe this is to be an issue of great concern to the whole body of the Lord.
Now even though Ron Cantor's article was addressing some out of whack things going on among ministry heads in the USA rather than this situation in Israel, I believe it applies here too. His article convicted me of how I have spoken against ministry leaders in the US in a way that is not good or helpful. As it says in James, our tongues are difficult to tame.
Yesterday, seeing more of the fires set from all the hatred, envy and animosity from Gaza, it seemed an appropriate parallel to me. It is a time to repent of allowing our tongues to be a deadly weapon against others in the ministry. It is not that we cannot question leadership, but it is another thing to cast suspicions in the underbrush that builds up a deadly fire against them. James 3:13-16
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only write
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only write
Starting this week with reports from Carolyn
and Richard Hyde who are being blessed as the minister in Australian by the
reception they have been receiving as they bring worship and testimonies from
Zion. They also write about their ongoing saga with the Israeli Interior
Ministry seeking to build a case against their whole family in order to revoke
citizenship. The good news is there is a development by which their attorney
was able to present the recent guidelines issued by the Vice-Attorney
General which oversees MOI policies. The
guidelines state that if you made aliyah more than 10 years ago, your
citizenship may never be removed! Praise the Lord! Let's pray over this because
it will make a powerful difference in so many cases of unjust attempts to
revoke citizenship based on faith in Yeshua.
Israel Pochtar of the Ashdod Beit Hallel
congregation and Voice of Judah network writes this week about several events
they have put on or will soon put on like the upcoming Men's MEAT conference,
encouraging their men to dive deeper into God. Also they have conducted an
outreach for the hearing impaired, taking them to visit biblical places and
sharing the gospel with the. It has also led to a new home group for the
hearing impaired! Hallelujah! Currently
they are raising funds in order to expand their humanitarian outreach to new
cities - having been asked by officials of the new cities to do so. This is a
powerful witness in the land.
The Maoz weekly ministry letter of Ari and
Shira Sorko-Ram is grieving over poor moral standards in Israel, "as in
the days of the Judges, everyone pretty much does what is acceptable in their
own eyes. Corruption has rooted itself in every way imaginable" and "sexual
immorality has practically taken over—in all societies, including the
ultra-Orthodox. Last week's Pride Parade
drew a quarter of a million people to Tel Aviv—including tourists from around
the world. A few years ago the mayor of
the city promised to make Tel Aviv the "Gay Capital of the World,"
and it seems as though his efforts are succeeding."
This often surprises Christians who think the Holy Land is naturally holy, but it's not. Israelis need to be saved from their sins too. As Maoz writes, "Seventy years into Israel's rebirth our land is now sick with sin and immorality. Yet we know that the darker it gets, the brighter the light of Messiah Yeshua will shine! We are asking you to join us in prayer." Please pray for the lost in Israel and for the witness of believers there to shine brightly to their fellow Israelis. For more of Maoz news, see the Weekly Summary, or contact Maoz directly to be put on their mailing list.
Last week Avi and Chaya Mizrachi were
celebrating daughter OrElk's graduation from the Air Force - this week (from
pictures I'm seeing on Facebook) Chaya is in England with OrEl enjoying the
English countryside. Pray for all the
Israeli troops are tensions remain high at the Gaza border (and the northern
borders too). On the Dugit Facebook page
Avi has some interesting teachings you might enjoy on Hebrew words like this
one teaching on the word "amen"
I shared the link of Ron Cantor's excellent
article “Touch not God’s anointed”—a misused verse
but he has some other good
articles this week of great interest too: Funniest Verse in the Bible | So why am I crying?
Growing up
Jewish, we were told that to be baptized in water was the ultimate act of
treason against our people. To publicly go into the waters of baptism was to
reject your heritage, your people and your God. And, yet... | Why I don’t call myself “Christian” As a communicator, my goal is for my hearers/readers
to understand me. When I say to a fellow Jewish person “I am a Christian,” they
hear: I have converted from Judaism to a foreign religion—I am no longer a Jew.
| So you’re an Apostle—big deal! Yeshua’s Challenge: Develop Character in 12 Men, so
they could be Apostles
The Intercessors for Israel ministry in
Jerusalem - Ofer Amitai, Eliyahu Ben-Haim and Chuck Cohen - put
out prayer points each Friday for many issues facing Israel. This past Friday
they issues points for Iran, relating that NKorea & Iran have been
collaborating for years. Also write: "Russia appears to have been working on Iran to withdraw its forces and
Hezbollah forces from close to the Golan Heights border with Israel. However,
according to reports, they have moved out and then moved back dressed in Syrian
regime uniforms." Please pray that
God would expose all the hidden relationships dangerous to Israel and give
wisdom to Israeli leaders in dealing with them.
IFI also give prayer points to pray for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his family who are under continual attack by political enemies; for the increasing openness to hear the gospel in Israel and the growing body of believers in the Land; as well as their own recent ministry in Scotland. Pray for seeds planted to bloom and for the weary travelers to regain strength and refreshing.
From Revive Israel, this great article by
Asher Intrater called Fortresses of the Mind We are engaged in “spiritual warfare.” The
battlefield of that warfare is often in our own mind and feelings. | This Video Cody Archer interviews Youval and Valerie
Yanay | and Video:
Revive is Traveling to Africa.
This is from Tikkun Global, Tikkun being the
organization that Revive Israel a part of: This report on the recent
pre-Shavuot (Pentecost) Alignment Roundtable they hosted in Israel for the many
"apostolic fathers with a heart for Israel from around the world"
that they connect with. "The
amazing thing was that we were not even thinking of the 70th anniversary for
Israel’s rebirth—or the United States Embassy move—both of which took place the
day before our gathering." There
was a deep desire to connect with believers in Israel expressed by the
delegates representing China, South Korea, Japan, the US, South America,
Poland, South Africa and other nations. "
They write, "What was clear, is that
there is a real hunger amongst leaders around the world to connect (or align)
with similar like-minded movements in Israel. There is a synergy (the power
released when apostolic teams work together is greater than what we can do
alone) that is taking place. These fathers (and mothers!) want to align
themselves with apostolic and prophetic ministries in Israel. This is not about
“submission”, but rather a sense of embracing God’s order of Israel as the
elder brother among the families of the nations. And for those of us in Israel,
we see our role, not to govern, but to serve, support and strengthen our brothers
and sisters from around the world—to release blessing from Israel. And to learn
from them—as many of them have so much to impart to us. It is about mutual
love, support, respect and inter-dependence." To these things I say, Hallelujah and amen! So be
Here is a new word from Avner Boskey of
David's Tent Shoot-out at the Samson Corral | Recent events in Gaza have focused the world media’s
attention on skirmishes between Islamist Hamas-led rioters and the Israel
Defense Forces (IDF). Sound bites and eye candy (short segments of doctored
video) have been crafted by jihadi propagandists and then swallowed hook, line
and sinker by international news agencies. According to this fake news, Gaza’s
‘peaceful civilians’ are ‘being massacred’ by ‘bloodthirsty IDF troops.’
Sderot is one shell shocked city being so
close to Gaza it has taken shelling for years —throughout this Ramadan Hate
Spree Sderot is once again fleeing when they hear the air raid sirens, with
only 15 seconds to get to shelter. Hamas calls Sderot, the city of the dead,
but Michael and Dina Beener went to Sderot to develop a congregation called Ir
haHaiam, or City of the Living. There they are ministering the peace of the
Lord to the inhabitants of Sderot and reaching out to the poorest of the poor
who live in Sderot (as we heard it said once, anyone who had the money to move
away did long ago when the shelling started). Please pray for this couple, for
their congregation which you can learn about more by contacting them directly,
or reading their updates in the Weekly Summary.
Howard and Randy Bass are on their way to
Africa for 3 weeks in July and requesting prayers over their time of ministry
there. Good news out of the congregation
in Beer Sheva is their 4th baptism in the last 3 months (one partly a result of
the teaching at the congregation this past Friday
evening), and also a fourth
grandchild on the way from daughter Rotem and Joseph. Mazal tov! Plus other news of their adult
children which you can read about in the Weekly Summary or by subscribing to
the ministry directly.
Please pray over the destructive fires in the
south, as Howard writes, "A
realistic solution has not yet been found to thwart this new creative way of
jihad." Israel needs a Divine
solution to not only stop these arson attacks but to end the environmental
terrorism as a go-to terror option for their enemies.
Dov Bikas has a congregation in Beer Sheva and
also an evangelistic outreach to the addicts and prostitutes/sexually abuse
victims on the streets of Tel Aviv. Their rehab ministry is located in Beer
Sheva, but the outreach part of the mission is on the street of Tel Aviv where these
societal outcasts tend to be drawn to like a moth to the flame. There are big
hearts that enter into this kind of ministry and outreach - but mind you, not
suckers. It is a fine line to walk to actually get these people the help they really
need. Please pray for Dov, his wife Olga who is suffering from severe chronic
back issues and the ministry they do among the people most desperate in Israel.
Also, if you can help with funding, Dov
is currently having to depend on taxis to get around because his car is broken
There is a serious need among all the
ministries for those in the nations who can afford it to step up and help them
with financial blessings to carry out the work of the ministry. The appeals I
have been seeing come in over many weeks now are real - I don't know why giving
dips in the summer but it does - and the pinch is so great some are having to
make great sacrifices and cutbacks. Please be generous in giving to help the
good news go forth in Zion.
From here are a couple of the articles in their
lineup this week:
First "All Israel Conference" in Singapore highlights eight Israeli Messianic ministries | Kehila News Israel Staff | The first All Israel Conference was held in Singapore on May 25-26, 2018. The theme of the conference was Building Bridges Between the Body of Believers in Israel & Singapore. The conference was a “one new man” event with the stage shared between ministry leaders from Israel and Singapore. Each session featured an Israeli speaker and Singaporean speaker about the same topic.
positively features Messianic siblings serving in IDF | Kehila News Israel
Staff | In a matter-of-fact if not outright positive article, The Jerusalem
Post featured a young Messianic man and his siblings from the United States who
came to Israel to serve in the IDF.
Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry
leaders and believers with urgent health needs
Rick Ridings has issued an urgent request for daughter, Esther Moore who has been hospitalized in intensive care related to her battle with cancer. Rick also has set up a GoFundMe page to help with her medical expenses. Click on updates at the page for the latest report on Esther | Following his 2nd brain surgery Eddie Santoro ask for continued prayers. Please pray for full healing of all cancer. Eddie writes, "Each day we thank the Lord for another day of life in him. At the same time, we long to be finished with this chapter and to walk in total divine health. Pray also for endurance, strength and a fresh infilling of energy. To him be the Glory! | Ruth Nessim, one of the pioneer ministries in Israel, was hospitalized twice for 10 days with severe Gastro-Enteritis. I have had 5 attacks in the last less than two months and ask for your prayers | Please pray for Shlomy Abramov for leg pain | Rachel Netanel has a polyp on her vocal cords. Please pray for complete healing for this evangelist in Israel. | Olga Bikas continues to suffer from chronic, acute back pain. She is getting medication and physiotherapeutic treatments but without any substantial improvement | The Kfar Saba Wellspring (Hamaayan) Congregation is asking prayer for their members suffering from cancers | Lebanese Christian Pastor Najeeb Attieh had two surgeries on his thighs & a hip replacement Pray for full recovery| PLEASE CONTINUE PRAYER FOR for HaMaayan congregant Danny Meyuseff suffering poor health on several fronts, David Ortiz, Ami Ortiz, Ruth Nessim| LONG TERM BATTLES | David Stern, David, Leah and Ami, Moshe M.; Michael E, Claude Ezagouri; Baruch & Karen Maayan, Judy, wife of pastor Yaakov K. | Michael Lambert, finished his 2nd round of chemo and is already planning to return to Jerusalem in the Fall. Please pray with Michael for complete healing and restoration to minister in his beloved Israel | Please continue to pray for Mississippi Israel Prayer warrior Debra Koen Abernethy who underwent a double lung transplant on 3/7 then developed a complication with immobility of esophagus on 4/8. On the 4/26 Deb got a g (gastric) tube. She still needs prayers for recovery.
Information I cannot share names
of several who have asked for prayers for the last several months for certain
of their grandchildren who are afflicted, even tormented. The enemy not only
strikes at us through our children, but also our through our grandchildren. Please
pray for these Israeli grandmothers crying out to God silently for their
Praying the Headlines
Israel foils Hamas plot to bomb Jerusalem, Tel Aviv | YNet News | Joint investigation by Shin Bet, IDF and Israel Police reveals Nablus-based cell of more than 20 terrorists who were planning to carry out a suicide bombing in the capital, remotely bomb Tel Aviv and settlement of Itamar; Netanyahu: 'That is the reason we will continue to maintain security control over the entire area west of the Jordan.’
Bet chief reveals Israel has prevented 250 terror attacks in 2018 |
Jerusalem Post | Shin Bet Director Nadav Argaman said that the agency had
succeeded in blocking major terror attacks involving suicide bombings,
kidnappings and shootings.
Prophetic Prayer
Martin Sarvis has a prophetic prayer article in his ministry letter this week regarding the Ezekiel 1 The Fifth Day of the Fourth Month (which was 6/18/18) "the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.” You can read it in the Weekly Summary, or connect directly with Sarvis to receive his mailings from Jerusalem.
The Israeli Messianic Marketplace Feature of the Week:
Lifted UP
Overcoming through the Power of Love
by Eddie Santoro
of the Ahavat Yeshua, Love of Yeshua congregation in Jerusalem
Are you leading a group of intercessors, or are you a pastor or someone with a wider circle of believers that you can reach with a recommendation to read Eddie Santoro's new book, Lifted Up?
If you are, Eddie would like to supply you with a free copy to read and to recommend to your followers.
Eddie writes, "I believe that this book will be an encouragement to all who read it as it is not just about living through and overcoming cancer but is a way to victory in any trials we are facing. I encourage you to read it. You will be blessed!"
Available on Amazon

Donna Diorio or
HELP! Please pray about making a financial gift donation.
Make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
and mail to: P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006
Or via PayPal, Send to: or I do not have tax exempt status.
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