Thursday, May 28, 2020

Answering Accustions Arrows from Zion 5/28/2020

Answering Laurie Cordoza-Moore's False Accusations

by Donna Diorio

I honestly do not want to insult or hurt anyone with what I write about Christian Zionists who support the unbelievers in Israel while turning their backs on and even openly opposing our spiritual brothers and sisters in Israel, the Messianic Jews. But I have to speak up. And even though Ron Cantor and Michael Brown have both put out powerful videos of their own to refute the false accusations, I wanted to speak to Israel-supporting Christians, as an Israel-supporting Christian. Because of the raised level of aggressive opposition of some in the anti-Messianic Israeli religious activist circles recently, and this pressure they have put on Christian Zionist leaders to denounce the Shelanu TV,  Ron Cantor is even getting death threats at his home. Do we wait around until another religious-nationalist zealot like Jack Teitel to try to kill someone in the Cantor family, or do we speak up NOW and make sure Israel hears us?

This Christian Zionist lady has done some wonderful things in support of Israel and for Christian values in American politics, but now she has tragically become a parroting voice of some of the most extreme of extreme religious thought in Israel. Here is my comment directly to her video post and duplicated in a NOTE on my Facebook page. Her latest video commentary via Vimeo. She has also uploaded it to YouTube. She must be answered by fellow Christians who know better.

Even before I can get this issue out, Laurie is pressing in with more horrible accusations against GOD TV and those who are bringing Shelanu TV to Israelis, including agreeing with the accusation that they are NAR.
Also she is making an accusation against anyone - including Israeli Messianic Jews - who tell Jews that Jesus is the Messiah is the Messiah of being "Replacement Theology." What I'm picking up from what she said and what The Dove guy said, it you are pre-Trib Rapture of Christians, then to believe that God wants you to witness to Jews now is "Replacement Theology". This is a new take on those who do not believe witnessing to Jews is kosher for such a time as this. Listen and tell me if that is not what you heard.

Also in this video, she reveals that she is meeting with other leaders who made public statements against Shelanu TV. BEWARE of what she is seeking to do in creating a united front against the Messianic Jewish Israelis being able to share their faith as is their right as Israeli citizens even on a television channel of their own making to serve their community! Please pray that God would rise up and scatter the enemies of His Word for Israel today being released in Israel

Answering Laurie Cordoza-Moore's False Accusations

Laurie, You are bearing false witness against Ron Cantor and Michael L Brown accusing them of staging those confrontations without any direct knowledge but only presumption. I have worked with the Israeli Messianic Jewish congregational and ministry leaders for the past twenty years and I tell you these types of confrontations are instigated against Messianic Jews repeatedly and ALWAYS the Messianic Jews respond graciously. They are not trying to stir up hatred among Christians as you suppose.

Also, you made so much out of your journalistic background in the beginning of this video, but you do not seem to know the first thing about the Jewish believers in Jesus, they call him Yeshua, His Hebrew name. Instead you have taken up the offense that Jews who do not believe in Yeshua YET have and as a Christian, that is NOT why God stirred up a love for the Jewish people in you to accomplish. You are "protecting" Israeli Jews from hearing that your Lord and Savior is the Messiah of Israel?

Now understandably Christians must be acutely sensitive to why Jews are "enemies of the Gospel" as the apostle Paul put in Romans 11. And Christians are not allowed to proselytize in Israel, but it is not against Israeli law for Messianic Jews to share their faith and they know all of the sensitivities first hand! God had to break through the same sensitivities to reach them with Yeshua's true identity.

I am so concerned with what you are doing here stirring up anger with false accusations against the Jewish believers in Israel who are producing 80% of the content that is shown on Shelanu TV. If this was the first century of faith in Yeshua, you would have been picking up rocks to stone Stephen! How can you say you love the Jewish people and everything you are doing is for the Jewish people when you despise the Israeli Messianic Jews for wanting to share the love of the Messiah with them?

Do you want to know why you have never been accosted on the streets of Israel while filming? Because you are a Christian telling the story that unsaved Jews want told. And so do we Christians who support the 20-to-30,000 Messianic Jews of Israel. The reason you have never been assaulted is that you are not a Jew telling other Jews that Yeshua is Israel's Hope, the Jewish Messiah.

I pray that you will not harden your heart against the truth that these men and women in Israel who are Jews and who love the same LORD as you do, are not the enemies of the Jewish people. Please, I am begging you: You must stop working against the will of God that all Israel shall be saved. God is not happy with it, that much is certain.

In 2008 a religious nationalist settler planted a package bomb at the doorstep of a Messianic pastoral family home in Ariel. Their 15-year old son opened that Purim basket and was blown up. He lived by a miracle of God but has had countless surgeries and still suffers from the bombing today. You asked why Ward Simpson would tell his Christian viewers not to hate the religious Jews they saw confronting Dr. Brown, well this why: because of the hateful conduct of SOME religious Jews against the Messianic Jews.

Another incident in Arad years ago, an ultra-Orthodox activist tried to set fire to a building of a ministry while people were inside playing chess. Over the past 20 years there have been MANY hostile incidents of religious persecution, and when I relate them to my Israel prayer list, I too tell them not to hate the religious persecutors because they are spiritually blind. It is what Jesus said on the Cross, Father, forgive them, for them know not what they do.

You accuse Ron and Dr Brown of staging confrontations "as a fund raising" tool. You are so ignorant of the facts, Laurie. If you really do pride your journalistic integrity, then you will dig deeper and learn the missing truth because you have been led far astray from the facts.

You have never seen a Jew spit on the ground at the name of Jesus? I have. It is a common thing among some, and it doesn't even have to be a religious Jew or in Israel to spit at the name of Jesus. You really don't know as much as you think you do, Laurie and that is a shame because you are harming the Israeli Messianic believers.

Do you even know that there are more than 1 million Jews worldwide who believe in Jesus and call themselves Messianic Jews? You have made uninformed and highly detrimental false accusations against godly men calling them manipulators to wrest millions out of unsuspecting Christians. You are the one being manipulated, and it is so sad that you have steeled yourself against the truth.
Will you allow my comment to be seen? Probably not, but my comments to you will be seen elsewhere, for the Christians who stand with their brothers and sisters in the faith of Yeshua will see it, and will be praying for your eyes to be opened.Donna Diorio  Please watch these excellent videos

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries by subscription only

Carolyn Hyde, of Heart of G-d Ministries near the Sea of Galilee shares her thoughts as a Jewish woman regarding the opposition from Christian Zionists who have done so much good for the State of Israel, now trying to shut down the Gospel in Israel. Please read "My Perspective on Shelanu TV — "Our TV"

* Zac Waller has apologized privately to Ron Cantor for his statements. I don't know if he has publicly renounced what he said.

Kehila News Israel also gives many other Messianic Jews perspectives of the Christians who have set themselves against the Shelanu channel. Tuvia Pollack asks, " why is the very existence of a Messianic Jewish channel in Hebrew such a threat to both Orthodox Jews and some Evangelical Christians? in his article: What is the Messianic Israeli channel "Shelanu" actually airing? Also Eric Tokajer, asks, What would motivate Christian leaders to actively fight against Messianic Jews in Israel? My first inclination (from experience) would be to say, “Follow the money,” in his article Shelanu TV, Christian Leaders, and Thirty Pieces of Silver. On the subject of "converting Jews", Howard Bass points all that this is Conversion for all in Messiah.

Avner Boskey has also added insight at this time in his article Rightists and leftists, an overview of what we are seeing in Christian Zionist publicly opposing  " Israel’s first Messianic Jewish-operated cable TV station – even to the point of pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu to rescind GOD TV’s license." Avner warns: "According to the New Testament Scriptures, any attempt to suppress the Good News of the Jewish Messiah is a clear and present spiritual danger to mankind, including to the Jewish people."

Arni Klein muses, "What a complex moment this is, and it is far from over. Perhaps the main word that stands out is 'unprecedented.' We are all basically in the same boat. It’s hard, if not impossible, to know who or what to believe." He is talking about the nations of the world grappling with the Corona virus and how in reality it has produced a " spirit rising up around us when leaders and politicians in 'democratic' nations talk openly and freely about forced population control. We see it when people of influence and power speak about drastically reducing the population (euthanizing masses of citizens) as though this were perfectly normal.... In all these things and more, we see the twisted spirit and nature of the devil having so taken up residence in man that people have been given over to a reprobate mind and God has sent the strong delusion of 2Thessalonians 2:9-10. Beloved friends, when we see all these things come to pass, we know that satan’s prophesied incarnation is at hand.... The call we have heard since 1997 is to prepare a place for the Lord and minister to Him. His light will deal with the darkness."

Avi and Chaya Mizrachi write, " You and I have something the people of Israel desperately need right now — we have HOPE! " It does not get any truer than that! In Tel Aviv, their distribution center has been delivering food to people in serious need and have at times simply run out of goods to distribute...but people keep coming and the need has not abated. For a donation this month to help restock the food warehouse they will send donors a vial of anointing oil from Israel. Help them help their people Israel.

The Aliyah Return Center today (5/28) held the dedication for their new "Vertical Galilee House of Prayer" With Josh Aaron, Matt Redman, Rev Dr John W Mulinde, Shilo Ben-Hod, Chaim Malespin and Dean Bye plus many more. Be part of the rebirth of the prayer movement in the Jordan Valley | Watch this video about the event Donate to make a difference

It is Shavuot and
The Outpouring was such an uplifting 4 hours today that everyone needs to watch the replay and soak in what amazing things that God is doing in the nations to bring the one new man in Messiah into reality with the Israeli believers. There were so many speakers from the ancient cultures to the modern nations - God is bringing His promises to pass in our day. Really. Watch and be uplifted. Also from Revive Israel, Asher's article The King Question, their 5/21 broadcast  Praise. Prophecy. Prayer. Preaching from Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth (each Thursday on Revive Facebook).

Tomorrow, May 29th at 8pm (EST) is a remarkable gathering of believers both Israeli and Christian that will be broadcast on
Cornerstone, CTN, Daystar, GEB, GODTV, Hillsong, Impact, INI, Miracle, TBN, TCT, TLN, WHT, and many more - and will be livestreamed here on Facebook at Revive Israel. A NIGHT OF PROMISE is to be an encouragement in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Tune in!

Chuck Cohen sends the Friday Prayer Points May 22, 2020 praising God for Hosea 2:19-20 when God says He will "betroth you unto Me forever" - both the Jews people and those gentiles who are grafted with the Jewish believers into Israel's olive tree through Messiah Yeshua. Mighty precious promises! The prayer points cover many important issues, like the new government that was sworn in office in Israel, Bibi's trial at a really bad time for Israel, the Annexation of Judea and Samaria which is Netanyahu's goal to achieve, and many other critical items for prayer you can read in full online.

Israel Pochtar has an excerpt from his book to share with you about the biblical message and prophetic fulfillment of Shavuot, or Pentecost. He writes, "just as it is with anything that has to do with the Lord – the deeper you go, the more depth you still discover." Read the article and for any ministry gift of any amount, Israel will make his booklet, Shavuot a gift to you. The Beit Hallel congregation has an innovative new project  Fresh Meals on Wheels and they are raising funds to buy a pickup truck for this and other ministry uses. They are using their savings but since vehicles are so expensive in Israel, they need to raise an additional $23,000 to purchase the truck. Donate. Israel asks you to pray for the spiritual harvest for the nation, our ministry's impact and reach, expansion of our humanitarian project, our congregations in Ashdod, Ashkelon, Eilat, Ramle and Lishon LeZion.

Jackie Santoro writes from Jerusalem about the historic trial of a sitting Prime Minister and how devastating it is happening as Israel is just trying to pull out of the economic havoc left by Covid-19. she writes, "Emotions are running high on each side of the political spectrum....Please pray for true justice to shine forth in this battle." She writes about how for the first time in months, the Shavuot celebration will be one where Israeli will be allowed to celebrate together as the lockdown has finally been lifted. (But also the lockdown brought many together via Zoom with the worldwide Body in greater unity than we've known before. So true! It has been the silver lining of lockdown.) Jackie asks for prayers over the Shelanu controversy that the channel will be allowed by regulators to continue, and also for the Ahavat Yeshua congregation in Jerusalem which she and Eddie helped to found. Eddie passed into Glory on June 15th one year ago and Jackie writes, "God has graciously allowed me to feel the inexpressible joy that Eddie is basking in as he lives in His presence. Knowing that joy has carried me through these days of missing the incredible pleasure of his company by my side.  As I have said so many times, the grace of the Lord is sufficient and my heart is filled with hope."

From the Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias, Claude Ezagouri writes praise to the Lord for a new home prayer group in Maalot, a new piano gift to them, keeping them safe from the virus and the new website launched for the fellowship. Also, Watch YouTube video to learn more about Morning Star. Slowly and according to govt guidelines, they are reopening their service and worship events in their building. An critical prayer item: "This week our application to receive local tax exemption is brought back to discussion between an official at the ministry of the Interior and the local tax office in Tiberias. This is one of our last chance to receive the local tax exemption and be officially recognized as a House of Prayer by the local municipality. If this attempt fails the last option would be to bring the matter to the Supreme Court but this would be expensive. Please pray that the Lord would intervene in His grace in this complex issue." They also need to full time administrator whose function would particularly include building maintenance. Pray for everything need to be met for this.

Arad believers are also thrilled to be able to meet together physically again, they sent this song by MIQEDEM that captures their joy at being together again. They are asking prayers for "S" and her work with the Bedouin, “Because of the coronavirus situation, many families are finding themselves in need, not just the tribe we’ve been serving, but others who until this time have preferred to be independent. They, too, are suddenly having this economic crisis. I never imagined we would be distributing food for as many families as now. As we arrive at their villages, this is what we hear from various individuals: ‘Food from heaven!’ ‘You are angels of mercy!’ ‘You are the only people who care about us!’ ”  Please pray that these people will see the love of Yeshua in the humanitarian gifts from our workers and that they will be drawn to Him. Also pray that the ladies’ meetings and other activities will be able to resume soon."

They also write about Arad's challenge: dealing with the head of the United Torah Judaism party, Yaakov Litzman, who under the new govt is the new head of Housing...that means he will renew his previous designs of building five hundred low cost housing units for the Hasidic Gur sect in Arad. Their Mayor  was able to stop the project which would overrun Arad giving them political majority in Arad - disastrous for the cities' believers and secular population both. They are asking prayer for the mayor to be successful in attracting jobs and business to their city so it does not become the stronghold of the ultra-Orthodox...which would drive away many.

Here is a CORRECTION:  Two weeks ago in Arrows from Zion I described Pastor Najeeb and Elizabeth Atteith of the Immanuel church in Haifa as "Lebanese Christian" and that sends the incorrect message that Najeeb was born in Lebanon. That is not accurate, for he was born in Israel and was raised as an Israeli Christian Arab by his father who was from Lebanon. Both Najeeb and Elizabeth have familial roots in Lebanon and Armenia, but are in fact, Israeli-born ministers of the Gospel.

Urgent HEALING Needs: Life and Death is in the power of the tongue
Please keep in prayer these Israeli ministry leaders and believers with urgent health needs

A prayer request for Naomi, for a dear family that is a part of Israel Pochtar's pastoral team, who was diagnosed recently with colon cancer. "Despite what this battle entails, we are confident in God’s unfailing Word and promises." Read in her own words, as she has been prepared for chemotherapy which will begin next Monday. | Ronit Bender whose cardiologist told her that her irregular heartbeat is SEVERE, and is suggesting further tests. Please intercede for Ronit: No weapon formed against her shall prosper! | Olga Bikas severe back pain has kept her in "quarantine" for the past 4 years or so! Please pray for God to do a miracle of healing for Olga. | Please pray for Rachel Netanel's brother recovering | Please continue to pray for Jacob Damkani for the LORD's mercies over Jacob and his dear wife, Elisheva  | Continue please to pray for Ruth Nessim Critical prayer need she is losing sight! Prayers for a miracle for Ruth.| Pray for Rania Sayegh who asks for prayer of restoration of strength, energy, and complete healing.

This is 1 example of  what killing off Shelanu TV would deprive Israelis from ever seeing & hearing.

Dor Haba - Jil Sa'ed
| “Worthy of It All” by David Brymer, performed by The Voice of One Calling in Hebrew and Arabic. Featuring Maha Haddad, Naamit Levarko, Suhail Obaid, and Matias Jelski.

Did you know that the Succat Hallel house of prayer in Jerusalem reaches out to both Arab and Jewish youth and young adults? One of the ways we reach out is through the worship collective The Voice of One Calling. It involves young Jewish and Arab singers, songwriters, and musicians, serving in house of prayer ministry in Jerusalem. Please share this video with others who would like to know about the beautiful things the Lord is doing among Arab and Jewish youth in Israel! Click to watch video

The Voice of One Calling recently recorded a Hebrew/Arabic version of the worship song “Worthy of It All” by David Brymer. This song has been sung in powerful worship times in our youth and young adult events in the past. It has a special place in the hearts of Arab and Jewish believers in Israel, especially those who have been sowing into 24/7 worship and prayer. Succat Hallel staff member Tal Bethany Rosenfeld produced this new recording and music video, together with Aspiring Productions. This recording features performances from Maha Haddad, Naamit Levarko, Suhail Obaid, and Matias Jelski.
                -Rick Ridings, Succat Hallel 24/7 worship and prayer in Jerusalem       

If you did not catch the live-streaming of The Outpouring
please let me strongly encourage you to watch the re-play so you can be uplifted
in seeing how the nations of believers have come into a powerful oneness
with the Body of Messiah in Israel. Expectations are high about what God is going to do next!

Also, I am so sorry I have so many more prayer letters from Israeli ministries
that I cannot get into the 15-pages of the Weekly Summary this week.
I will endeavor to catch everything up next week
and hopefully to get the letter out earlier.

Donna Diorio or
THANK YOU to those who support this ministry with donations.
Donations appreciated | on PayPal
Or by postal mail make donations payable to the order of Donna Diorio
P O Box 111302 Carrollton, Texas 75006  |  I do not have tax exempt status. 

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